//{{NO_DEPENDENCIES}} // // Copyright 2000, International Business Machines Corporation and others. // All Rights Reserved. // // This software has been released under the terms of the IBM Public // License. For details, see the LICENSE file in the top-level source // directory or online at http://www.openafs.org/dl/license10.html // // Used by afs_shl_ext.rc // #define ID_ACL_CLEAN 0 #define ID_ACL_COPY 1 #define ID_ACL_LIST 2 #define ID_ACL_SET 3 #define ID_VOLUME_CHECK 4 #define ID_VOLUME_DISKFREE 5 #define ID_VOLUME_EXAMINE 6 #define ID_VOLUME_FLUSH 7 #define ID_VOLUME_QUOTA_BRIEF 8 #define ID_VOLUME_QUOTA_FULL 9 #define ID_VOLUME_QUOTA_SET 10 #define ID_VOLUME_SET 11 #define ID_FLUSH 16 #define ID_WHEREIS 17 #define ID_SHOWCELL 18 #define ID_MOUNTPOINT_SHOW 19 #define ID_MOUNTPOINT_REMOVE 20 #define ID_SHOW_SERVER 21 #define ID_AUTHENTICATE 22 #define ID_SERVER_STATUS 23 #define ID_VOLUME_PROPERTIES 24 #define ID_VOLUME_REFRESH 25 #define ID_VOLUMEPARTITION_UPDATENAMEIDTABLE 26 #define ID_ACL_COPY_FROM 27 #define ID_ACL_COPY_TO 28 #define ID_MOUNTPOINT_MAKE 29 #define IDS_FLUSH_FAILED 30 #define IDS_FLUSH_ERROR 31 #define IDS_FLUSH_OK 32 #define IDS_CANT_GET_CELL 33 #define IDS_FLUSH_VOLUME_ERROR 34 #define IDS_FLUSH_VOLUME_OK 35 #define IDS_WHERE_IS 36 #define IDS_CLEANACL_NOT_SUPPORTED 37 #define IDS_ACL_IS_FINE 38 #define IDS_CLEANACL_INVALID_ARG 39 #define IDS_ANY_STRING 40 #define IDS_CLEANACL_DONE 41 #define ID_SUBMOUNTS 42 #define IDS_GETRIGHTS_ERROR 43 #define IDS_DFSACL_ERROR 44 #define IDS_SAVE_ACL_ERROR 45 #define IDS_SAVE_ACL_EINVAL_ERROR 46 #define IDS_ACL_READ_ERROR 47 #define IDS_NO_DFS_COPY_ACL 48 #define IDS_COPY_ACL_EINVAL_ERROR 49 #define IDS_COPY_ACL_ERROR 50 #define IDS_NOT_MOUNT_POINT_ERROR 51 #define IDS_LIST_MOUNT_POINT_ERROR 52 #define IDS_MAKE_MP_NOT_AFS_ERROR 53 #define IDS_MOUNT_POINT_ERROR 54 #define IDS_ERROR 55 #define IDS_DELETED 56 #define IDS_SET_QUOTA_ERROR 57 #define ID_SUBMOUNTS_CREATE 58 #define ID_SUBMOUNTS_EDIT 59 #define IDS_CHECK_SERVERS_ERROR 64 #define IDS_ALL_SERVERS_RUNNING 65 #define IDS_CHECK_VOLUMES_OK 66 #define IDS_CHECK_VOLUMES_ERROR 67 #define IDS_INVALID_ACL_DATA 68 #define IDS_ACL_ENTRY_NAME_IN_USE 80 #define IDS_REALLY_DEL_MOUNT_POINTS 81 #define IDS_DIR_DOES_NOT_EXIST_ERROR 82 #define IDS_CLEANACL_MSG 83 #define IDS_COPY_ACL_OK 84 #define IDS_GET_TOKENS_NO_AFS_SERVICE 85 #define IDS_GET_TOKENS_UNEXPECTED_ERROR 86 #define IDS_GET_TOKENS_UNEXPECTED_ERROR2 87 #define IDS_ENTER_QUOTA 88 #define IDS_AUTHENTICATION_ITEM 89 #define IDS_ACLS_ITEM 90 #define IDS_VOL_PART_ITEM 91 #define IDS_VOL_PART_PROPS_ITEM 92 #define IDS_VOL_PART_REFRESH_ITEM 93 #define IDS_MOUNT_POINT_ITEM 94 #define IDS_MP_SHOW_ITEM 95 #define