/* * Copyright 2000, International Business Machines Corporation and others. * All Rights Reserved. * * This software has been released under the terms of the IBM Public * License. For details, see the LICENSE file in the top-level source * directory or online at http://www.openafs.org/dl/license10.html */ /* AFSIFS portions copyright (c) 2005 * the regents of the university of michigan * all rights reserved * * permission is granted to use, copy, create derivative works and * redistribute this software and such derivative works for any purpose, * so long as no fee is charged, and so long as the copyright notice * above, this grant of permission, and the disclaimer below appear * in all copies made; and so long as the name of the university of * michigan is not used in any advertising or publicity pertaining * to the use or distribution of this software without specific, written * prior authorization. * * this software is provided as is, without representation from the * university of michigan as to its fitness for any purpose, and without * warranty by the university of michigan of any kind, either express * or implied, including without limitation the implied warranties of * merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. the regents * of the university of michigan shall not be liable for nay damages, * including special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages, * with respect to ant claim arising out of or in connection with the * use of the software, even if it has been or is hereafter advised * of the possibility of such damages. */ #include #include extern "C" { #include #include #include #include #include #include } #include #include #include #include #include #undef REALLOC #include "drivemap.h" #include #include #ifdef DEBUG #define DEBUG_VERBOSE #endif #include #include #include extern void Config_GetLanAdapter (ULONG *pnLanAdapter); /* * REGISTRY ___________________________________________________________________ * */ /* * PROFILE SECTIONS ___________________________________________________________ * */ #define cREALLOC_SUBMOUNTS 4 static TCHAR cszSECTION_SUBMOUNTS[] = TEXT(AFSREG_CLT_OPENAFS_SUBKEY "\\Submounts"); static TCHAR cszSECTION_MAPPINGS[] = TEXT(AFSREG_CLT_OPENAFS_SUBKEY "\\Mappings"); static TCHAR cszSECTION_ACTIVE[] = TEXT(AFSREG_CLT_OPENAFS_SUBKEY "\\Active Maps"); static TCHAR cszAUTOSUBMOUNT[] = TEXT("Auto"); static TCHAR cszLANMANDEVICE[] = TEXT("\\Device\\LanmanRedirector\\"); static BOOL WriteRegistryString(HKEY key, TCHAR * subkey, LPTSTR lhs, LPTSTR rhs) { HKEY hkSub = NULL; RegCreateKeyEx( key, subkey, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hkSub, NULL); DWORD status = RegSetValueEx( hkSub, lhs, 0, REG_SZ, (const BYTE *)rhs, strlen(rhs)+1 ); if ( hkSub ) RegCloseKey( hkSub ); return (status == ERROR_SUCCESS); } static BOOL WriteExpandedRegistryString(HKEY key, TCHAR * subkey, LPTSTR lhs, LPTSTR rhs) { HKEY hkSub = NULL; RegCreateKeyEx( key, subkey, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hkSub, NULL); DWORD status = RegSetValueEx( hkSub, lhs, 0, REG_EXPAND_SZ, (const BYTE *)rhs, strlen(rhs)+1 ); if ( hkSub ) RegCloseKey( hkSub ); return (status == ERROR_SUCCESS); } static BOOL ReadRegistryString(HKEY key, TCHAR * subkey, LPTSTR lhs, LPTSTR rhs, DWORD * size) { HKEY hkSub = NULL; RegCreateKeyEx( key, subkey, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_READ, NULL, &hkSub, NULL); DWORD dwType = 