/* * Copyright 2000, International Business Machines Corporation and others. * All Rights Reserved. * * This software has been released under the terms of the IBM Public * License. For details, see the LICENSE file in the top-level source * directory or online at http://www.openafs.org/dl/license10.html */ /* * Dynamic /afs volume support. * * Implements: * afs_IsDynrootFid * afs_GetDynrootFid * afs_IsDynroot * afs_RefreshDynroot * afs_GetDynroot * afs_PutDynroot * afs_DynrootNewVnode * afs_SetDynrootEnable * afs_GetDynrootEnable * afs_DynrootVOPRemove * afs_DynrootVOPSymlink * */ #include #include "../afs/param.h" #include "../afs/stds.h" #include "../afs/sysincludes.h" /* Standard vendor system headers */ #include "../afs/afsincludes.h" #include "../afs/afs_osi.h" #include "../afsint/afsint.h" #include "../afs/lock.h" #include "../afs/prs_fs.h" #include "../afs/dir.h" #define AFS_DYNROOT_CELL 1 #define AFS_DYNROOT_VOLUME 1 #define AFS_DYNROOT_VNODE 1 #define AFS_DYNROOT_UNIQUE 1 /* * Vnode numbers in dynroot are composed of a type field (upper 8 bits) * and a type-specific identifier in the lower 24 bits. */ #define VN_TYPE_CELL 0x01 /* Corresponds to a struct cell */ #define VN_TYPE_SYMLINK 0x02 /* User-created symlink in /afs */ #define VNUM_TO_VNTYPE(vnum) ((vnum) >> 24) #define VNUM_TO_VNID(vnum) ((vnum) & 0x00ffffff) #define VNUM_FROM_TYPEID(type, id) \ ((type) << 24 | (id)) #define VNUM_TO_CIDX(vnum) (VNUM_TO_VNID(vnum) >> 2) #define VNUM_TO_RW(vnum) (VNUM_TO_VNID(vnum) >> 1 & 1) #define VNUM_FROM_CIDX_RW(cidx, rw) \ VNUM_FROM_TYPEID(VN_TYPE_CELL, \ ((cidx) << 2 | (rw) << 1)) static int afs_dynrootEnable = 0; static afs_rwlock_t afs_dynrootDirLock; /* Start of variables protected by afs_dynrootDirLock */ static char *afs_dynrootDir = NULL; static int afs_dynrootDirLen; static int afs_dynrootDirLinkcnt; static int afs_dynrootCellCount; static int afs_dynrootVersion = 1; static int afs_dynrootVersionHigh = 1; /* End of variables protected by afs_dynrootDirLock */ /* A dynamically-created symlink in a dynroot /afs */ struct afs_dynSymlink { struct afs_dynSymlink *next; int index; char *name; char *target; }; static afs_rwlock_t afs_dynSymlinkLock; /* Start of variables protected by afs_dynSymlinkLock */ static struct afs_dynSymlink *afs_dynSymlinkBase = NULL; static int afs_dynSymlinkIndex = 0; /* End of variables protected by afs_dynSymlinkLock */ extern afs_int32 afs_cellindex; extern afs_rwlock_t afs_xvcache; /* * Returns non-zero iff fid corresponds to the top of the dynroot volume. */ int afs_IsDynrootFid(struct VenusFid *fid) { return (afs_dynrootEnable && fid->Cell == AFS_DYNROOT_CELL && fid->Fid.Volume == AFS_DYNROOT_VOLUME && fid->Fid.Vnode == AFS_DYNROOT_VNODE && fid->Fid.Unique == AFS_DYNROOT_UNIQUE); } /* * Obtain the magic dynroot volume Fid. */ void afs_GetDynrootFid(struct VenusFid *fid) { fid->Cell = AFS_DYNROOT_CELL; fid->Fid.Volume = AFS_DYNROOT_VOLUME; fid->Fid.Vnode = AFS_DYNROOT_VNODE; fid->Fid.Unique = AFS_DYNROOT_UNIQUE; } /* * Returns non-zero iff avc is a pointer to the dynroot /afs vnode. */ int afs_IsDynroot(avc) struct vcache *avc; { return afs_IsDynrootFid(&avc->fid); } /* * Add directory entry by given name to a directory. Assumes the * caller has allocated the directory to be large enough to hold * the necessary entry. */ static void afs_dynroot_addDirEnt(dirHeader, curPageP, curChunkP, name, vnode) struct DirHeader *dirHeader; int *curPageP; int *curChunkP; char *name; int vnode; { char *dirBase = (char *) dirHeader; struct PageHeader *pageHeader; struct DirEntry *dirEntry; int sizeOfEntry, i, t1, t2; int curPage = *curPageP; int curChunk = *curChunkP; int didNewPage = 0; /* * Check if we need to flip pages.. If so, init the new page. */ sizeOfEntry = afs_dir_NameBlobs(name); if (curChunk + sizeOfEntry > EPP) { curPage++; curChunk = 1; didNewPage = 1; } pageHeader = (struct PageHeader *) (dirBase + curPage * AFS_PAGESIZE); if (didNewPage) { pageHeader->pgcount = 0; pageHeader->tag = htons(1234); pageHeader->freecount = 0; pageHeader->freebitmap[0] = 0x01; for (i = 1; i < EPP/8; i++) pageHeader->freebitmap[i] = 0; dirHeader->alloMap[curPage] = EPP - 1; } dirEntry = (struct DirEntry *) (pageHeader + curChunk); dirEntry->flag = 1; dirEntry->length = 0; dirEntry->next = 0; dirEntry->fid.vnode = htonl(vnode); dirEntry->fid.vunique = htonl(1); strcpy(dirEntry->name, name); for (i = curChunk; i < curChunk + sizeOfEntry; i++) { t1 = i / 8; t2 = i % 8; pageHeader->freebitmap[t1] |= (1 << t2); } /* * Add the new entry to the correct hash chain. */ i = DirHash(name); dirEntry->next = dirHeader->hashTable[i]; dirHeader->hashTable[i] = htons(curPage * EPP + curChunk); curChunk += sizeOfEntry; dirHeader->alloMap[curPage] -= sizeOfEntry; *curPageP = curPage; *curChunkP = curChunk; } /* * Regenerates the dynroot contents from the current list of * cells. Useful when the list of cells has changed due to * an AFSDB lookup, for instance. */ void afs_RefreshDynroot() { int cellidx, maxcellidx, i; struct cell *c; int curChunk, curPage; int dirSize, sizeOfCurEntry; char *newDir, *dotCell; struct DirHeader *dirHeader; struct PageHeader *pageHeader; struct DirEntry *dirEntry; int doFlush = 0; int linkCount = 0; struct afs_dynSymlink *ts; int newCellCount; /* * Save afs_cellindex here, in case it changes between the * two loops. */ maxcellidx = afs_cellindex; /* * Compute the amount of space we need for the fake dir */ curChunk = 13; curPage = 0; /* Reserve space for "." and ".." */ curChunk += 2; for (cellidx = 0; cellidx < maxcellidx; cellidx++) { c = afs_GetCellByIndex(cellidx, READ_LOCK, 0 /* don't refresh */); if (!c) continue; sizeOfCurEntry = afs_dir_NameBlobs(c->cellName); if (curChunk + sizeOfCurEntry > EPP) { curPage++; curChunk = 1; } curChunk += sizeOfCurEntry; dotCell = afs_osi_Alloc(strlen(c->cellName) + 