IDS_MP_REMOVE_ITEM 96 #define IDS_MP_MAKE_ITEM 97 #define IDS_FLUSH_FILE_DIR_ITEM 98 #define IDS_FLUSH_VOLUME_ITEM 99 #define IDS_SHOW_FILE_SERVERS_ITEM 100 #define IDS_SHOW_CELL_ITEM 101 #define IDS_SHOW_SERVER_STATUS_ITEM 102 #define IDS_AFS_ITEM 103 #define IDS_SUBMOUNTS_ITEM 104 #define IDS_GET_SUBMT_INFO_ERROR 105 #define IDS_REALLY_DELETE_SUBMT 106 #define IDS_SUBMT_SAVE_FAILED 107 #define IDS_SUBMOUNTS_CREATE_ITEM 108 #define IDS_SUBMOUNTS_EDIT_ITEM 109 #define IDS_EDIT_PATH_NAME 110 #define IDS_SHOW_CELL 111 #define IDS_SHOW_CELL_COLUMN 112 #define IDS_SHOW_FS 113 #define IDS_SHOW_FS_COLUMN 114 #define IDS_REMOVE_MP 115 #define IDS_REMOVE_MP_COLUMN 116 #define IDS_REMOVE_SYMLINK_ITEM 117 #define IDS_REALLY_REMOVE_SYMLINK 118 #define IDS_SYMBOLICLINK_ADD 128 #define IDS_SYMBOLICLINK_SHOW 129 #define IDS_SYMBOLICLINK_REMOVE 130 #define IDS_SYMBOLIC_LINK_ITEM 131 #define IDS_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_SYMBOLIC_LINK 132 #define IDS_UNABLE_TO_SET_CURRENT_DIRECTORY 133 #define IDS_CURRENT_DIRECTORY_PATH_TOO_LONG 134 #define IDS_CLEANACL_ERROR 135 #define IDS_MAKE_LNK_NOT_AFS_ERROR 136 #define IDS_NOT_AFS_CLIENT_ADMIN_ERROR 137 #define IDS_WARNING 138 #define IDS_VOLUME_NOT_IN_CELL_WARNING 139 #define IDS_NOT_SYMLINK_ERROR 140 #define IDM_AUTHENTICATION 0 #define IDM_ACL_SET 1 #define IDM_VOLUME_PROPERTIES 2 #define IDM_VOLUMEPARTITION_UPDATENAMEIDTABLE 3 #define IDM_MOUNTPOINT_SHOW 4 #define IDM_MOUNTPOINT_REMOVE 5 #define IDM_MOUNTPOINT_MAKE 6 #define IDM_FLUSH 7 #define IDM_FLUSH_VOLUME 8 #define IDM_SHOW_SERVER 9 #define IDM_SHOWCELL 10 #define IDM_SERVER_STATUS 11 #define IDM_SYMBOLICLINK_REMOVE 12 #define IDM_SYMBOLICLINK_ADD 13 #define IDM_SUBMOUNTS 14 #define IDM_ACL_CLEAN 15 #define IDM_SUBMOUNTS_EDIT 16 #define IDM_REMOVE_SYMLINK 17 #define IDM_SYMBOLICLINK_SHOW 18 #define ID_GET_TOKENS 917 #define ID_DISCARD_TOKENS 918 #define IDD_KLOG_DIALOG 920 #define IDR_MENU_FILE 930 #define IDD_VOLUME_INFO 931 #define IDD_SET_AFS_ACL 932 #define IDD_DIALOG_TEST 933 #define IDD_MAKE_MOUNT_POINT 934 #define IDD_CLEAR_ACL 935 #define IDD_SUBMTINFO 936 #define IDD_ADD_ACL 937 #define IDD_PARTITION_INFO 938 #define IDD_COPY_ACL 940 #define IDD_MENU_TEST_DLG 941 #define IDD_WHICH_CELL 942 #define IDD_WHERE_IS 943 #define IDD_RESULTS 945 #define IDD_MOUNT_POINTS 946 #define IDD_DOWN_SERVERS 947 #define IDD_SHOWSERVERS 948 #define IDD_SERVERSTATUS 949 #define IDD_AUTHENTICATION 950 #define IDD_UNLOG_DIALOG 954 #define IDD_ADD_SUBMOUNT 955 #define IDD_SYMBOLICLINK_ADD 956 #define ID_REMOVE_SYMLINK 957 #define ID_SYMBOLICLINK_ADD 958 #define ID_SYMBOLICLINK_REMOVE 959 #define ID_SYMBOLICLINK_SHOW 960 #define IDD_SYMLINKS 961 #define IDC_LIST 1001 #define IDC_PASSWORD 