0; DWORD localSize = *size; DWORD status = RegQueryValueEx( hkSub, lhs, 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)rhs, &localSize); if (status == 0 && dwType == REG_EXPAND_SZ) { TCHAR * buf = (TCHAR *)malloc((*size) * sizeof(TCHAR)); memcpy(buf, rhs, (*size) * sizeof(TCHAR)); localSize = ExpandEnvironmentStrings(buf, rhs, *size); free(buf); if ( localSize > *size ) status = !ERROR_SUCCESS; } *size = localSize; if ( hkSub ) RegCloseKey( hkSub ); return (status == ERROR_SUCCESS); } static BOOL DeleteRegistryString(HKEY key, TCHAR * subkey, LPTSTR lhs) { HKEY hkSub = NULL; RegCreateKeyEx( key, subkey, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hkSub, NULL); DWORD status = RegDeleteValue( hkSub, lhs ); if ( hkSub ) RegCloseKey( hkSub ); return (status == ERROR_SUCCESS); } /* * STRINGS ____________________________________________________________________ * */ static LPTSTR AllocateStringMemory (size_t cch) { LPTSTR psz = (LPTSTR)Allocate (sizeof(TCHAR) * (cch+1)); memset (psz, 0x00, sizeof(TCHAR) * (cch+1)); return psz; } static void FreeStringMemory (LPTSTR pszString) { Free (pszString); } /* * REALLOC ____________________________________________________________________ * */ #ifndef REALLOC #define REALLOC(_a,_c,_r,_i) DriveMapReallocFunction ((LPVOID*)&_a,sizeof(*_a),&_c,_r,_i) BOOL DriveMapReallocFunction (LPVOID *ppTarget, size_t cbElement, size_t *pcTarget, size_t cReq, size_t cInc) { LPVOID pNew; size_t cNew; if (cReq <= *pcTarget) return TRUE; if ((cNew = cInc * ((cReq + cInc-1) / cInc)) <= 0) return FALSE; if ((pNew = Allocate (cbElement * cNew)) == NULL) return FALSE; memset (pNew, 0x00, cbElement * cNew); if (*pcTarget != 0) { memcpy (pNew, *ppTarget, cbElement * (*pcTarget)); Free (*ppTarget); } *ppTarget = pNew; *pcTarget = cNew; return TRUE; } #endif /* * WINDOWS NT STUFF ___________________________________________________________ * */ static BOOL IsWindowsNT (void) { static BOOL fChecked = FALSE; static BOOL fIsWinNT = FALSE; if (!fChecked) { fChecked = TRUE; OSVERSIONINFO Version; memset (&Version, 0x00, sizeof(Version)); Version.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(Version); if (GetVersionEx (&Version)) { if (Version.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) fIsWinNT = TRUE; } } return fIsWinNT; } /* Check if the OS is Windows 2000 or higher. */ BOOL IsWindows2000 (void) { static BOOL fChecked = FALSE; static BOOL fIsWin2K = FALSE; if (!fChecked) { fChecked = TRUE; OSVERSIONINFO Version; memset (&Version, 0x00, sizeof(Version)); Version.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(Version); if (GetVersionEx (&Version)) { if (Version.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT && Version.dwMajorVersion >= 5) fIsWin2K = TRUE; } } return fIsWin2K; } /* * GENERAL ____________________________________________________________________ * */ void GetClientNetbiosName (LPTSTR pszName) { static TCHAR szNetbiosName[32] = ""; if ( szNetbiosName[0] == 0 ) { lana_GetNetbiosName(szNetbiosName, LANA_NETBIOS_NAME_FULL); } _tcscpy(pszName, szNetbiosName); } BOOL SubmountToPath (PDRIVEMAPLIST pList, LPTSTR pszPath, LPTSTR pszSubmount, BOOL fMarkInUse) { // We can't do this translation unless we're under Windows NT. // if (!IsWindowsNT()) return FALSE; // \\computer-afs\all always maps to "/afs" // if (!lstrcmpi (pszSubmount, TEXT("all"))) { lstrcpy (pszPath, cm_slash_mount_root); return TRUE; } // Otherwise, look up our list