2); strcpy(dotCell, "."); strcat(dotCell, c->cellName); sizeOfCurEntry = afs_dir_NameBlobs(dotCell); if (curChunk + sizeOfCurEntry > EPP) { curPage++; curChunk = 1; } curChunk += sizeOfCurEntry; afs_PutCell(c, READ_LOCK); } ObtainReadLock(&afs_dynSymlinkLock); ts = afs_dynSymlinkBase; while (ts) { sizeOfCurEntry = afs_dir_NameBlobs(ts->name); if (curChunk + sizeOfCurEntry > EPP) { curPage++; curChunk = 1; } curChunk += sizeOfCurEntry; ts = ts->next; } dirSize = (curPage + 1) * AFS_PAGESIZE; newDir = afs_osi_Alloc(dirSize); /* * Now actually construct the directory. */ curChunk = 13; curPage = 0; dirHeader = (struct DirHeader *) newDir; dirHeader->header.pgcount = 0; dirHeader->header.tag = htons(1234); dirHeader->header.freecount = 0; dirHeader->header.freebitmap[0] = 0xff; dirHeader->header.freebitmap[1] = 0x1f; for (i = 2; i < EPP/8; i++) dirHeader->header.freebitmap[i] = 0; dirHeader->alloMap[0] = EPP - DHE - 1; for (i = 1; i < MAXPAGES; i++) dirHeader->alloMap[i] = EPP; for (i = 0; i < NHASHENT; i++) dirHeader->hashTable[i] = 0; /* Install "." and ".." */ afs_dynroot_addDirEnt(dirHeader, &curPage, &curChunk, ".", 1); afs_dynroot_addDirEnt(dirHeader, &curPage, &curChunk, "..", 1); linkCount += 2; for (cellidx = 0; cellidx < maxcellidx; cellidx++) { c = afs_GetCellByIndex(cellidx, READ_LOCK, 0 /* don't refresh */); afs_dynroot_addDirEnt(dirHeader, &curPage, &curChunk, c->cellName, VNUM_FROM_CIDX_RW(cellidx, 0)); dotCell = afs_osi_Alloc(strlen(c->cellName) + 2); strcpy(dotCell, "."); strcat(dotCell, c->cellName); afs_dynroot_addDirEnt(dirHeader, &curPage, &curChunk, dotCell, VNUM_FROM_CIDX_RW(cellidx, 1)); if (!(c->states & CAlias)) linkCount += 2; afs_PutCell(c, READ_LOCK); } ts = afs_dynSymlinkBase; while (ts) { int vnum = VNUM_FROM_TYPEID(VN_TYPE_SYMLINK, ts->index); afs_dynroot_addDirEnt(dirHeader, &curPage, &curChunk, ts->name, vnum); ts = ts->next; } newCellCount = maxcellidx + afs_dynSymlinkIndex; ReleaseReadLock(&afs_dynSymlinkLock); ObtainWriteLock(&afs_dynrootDirLock, 549); if (afs_dynrootDir) afs_osi_Free(afs_dynrootDir, afs_dynrootDirLen); afs_dynrootDir = newDir; afs_dynrootDirLen = dirSize; afs_dynrootDirLinkcnt = linkCount; if (afs_dynrootCellCount != newCellCount) { /* * New cells/symlinks added -- bump data version, invalidate vcache. */ afs_dynrootCellCount = newCellCount; afs_dynrootVersion++; afs_dynrootVersionHigh = osi_Time(); doFlush = 1; } ReleaseWriteLock(&afs_dynrootDirLock); if (doFlush) { afs_int32 retry; struct vcache *tvc; struct VenusFid tfid; afs_GetDynrootFid(&tfid); do { retry = 0; ObtainReadLock(&afs_xvcache); tvc = afs_FindVCache(&tfid, 0, 0, &retry, 0); ReleaseReadLock(&afs_xvcache); } while (retry); if (tvc) { tvc->states &= ~(CStatd | CUnique); osi_dnlc_purgedp(tvc); afs_PutVCache(tvc); } } } /* * Returns a pointer to the base of the dynroot directory in memory, * length thereof, and a FetchStatus. */ void