/* * Copyright 2000, International Business Machines Corporation and others. * All Rights Reserved. * * This software has been released under the terms of the IBM Public * License. For details, see the LICENSE file in the top-level source * directory or online at http://www.openafs.org/dl/license10.html */ #include #include "afs/param.h" #if !defined(AFS_NONFSTRANS) || defined(AFS_AIX_IAUTH_ENV) #include "afs/sysincludes.h" /* Standard vendor system headers */ #include "afsincludes.h" /* Afs-based standard headers */ #include "afs/afs_stats.h" /* statistics */ #include "afs/nfsclient.h" #include "rx/rx_globals.h" #include "afs/pagcb.h" void afs_nfsclient_hold(), afs_PutNfsClientPag(), afs_nfsclient_GC(); static void afs_nfsclient_getcreds(); int afs_nfsclient_sysname(), afs_nfsclient_stats(), afs_nfsclient_checkhost(); afs_uint32 afs_nfsclient_gethost(); #ifdef AFS_AIX_IAUTH_ENV int afs_allnfsreqs, afs_nfscalls; #endif /* routines exported to the "AFS exporter" layer */ struct exporterops nfs_exportops = { afs_nfsclient_reqhandler, afs_nfsclient_hold, afs_PutNfsClientPag, /* Used to be afs_nfsclient_rele */ afs_nfsclient_sysname, afs_nfsclient_GC, afs_nfsclient_stats, afs_nfsclient_checkhost, afs_nfsclient_gethost }; struct nfsclientpag *afs_nfspags[NNFSCLIENTS]; afs_lock_t afs_xnfspag /*, afs_xnfsreq */ ; extern struct afs_exporter *afs_nfsexporter; /* Creates an nfsclientpag structure for the (uid, host) pair if one doesn't * exist. RefCount is incremented and it's time stamped. */ static struct nfsclientpag * afs_GetNfsClientPag(afs_int32 uid, afs_uint32 host) { struct nfsclientpag *np; afs_int32 i, now; #if defined(AFS_SGIMP_ENV) osi_Assert(ISAFS_GLOCK()); #endif AFS_STATCNT(afs_GetNfsClientPag); i = NHash(host); now = osi_Time(); ObtainWriteLock(&afs_xnfspag, 314); for (np = afs_nfspags[i]; np; np = np->next) { if (np->uid == uid && np->host == host) { np->refCount++; np->lastcall = now; ReleaseWriteLock(&afs_xnfspag); return np; } } /* next try looking for NOPAG dude, if we didn't find an exact match */ for (np = afs_nfspags[i]; np; np = np->next) { if (np->uid == NOPAG && np->host == host) { np->refCount++; np->lastcall = now; ReleaseWriteLock(&afs_xnfspag); return np; } } np = (struct nfsclientpag *)afs_osi_Alloc(sizeof(struct nfsclientpag)); memset(np, 0, sizeof(struct nfsclientpag)); /* Copy the necessary afs_exporter fields */ memcpy((char *)np, (char *)afs_nfsexporter, sizeof(struct afs_exporter)); np->next = afs_nfspags[i]; afs_nfspags[i] = np; np->uid = uid; np->host = host; np->refCount = 1; np->lastcall = now; ReleaseWriteLock(&afs_xnfspag); return np; } /* Decrement refCount; must always match a previous afs_FindNfsClientPag/afs_GetNfsClientPag call . It's also called whenever a unixuser structure belonging to the remote user associated with the nfsclientpag structure, np, is garbage collected. */ void afs_PutNfsClientPag(np) struct nfsclientpag *np; { #if defined(AFS_SGIMP_ENV) osi_Assert(ISAFS_GLOCK()); #endif AFS_STATCNT(afs_PutNfsClientPag); --np->refCount; } /* Return the nfsclientpag structure associated with the (uid, host) or * {pag, host} pair, if pag is nonzero. RefCount is incremented and it's * time stamped. */ static struct nfsclientpag * afs_FindNfsClientPag(afs_int32 uid, afs_uint32 host, afs_int32 pag) { struct nfsclientpag *np; afs_int32 i; #if defined(AFS_SGIMP_ENV) osi_Assert(ISAFS_GLOCK()); #endif AFS_STATCNT(afs_FindNfsClientPag); i = NHash(host); ObtainWriteLock(&afs_xnfspag, 315); for (np = afs_nfspags[i]; np; np = np->next) { if (np->host == host) { if ((pag && pag == np->pag) || (!pag && (uid == np->uid))) { np->refCount++; np->lastcall = osi_Time(); ReleaseWriteLock(&afs_xnfspag); return np; } } } /* still not there, try looking for a wildcard dude */ for (np = afs_nfspags[i]; np; np = np->next) { if (np->host == host) { if (np->uid == NOPAG) { np->refCount++; np->lastcall = osi_Time(); ReleaseWriteLock(&afs_xnfspag); return np; } } } ReleaseWriteLock(&afs_xnfspag); return NULL; } /* routine to initialize the exporter, made global so we can call it * from pioctl calls. */ struct afs_exporter *afs_nfsexported = 0; static afs_int32 init_nfsexporter = 0; void afs_nfsclient_init(void) { #if defined(AFS_SGIMP_ENV) osi_Assert(ISAFS_GLOCK()); #endif if (!init_nfsexporter) { extern struct afs_exporter *exporter_add(); init_nfsexporter = 1; LOCK_INIT(&afs_xnfspag, "afs_xnfspag"); afs_nfsexported = exporter_add(0, &nfs_exportops, EXP_EXPORTED, EXP_NFS, NULL); } } /* Main handler routine for the NFS exporter. It's called in the early * phases of any remote call (via the NFS server or pioctl). */ int afs_nfsclient_reqhandler(struct afs_exporter *exporter, afs_ucred_t **cred, afs_uint32 host, afs_int32 *pagparam, struct afs_exporter **outexporter) { struct nfsclientpag *np, *tnp; extern struct unixuser *afs_FindUser(), *afs_GetUser(); struct unixuser *au = 0; afs_int32 uid, pag, code = 0; AFS_ASSERT_GLOCK(); AFS_STATCNT(afs_nfsclient_reqhandler); if (!afs_nfsexporter) afs_nfsexporter = afs_nfsexported; afs_nfsexporter->exp_stats.calls++; if (!(afs_nfsexporter->exp_states & EXP_EXPORTED)) { /* No afs requests accepted as long as EXPORTED flag is turned 'off'. * Set/Reset via a pioctl call (fs exportafs). Note that this is on * top of the /etc/exports nfs requirement (i.e. /afs must be * exported to all or whomever there too!) */ afs_nfsexporter->exp_stats.rejectedcalls++; return EINVAL; } /* ObtainWriteLock(&afs_xnfsreq); */ pag = PagInCred(*cred); #if defined(AFS_SUN510_ENV) uid = crgetuid(*cred); #else uid = afs_cr_uid(*cred); #endif /* Do this early, so pag management knows */ afs_set_cr_rgid(*cred, NFSXLATOR_CRED); /* Identify it as nfs xlator call */ if ((afs_nfsexporter->exp_states & EXP_CLIPAGS) && pag != NOPAG) { uid = pag; } else if (pag != NOPAG) { /* Do some minimal pag verification */ if (pag > getpag()) { pag = NOPAG; /* treat it as not paged since couldn't be good */ } else { if ((au = afs_FindUser(pag, -1, READ_LOCK))) { if (!au->exporter) { pag = NOPAG; afs_PutUser(au, READ_LOCK); au = NULL; } } else pag = NOPAG; /* No unixuser struct so pag not trusted */ } } np = afs_FindNfsClientPag(uid, host, 0); afs_Trace4(afs_iclSetp, CM_TRACE_NFSREQH, ICL_TYPE_INT32, pag, ICL_TYPE_LONG, afs_cr_uid(*cred), ICL_TYPE_INT32, host, ICL_TYPE_POINTER, np); /* If remote-pags are enabled, we are no longer interested in what PAG * they claimed, and from here on we should behave as if they claimed * none at all, which is to say we use the (local) pag named in the * nfsclientpag structure (if any). This is deferred until here so * that we can log the PAG they claimed. */ if ((afs_nfsexporter->exp_states & EXP_CLIPAGS)) pag = NOPAG; if (!np) { /* Even if there is a "good" pag coming in we don't accept it if no * nfsclientpag struct exists for the user since that would mean * that the translator rebooted and therefore we ignore all older * pag values */ if ((code = setpag(cred, -1, &pag, 0))) { if (au) afs_PutUser(au, READ_LOCK); /* ReleaseWriteLock(&afs_xnfsreq); */ #if defined(KERNEL_HAVE_UERROR) setuerror(code); #endif return (code); } np = afs_GetNfsClientPag(uid, host); np->pag = pag; np->client_uid = afs_cr_uid(*cred); } else { if (pag == NOPAG) { if ((code = setpag(cred, np->pag, &pag, 0))) { afs_PutNfsClientPag(np); /* ReleaseWriteLock(&afs_xnfsreq); */ #if defined(KERNEL_HAVE_UERROR) setuerror(code); #endif return (code); } } else if (au->exporter && ((struct afs_exporter *)np != au->exporter)) { tnp = (struct nfsclientpag *)au->exporter; if (tnp->uid && (tnp->uid != (afs_int32) - 2)) { /* allow "root" initiators */ /* Pag doesn't belong to caller; treat it as an unpaged call too */ if ((code = setpag(cred, np->pag, &pag, 0))) { afs_PutNfsClientPag(np); afs_PutUser(au, READ_LOCK); /* ReleaseWriteLock(&afs_xnfsreq); */ #if defined(KERNEL_HAVE_UERROR) setuerror(code); #endif return (code); } afs_nfsexporter->exp_stats.invalidpag++; } } } if (au) afs_PutUser(au, READ_LOCK); au = afs_GetUser(pag, -1, WRITE_LOCK); if (!(au->exporter)) { /* Created new unixuser struct */ np->refCount++; /* so it won't disappear */ au->exporter = (struct afs_exporter *)np; if ((afs_nfsexporter->exp_states & EXP_CALLBACK)) afs_nfsclient_getcreds(au); } else while (au->states & UNFSGetCreds) { afs_osi_Sleep((void *)au); } *pagparam = pag; *outexporter = (struct afs_exporter *)np; afs_PutUser(au, WRITE_LOCK); /* ReleaseWriteLock(&afs_xnfsreq); */ return 0; } void afs_nfsclient_getcreds(struct unixuser *au) { struct nfsclientpag *np = (struct nfsclientpag *)(au->exporter); struct rx_securityClass *csec; struct rx_connection *tconn; struct tokenUnion *tokenPtr; struct rkxadToken *token; SysNameList tsysnames; CredInfos tcreds; CredInfo *tcred; struct unixuser *tu; struct cell *tcell; int code, i, cellnum; au->states |= UNFSGetCreds; memset(&tcreds, 0, sizeof(tcreds)); memset(&tsysnames, 0, sizeof(tsysnames)); /* Get a connection */ /* This sucks a little. We should cache the connections or something. * But at this point I don't yet think it's worth the effort. */ csec = rxnull_NewClientSecurityObject(); AFS_GUNLOCK(); tconn = rx_NewConnection(np->host, htons(7001), PAGCB_SERVICEID, csec, 0); AFS_GLOCK(); /* Get the sysname, if needed */ if (!np->sysnamecount) { AFS_GUNLOCK(); code = PAGCB_GetSysName(tconn, np->uid, &tsysnames); AFS_GLOCK(); if (code || tsysnames.SysNameList_len <= 0 || tsysnames.SysNameList_len > MAXNUMSYSNAMES) goto done; for(i = 0; i < np->sysnamecount; i++) afs_osi_Free(np->sysname[i], MAXSYSNAME); np->sysnamecount = tsysnames.SysNameList_len; for(i = 0; i < np->sysnamecount; i++) np->sysname[i] = tsysnames.SysNameList_val[i].sysname; afs_osi_Free(tsysnames.SysNameList_val, tsysnames.SysNameList_len * sizeof(SysNameEnt)); } /* Get credentials */ AFS_GUNLOCK(); code = PAGCB_GetCreds(tconn, np->uid, &tcreds); AFS_GLOCK(); if (code) goto done; /* Now, set the credentials they gave us... */ for (i = 0; i < tcreds.CredInfos_len; i++) { tcred = &tcreds.CredInfos_val[i]; /* Find the cell. If it is unknown to us, punt this entry. */ tcell = afs_GetCellByName(tcred->cellname, READ_LOCK); afs_osi_Free(tcred->cellname, strlen(tcred->cellname) + 1); if (!tcell) { memset(tcred->ct.HandShakeKey, 0, 8); memset(tcred->st.st_val, 0, tcred->st.st_len); afs_osi_Free(tcred->st.st_val, tcred->st.st_len); continue; } cellnum = tcell->cellNum; afs_PutCell(tcell, READ_LOCK); /* Find the appropriate unixuser. This might be the same as * the one we were passed (au), but that's OK. */ tu = afs_GetUser(np->pag, cellnum, WRITE_LOCK); if (!