of submounts. // #ifdef AFSIFS AdjustAfsPath (pszPath, pszSubmount, TRUE, TRUE); #endif for (size_t ii = 0; ii < pList->cSubmounts; ++ii) { BOOL b; #ifndef AFSIFS b = !lstrcmpi (pList->aSubmounts[ii].szSubmount, pszSubmount); #else b = !lstrcmpi (pList->aSubmounts[ii].szMapping, pszPath); #endif if (b) { if (fMarkInUse) pList->aSubmounts[ii].fInUse = TRUE; AdjustAfsPath (pszPath, pList->aSubmounts[ii].szMapping, TRUE, TRUE); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } BOOL IsValidSubmountName (LPTSTR pszSubmount) { if (!*pszSubmount) return FALSE; if (lstrlen (pszSubmount) > 12) return FALSE; for ( ; *pszSubmount; ++pszSubmount) { if (!isprint(*pszSubmount)) return FALSE; if (*pszSubmount == TEXT(' ')) return FALSE; if (*pszSubmount == TEXT('/')) return FALSE; if (*pszSubmount == TEXT('\\')) return FALSE; if (*pszSubmount == TEXT('\t')) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /* * PIOCTL SUPPORT _____________________________________________________________ * */ extern "C" { #include "../afsd/fs_utils.h" #define __CM_CONFIG_INTERFACES_ONLY__ #include "../afsd/cm_config.h" #include "../afsd/cm_nls.h" #define __CM_IOCTL_INTERFACES_ONLY__ #include "../afsd/cm_ioctl.h" } // extern "C" #define PIOCTL_MAXSIZE 2048 BOOL fCanIssuePIOCTL (void) { if (!IsWindowsNT()) { TCHAR szGateway[ 256 ] = TEXT(""); GetClientNetbiosName (szGateway); return (szGateway[0]) ? TRUE : FALSE; } SERVICE_STATUS Status; memset (&Status, 0x00, sizeof(Status)); Status.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOPPED; SC_HANDLE hManager; if ((hManager = OpenSCManager (NULL, NULL, GENERIC_READ)) != NULL) { SC_HANDLE hService; if ((hService = OpenService (hManager, TEXT("TransarcAFSDaemon"), GENERIC_READ)) != NULL) { QueryServiceStatus (hService, &Status); CloseServiceHandle (hService); } CloseServiceHandle (hManager); } return (Status.dwCurrentState == SERVICE_RUNNING) ? TRUE : FALSE; } /* * QUERYDRIVEMAPLIST __________________________________________________________ * */ void QueryDriveMapList_ReadSubmounts (PDRIVEMAPLIST pList) { if (IsWindowsNT()) { HKEY hkSubmounts; RegCreateKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, cszSECTION_SUBMOUNTS, 0, "AFS", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_READ|KEY_QUERY_VALUE, NULL, &hkSubmounts, NULL ); DWORD dwSubmounts; RegQueryInfoKey( hkSubmounts, NULL, /* lpClass */ NULL, /* lpcClass */ NULL, /* lpReserved */ NULL, /* lpcSubKeys */ NULL, /* lpcMaxSubKeyLen */ NULL, /* lpcMaxClassLen */ &dwSubmounts, /* lpcValues */ NULL, /* lpcMaxValueNameLen */ NULL, /* lpcMaxValueLen */ NULL, /* lpcbSecurityDescriptor */ NULL /* lpftLastWriteTime */ ); for ( DWORD dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < dwSubmounts; dwIndex ++ ) { TCHAR submountPath[MAX_PATH] = ""; DWORD submountPathLen = MAX_PATH; TCHAR submountName[MAX_PATH]; DWORD submountNameLen = MAX_PATH; DWORD dwType = 0; RegEnumValue( hkSubmounts, dwIndex, submountName, &submountNameLen, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)submountPath, &submountPathLen); if (dwType == REG_EXPAND_SZ) { char buf[MAX_PATH]; StringCbCopyA(buf, MAX_PATH, submountPath); submountPathLen = ExpandEnvironmentStrings(buf, submountPath, MAX_PATH); if (submountPathLen > MAX_PATH) continue; } SUBMOUNT Submount; memset (&Submount, 0x00, sizeof(SUBMOUNT)); lstrcpy (Submount.szSubmount, submountName); if ( submountPath[0] != TEXT('\0') ) { AdjustAfsPath (Submount.szMapping, submountPath, FALSE, TRUE); size_t ii; for (ii = 0; ii < pList->cSubmounts; ++ii) { if (!pList->aSubmounts[ii].szSubmount[0]) break; } if (REALLOC (pList->aSubmounts, pList->cSubmounts, 1+ii, cREALLOC_SUBMOUNTS)) { memcpy (&pList->aSubmounts[ii], &Submount, sizeof(SUBMOUNT)); } } } RegCloseKey(hkSubmounts); } } void QueryDriveMapList_ReadMappings (PDRIVEMAPLIST pList) { HKEY hkMappings; RegCreateKeyEx( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, cszSECTION_MAPPINGS, 0, "AFS", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_READ|KEY_QUERY_VALUE, NULL, &hkMappings, NULL ); DWORD dwMappings; RegQueryInfoKey( hkMappings, NULL, /* lpClass */ NULL, /* lpcClass */ NULL, /* lpReserved */ NULL, /* lpcSubKeys */ NULL, /* lpcMaxSubKeyLen */ NULL, /* lpcMaxClassLen */ &dwMappings, /* lpcValues */ NULL, /* lpcMaxValueNameLen */ NULL, /* lpcMaxValueLen */ NULL, /* lpcbSecurityDescriptor */ NULL /* lpftLastWriteTime */ ); for ( DWORD dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < dwMappings; dwIndex ++ ) { TCHAR mapping[MAX_PATH] = ""; DWORD mappingLen = MAX_PATH; TCHAR drive[MAX_PATH]; DWORD driveLen = MAX_PATH; DWORD dwType; RegEnumValue( hkMappings, dwIndex, drive, &driveLen, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)mapping, &mappingLen); if ( dwType == REG_EXPAND_SZ ) { TCHAR buf[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dummyLen = ExpandEnvironmentStrings(mapping, buf, MAX_PATH); if (dummyLen > MAX_PATH) continue; _tcsncpy(mapping, buf, MAX_PATH); } DRIVEMAP DriveMap; memset (&DriveMap, 0x00, sizeof(DRIVEMAP)); DriveMap.chDrive = toupper(*drive); DriveMap.fPersistent = TRUE; if ((DriveMap.chDrive < chDRIVE_A) || (DriveMap.chDrive > chDRIVE_Z)) continue; if (mapping[0] != TEXT('\0')) { AdjustAfsPath (DriveMap.szMapping, mapping, TRUE, TRUE); if (DriveMap.szMapping[ lstrlen(DriveMap.szMapping)-1 ] == TEXT('*')) { DriveMap.fPersistent = FALSE; DriveMap.szMapping[ lstrlen(DriveMap.szMapping)-1 ] = TEXT('\0'); } size_t iDrive = DriveMap.chDrive - chDRIVE_A; memcpy (&pList->aDriveMap[ iDrive ], &DriveMap, sizeof(DRIVEMAP)); } } RegCloseKey(hkMappings); } BOOL ForceMapActive (TCHAR chDrive) { TCHAR szDrive[2]; TCHAR szActive[32]; szDrive[0] = chDrive; szDrive[1] = 0; DWORD len = sizeof(szActive); ReadRegistryString( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, cszSECTION_ACTIVE, szDrive, szActive, &len); if ( !lstrcmp(szActive,"1") || !lstrcmpi(szActive,"true") || !lstrcmpi(szActive,"on") || !lstrcmpi(szActive,"yes") ) return TRUE; return FALSE; } void WriteActiveMap (TCHAR chDrive, BOOL on) { TCHAR szDrive[2]; szDrive[0] = chDrive; szDrive[1] = 0; WriteRegistryString(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, cszSECTION_ACTIVE, szDrive, on ? "1" : "0"); } void QueryDriveMapList_WriteMappings (PDRIVEMAPLIST pList) { WriteDriveMappings (pList); } void WriteDriveMappings (PDRIVEMAPLIST pList) { HKEY hkMappings; RegCreateKeyEx( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, cszSECTION_MAPPINGS, 0, "AFS", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_READ|KEY_QUERY_VALUE|KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hkMappings, NULL ); DWORD dwMappings; RegQueryInfoKey( hkMappings, NULL, /* lpClass */ NULL, /* lpcClass */ NULL, /* lpReserved */ NULL, /* lpcSubKeys */ NULL, /* lpcMaxSubKeyLen */ NULL, /* lpcMaxClassLen */ &dwMappings, /* lpcValues */ NULL, /* lpcMaxValueNameLen */ NULL, /* lpcMaxValueLen */ NULL, /* lpcbSecurityDescriptor */ NULL /* lpftLastWriteTime */ ); if ( dwMappings > 0 ) { for ( long dwIndex = dwMappings - 1; dwIndex >= 0; dwIndex-- ) { TCHAR drive[MAX_PATH]; DWORD driveLen = MAX_PATH; RegEnumValue( hkMappings, dwIndex, drive, &driveLen, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); RegDeleteValue( hkMappings, drive ); } } for (size_t iDrive = 0; iDrive < 26; ++iDrive) { if (pList->aDriveMap[iDrive].szMapping[0] != TEXT('\0')) { TCHAR szLHS[] = TEXT("*"); szLHS[0] = pList->aDriveMap[iDrive].chDrive; TCHAR szRHS[MAX_PATH]; AdjustAfsPath (szRHS, pList->aDriveMap[iDrive].szMapping, TRUE, TRUE); if (!pList->aDriveMap[iDrive].fPersistent) lstrcat (szRHS, TEXT("*")); RegSetValueEx( hkMappings, szLHS, 0, REG_EXPAND_SZ, (const BYTE *)szRHS, lstrlen(szRHS) + 1); } } RegCloseKey( hkMappings ); } BOOL DriveIsGlobalAfsDrive(TCHAR chDrive) { TCHAR szKeyName[128]; TCHAR szValueName[128]; TCHAR szValue[128]; HKEY hKey; _stprintf(szKeyName, TEXT("%s\\GlobalAutoMapper"), AFSREG_CLT_SVC_PARAM_SUBKEY); if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szKeyName, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hKey) != ERROR_SUCCESS) return FALSE; _stprintf(szValueName, TEXT("%c:"), chDrive); DWORD dwSize = sizeof(szValue); BOOL bIsGlobal = (RegQueryValueEx (hKey, szValueName, NULL, NULL, (PBYTE)szValue, &dwSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS); RegCloseKey (hKey); return bIsGlobal; } void QueryDriveMapList_FindNetworkDrives (PDRIVEMAPLIST pList, BOOL *pfFoundNew) { for (TCHAR chDrive = chDRIVE_A; chDrive <= chDRIVE_Z; ++chDrive) { TCHAR szSubmount[ MAX_PATH ]; if (!GetDriveSubmount (chDrive, szSubmount)) continue; // We've got a mapping! Drive {chDrive} is mapped to submount // {szSubmount}. See if that submount makes sense. // if (!IsWindowsNT()) { size_t iDrive = chDrive - chDRIVE_A; if (pList->aDriveMap[ iDrive ].szMapping[0] != TEXT('\0')) { pList->aDriveMap[ iDrive ].fActive = TRUE; lstrcpy (pList->aDriveMap[ iDrive ].szSubmount, szSubmount); } continue; } else // (IsWindowsNT()) { TCHAR szAfsPath[ MAX_PATH ]; if (!SubmountToPath (pList, szAfsPath, szSubmount, TRUE)) continue; // Okay, we know that drive {chDrive} is mapped to afs path {szAfsPath}. // If this drive is a global afs drive, then reject it. Otherwise, look // at pList->aDriveMap, to see if this drive mapping is already in our // list. If not, add it and set pfFoundNew. // if (DriveIsGlobalAfsDrive(chDrive)) continue; size_t iDrive = chDrive - chDRIVE_A; if (lstrcmpi (pList->aDriveMap[ iDrive ].szMapping, szAfsPath)) { *pfFoundNew = TRUE; pList->aDriveMap[ iDrive ].fPersistent = TRUE; } pList->aDriveMap[ iDrive ].fActive = TRUE; pList->aDriveMap[ iDrive ].chDrive = chDrive; lstrcpy (pList->aDriveMap[ iDrive ].szSubmount, szSubmount); AdjustAfsPath (pList->aDriveMap[ iDrive ].szMapping, szAfsPath, TRUE, TRUE); } } } void QueryDriveMapList (PDRIVEMAPLIST pList) { // Initialize the data structure // memset (pList, 0x00, sizeof(DRIVEMAPLIST)); for (size_t ii = 0; ii < 26; ++ii) pList->aDriveMap[ii].chDrive = chDRIVE_A + ii; // Read the current lists of submounts and drive letter mappings // QueryDriveMapList_ReadSubmounts (pList); QueryDriveMapList_ReadMappings (pList); // Look through the current list of network drives, and see if // any are currently mapped to AFS. If we find any which are mapped // into AFS unexpectedly, we'll have to rewrite the mappings list. // BOOL fFoundNew = FALSE; QueryDriveMapList_FindNetworkDrives (pList, &fFoundNew); if (fFoundNew) { QueryDriveMapList_WriteMappings (pList); } } void FreeDriveMapList (PDRIVEMAPLIST pList) { if (pList->aSubmounts) Free (pList->aSubmounts); memset (pList, 0x00, sizeof(DRIVEMAPLIST)); } BOOL PathToSubmount (LPTSTR pszSubmount, LPTSTR pszMapping, LPTSTR pszSubmountReq, ULONG *pStatus) { // pszSubmount is MAX_PATH in length if (pszSubmountReq && !IsValidSubmountName (pszSubmountReq)) pszSubmountReq = NULL; TCHAR szAfsPath[ MAX_PATH ]; AdjustAfsPath (szAfsPath, pszMapping, TRUE, TRUE); // Try to ask AFSD for a new submount name. // if (!fCanIssuePIOCTL()) return FALSE; BYTE InData[ PIOCTL_MAXSIZE ]; memset (InData, 0x00, sizeof(InData)); LPTSTR pszInData = (LPTSTR)InData; lstrcpy (pszInData, pszMapping); pszInData += 1+lstrlen(pszInData); if (pszSubmountReq) lstrcpy (pszInData, pszSubmountReq); BYTE OutData[ PIOCTL_MAXSIZE ]; memset (OutData, 0x00, sizeof(OutData)); struct ViceIoctl IOInfo; IOInfo.in = (char *)InData; IOInfo.in_size = PIOCTL_MAXSIZE; IOInfo.out = (char *)OutData; IOInfo.out_size = PIOCTL_MAXSIZE; ULONG status = pioctl (0, VIOC_MAKESUBMOUNT, &IOInfo, 1); if (pStatus) *pStatus = status; if (status) return FALSE; OutData[min(PIOCTL_MAXSIZE, MAX_PATH) - 1] = '\0'; lstrcpy (pszSubmount, (LPCTSTR)OutData); return (pszSubmount[0] != TEXT('\0')) ? TRUE : FALSE; } BOOL ActivateDriveMap (TCHAR chDrive, LPTSTR pszMapping, LPTSTR pszSubmountReq, BOOL fPersistent, DWORD *pdwStatus) { // We can only map drives to places in AFS using this function. // if ( (lstrncmpi (pszMapping, cm_slash_mount_root, lstrlen(cm_slash_mount_root))) && (lstrncmpi (pszMapping, cm_back_slash_mount_root, lstrlen(cm_back_slash_mount_root))) ) { if (pdwStatus) *pdwStatus = ERROR_BAD_NETPATH; return FALSE; } // First we have to translate {pszMapping} into a submount, and if there is // no current submount associated with this path, we'll have to make one. // ULONG status; TCHAR szSubmount[ MAX_PATH ]; if (!PathToSubmount (szSubmount, pszMapping, pszSubmountReq, &status)) { if (pdwStatus) *pdwStatus = status; return FALSE; } // We now have a submount name and drive letter--map the network drive. DWORD rc; #ifndef AFSIFS rc=MountDOSDrive(chDrive,szSubmount,fPersistent,NULL); #else rc=MountDOSDrive(chDrive,/*szSubmount*/pszMapping,fPersistent,NULL); #endif if (rc == NO_ERROR) return TRUE; if (pdwStatus) *pdwStatus = rc; return FALSE; } BOOL InactivateDriveMap (TCHAR chDrive, DWORD *pdwStatus) { DWORD rc = DisMountDOSDrive(chDrive, FALSE); if (rc == NO_ERROR) return TRUE; if (pdwStatus) *pdwStatus = rc; return FALSE; } void AddSubMount (LPTSTR pszSubmount, LPTSTR pszMapping) { TCHAR szRHS[ MAX_PATH ]; AdjustAfsPath (szRHS, pszMapping, FALSE, TRUE); if (!szRHS[0]) lstrcpy (szRHS, TEXT("/")); WriteExpandedRegistryString(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, cszSECTION_SUBMOUNTS, pszSubmount, szRHS); } void RemoveSubMount (LPTSTR pszSubmount) { DeleteRegistryString(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, cszSECTION_SUBMOUNTS, pszSubmount); } void AdjustAfsPath (LPTSTR pszTarget, LPCTSTR pszSource, BOOL fWantAFS, BOOL fWantForwardSlashes) { if (!*pszSource) lstrcpy (pszTarget, (fWantAFS) ? cm_slash_mount_root : TEXT("")); else if ((*pszSource != TEXT('/')) && (*pszSource != TEXT('\\'))) wsprintf (pszTarget, TEXT("%s/%s"),cm_slash_mount_root, pszSource); // We don't want to strip afs off the start if it is part of something for example afscell.company.com else if (fWantAFS && (lstrncmpi (&pszSource[1], cm_mount_root, strlen(cm_mount_root))) || !