RELDIR=WINNT\install\loopback !INCLUDE ..\..\..\config\NTMakefile.$(SYS_NAME) !INCLUDE ..\..\..\config\NTMakefile.version MEDIABINDIR = $(DESTDIR)\WinInstall\Config EXEFILE = $(MEDIABINDIR)\instloop.exe EXERES = $(OUT)\instloop.res DLLFILE = $(MEDIABINDIR)\afsloopback.dll DLLRES = $(OUT)\afsloopback.res DLLEXPORTS=\ -EXPORT:UnInstallLoopBack \ -EXPORT:IsLoopbackInstalled \ -EXPORT:InstallLoopBack \ -EXPORT:doLoopBackEntryW \ -EXPORT:uninstallLoopBackEntryW \ -EXPORT:installLoopbackMSI \ -EXPORT:uninstallLoopbackMSI DLLLIBFILES=\ setupapi.lib msi.lib uuid.lib Shell32.lib ole32.lib advapi32.lib wbemuuid.lib LINK=link # Figure out which DDK include path we require !IF EXIST ($(NTDDKDIR)\netcfgx.h) DDK_INCL = $(NTDDKDIR) !ELSEIF EXIST ($(NTDDKDIR)\INC\WNET\netcfgx.h) DDK_INCL = $(NTDDKDIR)\INC\WNET !ELSEIF EXIST ($(NTDDKDIR)\INC\API\netcfgx.h) DDK_INCL = $(NTDDKDIR)\INC\API !ELSE !ERROR netcfgx.h header file cannot be found. DDK improperly configured. !ENDIF # DDK version 6001 and above contain SDK header files and come with # its own set of runtime header files. We want to use the Platform # SDK header files. INCLUDE=$(INCLUDE);$(DDK_INCL) # afsloopback.dll DLLSOURCEFILES = loopbackutils.cpp wmi.cpp renameconnection.cpp # The order of these files is significant. The first in the list # should be an .obj that includes at the top of the source # file. See Q148652 DLLOBJFILES = $(OUT)\renameconnection.obj $(OUT)\loopbackutils.obj $(OUT)\wmi.obj $(EXERES) : instloop.rc AFS_component_version_number.h $(DLLRES) : afsloopback.rc AFS_component_version_number.h STATICC2OBJ=$(CC) $(cflags) $(afscflags) $(afscdefs) -ML $(OUT)\loopbackutils.obj: loopbackutils.cpp $(STATICC2OBJ) -c -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE /Fo$@ $** $(OUT)\renameconnection.obj: renameconnection.cpp $(STATICC2OBJ) -c -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE /Fo$@ $** $(OUT)\wmi.obj: wmi.cpp $(STATICC2OBJ) -I$(DDK_INCL) -c -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE /Fo$@ $** $(DLLFILE): $(DLLOBJFILES) $(DLLRES) $(LINK) -DLL $(DLLEXPORTS) -OUT:$@ $** $(DLLLIBFILES) $(_VC_MANIFEST_EMBED_DLL) $(CODESIGN_USERLAND) $(SYMSTORE_IMPORT) # instloop.exe EXEOBJFILES = $(DLLOBJFILES) $(OUT)\instloop.obj #EXELIBFILES = $(MEDIABINDIR)\afsloopback.lib $(OUT)\instloop.obj: instloop.c $(STATICC2OBJ) -c -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE /Fo$@ $** $(EXEFILE): $(EXEOBJFILES) $(EXERES) $(LINK) /OUT:$@ $** $(DLLLIBFILES) $(_VC_MANIFEST_EMBED_EXE) $(CODESIGN_USERLAND) $(SYMSTORE_IMPORT) install: $(DLLFILE) $(EXEFILE) clean :: $(DEL) *.pdb $(DEL) $(EXERES) $(DEL) $(DLLRES) $(DEL) AFS_component_version_number.h