afs_GetDynroot(dynrootDir, dynrootLen, status) char **dynrootDir; int *dynrootLen; struct AFSFetchStatus *status; { ObtainReadLock(&afs_dynrootDirLock); if (!afs_dynrootDir) { ReleaseReadLock(&afs_dynrootDirLock); afs_RefreshDynroot(); ObtainReadLock(&afs_dynrootDirLock); } if (dynrootDir) *dynrootDir = afs_dynrootDir; if (dynrootLen) *dynrootLen = afs_dynrootDirLen; if (status) { memset(status, 0, sizeof(struct AFSFetchStatus)); status->FileType = Directory; status->LinkCount = afs_dynrootDirLinkcnt; status->Length = afs_dynrootDirLen; status->DataVersion = afs_dynrootVersion; status->CallerAccess = PRSFS_LOOKUP | PRSFS_READ; status->AnonymousAccess = PRSFS_LOOKUP | PRSFS_READ; status->UnixModeBits = 0755; status->ParentVnode = 1; status->ParentUnique = 1; status->dataVersionHigh = afs_dynrootVersionHigh; } } /* * Puts back the dynroot read lock. */ void afs_PutDynroot() { ReleaseReadLock(&afs_dynrootDirLock); } /* * Inform dynroot that a new vnode is being created. Return value * is non-zero if this vnode is handled by dynroot, in which case * FetchStatus will be filled in. */ int afs_DynrootNewVnode(avc, status) struct vcache *avc; struct AFSFetchStatus *status; { if (!afs_dynrootEnable) return 0; if (afs_IsDynroot(avc)) { afs_GetDynroot(0, 0, status); afs_PutDynroot(); return 1; } /* * Check if this is an entry under /afs, e.g. /afs/cellname. */ if (avc->fid.Cell == AFS_DYNROOT_CELL && avc->fid.Fid.Volume == AFS_DYNROOT_VOLUME) { struct cell *c; int namelen, linklen, cellidx, rw; memset(status, 0, sizeof(struct AFSFetchStatus)); status->FileType = SymbolicLink; status->LinkCount = 1; status->DataVersion = 1; status->CallerAccess = PRSFS_LOOKUP | PRSFS_READ; status->AnonymousAccess = PRSFS_LOOKUP | PRSFS_READ; status->ParentVnode = 1; status->ParentUnique = 1; if (VNUM_TO_VNTYPE(avc->fid.Fid.Vnode) == VN_TYPE_SYMLINK) { struct afs_dynSymlink *ts; int index = VNUM_TO_VNID(avc->fid.Fid.Vnode); ObtainReadLock(&afs_dynSymlinkLock); ts = afs_dynSymlinkBase; while (ts) { if (ts->index == index) break; ts = ts->next; } if (ts) { linklen = strlen(ts->target); avc->linkData = afs_osi_Alloc(linklen + 1); strcpy(avc->linkData, ts->target); status->Length = linklen; status->UnixModeBits = 0755; } ReleaseReadLock(&afs_dynSymlinkLock); return ts ? 1 : 0; } if (VNUM_TO_VNTYPE(avc->fid.Fid.Vnode) != VN_TYPE_CELL) { afs_warn("dynroot vnode inconsistency, unknown VNTYPE %d\n", VNUM_TO_VNTYPE(avc->fid.Fid.Vnode)); return 0; } cellidx = VNUM_TO_CIDX(avc->fid.Fid.Vnode); rw = VNUM_TO_RW(avc->fid.Fid.Vnode); c = afs_GetCellByIndex(cellidx, READ_LOCK, 1 /* refresh */); if (!c) { afs_warn("dynroot vnode inconsistency, can't find cell %d\n", cellidx); return 0; } if (c->states & CAlias) { /* * linkData needs to contain the name of the cell * we're aliasing for. */ char *realName = c->realName; if (!realName) { afs_warn("dynroot: alias %s missing real cell name\n", c->cellName); linklen = 