((pszSource[strlen(cm_slash_mount_root)] == TEXT('/')) || (pszSource[strlen(cm_slash_mount_root)] == TEXT('\\')) || (lstrlen(pszSource) == strlen(cm_slash_mount_root)))) wsprintf (pszTarget, TEXT("%s%s"),cm_slash_mount_root, pszSource); else if (!fWantAFS && (!lstrncmpi (&pszSource[1], cm_mount_root, strlen(cm_mount_root)) && ((pszSource[strlen(cm_slash_mount_root)] == TEXT('/')) || (pszSource[strlen(cm_slash_mount_root)] == TEXT('\\')) || (lstrlen(pszSource) == strlen(cm_slash_mount_root))))) lstrcpy (pszTarget, &pszSource[strlen(cm_slash_mount_root)]); else lstrcpy (pszTarget, pszSource); for (LPTSTR pch = pszTarget; *pch; ++pch) { if (fWantForwardSlashes) { *pch = (*pch == TEXT('\\')) ? TEXT('/') : (*pch); } else // (!fWantForwardSlashes) { *pch = (*pch == TEXT('/')) ? TEXT('\\') : (*pch); } } if (lstrlen(pszTarget) && ((pszTarget[lstrlen(pszTarget)-1] == TEXT('/')) || (pszTarget[lstrlen(pszTarget)-1] == TEXT('\\')))) { pszTarget[lstrlen(pszTarget)-1] = TEXT('\0'); } } BOOL GetDriveSubmount (TCHAR chDrive, LPTSTR pszSubmountNow) { BOOL isWinNT = IsWindowsNT(); TCHAR szDrive[] = TEXT("*:"); szDrive[0] = chDrive; TCHAR szMapping[ _MAX_PATH ] = TEXT(""); if (isWinNT && !QueryDosDevice (szDrive, szMapping, MAX_PATH)) return FALSE; LPTSTR pszSubmount = szMapping; TCHAR szNetBiosName[32]; memset(szNetBiosName, '\0', sizeof(szNetBiosName)); GetClientNetbiosName(szNetBiosName); _tcscat(szNetBiosName, TEXT("\\")); if (isWinNT) { // Now if this is an AFS network drive mapping, {szMapping} will be: // // \Device\LanmanRedirector\:\\submount // // on Windows NT. On Windows 2000, it will be: // // \Device\LanmanRedirector\;:0\\submount // // (This is presumably to support multiple drive mappings with // Terminal Server). // // on Windows XP and 2003, it will be : // \Device\LanmanRedirector\;:\\submount // // where : : DOS drive letter // : Authentication ID, 16 char hex. // : Netbios name of server // BOOL b; #ifndef AFSIFS b = _tcsnicmp(szMapping, cszLANMANDEVICE, _tcslen(cszLANMANDEVICE)); #else const TCHAR ker_sub_path[] = "\\Device\\afsrdr\\"; b = _tcsnicmp(szMapping, ker_sub_path, _tcslen(ker_sub_path)); #endif if (b) return FALSE; #ifndef AFSIFS pszSubmount = &szMapping[ _tcslen(cszLANMANDEVICE) ]; #else pszSubmount = &szMapping[ _tcslen(ker_sub_path) ]; #endif #ifdef AFSIFS if (*(pszSubmount) < '0' || *(pszSubmount) > '9') return FALSE; ++pszSubmount; #else if (IsWindows2000()) { if (*(pszSubmount) != TEXT(';')) return FALSE; } else --pszSubmount; if (toupper(*(++pszSubmount)) != chDrive) return FALSE; if (*(++pszSubmount) != TEXT(':')) return FALSE; #ifdef COMMENT // No longer a safe assumption on XP if (IsWindows2000()) if (*(++pszSubmount) != TEXT('0')) return FALSE; #endif // scan for next "\" while (*(++pszSubmount) != TEXT('\\')) { if (*pszSubmount==0) return FALSE; } // note that szNetBiosName has a '\\' tagged in the end earlier for (++pszSubmount; *pszSubmount && (*pszSubmount != TEXT('\\')); ++pszSubmount) if (!_tcsncicmp(pszSubmount, szNetBiosName, _tcslen(szNetBiosName))) break; if ((!*pszSubmount) || (*pszSubmount == TEXT('\\'))) return FALSE; pszSubmount += _tcslen(szNetBiosName); #endif } else // (!IsWindowsNT()) { DWORD dwSize = MAX_PATH; if (WNetGetConnection (szDrive, szMapping, &dwSize) != NO_ERROR) return FALSE; if (*(pszSubmount++) != TEXT('\\')) return FALSE; if (*(pszSubmount++) != TEXT('\\')) return FALSE; for ( ; *pszSubmount && (*pszSubmount != TEXT('\\')); ++pszSubmount) if (!lstrncmpi (pszSubmount, szNetBiosName, lstrlen(szNetBiosName))) break; if ((!