(tu->exporter)) { /* Created new unixuser struct */ np->refCount++; /* so it won't disappear */ tu->exporter = (struct afs_exporter *)np; } afs_FreeTokens(&tu->tokens); /* Add a new rxkad token. Using the afs_AddRxkadToken interface * would require another copy, so we do this the hard way */ tokenptr = afs_AddToken(&tu->tokens, 2); token = &tokenptr->rxkad; token->ticket = tcred->st.st_val; token->ticketLen = tcred->st.st_len; /* copy the clear token */ memset(&token->clearToken, 0, sizeof(token->clearToken)); memcpy(token->clearToken.HandShakeKey, tcred->ct.HandShakeKey, 8); memset(tcred->ct.HandShakeKey, 0, 8); token->clearToken.AuthHandle = tcred->ct.AuthHandle; token->clearToken.ViceId = tcred->ct.ViceId; token->clearToken.BeginTimestamp = tcred->ct.BeginTimestamp; token->clearToken.EndTimestamp = tcred->ct.EndTimestamp; /* Set everything else, reset connections, and move on. */ tu->viceId = tcred->vid; tu->states |= UHasTokens; tu->states &= ~UTokensBad; afs_SetPrimary(tu, !!(tcred->states & UPrimary)); tu->tokenTime = osi_Time(); afs_ResetUserConns(tu); afs_PutUser(tu, WRITE_LOCK); } afs_osi_Free(tcreds.CredInfos_val, tcreds.CredInfos_len * sizeof(CredInfo)); done: AFS_GUNLOCK(); rx_DestroyConnection(tconn); AFS_GLOCK(); au->states &= ~UNFSGetCreds; afs_osi_Wakeup((void *)au); } /* It's called whenever a new unixuser structure is created for the remote * user associated with the nfsclientpag structure, np */ void afs_nfsclient_hold(struct nfsclientpag *np) { #if defined(AFS_SGIMP_ENV) osi_Assert(ISAFS_GLOCK()); #endif AFS_STATCNT(afs_nfsclient_hold); np->refCount++; } /* check if this exporter corresponds to the specified host */ int afs_nfsclient_checkhost(struct nfsclientpag *np, afs_uint32 host) { if (np->type != EXP_NFS) return 0; return np->host == host; } /* get the host for this exporter, or 0 if there is an error */ afs_uint32 afs_nfsclient_gethost(struct nfsclientpag *np) { if (np->type != EXP_NFS) return 0; return np->host; } /* if inname is non-null, a new system name value is set for the remote * user (inname contains the new sysname). In all cases, outname returns * the current sysname value for this remote user */ int afs_nfsclient_sysname(struct nfsclientpag *np, char *inname, char ***outname, int *num, int allpags) { struct nfsclientpag *tnp; afs_int32 i; char *cp; int count, t; #if defined(AFS_SGIMP_ENV) osi_Assert(ISAFS_GLOCK()); #endif AFS_STATCNT(afs_nfsclient_sysname); if (allpags > 0) { /* update every client, not just the one making the request */ i = NHash(np->host); ObtainWriteLock(&afs_xnfspag, 315); for (tnp = afs_nfspags[i]; tnp; tnp = tnp->next) { if (tnp != np && tnp->host == np->host) afs_nfsclient_sysname(tnp, inname, outname, num, -1); } ReleaseWriteLock(&afs_xnfspag); } if (inname) { for(count=0; count < np->sysnamecount;++count) { afs_osi_Free(np->sysname[count], MAXSYSNAME); np->sysname[count] = NULL; } for(count=0; count < *num;++count) { np->sysname[count]= afs_osi_Alloc(MAXSYSNAME); } cp = inname; for(count=0; count < *num;++count) { t = strlen(cp); memcpy(np->sysname[count], cp, t+1); /* include null */ cp += t+1; } np->sysnamecount = *num; } if (allpags >= 0) { /* Don't touch our arguments when called recursively */ *outname = np->sysname; *num = np->sysnamecount; if (!np->sysname[0]) return