/* * Copyright 2000, International Business Machines Corporation and others. * All Rights Reserved. * * This software has been released under the terms of the IBM Public * License. For details, see the LICENSE file in the top-level source * directory or online at http://www.openafs.org/dl/license10.html */ #include #include "afs/param.h" #include "afs/sysincludes.h" /* Standard vendor system headers */ #ifndef AFS_LINUX22_ENV #include "rpc/types.h" #endif #ifdef AFS_ALPHA_ENV #undef kmem_alloc #undef kmem_free #undef mem_alloc #undef mem_free #undef register #endif /* AFS_ALPHA_ENV */ #include "afsincludes.h" /* Afs-based standard headers */ #include "afs/afs_stats.h" /* statistics */ #include "afs_prototypes.h" extern int cacheDiskType; #ifndef AFS_NOSTATS void FillStoreStats(int code, int idx, osi_timeval_t *xferStartTime, afs_size_t bytesToXfer, afs_size_t bytesXferred) { struct afs_stats_xferData *xferP; osi_timeval_t xferStopTime; osi_timeval_t elapsedTime; xferP = &(afs_stats_cmfullperf.rpc.fsXferTimes[idx]); osi_GetuTime(&xferStopTime); (xferP->numXfers)++; if (!code) { (xferP->numSuccesses)++; afs_stats_XferSumBytes[idx] += bytesXferred; (xferP->sumBytes) += (afs_stats_XferSumBytes[idx] >> 10); afs_stats_XferSumBytes[idx] &= 0x3FF; if (bytesXferred < xferP->minBytes) xferP->minBytes = bytesXferred; if (bytesXferred > xferP->maxBytes) xferP->maxBytes = bytesXferred; /* * Tally the size of the object. Note: we tally the actual size, * NOT the number of bytes that made it out over the wire. */ if (bytesToXfer <= AFS_STATS_MAXBYTES_BUCKET0) (xferP->count[0])++; else if (bytesToXfer <= AFS_STATS_MAXBYTES_BUCKET1) (xferP->count[1])++; else if (bytesToXfer <= AFS_STATS_MAXBYTES_BUCKET2) (xferP->count[2])++; else if (bytesToXfer <= AFS_STATS_MAXBYTES_BUCKET3) (xferP->count[3])++; else if (bytesToXfer <= AFS_STATS_MAXBYTES_BUCKET4) (xferP->count[4])++; else if (bytesToXfer <= AFS_STATS_MAXBYTES_BUCKET5) (xferP->count[5])++; else if (bytesToXfer <= AFS_STATS_MAXBYTES_BUCKET6) (xferP->count[6])++; else if (bytesToXfer <= AFS_STATS_MAXBYTES_BUCKET7) (xferP->count[7])++; else (xferP->count[8])++; afs_stats_GetDiff(elapsedTime, (*xferStartTime), xferStopTime); afs_stats_AddTo((xferP->sumTime), elapsedTime); afs_stats_SquareAddTo((xferP->sqrTime), elapsedTime); if (afs_stats_TimeLessThan(elapsedTime, (xferP->minTime))) { afs_stats_TimeAssign((xferP->minTime), elapsedTime); } if (afs_stats_TimeGreaterThan(elapsedTime, (xferP->maxTime))) { afs_stats_TimeAssign((xferP->maxTime), elapsedTime); } } } #endif /* AFS_NOSTATS */ /* rock and operations for RX_FILESERVER */ afs_int32 rxfs_storeUfsPrepare(void *r, afs_uint32 size, afs_uint32 *tlen) { *tlen = (size > AFS_LRALLOCSIZ ? AFS_LRALLOCSIZ : size); return 0; } afs_int32 rxfs_storeMemPrepare(void *r, afs_uint32 size, afs_uint32 *tlen) { afs_int32 code; struct rxfs_storeVariables *v = (struct rxfs_storeVariables *) r; *tlen = (size > AFS_LRALLOCSIZ ? AFS_LRALLOCSIZ : size); RX_AFS_GUNLOCK(); code = rx_WritevAlloc(v->call, v->tiov, &v->tnio, RX_MAXIOVECS, *tlen); RX_AFS_GLOCK(); if (code <= 0) { code = rx_Error(v->call); if (!code) code = -33; } else { *tlen = code; code = 0; } return code; } afs_int32 rxfs_storeUfsRead(void *r, struct osi_file *tfile, afs_uint32 offset, afs_uint32 tlen, afs_uint32 *bytesread) { afs_int32 code; struct rxfs_storeVariables *v = (struct rxfs_storeVariables *)r; *bytesread = 0; code = afs_osi_Read(tfile, -1, v->tbuffer, tlen); if (code < 0) return EIO; *bytesread = code; if (code == tlen) return 0; #if