/* * Copyright 2000, International Business Machines Corporation and others. * All Rights Reserved. * * This software has been released under the terms of the IBM Public * License. For details, see the LICENSE file in the top-level source * directory or online at http://www.openafs.org/dl/license10.html */ #include #include "afs/param.h" #include "afs/sysincludes.h" /* Standard vendor system headers */ #include "afsincludes.h" /* Afs-based standard headers */ #include "afs/afs_stats.h" /* afs statistics */ #ifdef AFS_AIX41_ENV #include "sys/lockl.h" #include "sys/sleep.h" #include "sys/syspest.h" #include "sys/lock_def.h" #endif #ifndef AFS_PRIVATE_OSI_ALLOCSPACES afs_lock_t osi_fsplock; afs_lock_t osi_flplock; static struct osi_packet { struct osi_packet *next; } *freePacketList = NULL, *freeSmallList = NULL; #endif /* AFS_PRIVATE_OSI_ALLOCSPACES */ static char memZero; /* address of 0 bytes for kmem_alloc */ #if !defined(AFS_NBSD_ENV) || defined(AFS_NBSD50_ENV) void * afs_osi_Alloc(size_t size) { AFS_STATCNT(osi_Alloc); /* 0-length allocs may return NULL ptr from AFS_KALLOC, so we special-case * things so that NULL returned iff an error occurred */ if (size == 0) return &memZero; AFS_STATS(afs_stats_cmperf.OutStandingAllocs++); AFS_STATS(afs_stats_cmperf.OutStandingMemUsage += size); #ifdef AFS_LINUX20_ENV return osi_linux_alloc(size, 1); #elif defined(AFS_FBSD_ENV) return osi_fbsd_alloc(size, 1); #else return AFS_KALLOC(size); #endif } void afs_osi_Free(void *x, size_t asize) { AFS_STATCNT(osi_Free); if (x == &memZero) return; /* check for putting memZero back */ AFS_STATS(afs_stats_cmperf.OutStandingAllocs--); AFS_STATS(afs_stats_cmperf.OutStandingMemUsage -= asize); #if defined(AFS_LINUX20_ENV) osi_linux_free(x); #elif defined(AFS_FBSD_ENV) osi_fbsd_free(x); #else AFS_KFREE(x, asize); #endif } void afs_osi_FreeStr(char *x) { afs_osi_Free(x, strlen(x) + 1); } #endif /* !AFS_NBSD_ENV && !defined(AFS_NBSD50_ENV) */ #ifndef AFS_PRIVATE_OSI_ALLOCSPACES /* free space allocated by AllocLargeSpace. Also called by mclput when freeing * a packet allocated by osi_NetReceive. */ void osi_FreeLargeSpace(void *adata) { AFS_ASSERT_GLOCK(); AFS_STATCNT(osi_FreeLargeSpace); afs_stats_cmperf.LargeBlocksActive--; ObtainWriteLock(&osi_flplock, 322); ((struct osi_packet *)adata)->next = freePacketList; freePacketList = adata; ReleaseWriteLock(&osi_flplock); } void osi_FreeSmallSpace(void *adata) { AFS_ASSERT_GLOCK(); AFS_STATCNT(osi_FreeSmallSpace); afs_stats_cmperf.SmallBlocksActive--; ObtainWriteLock(&osi_fsplock, 323); ((struct osi_packet *)adata)->next = freeSmallList; freeSmallList = adata; ReleaseWriteLock(&osi_fsplock); } /* allocate space for sender */ void * osi_AllocLargeSpace(size_t size) { struct osi_packet *tp; AFS_ASSERT_GLOCK(); AFS_STATCNT(osi_AllocLargeSpace); if (size > AFS_LRALLOCSIZ) osi_Panic("osi_AllocLargeSpace: size=%d\n", (int)size); afs_stats_cmperf.LargeBlocksActive++; if (!freePacketList) { char *p; afs_stats_cmperf.LargeBlocksAlloced++; p = afs_osi_Alloc(AFS_LRALLOCSIZ); #ifdef KERNEL_HAVE_PIN /* * Need to pin this memory since under heavy conditions this memory * could be swapped out; the problem is that we could inside rx where * interrupts are disabled and thus we would panic if we don't pin it. */ pin(p, AFS_LRALLOCSIZ); #endif return p; } ObtainWriteLock(&osi_flplock, 324); tp = freePacketList; if (tp) freePacketList = tp->next; ReleaseWriteLock(&osi_flplock); return (char *)tp; } /* allocate space for sender */ void * osi_AllocSmallSpace(size_t size) { struct osi_packet *tp; AFS_STATCNT(osi_AllocSmallSpace); if (size > AFS_SMALLOCSIZ) osi_Panic("osi_AllocSmallS: size=%d\n", (int)size); if (!freeSmallList) { afs_stats_cmperf.SmallBlocksAlloced++; afs_stats_cmperf.SmallBlocksActive++; tp = afs_osi_Alloc(AFS_SMALLOCSIZ); #ifdef KERNEL_HAVE_PIN pin((char *)tp, AFS_SMALLOCSIZ); #endif return (char *)tp; } afs_stats_cmperf.SmallBlocksActive++; ObtainWriteLock(&osi_fsplock, 327); tp = freeSmallList; if (tp) freeSmallList = tp->next; ReleaseWriteLock(&osi_fsplock); return (char *)tp; } #endif /* AFS_PRIVATE_OSI_ALLOCSPACES */ void shutdown_osinet(void) { AFS_STATCNT(shutdown_osinet); #ifndef AFS_PRIVATE_OSI_ALLOCSPACES if (afs_cold_shutdown) { struct osi_packet *tp; while ((tp = freePacketList)) { freePacketList = tp->next; afs_osi_Free(tp, AFS_LRALLOCSIZ); #ifdef KERNEL_HAVE_PIN unpin(tp, AFS_LRALLOCSIZ); #endif } while ((tp = freeSmallList)) { freeSmallList = tp->next; afs_osi_Free(tp, AFS_SMALLOCSIZ); #ifdef KERNEL_HAVE_PIN unpin(tp, AFS_SMALLOCSIZ); #endif } LOCK_INIT(&osi_fsplock, "osi_fsplock"); LOCK_INIT(&osi_flplock, "osi_flplock"); } #endif /* AFS_PRIVATE_OSI_ALLOCSPACES */ if (afs_stats_cmperf.LargeBlocksActive || afs_stats_cmperf.SmallBlocksActive) { afs_warn("WARNING: not all blocks freed: large %d small %d\n", afs_stats_cmperf.LargeBlocksActive, afs_stats_cmperf.SmallBlocksActive); } }