*pszSubmount) || (*pszSubmount == TEXT('\\'))) return FALSE; pszSubmount += lstrlen(szNetBiosName); } if (!pszSubmount || !*pszSubmount) return FALSE; #ifndef AFSIFS lstrcpy (pszSubmountNow, pszSubmount); #else lstrcpy (pszSubmountNow, "\\afs"); lstrcat (pszSubmountNow, pszSubmount); #endif return TRUE; } /* Generate Random User name random acording to time*/ DWORD dwOldState=0; TCHAR pUserName[MAXRANDOMNAMELEN]=TEXT(""); BOOL fUserName=FALSE; #define AFSLogonOptionName TEXT(AFSREG_CLT_SVC_PROVIDER_SUBKEY) void SetBitLogonOption(BOOL set,DWORD value) { RWLogonOption(FALSE,((set)?value | RWLogonOption(TRUE,0):RWLogonOption(TRUE,0) & ~value) ); } DWORD RWLogonOption(BOOL read,DWORD value) { // if read is true then if value==0 return registry value // if read and value!=0 then use value to test registry, return TRUE if value bits match value read HKEY hk; DWORD dwDisp; DWORD LSPtype, LSPsize; DWORD rval; if (read) { rval=0; if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, AFSLogonOptionName, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hk)==ERROR_SUCCESS) { LSPsize=sizeof(rval); RegQueryValueEx(hk, "LogonOptions", NULL, &LSPtype, (LPBYTE)&rval, &LSPsize); RegCloseKey (hk); } return (value==0)?rval:((rval & value)==value); } else { //write if (RegCreateKeyEx (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, AFSLogonOptionName, 0, NULL, 0, KEY_SET_VALUE, NULL, &hk, &dwDisp) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegSetValueEx(hk,TEXT("LogonOptions"),NULL,REG_DWORD,(LPBYTE)&value,sizeof(value)); RegCloseKey (hk); } return TRUE; } } void MapShareName(char *pszCmdLineA) { fUserName = TRUE; TCHAR *p=pUserName; pszCmdLineA++; while (*pszCmdLineA && (*pszCmdLineA != ' ')) { *p++=*pszCmdLineA++; } } void GenRandomName(TCHAR *pname,int len) { if (fUserName) { //user name was passed through command line, use once fUserName=FALSE; return; } srand( (unsigned)time( NULL ) ); for (int i=0;i0)) { if (drivemap) { DisMountDOSDrive(*lpnrLocal[i].lpLocalName); DEBUG_EVENT1("AFS DriveUnMap","UnMap-Local=%x",res); } } else { DisMountDOSDriveFull(lpnrLocal[i].lpRemoteName); DEBUG_EVENT1("AFS DriveUnMap","UnMap-Remote=%x",res); } } } } } while (res == NO_ERROR); GlobalFree((HGLOBAL)lpnrLocal); WNetCloseEnum(hEnum); } BOOL DoMapShareChange(BOOL removeUnknown) { DRIVEMAPLIST List; TCHAR szMachine[ MAX_PATH],szPath[MAX_PATH]; DWORD rc=28; HANDLE hEnum; LPNETRESOURCE lpnrLocal,lpnr=NULL; DWORD res; DWORD cEntries=-1; DWORD cbBuffer=16384; memset(szMachine, '\0', sizeof(szMachine)); GetClientNetbiosName(szMachine); // Initialize the data structure if (!IsServiceActive()) return TRUE; memset (&List, 0x00, sizeof(DRIVEMAPLIST)); for (size_t ii = 0; ii < 26; ++ii) List.aDriveMap[ii].chDrive = chDRIVE_A + ii; QueryDriveMapList_ReadSubmounts (&List); if ((res=WNetOpenEnum(RESOURCE_CONNECTED,RESOURCETYPE_DISK,RESOURCEUSAGE_CONNECTABLE,lpnr,&hEnum))!=NO_ERROR) return FALSE; lpnrLocal=(LPNETRESOURCE) GlobalAlloc(GPTR,cbBuffer); sprintf(szPath,"\\\\%s\\",szMachine); _strlwr(szPath); do { /* Reset lpnrLocal and cEntries before each call */ memset(lpnrLocal,0,cbBuffer); cEntries = -1; if ((res = WNetEnumResource(hEnum,&cEntries,lpnrLocal,&cbBuffer))==NO_ERROR) { for (DWORD i=0;i