defined(KERNEL_HAVE_UERROR) if (getuerror()) return EIO; #endif return 0; } afs_int32 rxfs_storeMemRead(void *r, struct osi_file *tfile, afs_uint32 offset, afs_uint32 tlen, afs_uint32 *bytesread) { afs_int32 code; struct rxfs_storeVariables *v = (struct rxfs_storeVariables *)r; struct memCacheEntry *mceP = (struct memCacheEntry *)tfile; *bytesread = 0; code = afs_MemReadvBlk(mceP, offset, v->tiov, v->tnio, tlen); if (code != tlen) return -33; *bytesread = code; return 0; } afs_int32 rxfs_storeMemWrite(void *r, afs_uint32 l, afs_uint32 *byteswritten) { afs_int32 code; struct rxfs_storeVariables *v = (struct rxfs_storeVariables *)r; RX_AFS_GUNLOCK(); code = rx_Writev(v->call, v->tiov, v->tnio, l); RX_AFS_GLOCK(); if (code != l) { code = rx_Error(v->call); return (code ? code : -33); } *byteswritten = code; return 0; } afs_int32 rxfs_storeUfsWrite(void *r, afs_uint32 l, afs_uint32 *byteswritten) { afs_int32 code; struct rxfs_storeVariables *v = (struct rxfs_storeVariables *)r; RX_AFS_GUNLOCK(); code = rx_Write(v->call, v->tbuffer, l); /* writing 0 bytes will * push a short packet. Is that really what we want, just because the * data didn't come back from the disk yet? Let's try it and see. */ RX_AFS_GLOCK(); if (code != l) { code = rx_Error(v->call); return (code ? code : -33); } *byteswritten = code; return 0; } afs_int32 rxfs_storePadd(void *rock, afs_uint32 size) { afs_int32 code = 0; afs_uint32 tlen; struct rxfs_storeVariables *v = (struct rxfs_storeVariables *)rock; if (!v->tbuffer) v->tbuffer = osi_AllocLargeSpace(AFS_LRALLOCSIZ); memset(v->tbuffer, 0, AFS_LRALLOCSIZ); while (size) { tlen = (size > AFS_LRALLOCSIZ ? AFS_LRALLOCSIZ : size); RX_AFS_GUNLOCK(); code = rx_Write(v->call, v->tbuffer, tlen); RX_AFS_GLOCK(); if (code != tlen) return -33; /* XXX */ size -= tlen; } return 0; } afs_int32 rxfs_storeStatus(void *rock) { struct rxfs_storeVariables *v = (struct rxfs_storeVariables *)rock; if (rx_GetRemoteStatus(v->call) & 1) return 0; return 1; } afs_int32 rxfs_storeClose(void *r, struct AFSFetchStatus *OutStatus, int *doProcessFS) { afs_int32 code; struct AFSVolSync tsync; struct rxfs_storeVariables *v = (struct rxfs_storeVariables *)r; if (!v->call) return -1; RX_AFS_GUNLOCK(); #ifdef AFS_64BIT_CLIENT if (!v->hasNo64bit) code = EndRXAFS_StoreData64(v->call, OutStatus, &tsync); else #endif code = EndRXAFS_StoreData(v->call, OutStatus, &tsync); RX_AFS_GLOCK(); if (!code) *doProcessFS = 1; /* Flag to run afs_ProcessFS() later on */ return code; } afs_int32 rxfs_storeDestroy(void **r, afs_int32 error) { afs_int32 code = error; struct rxfs_storeVariables *v = (struct rxfs_storeVariables *)*r; *r = NULL; if (v->call) { RX_AFS_GUNLOCK(); code = rx_EndCall(v->call, error); RX_AFS_GLOCK(); if (!code && error) code = error; } if (v->tbuffer) osi_FreeLargeSpace(v->tbuffer); if (v->tiov) osi_FreeSmallSpace(v->tiov); osi_FreeSmallSpace(v); return code; } static struct storeOps rxfs_storeUfsOps = { .prepare = rxfs_storeUfsPrepare, .read = rxfs_storeUfsRead, .write = rxfs_storeUfsWrite, .status = rxfs_storeStatus, .padd = rxfs_storePadd, .close = rxfs_storeClose, .destroy = rxfs_storeDestroy, #ifdef AFS_LINUX26_ENV .storeproc = afs_linux_storeproc #endif }; static struct storeOps rxfs_storeMemOps = { .prepare = rxfs_storeMemPrepare, .read = rxfs_storeMemRead, .write = rxfs_storeMemWrite, .status = rxfs_storeStatus, .padd = rxfs_storePadd, .close = rxfs_storeClose, .destroy = rxfs_storeDestroy }; afs_int32 rxfs_storeInit(struct vcache *avc, struct afs_conn *tc, afs_size_t base, afs_size_t