/* * Copyright 2000, International Business Machines Corporation and others. * All Rights Reserved. * * This software has been released under the terms of the IBM Public * License. For details, see the LICENSE file in the top-level source * directory or online at http://www.openafs.org/dl/license10.html */ /* * osi_vfsops.c for SOLARIS */ #include "../afs/param.h" /* Should be always first */ #include "../afs/sysincludes.h" /* Standard vendor system headers */ #include "../afs/afsincludes.h" /* Afs-based standard headers */ #include "../afs/afs_stats.h" /* statistics stuff */ #include "../h/modctl.h" #include "../h/syscall.h" #include struct vfs *afs_globalVFS = 0; struct vcache *afs_globalVp = 0; #if defined(AFS_SUN57_64BIT_ENV) extern struct sysent sysent32[]; #endif int afsfstype = 0; int afs_mount(struct vfs *afsp, struct vnode *amvp, struct mounta *uap, struct AFS_UCRED *credp) { AFS_GLOCK(); AFS_STATCNT(afs_mount); if (!suser(credp)) return EPERM; afsp->vfs_fstype = afsfstype; if (afs_globalVFS) { /* Don't allow remounts. */ return EBUSY; } afs_globalVFS = afsp; afsp->vfs_bsize = 8192; afsp->vfs_fsid.val[0] = AFS_VFSMAGIC; /* magic */ afsp->vfs_fsid.val[1] = AFS_VFSFSID; afsp->vfs_dev = AFS_VFSMAGIC; AFS_GUNLOCK(); return 0; } #if defined(AFS_SUN58_ENV) int afs_unmount (struct vfs *afsp, int flag, struct AFS_UCRED *credp) #else int afs_unmount (struct vfs *afsp, struct AFS_UCRED *credp) #endif { AFS_GLOCK(); AFS_STATCNT(afs_unmount); if (!suser(credp)) return EPERM; afs_globalVFS = 0; afs_shutdown(); AFS_GUNLOCK(); return 0; } int afs_root (struct vfs *afsp, struct vnode **avpp) { register afs_int32 code = 0; struct vrequest treq; register struct vcache *tvp=0; struct proc *proc = ttoproc(curthread); struct vnode *vp = afsp->vfs_vnodecovered; int locked = 0; /* Potential deadlock: * afs_root is called with the Vnode's v_lock locked. Set VVFSLOCK * and drop the v_lock if we need to make an RPC to complete this * request. There used to be a deadlock on the global lock until * we stopped calling iget while holding the global lock. */ AFS_GLOCK(); AFS_STATCNT(afs_root); if (afs_globalVp && (afs_globalVp->states & CStatd)) { tvp = afs_globalVp; } else { if (MUTEX_HELD(&vp->v_lock)) { vp->v_flag |= VVFSLOCK; locked = 1; mutex_exit(&vp->v_lock); } if (!(code = afs_InitReq(&treq, proc->p_cred)) && !(code = afs_CheckInit())) { tvp = afs_GetVCache(&afs_rootFid, &treq, (afs_int32 *)0, (struct vcache*)0, WRITE_LOCK); /* we really want this to stay around */ if (tvp) { afs_globalVp = tvp; } else code = ENOENT; } } if (tvp) { VN_HOLD((struct vnode *)tvp); mutex_enter(&(((struct vnode*)tvp)->v_lock)); tvp->v.v_flag |= VROOT; mutex_exit(&(((struct vnode*)tvp)->v_lock)); afs_globalVFS = afsp; *avpp = (struct vnode *) tvp; } afs_Trace2(afs_iclSetp, CM_TRACE_VFSROOT, ICL_TYPE_POINTER, *avpp, ICL_TYPE_INT32, code); AFS_GUNLOCK(); if (locked) { mutex_enter(&vp->v_lock); vp->v_flag &= ~VVFSLOCK; if (vp->v_flag & VVFSWAIT) { vp->v_flag &= ~VVFSWAIT; cv_broadcast(&vp->v_cv); } } return code; } #ifdef AFS_SUN56_ENV int afs_statvfs(struct vfs *afsp, struct statvfs64 *abp) #else int afs_statvfs(struct vfs *afsp, struct statvfs *abp) #endif { AFS_GLOCK(); AFS_STATCNT(afs_statfs); abp->f_frsize = 1024; abp->f_favail = 9000000; abp->f_bsize = afsp->vfs_bsize; abp->f_blocks = abp->f_bfree = abp->f_bavail = abp->f_files = abp->f_ffree = 9000000; abp->f_fsid = (AFS_VFSMAGIC << 16) || AFS_VFSFSID; AFS_GUNLOCK(); return 0; } int afs_sync(struct vfs *afsp, short flags, struct AFS_UCRED *credp) { return 0; } int afs_vget(struct vfs *afsp, struct vnode **avcp, struct fid *fidp) { cred_t *credp = CRED(); struct vrequest treq; int code; AFS_GLOCK(); AFS_STATCNT(afs_vget); *avcp = NULL; if (!