OpenAFS Network Identity Provider Plug-in OpenAFS Plug-in Extension Template ------------------------------------------------------------------ CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 2. COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE 3. ROADMAP OF THE TEMPLATE 4. BUILD REQUIREMENTS 5. BUILDING 6. RUNNING THE PLUG-IN 7. KNOWN ISSUES 8. SUPPORT / BUG REPORTS ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. INTRODUCTION This directory and subdirectories contain a plug-in template for creating an extension for the OpenAFS Network Identity Manager plug-in. Currently, such extensions are limited to providing additional authentication methods. This version of the template adheres to the following version constraints: Network Identity Manager API version : 10 or later OpenAFS Plug-in Version : 1 or later The source files in this template can be used to build the plug-in DLL and the US English resource DLL for the plug-in. In its current form, the plug-in doesn't do much. However, the source code contains a number of stub functions that can be used to implement your extension. Note that this template is based on the credentials provider template in the Network Identity Manager SDK, and has numerous references to credentials providers that are not applicable to this particular type of plug-in. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (c) 2008 Secure Endpoints Inc. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. ROADMAP OF THE TEMPLATE The files and directories included in the template are described below. The files that you most likely want to change are Makefile, afspext.c, version.rc and lang\en_us\langres.rc. .\README This file. .\Makefile The primary (and only) Makefile used by 'nmake' to build the plug-in. In addition to providing build directives, it also contains a set of macros which defines the names and version information that is used throughout the plug-in code. Look for the 'Configuration Settings' section of the Makefile for the macros. If you are basing a plug-in on this template, you will want to change these macros. These macros will be used to generate 'credacq_config.h', a header file included by 'credprov.h' so that the values of the macros can be used in C code. .\credprov.h The main header file for all the C source files in the plug-in. .\main.c Provides the entry points for the module. .\plugin.c Provides the message processing functions and support routines for implementing the plug-in. Note that some of the message processing routines have been moved to other sources files based on their use. .\afspext.c The message handler for AFS_MSG messages. The OpenAFS plug-in uses these messages to communicate with its extensions. This is probably the only C source file you would want to modify when implementing an extension plug-in for the OpenAFS plug-in. .\config_main.c Dialog procedures and support code for providing the general configuration panel for this plug-in. Providing a configuration panel isn't required for an extension plug-in. .\version.rc Version information for the plug-in as well as all the language resource DLLs. .\langres.h Declarations for the language resources (see below). In its current form, it was generated via Visual Studio while editing the language resouces file. .\images\plugin.ico A generic plug-in icon. .\lang\en_us\langres.rc US-English language resources. This will be used to create the language resource DLL. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. BUILD REQUIREMENTS Microsoft(R) Platform SDK (Windows Server 2003 or later) ( Microsoft(R) Visual C++ (Visual Studio 2003 or later) Although not tested, the template should build using the Microsoft Visual C++ toolkit. MIT Kerberos for Windows (version 3.2 or later) SDK OpenAFS for Windows 1.5.x SDK or source The only file that is needed for building an extension plug-in is afspext.h. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. BUILDING The build process is fairly starightforward. The source is set up to build using 'nmake', a build tool distributed with the Platform SDK as well as with Visual Studio. 1. Open a command prompt with a suitable build environment. From a plain command prompt, you can set up a debug build environment targetting Windows XP (32-bit) with: > "%PROGRAMFILES%\Microsoft Platform SDK\SetEnv.Cmd" /XP32 /DEBUG 2. Set the environment variable KFWSDKDIR to point to the root of the Kerberos for Windows 3.1 SDK. (i.e. %KFWSDKDIR%\inc should be the include directory of the SDK) > SET KFWSDKDIR=%PROGRAMFILES%\MIT\Kerberos 3. Set the environment variable AFSPLUGINDIR to the directory that contains afspext.h. This could either be in the OpenAFS SDK include directory or in the source tree at src\WINNT\netidmgr_plugin. > SET AFSPLUGINDIR=... 4. Start the build: > NMAKE all The build target 'all' builds the plug-in and the language resources. There is an additional build target 'clean' which removes the temporary files and the binaries generated during the build. Assuming everything goes well, the plug-in binaries should be created under a subdirectory under 'dest'. The name of the subdirectory reflects the target architecture and the build type ('debug' or 'release'). ------------------------------------------------------------------ 6. RUNNING THE PLUG-IN Once the binaries for the plug-in have been built, you need to register the plug-in with NetIDMgr by adding a registry value as follows: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\MIT\NetIDMgr\PluginManager\Modules\] "ImagePath"="" The should be the full path to the plug-in DLL. is the name of the module that you built. The default value specified in the template is 'MyAFSExtModule'. This is the value of the macro 'MODULENAME' defined in the 'Makefile'. Once this is done, you need to restart NetIDMgr so that it will pick up the new plug-in. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 7. KNOWN ISSUES ------------------------------------------------------------------ 8. SUPPORT / BUG REPORTS Problems should be sent to ------------------------------------------------------------------