bytes, afs_size_t length, int sync, struct storeOps **ops, void **rock) { afs_int32 code; struct rxfs_storeVariables *v; if ( !tc ) return -1; v = (struct rxfs_storeVariables *) osi_AllocSmallSpace(sizeof(struct rxfs_storeVariables)); if (!v) osi_Panic("rxfs_storeInit: osi_AllocSmallSpace returned NULL\n"); memset(v, 0, sizeof(struct rxfs_storeVariables)); v->InStatus.ClientModTime = avc->f.m.Date; v->InStatus.Mask = AFS_SETMODTIME; v->vcache = avc; if (sync & AFS_SYNC) v->InStatus.Mask |= AFS_FSYNC; RX_AFS_GUNLOCK(); v->call = rx_NewCall(tc->id); if (v->call) { #ifdef AFS_64BIT_CLIENT if (!afs_serverHasNo64Bit(tc)) code = StartRXAFS_StoreData64( v->call, (struct AFSFid*)&avc->f.fid.Fid, &v->InStatus, base, bytes, length); else if (length > 0xFFFFFFFF) code = EFBIG; else { afs_int32 t1 = base, t2 = bytes, t3 = length; code = StartRXAFS_StoreData(v->call, (struct AFSFid *) &avc->f.fid.Fid, &v->InStatus, t1, t2, t3); } #else /* AFS_64BIT_CLIENT */ code = StartRXAFS_StoreData(v->call, (struct AFSFid *)&avc->f.fid.Fid, &v->InStatus, base, bytes, length); #endif /* AFS_64BIT_CLIENT */ } else code = -1; RX_AFS_GLOCK(); if (code) { osi_FreeSmallSpace(v); return code; } if (cacheDiskType == AFS_FCACHE_TYPE_UFS) { v->tbuffer = osi_AllocLargeSpace(AFS_LRALLOCSIZ); if (!v->tbuffer) osi_Panic ("rxfs_storeInit: osi_AllocLargeSpace for iovecs returned NULL\n"); *ops = (struct storeOps *) &rxfs_storeUfsOps; } else { v->tiov = osi_AllocSmallSpace(sizeof(struct iovec) * RX_MAXIOVECS); if (!v->tiov) osi_Panic ("rxfs_storeInit: osi_AllocSmallSpace for iovecs returned NULL\n"); *ops = (struct storeOps *) &rxfs_storeMemOps; #ifdef notdef /* do this at a higher level now -- it's a parameter */ /* for now, only do 'continue from close' code if file fits in one * chunk. Could clearly do better: if only one modified chunk * then can still do this. can do this on *last* modified chunk */ length = avc->f.m.Length - 1; /* byte position of last byte we'll store */ if (shouldWake) { if (AFS_CHUNK(length) != 0) *shouldWake = 0; else *shouldWake = 1; } #endif /* notdef */ } *rock = (void *)v; return 0; } afs_int32 afs_GenericStoreProc(struct storeOps *ops, void *rock, struct dcache *tdc, int *shouldwake, afs_size_t *bytesXferred) { struct rxfs_storeVariables *svar = rock; afs_uint32 tlen, bytesread, byteswritten; afs_int32 code; int offset = 0; afs_size_t size; struct osi_file *tfile; size = tdc->f.chunkBytes; tfile = afs_CFileOpen(&tdc->f.inode); while ( size > 0 ) { code = (*ops->prepare)(rock, size, &tlen); if ( code ) break; code = (*ops->read)(rock, tfile, offset, tlen, &bytesread); if (code) break; tlen = bytesread; code = (*ops->write)(rock, tlen, &byteswritten); if (code) break; #ifndef AFS_NOSTATS *bytesXferred += byteswritten; #endif /* AFS_NOSTATS */ offset += tlen; size -= tlen; /* * if file has been locked on server, can allow * store to continue */ if (shouldwake && *shouldwake && ((*ops->status)(rock) == 0)) { *shouldwake = 0; /* only do this once */ afs_wakeup(svar->vcache); } } afs_CFileClose(tfile); return code; } unsigned int storeallmissing = 0; /*! * Called for each chunk upon store. * * \param avc Ptr to the vcache entry of the file being stored. * \param dclist pointer to the list of dcaches * \param bytes total number of bytes for the current operation * \param anewDV Ptr to the dataversion after store * \param doProcessFS pointer to the "do process FetchStatus" flag * \param OutStatus pointer to the FetchStatus as returned by the fileserver * \param nchunks number of