1002 #define IDC_OFFLINE_MSG 1003 #define IDC_MOTD 1004 #define IDC_NEW_QUOTA 1005 #define IDC_QUOTA_SPIN 1006 #define IDC_DIR_NAME 1007 #define IDC_CELL_NAME 1008 #define ID_VOLUME_INFO 1009 #define IDC_NEGATIVE_ENTRIES 1010 #define ID_SET_ACL 1011 #define IDC_NORMAL_RIGHTS 1012 #define ID_MAKE_MOUNT_POINT 1013 #define IDC_LOCALCELL 1014 #define IDC_DIALOG 1015 #define IDC_READ 1016 #define IDC_SPECIFIEDCELL 1017 #define IDC_WRITE 1018 #define IDC_VOLUME 1019 #define IDC_ALL_CELLS 1020 #define IDC_CB_A 1021 #define IDC_CELL 1022 #define IDC_ADD 1023 #define IDC_RW 1024 #define IDC_DONTPROBESERVERS 1025 #define IDC_REMOVE 1026 #define IDC_FAST 1027 #define IDC_NORMAL 1028 #define IDC_LOOKUP 1029 #define IDC_NEGATIVE 1030 #define IDC_NAME 1031 #define IDC_DIR 1032 #define IDC_LOCK 1033 #define IDC_LOOKUP2 1034 #define IDC_INSERT 1035 #define IDC_CHANGE 1036 #define IDC_CLEAR 1037 #define IDC_LOCK2 1038 #define IDC_DELETE 1039 #define IDC_ADMINISTER 1040 #define IDC_CB_B 1041 #define IDC_NEGATIVE_ENTRY 1042 #define IDC_COPY 1043 #define IDC_ADD_NEGATIVE_ENTRY 1044 #define IDC_CB_C 1045 #define IDC_PARTITION_INFO 1046 #define IDC_CB_F 1047 #define IDC_CB_E 1048 #define IDC_TOTAL_SIZE 1049 #define IDC_CB_D 1050 #define IDC_BLOCKS_FREE 1051 #define IDC_FROM_DIR 1052 #define IDC_CB_G 1053 #define IDC_PERCENT_USED 1054 #define IDC_TO_DIR 1055 #define IDC_CB_H 1056 #define IDC_BUTTON1 1057 #define IDC_BROWSE 1058 #define IDC_ACL_CLEAR 1059 #define IDC_ACL_LIST_SET_COPY 1060 #define IDC_SHOWSTATUS 1061 #define IDC_VOL_PART_PROPERTIES 1062 #define IDC_COLUMN_3 1063 #define IDC_VOL_PART_UPDATE 1064 #define IDC_COLUMN_4 1065 #define IDC_MOUNT_POINT_SHOW 1066 #define IDC_MOUNT_POINT_REMOVE 1067 #define IDC_MOUNT_POINT_MAKE 1068 #define IDC_FLUSH_FILEDIR 1069 #define IDC_FLUSH_VOLUME 1070 #define IDC_SHOW_FILESERVER 1071 #define IDC_SHOW_CELL 1072 #define IDC_ADD_NORMAL_ENTRY 1073 #define IDC_RESULTS_LABEL 1074 #define IDC_CLEAN 1075 #define IDC_TOKEN_LIST 1076 #define IDC_REGULAR 1077 #define IDC_STATIC_READ 1078 #define IDC_STATIC_WRITE 1079 #define IDC_STATIC_EXECUTE 1080 #define IDC_STATIC_CONTROL 1081 #define IDC_STATIC_INSERT 1082 #define IDC_STATIC_DELETE 1083 #define IDC_STATIC_CONTROL2 1084 #define IDC_SHARE_NAME 1085 #define IDC_PATH_NAME 1086 // Next default values for new objects // #ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED #ifndef APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS #define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE 163 #define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE 32829 #define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE 1087 #define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE 101 #endif #endif