# Copyright 2004, OpenAFS.ORG and others. # All Rights Reserved. # # This software has been released under the terms of the IBM Public # License. For details, see the LICENSE file in the top-level source # directory or online at http://www.openafs.org/dl/license10.html RELDIR=WINNT\install\wix !INCLUDE ..\..\..\config\NTMakefile.$(SYS_NAME) !INCLUDE ..\..\..\config\NTMakefile.version MEDIADIR = $(DESTDIR)\WinInstall MEDIABINDIR = $(MEDIADIR)\Dll MSIFILE = $(MEDIADIR)\openafs-$(LANG).msi !IF ("$(CPU)" == "i386") BINMSIFILE = $(MEDIADIR)\openafs-32bit-tools-$(LANG).msi !ENDIF !IFNDEF MSIDNNLS !ERROR Please set MSIDNNLS to the directory where Microsoft IDN Mitigation APIs are installed. # $(MSIDNNLS)\REDIST\idndl.(platform).exe should exist. !ENDIF WIXINCLUDES = \ config.wxi \ feature.wxi \ files.wxi \ language_config.wxi \ property.wxi \ registry.wxi \ lang\$(LANG)\ui.wxi WIXOBJ = $(OUT)\openafs-$(LANG).wixobj !IF ("$(CPU)" == "i386") BINWIXOBJ = $(OUT)\openafs-32bit-tools-$(LANG).wixobj !ENDIF !IFNDEF NOCYGWIN WIXCYGOPT=-dCygwinArchives !ELSE WIXCYGOPT= !ENDIF LANGUAGES=en_US de_DE es_ES ja_JP ko_KR pt_BR zh_CN zh_TW languages: # Don't bother with non en_US for now. The other builds comprise of either # verbatim copies of en_US files, partial translations or doesn't build # (no languages resources). Someday when OpenAFS 8.1029828419 comes out we'll # get someone to translate. # for %l in ( $(LANGUAGES ) do ( # $(MAKE) /f NTMakefile /nologo LANG=%l lang # ) $(MAKE) /f NTMakefile /nologo LANG=en_US lang lang:: lang_clean $(MSIFILE) $(BINMSIFILE) uninst: $(CD) uninstall $(MAKE) /f NTMakefile /nologo install $(CD) .. customactions: $(CD) custom $(MAKE) /f NTMakefile /nologo install $(CD) .. install: uninst customactions languages $(MSIFILE): $(WIXOBJ) light -nologo -out $(MSIFILE) \ -loc lang\$(LANG)\strings.wxl \ $(WIXOBJ) $(CODESIGN_USERLAND) dir $(MSIFILE) $(WIXOBJ): openafs.wxs $(WIXINCLUDES) candle -nologo -out $@ \ "-dCellName=$(CELLNAME_DEFAULT)" \ -dLanguage=$(LANG) \ -dNumericVersion=$(AFSPRODUCT_VERSION) \ -dVersionMajor=$(AFSPRODUCT_VER_MAJOR) \ -dVersionMinor=$(AFSPRODUCT_VER_MINOR) \ -dVersionPatch=$(AFSPRODUCT_VER_PATCH) \ "-dDestDir=$(DESTDIR)\\" \ -dCellDbFile=CellServDB \ -dIDNMRedistDir=$(MSIDNNLS)\\REDIST \ -v0 \ -w0 \ $(WIXCYGOPT) $(AFSDEV_AUXWIXDEFINES) openafs.wxs !IF ("$(CPU)" == "i386") $(BINWIXOBJ): oafwbins.wxs $(WIXINCLUDES) candle -nologo -out $@ \ "-dCellName=$(CELLNAME_DEFAULT)" \ -dLanguage=$(LANG) \ -dNumericVersion=$(AFSPRODUCT_VERSION) \ -dVersionMajor=$(AFSPRODUCT_VER_MAJOR) \ -dVersionMinor=$(AFSPRODUCT_VER_MINOR) \ -dVersionPatch=$(AFSPRODUCT_VER_PATCH) \ "-dDestDir=$(DESTDIR)\\" \ -dCellDbFile=CellServDB \ -v0 \ -w0 \ $(WIXCYGOPT) $(AFSDEV_AUXWIXDEFINES) oafwbins.wxs $(BINMSIFILE): $(BINWIXOBJ) light -nologo -out $(BINMSIFILE) \ -loc lang\en_US\strings.wxl \ $(BINWIXOBJ) $(CODESIGN_USERLAND) dir $(BINMSIFILE) !ENDIF # Cleanup clean:: for %l in ( $(LANGUAGES) ) do \ $(MAKE) /f NTMakefile /nologo LANG=%l lang_clean $(CD) custom $(MAKE) /f NTMakefile /nologo clean $(CD) .. $(CD) uninstall $(MAKE) /f NTMakefile /nologo clean $(CD) .. lang_clean: -$(DEL) $(WIXOBJ) -$(DEL) $(MSIFILE) !IF ("$(CPU)" == "i386") -$(DEL) $(BINWIXOBJ) -$(DEL) $(BINMSIFILE) !ENDIF