dcaches to consider * \param nomore copy of the "no more data" flag * \param ops pointer to the block of storeOps to be used for this operation * \param rock pointer to the opaque protocol-specific data of this operation */ afs_int32 afs_CacheStoreDCaches(struct vcache *avc, struct dcache **dclist, afs_size_t bytes, afs_hyper_t *anewDV, int *doProcessFS, struct AFSFetchStatus *OutStatus, afs_uint32 nchunks, int nomore, struct storeOps *ops, void *rock) { int *shouldwake = NULL; unsigned int i; afs_int32 code = 0; afs_size_t bytesXferred; #ifndef AFS_NOSTATS osi_timeval_t xferStartTime; /*FS xfer start time */ afs_size_t bytesToXfer = 10000; /* # bytes to xfer */ #endif /* AFS_NOSTATS */ XSTATS_DECLS; for (i = 0; i < nchunks && !code; i++) { int stored = 0; struct dcache *tdc = dclist[i]; afs_int32 size = tdc->f.chunkBytes; if (!tdc) { afs_warn("afs: missing dcache!\n"); storeallmissing++; continue; /* panic? */ } afs_Trace4(afs_iclSetp, CM_TRACE_STOREALL2, ICL_TYPE_POINTER, avc, ICL_TYPE_INT32, tdc->f.chunk, ICL_TYPE_INT32, tdc->index, ICL_TYPE_INT32, afs_inode2trace(&tdc->f.inode)); shouldwake = 0; if (nomore) { if (avc->asynchrony == -1) { if (afs_defaultAsynchrony > (bytes - stored)) shouldwake = &nomore; } else if ((afs_uint32) avc->asynchrony >= (bytes - stored)) shouldwake = &nomore; } afs_Trace4(afs_iclSetp, CM_TRACE_STOREPROC, ICL_TYPE_POINTER, avc, ICL_TYPE_FID, &(avc->f.fid), ICL_TYPE_OFFSET, ICL_HANDLE_OFFSET(avc->f.m.Length), ICL_TYPE_INT32, size); AFS_STATCNT(CacheStoreProc); XSTATS_START_TIME(AFS_STATS_FS_RPCIDX_STOREDATA); avc->f.truncPos = AFS_NOTRUNC; #ifndef AFS_NOSTATS /* * In this case, size is *always* the amount of data we'll be trying * to ship here. */ bytesToXfer = size; osi_GetuTime(&xferStartTime); #endif /* AFS_NOSTATS */ bytesXferred = 0; if (ops->storeproc) code = (*ops->storeproc)(ops, rock, tdc, shouldwake, &bytesXferred); else code = afs_GenericStoreProc(ops, rock, tdc, shouldwake, &bytesXferred); afs_Trace4(afs_iclSetp, CM_TRACE_STOREPROC, ICL_TYPE_POINTER, avc, ICL_TYPE_FID, &(avc->f.fid), ICL_TYPE_OFFSET, ICL_HANDLE_OFFSET(avc->f.m.Length), ICL_TYPE_INT32, size); #ifndef AFS_NOSTATS FillStoreStats(code, AFS_STATS_FS_XFERIDX_STOREDATA, &xferStartTime, bytesToXfer, bytesXferred); #endif /* AFS_NOSTATS */ if ((tdc->f.chunkBytes < afs_OtherCSize) && (i < (nchunks - 1)) && code == 0) { code = (*ops->padd)(rock, afs_OtherCSize - tdc->f.chunkBytes); } stored += tdc->f.chunkBytes; /* ideally, I'd like to unlock the dcache and turn * off the writing bit here, but that would * require being able to retry StoreAllSegments in * the event of a failure. It only really matters * if user can't read from a 'locked' dcache or * one which has the writing bit turned on. */ } if (!code) { code = (*ops->close)(rock, OutStatus, doProcessFS); if (*doProcessFS) { hadd32(*anewDV, 1); } XSTATS_END_TIME; } if (ops) code = (*ops->destroy)(&rock, code); return code; } #define lmin(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b)) /*! * Called upon store. * * \param dclist pointer to the list of dcaches * \param avc Ptr to the vcache entry. * \param areq Ptr to the request structure * \param sync sync flag * \param minj the chunk offset for this call * \param high index of last dcache to store * \param moredata the moredata flag * \param anewDV Ptr to the dataversion after store * \param amaxStoredLength Ptr to the amount of that is actually stored * * \note Environment: Nothing interesting. */ int afs_CacheStoreVCache(struct dcache **dcList, struct vcache *avc, struct vrequest *areq, int sync, unsigned int minj, unsigned int high, unsigned int moredata, afs_hyper_t *anewDV, afs_size_t *amaxStoredLength) { afs_int32 code = 0; struct storeOps *ops; void * rock = NULL; unsigned int i, j; struct AFSFetchStatus OutStatus; int doProcessFS = 0; afs_size_t base, bytes, length; int nomore; unsigned int first = 0; struct afs_conn *tc; for (bytes = 0, j = 0; !code && j <= high; j++) { if (dcList[j]) { ObtainSharedLock(&(dcList[j]->lock), 629); if (!bytes) first = j; bytes += dcList[j]->f.chunkBytes; if ((dcList[j]->f.chunkBytes < afs_OtherCSize) && (dcList[j]->f.chunk - minj < high) && dcList[j + 1]) { int sbytes = afs_OtherCSize - dcList[j]->f.chunkBytes; bytes += sbytes; } } if (bytes && (j == high || !dcList[j + 1])) { afs_uint32 nchunks; struct dcache **dclist = &dcList[first]; /* base = AFS_CHUNKTOBASE(dcList[first]->f.chunk); */ base = AFS_CHUNKTOBASE(first + minj); /* * * take a list of dcache structs and send them all off to the server * the list must be in order, and the chunks contiguous. * Note - there is no locking done by this code currently. For * safety's sake, xdcache could be locked over the entire call. * However, that pretty well ties up all the threads. Meantime, all * the chunks _MUST_ have their refcounts bumped. * The writes done before a store back will clear setuid-ness * in cache file. * We can permit CacheStoreProc to wake up the user process IFF we * are doing the last RPC for this close, ie, storing back the last * set of contiguous chunks of a file. */ nchunks = 1 + j - first; nomore = !(moredata || (j != high)); length = lmin(avc->f.m.Length, avc->f.truncPos); afs_Trace4(afs_iclSetp, CM_TRACE_STOREDATA64, ICL_TYPE_FID, &avc->f.fid.Fid, ICL_TYPE_OFFSET, ICL_HANDLE_OFFSET(base), ICL_TYPE_OFFSET, ICL_HANDLE_OFFSET(bytes), ICL_TYPE_OFFSET, ICL_HANDLE_OFFSET(length)); do { tc = afs_Conn(&avc->f.fid, areq, 0); #ifdef AFS_64BIT_CLIENT restart: #endif code = rxfs_storeInit(avc, tc, base, bytes, length, sync, &ops, &rock); if ( !code ) { code = afs_CacheStoreDCaches(avc, dclist, bytes, anewDV, &doProcessFS, &OutStatus, nchunks, nomore, ops, rock); } #ifdef AFS_64BIT_CLIENT if (code == RXGEN_OPCODE && !afs_serverHasNo64Bit(tc)) { afs_serverSetNo64Bit(tc); goto restart; } #endif /* AFS_64BIT_CLIENT */ } while (afs_Analyze (tc, code, &avc->f.fid, areq, AFS_STATS_FS_RPCIDX_STOREDATA, SHARED_LOCK, NULL)); /* put back all remaining locked dcache entries */ for (i = 0; i < nchunks; i++) { struct dcache *tdc = dclist[i]; if (!code) { if (afs_indexFlags[tdc->index] & IFDataMod) { /* * LOCKXXX -- should hold afs_xdcache(W) when * modifying afs_indexFlags. */ afs_indexFlags[tdc->index] &= ~IFDataMod; afs_stats_cmperf.cacheCurrDirtyChunks--; afs_indexFlags[tdc->index] &= ~IFDirtyPages; if (sync & AFS_VMSYNC_INVAL) { /* since we have invalidated all the pages of this ** vnode by calling osi_VM_TryToSmush, we can ** safely mark this dcache entry as not having ** any pages. This vnode now becomes eligible for ** reclamation by getDownD. */ afs_indexFlags[tdc->index] &= ~IFAnyPages; } } } UpgradeSToWLock(&tdc->lock, 628); tdc->f.states &= ~DWriting; /* correct? */ tdc->dflags |= DFEntryMod; ReleaseWriteLock(&tdc->lock); afs_PutDCache(tdc); /* Mark the entry as released */ dclist[i] = NULL; } if (doProcessFS) { /* Now copy out return params */ UpgradeSToWLock(&avc->lock, 28); /* keep out others for a while */ afs_ProcessFS(avc, &OutStatus, areq); /* Keep last (max) size of file on server to see if * we need to call afs_StoreMini