ENODEV; /* XXX */ } return 0; } /* Garbage collect routine for the nfs exporter. When pag is -1 then all * entries are removed (used by the nfsclient_shutdown routine); else if * it's non zero then only the entry with that pag is removed, else all * "timedout" entries are removed. TimedOut entries are those who have no * "unixuser" structures associated with them (i.e. unixusercnt == 0) and * they haven't had any activity the last NFSCLIENTGC seconds */ void afs_nfsclient_GC(struct afs_exporter *exporter, afs_int32 pag) { struct nfsclientpag *np, **tnp, *nnp; afs_int32 i, delflag; int count; #if defined(AFS_SGIMP_ENV) osi_Assert(ISAFS_GLOCK()); #endif AFS_STATCNT(afs_nfsclient_GC); ObtainWriteLock(&afs_xnfspag, 316); for (i = 0; i < NNFSCLIENTS; i++) { for (tnp = &afs_nfspags[i], np = *tnp; np; np = nnp) { nnp = np->next; delflag = 0; if (np->refCount == 0 && np->lastcall < osi_Time() - NFSCLIENTGC) delflag = 1; if ((pag == -1) || (!pag && delflag) || (pag && (np->refCount == 0) && (np->pag == pag))) { *tnp = np->next; for(count=0; count < np->sysnamecount;++count) { afs_osi_Free(np->sysname[count], MAXSYSNAME); } afs_osi_Free(np, sizeof(struct nfsclientpag)); } else { tnp = &np->next; } } } ReleaseWriteLock(&afs_xnfspag); } int afs_nfsclient_stats(struct afs_exporter *export) { /* Nothing much to do here yet since most important stats are collected * directly in the afs_exporter structure itself */ AFS_STATCNT(afs_nfsclient_stats); return 0; } #ifdef AFS_AIX41_ENV /* This is exposed so that vop_fid can test it, even if iauth is not * installed. */ extern int afs_iauth_initd; #endif #ifdef AFS_AIX_IAUTH_ENV char *afs_nfs_id = "AFSNFSTRANS"; /* afs_iauth_verify is the AFS authenticator for NFS. * * always returns 0. */ int afs_iauth_verify(long id, fsid_t * fsidp, long host, int uid, afs_ucred_t *credp, struct exportinfo *exp) { int code; struct nfsclientpag *nfs_pag; afs_int32 dummypag; struct afs_exporter *outexporter = 0; /* Still needs basic test to see if exporter is on. And need to check the * whole no submounts bit. */ if (id != (long)id) return 0; /* not us. */ /* Only care if it's AFS */ if ((fsidp->val[0] != AFS_VFSMAGIC) || (fsidp->val[1] != AFS_VFSFSID)) { return 0; } AFS_GLOCK(); code = afs_nfsclient_reqhandler((struct afs_exporter *)0, &credp, host, &dummypag, &outexporter); if (!code && outexporter) EXP_RELE(outexporter); if (code) { /* ensure anonymous cred. */ afs_set_cr_uid(credp, (uid_t) -2; /* anonymous */ afs_set_cr_ruid(credp, (uid_t) -2; } /* Mark this thread as an NFS translator thread. */ afs_set_cr_rgid(credp, NFSXLATOR_CRED); AFS_GUNLOCK(); return 0; } /* afs_iauth_register - register the iauth verify routine. Returns 0 on success * and -1 on failure. Can fail because DFS has already registered. */ int afs_iauth_register(void) { if (nfs_iauth_register((unsigned long)afs_nfs_id, afs_iauth_verify)) return -1; else { afs_iauth_initd = 1; return 0; } } /* afs_iauth_unregister - unregister the iauth verify routine. Called on shutdown. */ void afs_iauth_unregister(void) { if (afs_iauth_initd) nfs_iauth_unregister((unsigned long)afs_nfs_id); afs_iauth_initd = 0; } #endif /* AFS_AIX_IAUTH_ENV */ void shutdown_nfsclnt(void) { #if defined(AFS_SGIMP_ENV) osi_Assert(ISAFS_GLOCK()); #endif AFS_STATCNT(afs_nfsclient_shutdown); #ifdef AFS_AIX_IAUTH_ENV afs_iauth_register(); #endif afs_nfsclient_GC(afs_nfsexporter, -1); init_nfsexporter = 0; } #endif /* AFS_NONFSTRANS */