(code = afs_InitReq(&treq, credp))) { code = afs_osi_vget((struct vcache**)avcp, fidp, &treq); } afs_Trace3(afs_iclSetp, CM_TRACE_VGET, ICL_TYPE_POINTER, *avcp, ICL_TYPE_INT32, treq.uid, ICL_TYPE_FID, fidp); code = afs_CheckCode(code, &treq, 42); AFS_GUNLOCK(); return code; } /* This is only called by vfs_mount when afs is going to be mounted as root. * Since we don't support diskless clients we shouldn't come here. */ int afsmountroot=0; afs_mountroot(struct vfs *afsp, whymountroot_t why) { AFS_GLOCK(); AFS_STATCNT(afs_mountroot); afsmountroot++; AFS_GUNLOCK(); return EINVAL; } /* afs_swapvp is called to setup swapping over the net for diskless clients. * Again not for us. */ int afsswapvp=0; afs_swapvp(struct vfs *afsp, struct vnode **avpp, char *nm) { AFS_GLOCK(); AFS_STATCNT(afs_swapvp); afsswapvp++; AFS_GUNLOCK(); return EINVAL; } struct vfsops Afs_vfsops = { afs_mount, afs_unmount, afs_root, afs_statvfs, afs_sync, afs_vget, afs_mountroot, afs_swapvp, #if defined(AFS_SUN58_ENV) fs_freevfs, #endif }; /* * afsinit - intialize VFS */ int (*ufs_iallocp)(); void (*ufs_iupdatp)(); int (*ufs_igetp)(); void (*ufs_itimes_nolockp)(); struct streamtab *udp_infop = 0; struct ill_s *ill_g_headp = 0; int afs_sinited = 0; #if !defined(AFS_NONFSTRANS) int (*nfs_rfsdisptab_v2)(); int (*nfs_rfsdisptab_v3)(); int (*nfs_acldisptab_v2)(); int (*nfs_acldisptab_v3)(); int (*nfs_checkauth)(); #endif extern Afs_syscall(); afsinit(struct vfssw *vfsswp, int fstype) { extern int afs_xioctl(), afs_xflock(); extern int afs_xsetgroups(); AFS_STATCNT(afsinit); sysent[SYS_setgroups].sy_callc = afs_xsetgroups; sysent[SYS_ioctl].sy_call = afs_xioctl; #if defined(AFS_SUN57_64BIT_ENV) sysent32[SYS_setgroups].sy_callc = afs_xsetgroups; sysent32[SYS_ioctl].sy_call = afs_xioctl; #endif vfsswp->vsw_vfsops = &Afs_vfsops; afsfstype = fstype; #if !defined(AFS_NONFSTRANS) nfs_rfsdisptab_v2 = (int (*)()) modlookup("nfssrv", "rfsdisptab_v2"); if ( !nfs_rfsdisptab_v2 ) { afs_warn("warning : rfsdisptab_v2 NOT FOUND\n"); } if (nfs_rfsdisptab_v2) { nfs_acldisptab_v2 = (int (*)()) modlookup("nfssrv", "acldisptab_v2"); if ( !nfs_acldisptab_v2 ) { afs_warn("warning : acldisptab_v2 NOT FOUND\n"); } else { afs_xlatorinit_v2(nfs_rfsdisptab_v2, nfs_acldisptab_v2); } } nfs_rfsdisptab_v3 = (int (*)()) modlookup("nfssrv", "rfsdisptab_v3"); if ( !nfs_rfsdisptab_v3 ) { afs_warn("warning : rfsdisptab_v3 NOT FOUND\n"); } if (nfs_rfsdisptab_v3) { nfs_acldisptab_v3 = (int (*)()) modlookup("nfssrv", "acldisptab_v3"); if ( !nfs_acldisptab_v3 ) { afs_warn("warning : acldisptab_v3 NOT FOUND\n"); } else { afs_xlatorinit_v3(nfs_rfsdisptab_v3, nfs_acldisptab_v3); } } nfs_checkauth = (int (*)()) modlookup("nfssrv", "checkauth"); if ( !nfs_checkauth ) afs_warn("nfs_checkauth not initialised"); #endif ufs_iallocp = (int (*)()) modlookup("ufs", "ufs_ialloc"); ufs_iupdatp = (int (*)()) modlookup("ufs", "ufs_iupdat"); ufs_igetp = (int (*)()) modlookup("ufs", "ufs_iget"); ufs_itimes_nolockp = (void (*)()) modlookup("ufs", "ufs_itimes_nolock"); udp_infop = (struct streamtab *) modlookup("udp", "udpinfo"); ill_g_headp = (struct ill_s *) modlookup("ip", "ill_g_head"); if ( !ufs_iallocp || !ufs_iupdatp || !ufs_itimes_nolockp || !ufs_igetp || !udp_infop || !ill_g_headp ) afs_warn("AFS to UFS mapping cannot be fully initialised\n"); afs_sinited = 1; return 0; } static struct vfssw afs_vfw = { "afs", afsinit, &Afs_vfsops, 0 }; static struct sysent afssysent = { 6, 0, Afs_syscall }; /* inter-module dependencies */ char _depends_on[] = "drv/ip drv/udp strmod/rpcmod"; /* * Info/Structs to link the afs module into the kernel */ extern struct mod_ops mod_fsops; extern struct mod_ops mod_syscallops; static struct modlfs afsmodlfs = { &mod_fsops, "afs filesystem", &afs_vfw }; static struct modlsys afsmodlsys = { &mod_syscallops, "afs syscall interface", &afssysent }; /** The two structures afssysent32 and afsmodlsys32 are being added * for supporting 32 bit syscalls. In Solaris 7 there are two system * tables viz. sysent ans sysent32. 