to extend the file. */ if (!moredata) *amaxStoredLength = OutStatus.Length; ConvertWToSLock(&avc->lock); doProcessFS = 0; } if (code) { for (j++; j <= high; j++) { if (dcList[j]) { ReleaseSharedLock(&(dcList[j]->lock)); afs_PutDCache(dcList[j]); /* Releasing entry */ dcList[j] = NULL; } } } afs_Trace2(afs_iclSetp, CM_TRACE_STOREALLDCDONE, ICL_TYPE_POINTER, avc, ICL_TYPE_INT32, code); bytes = 0; } } return code; } /* rock and operations for RX_FILESERVER */ struct rxfs_fetchVariables { struct rx_call *call; char *tbuffer; struct iovec *iov; afs_int32 nio; afs_int32 hasNo64bit; afs_int32 iovno; afs_int32 iovmax; }; afs_int32 rxfs_fetchUfsRead(void *r, afs_uint32 size, afs_uint32 *bytesread) { afs_int32 code; afs_uint32 tlen; struct rxfs_fetchVariables *v = (struct rxfs_fetchVariables *)r; *bytesread = 0; tlen = (size > AFS_LRALLOCSIZ ? AFS_LRALLOCSIZ : size); RX_AFS_GUNLOCK(); code = rx_Read(v->call, v->tbuffer, tlen); RX_AFS_GLOCK(); if (code <= 0) return -34; *bytesread = code; return 0; } afs_int32 rxfs_fetchMemRead(void *r, afs_uint32 tlen, afs_uint32 *bytesread) { afs_int32 code; struct rxfs_fetchVariables *v = (struct rxfs_fetchVariables *)r; *bytesread = 0; RX_AFS_GUNLOCK(); code = rx_Readv(v->call, v->iov, &v->nio, RX_MAXIOVECS, tlen); RX_AFS_GLOCK(); if (code <= 0) return -34; *bytesread = code; return 0; } afs_int32 rxfs_fetchMemWrite(void *r, struct osi_file *fP, afs_uint32 offset, afs_uint32 tlen, afs_uint32 *byteswritten) { afs_int32 code; struct rxfs_fetchVariables *v = (struct rxfs_fetchVariables *)r; struct memCacheEntry *mceP = (struct memCacheEntry *)fP; code = afs_MemWritevBlk(mceP, offset, v->iov, v->nio, tlen); if (code != tlen) { return EIO; } *byteswritten = code; return 0; } afs_int32 rxfs_fetchUfsWrite(void *r, struct osi_file *fP, afs_uint32 offset, afs_uint32 tlen, afs_uint32 *byteswritten) { afs_int32 code; struct rxfs_fetchVariables *v = (struct rxfs_fetchVariables *)r; code = afs_osi_Write(fP, -1, v->tbuffer, tlen); if (code != tlen) { return EIO; } *byteswritten = code; return 0; } afs_int32 rxfs_fetchClose(void *r, struct vcache *avc, struct dcache * adc, struct afs_FetchOutput *o) { afs_int32 code, code1 = 0; struct rxfs_fetchVariables *v = (struct rxfs_fetchVariables *)r; if (!v->call) return -1; RX_AFS_GUNLOCK(); #ifdef AFS_64BIT_CLIENT if (!v->hasNo64bit) code = EndRXAFS_FetchData64(v->call, &o->OutStatus, &o->CallBack, &o->tsync); else #endif code = EndRXAFS_FetchData(v->call, &o->OutStatus, &o->CallBack, &o->tsync); code1 = rx_EndCall(v->call, code); RX_AFS_GLOCK(); if (!code && code1) code = code1; v->call = NULL; return code; } afs_int32 rxfs_fetchDestroy(void **r, afs_int32 error) { afs_int32 code = error; struct rxfs_fetchVariables *v = (struct rxfs_fetchVariables *)*r; *r = NULL; if (v->call) { RX_AFS_GUNLOCK(); code = rx_EndCall(v->call, error); RX_AFS_GLOCK(); if (error) code = error; } if (v->tbuffer) osi_FreeLargeSpace(v->tbuffer); if (v->iov) osi_FreeSmallSpace(v->iov); osi_FreeSmallSpace(v); return code; } afs_int32 rxfs_fetchMore(void *r, afs_int32 *length, afs_uint32 *moredata) { afs_int32 code; struct rxfs_fetchVariables *v = (struct rxfs_fetchVariables *)r; /* * The fetch protocol is extended for the AFS/DFS translator * to allow multiple blocks of data, each with its own length, * to be returned. As long as the top bit is set, there are more * blocks expected. * * We do not do this for AFS file servers because they sometimes * return large negative numbers as the transfer size. */ if (*moredata) { RX_AFS_GUNLOCK(); code = rx_Read(v->call, (void *)length, sizeof(afs_int32)); RX_AFS_GLOCK(); *length = ntohl(*length); if (code != sizeof(afs_int32)) { code = rx_Error(v->call); *moredata = 0; return (code ? code : -1); /* try to return code, not -1 */ } } *moredata = *length & 0x80000000; *length &= ~0x80000000; return 0; } static struct fetchOps rxfs_fetchUfsOps = { rxfs_fetchMore, rxfs_fetchUfsRead, rxfs_fetchUfsWrite, rxfs_fetchClose, rxfs_fetchDestroy }; static struct fetchOps rxfs_fetchMemOps = { rxfs_fetchMore, rxfs_fetchMemRead, rxfs_fetchMemWrite, rxfs_fetchClose, rxfs_fetchDestroy }; afs_int32 rxfs_fetchInit(struct afs_conn *tc, struct vcache *avc, afs_offs_t base, afs_uint32 size, afs_int32 *alength, struct dcache *adc, struct osi_file *fP, struct fetchOps **ops, void **rock) { struct rxfs_fetchVariables *v; int code = 0, code1 = 0; #ifdef AFS_64BIT_CLIENT afs_uint32 length_hi = 0; #endif afs_uint32 length, bytes; v = (struct rxfs_fetchVariables *) osi_AllocSmallSpace(sizeof(struct rxfs_fetchVariables)); if (!v) osi_Panic("rxfs_fetchInit: osi_AllocSmallSpace returned NULL\n"); memset(v, 0, sizeof(struct rxfs_fetchVariables)); RX_AFS_GUNLOCK(); v->call = rx_NewCall(tc->id); RX_AFS_GLOCK(); if (v->call) { #ifdef AFS_64BIT_CLIENT afs_size_t length64; /* as returned from server */ if (!afs_serverHasNo64Bit(tc)) { afs_uint64 llbytes = size; RX_AFS_GUNLOCK(); code = StartRXAFS_FetchData64(v->call, (struct AFSFid *) &avc->f.fid.Fid, base, llbytes); if (code != 0) { RX_AFS_GLOCK(); afs_Trace2(afs_iclSetp, CM_TRACE_FETCH64CODE, ICL_TYPE_POINTER, avc, ICL_TYPE_INT32, code); } else { bytes = rx_Read(v->call, (char *)&length_hi, sizeof(afs_int32)); RX_AFS_GLOCK(); if (bytes == sizeof(afs_int32)) { length_hi = ntohl(length_hi); } else { code = rx_Error(v->call); RX_AFS_GUNLOCK(); code1 = rx_EndCall(v->call, code); RX_AFS_GLOCK(); v->call = NULL; } } } if (code == RXGEN_OPCODE || afs_serverHasNo64Bit(tc)) { if (base > 0x7FFFFFFF) { code = EFBIG; } else { afs_uint32 pos; pos = base; RX_AFS_GUNLOCK(); if (!v->call) v->call = rx_NewCall(tc->id); code = StartRXAFS_FetchData( v->call, (struct AFSFid*)&avc->f.fid.Fid, pos, size); RX_AFS_GLOCK(); } afs_serverSetNo64Bit(tc); } if (!code) { RX_AFS_GUNLOCK(); bytes = rx_Read(v->call, (char *)&length, sizeof(afs_int32)); RX_AFS_GLOCK(); if (bytes == sizeof(afs_int32)) length = ntohl(length); else { RX_AFS_GUNLOCK(); code = rx_Error(v->call); code1 = rx_EndCall(v->call, code); v->call = NULL; RX_AFS_GLOCK(); } } FillInt64(length64, length_hi, length); afs_Trace3(afs_iclSetp, CM_TRACE_FETCH64LENG, ICL_TYPE_POINTER, avc, ICL_TYPE_INT32, code, ICL_TYPE_OFFSET, ICL_HANDLE_OFFSET(length64)); *alength = length; #else /* AFS_64BIT_CLIENT */ RX_AFS_GUNLOCK(); code = StartRXAFS_FetchData(v->call, (struct AFSFid *)&avc->f.fid.Fid, base, size); RX_AFS_GLOCK(); if (code == 0) { RX_AFS_GUNLOCK(); bytes = rx_Read(v->call, (char *)&length, sizeof(afs_int32)); RX_AFS_GLOCK(); if (bytes == sizeof(afs_int32)) { *alength = ntohl(length); } else { code = rx_Error(v->call); code1 = rx_EndCall(v->call, code); v->call = NULL; } } #endif /* AFS_64BIT_CLIENT */ } else code = -1; if (*alength > size) { /* The fileserver told us it is going to send more data than we * requested. It shouldn't do that, and accepting that much data * can make us take up more cache space than we're supposed to, * so error. */ code = rx_Error(v->call); RX_AFS_GUNLOCK(); code1 = rx_EndCall(v->call, code); RX_AFS_GLOCK(); v->call = NULL; code = EIO; } if (!code && code1) code = code1; if (code) { osi_FreeSmallSpace(v); return code; } if (cacheDiskType == AFS_FCACHE_TYPE_UFS) { v->tbuffer = osi_AllocLargeSpace(AFS_LRALLOCSIZ); if (!v->tbuffer) osi_Panic("rxfs_fetchInit: osi_AllocLargeSpace for iovecs returned NULL\n"); osi_Assert(WriteLocked(&adc->lock)); fP->offset = 0; *ops = (struct fetchOps *) &rxfs_fetchUfsOps; } else { afs_Trace4(afs_iclSetp, CM_TRACE_MEMFETCH, ICL_TYPE_POINTER, avc, ICL_TYPE_POINTER, fP, ICL_TYPE_OFFSET, ICL_HANDLE_OFFSET(base), ICL_TYPE_INT32, length); /* * We need to alloc the iovecs on the heap so that they are "pinned" * rather than declare them on the stack - defect 11272 */ v->iov = osi_AllocSmallSpace(sizeof(struct iovec) * RX_MAXIOVECS); if (!v->iov) osi_Panic("rxfs_fetchInit: osi_AllocSmallSpace for iovecs returned NULL\n"); *ops = (struct fetchOps *) &rxfs_fetchMemOps; } *rock = (void *)v; return 0; } /*! * Routine called on fetch; also tells people waiting for data * that more has arrived. * * \param tc Ptr to the Rx connection structure. * \param fP File descriptor for the cache file. * \param base Base offset to fetch. * \param adc Ptr to the dcache entry for the file, write-locked. * \param avc Ptr to the vcache entry for the file. * \param size Amount of data that should be fetched. * \param tsmall Ptr to the afs_FetchOutput structure. * * \note Environment: Nothing interesting. */ int afs_CacheFetchProc(struct afs_conn *tc, struct osi_file *fP, afs_size_t base, struct dcache *adc, struct vcache *avc, afs_int32 size, struct afs_FetchOutput *tsmall) { afs_int32 code; afs_int32 length; afs_uint32 bytesread, byteswritten; struct fetchOps *ops = NULL; void *rock = NULL; afs_uint32 moredata = 0; int offset = 0; XSTATS_DECLS; #ifndef AFS_NOSTATS osi_timeval_t xferStartTime; /*FS xfer start time */ afs_size_t bytesToXfer = 0, bytesXferred = 0; #endif AFS_STATCNT(CacheFetchProc); XSTATS_START_TIME(AFS_STATS_FS_RPCIDX_FETCHDATA); /* * Locks held: * avc->lock(R) if setLocks && !slowPass * avc->lock(W) if !setLocks || slowPass * adc->lock(W) */ code = rxfs_fetchInit( tc, avc, base, size, &length, adc, fP, &ops, &rock); #ifndef AFS_NOSTATS osi_GetuTime(&xferStartTime); #endif /* AFS_NOSTATS */ if (adc) { adc->validPos = base; } if ( !code ) do { if (avc->f.states & CForeign) { code = (*ops->more)(rock, &length, &moredata); if ( code ) break; } #ifndef AFS_NOSTATS bytesToXfer += length; #endif /* AFS_NOSTATS */ while (length > 0) { #ifdef RX_KERNEL_TRACE afs_Trace1(afs_iclSetp, CM_TRACE_TIMESTAMP, ICL_TYPE_STRING, "before rx_Read"); #endif code = (*ops->read)(rock, length, &bytesread); #ifdef RX_KERNEL_TRACE afs_Trace1(afs_iclSetp, CM_TRACE_TIMESTAMP, ICL_TYPE_STRING, "after rx_Read"); #endif #ifndef AFS_NOSTATS bytesXferred += bytesread; #endif /* AFS_NOSTATS */ if ( code ) { afs_Trace3(afs_iclSetp, CM_TRACE_FETCH64READ, ICL_TYPE_POINTER, avc, ICL_TYPE_INT32, code, ICL_TYPE_INT32, length); code = -34; break; } code = (*ops->write)(rock, fP, offset, bytesread, &byteswritten); if ( code ) break; offset += bytesread; base += bytesread; length -= bytesread; adc->validPos = base; if (afs_osi_Wakeup(&adc->validPos) == 0) afs_Trace4(afs_iclSetp, CM_TRACE_DCACHEWAKE, ICL_TYPE_STRING, __FILE__, ICL_TYPE_INT32, __LINE__, ICL_TYPE_POINTER, adc, ICL_TYPE_INT32, adc->dflags); } code = 0; } while (moredata); if (!code) code = (*ops->close)(rock, avc, adc, tsmall); if (ops) (*ops->destroy)(&rock, code); #ifndef AFS_NOSTATS FillStoreStats(code, AFS_STATS_FS_XFERIDX_FETCHDATA, &xferStartTime, bytesToXfer, bytesXferred); #endif XSTATS_END_TIME; return code; }