7; avc->linkData = afs_osi_Alloc(linklen + 1); strcpy(avc->linkData, "unknown"); } else { int namelen = strlen(realName); linklen = rw + namelen; avc->linkData = afs_osi_Alloc(linklen + 1); strcpy(avc->linkData, rw ? "." : ""); strcat(avc->linkData, realName); } status->UnixModeBits = 0755; } else { /* * linkData needs to contain "#cell:root.cell" or "%cell:root.cell" */ namelen = strlen(c->cellName); linklen = 1 + namelen + 10; avc->linkData = afs_osi_Alloc(linklen + 1); strcpy(avc->linkData, rw ? "%" : "#"); strcat(avc->linkData, c->cellName); strcat(avc->linkData, ":root.cell"); status->UnixModeBits = 0644; } status->Length = linklen; afs_PutCell(c, READ_LOCK); return 1; } return 0; } /* * Enable or disable dynroot. Returns 0 if successful. */ int afs_SetDynrootEnable(enable) int enable; { afs_dynrootEnable = enable; return 0; } /* * Check if dynroot support is enabled. */ int afs_GetDynrootEnable() { return afs_dynrootEnable; } /* * Remove a temporary symlink entry from /afs. */ int afs_DynrootVOPRemove(avc, acred, aname) struct vcache *avc; struct AFS_UCRED *acred; char *aname; { struct afs_dynSymlink **tpps; struct afs_dynSymlink *tps; struct cell *c; int found = 0; if (acred->cr_uid) return EPERM; ObtainWriteLock(&afs_dynSymlinkLock, 97); tpps = &afs_dynSymlinkBase; while (*tpps) { tps = *tpps; if (afs_strcasecmp(aname, tps->name) == 0) { afs_osi_Free(tps->name, strlen(tps->name) + 1); afs_osi_Free(tps->target, strlen(tps->target) + 1); *tpps = tps->next; afs_osi_Free(tps, sizeof(*tps)); afs_dynSymlinkIndex++; found = 1; break; } tpps = &(tps->next); } ReleaseWriteLock(&afs_dynSymlinkLock); if (found) { afs_RefreshDynroot(); return 0; } /* Check if this is an actual cell? */ c = afs_GetCellByName2(aname, READ_LOCK, 0 /* no AFSDB */); if (c) { afs_PutCell(c, READ_LOCK); return EROFS; } else { return ENOENT; } } /* * Create a temporary symlink entry in /afs. */ int afs_DynrootVOPSymlink(avc, acred, aname, atargetName) struct vcache *avc; struct AFS_UCRED *acred; char *aname; char *atargetName; { struct afs_dynSymlink *tps; struct cell *c; if (acred->cr_uid) return EPERM; /* Check if it's already a cell */ c = afs_GetCellByName2(aname, READ_LOCK, 0 /* no AFSDB */); if (c) { afs_PutCell(c, READ_LOCK); return EEXIST; } /* Check if it's already a symlink */ ObtainWriteLock(&afs_dynSymlinkLock, 91); tps = afs_dynSymlinkBase; while (tps) { if (afs_strcasecmp(aname, tps->name) == 0) { ReleaseWriteLock(&afs_dynSymlinkLock); return EEXIST; } tps = tps->next; } /* Doesn't already exist -- go ahead and create it */ tps = afs_osi_Alloc(sizeof(*tps)); tps->index = afs_dynSymlinkIndex++; tps->next = afs_dynSymlinkBase; tps->name = afs_osi_Alloc(strlen(aname) + 1); strcpy(tps->name, aname); tps->target = afs_osi_Alloc(strlen(atargetName) + 1); strcpy(tps->target, atargetName); afs_dynSymlinkBase = tps; ReleaseWriteLock(&afs_dynSymlinkLock); afs_RefreshDynroot(); return 0; }