32 bit applications use sysent32. * Since most of our user space binaries are going to be 32 bit * we need to attach to sysent32 also. Note that the entry into AFS * land still happens through Afs_syscall irrespective of whether we * land here from sysent or sysent32 */ #if defined(AFS_SUN57_64BIT_ENV) extern struct mod_ops mod_syscallops32; static struct modlsys afsmodlsys32 = { &mod_syscallops32, "afs syscall interface(32 bit)", &afssysent }; #endif static struct modlinkage afs_modlinkage = { MODREV_1, (void *)&afsmodlsys, #ifdef AFS_SUN57_64BIT_ENV (void *)&afsmodlsys32, #endif (void *)&afsmodlfs, NULL }; /** This is the function that modload calls when loading the afs kernel * extensions. The solaris modload program searches for the _init * function in a module and calls it when modloading */ _init() { char *sysn, *mod_getsysname(); int code; extern char *sysbind; extern struct bind *sb_hashtab[]; struct modctl *mp = 0; if ((!(mp = mod_find_by_filename("fs", "ufs")) && !(mp = mod_find_by_filename(NULL, "/kernel/fs/ufs")) && !(mp = mod_find_by_filename(NULL, "sys/ufs"))) || (mp && !mp->mod_installed)) { printf("ufs module must be loaded before loading afs; use modload /kernel/fs/ufs\n"); return (ENOSYS); } #ifndef AFS_NONFSTRANS #if defined(AFS_SUN55_ENV) if ((!(mp = mod_find_by_filename("misc", "nfssrv")) && !(mp = mod_find_by_filename(NULL, NFSSRV)) && !(mp = mod_find_by_filename(NULL, NFSSRV_V9))) || (mp && !mp->mod_installed)) { printf("misc/nfssrv module must be loaded before loading afs with nfs-xlator\n"); return (ENOSYS); } #else #if defined(AFS_SUN52_ENV) if ((!(mp = mod_find_by_filename("fs", "nfs")) && !(mp = mod_find_by_filename(NULL, "/kernel/fs/nfs")) && !(mp = mod_find_by_filename(NULL, "sys/nfs"))) || (mp && !mp->mod_installed)) { printf("fs/nfs module must be loaded before loading afs with nfs-xlator\n"); return (ENOSYS); } #endif #endif #endif /* * Re-read the /etc/name_to_sysnum file to make sure afs isn't added after * reboot. Ideally we would like to call modctl_read_sysbinding_file() but * unfortunately in Solaris 2.2 it became a local function so we have to do * the read_binding_file() direct call with the appropriate text file and * system call hashtable. make_syscallname actually copies "afs" to the * proper slot entry and we also actually have to properly initialize the * global sysent[AFS_SYSCALL] entry! */ #ifdef AFS_SUN53_ENV #ifndef SYSBINDFILE #define SYSBINDFILE "/etc/name_to_sysnum" #endif read_binding_file(SYSBINDFILE, sb_hashtab); #else read_binding_file(sysbind, sb_hashtab); #endif #if !defined(AFS_SUN58_ENV) make_syscallname("afs", AFS_SYSCALL); #endif if (sysent[AFS_SYSCALL].sy_call == nosys) { if ((sysn = mod_getsysname(AFS_SYSCALL)) != NULL) { sysent[AFS_SYSCALL].sy_lock = (krwlock_t *) kobj_zalloc(sizeof (krwlock_t), KM_SLEEP); rw_init(sysent[AFS_SYSCALL].sy_lock, "afs_syscall", #ifdef AFS_SUN57_ENV RW_DEFAULT, NULL); #else RW_DEFAULT, DEFAULT_WT); #endif } } osi_Init(); /* initialize global lock, etc */ code = mod_install(&afs_modlinkage); return code; } _info(modp) struct modinfo *modp; { int code; code = mod_info(&afs_modlinkage, modp); return code; } _fini() { int code; if (afs_sinited) return (EBUSY); code = mod_remove(&afs_modlinkage); return code; }