/* * Copyright 2000, International Business Machines Corporation and others. * All Rights Reserved. * * This software has been released under the terms of the IBM Public * License. For details, see the LICENSE file in the top-level source * directory or online at http://www.openafs.org/dl/license10.html */ #ifndef _AFS_PROTOTYPES_H_ #define _AFS_PROTOTYPES_H_ /* afs_analyze.c */ extern int afs_Analyze(register struct afs_conn *aconn, afs_int32 acode, struct VenusFid *afid, register struct vrequest *areq, int op, afs_int32 locktype, struct cell *cellp); /* afs_axscache.c */ extern afs_rwlock_t afs_xaxs; extern struct axscache *afs_SlowFindAxs(struct axscache **cachep, afs_int32 id); extern struct axscache *axs_Alloc(void); extern void afs_RemoveAxs(struct axscache **headp, struct axscache *axsp); extern void afs_FreeAllAxs(struct axscache **headp); /* afs_buffer.c */ extern void DInit(int abuffers); extern void *DRead(register struct dcache * fid, register int page); extern void DRelease(register struct buffer *bp, int flag); extern int DVOffset(register void *ap); extern void DZap(struct dcache * fid); extern void DFlush(void); extern void DFlushDCache(struct dcache *); extern void *DNew(register struct dcache * fid, register int page); extern void shutdown_bufferpackage(void); /* afs_call.c */ extern int afs_cold_shutdown; extern afs_int32 afs_setTime; extern char afs_rootVolumeName[64]; extern void afs_shutdown(void); extern void afs_FlushCBs(void); extern int afs_CheckInit(void); extern void afs_shutdown(void); extern void shutdown_afstest(void); extern void afs_shutdown_BKG(void); extern int afs_syscall_call(long parm, long parm2, long parm3, long parm4, long parm5, long parm6); /* afs_callback.c */ extern afs_int32 afs_allCBs; extern afs_int32 afs_oddCBs; extern afs_int32 afs_evenCBs; extern afs_int32 afs_allZaps; extern afs_int32 afs_oddZaps; extern afs_int32 afs_evenZaps; extern afs_int32 afs_connectBacks; extern unsigned long lastCallBack_vnode; extern unsigned int lastCallBack_dv; extern osi_timeval_t lastCallBack_time; extern struct interfaceAddr afs_cb_interface; extern int afs_RXCallBackServer(void); extern int SRXAFSCB_GetCE(struct rx_call *a_call, afs_int32 a_index, struct AFSDBCacheEntry *a_result); extern int SRXAFSCB_GetCE64(struct rx_call *a_call, afs_int32 a_index, struct AFSDBCacheEntry64 *a_result); extern int SRXAFSCB_GetLock(struct rx_call *a_call, afs_int32 a_index, struct AFSDBLock *a_result); extern int SRXAFSCB_CallBack(struct rx_call *a_call, register struct AFSCBFids *a_fids, struct AFSCBs *a_callbacks); extern int SRXAFSCB_Probe(struct rx_call *a_call); extern int SRXAFSCB_InitCallBackState(struct rx_call *a_call); extern int SRXAFSCB_XStatsVersion(struct rx_call *a_call, afs_int32 * a_versionP); extern int SRXAFSCB_GetXStats(struct rx_call *a_call, afs_int32 a_clientVersionNum, afs_int32 a_collectionNumber, afs_int32 * a_srvVersionNumP, afs_int32 * a_timeP, AFSCB_CollData * a_dataP); extern int afs_RXCallBackServer(void); extern int shutdown_CB(void); extern int SRXAFSCB_InitCallBackState2(struct rx_call *a_call, struct interfaceAddr *addr); extern int SRXAFSCB_WhoAreYou(struct rx_call *a_call, struct interfaceAddr *addr); extern int SRXAFSCB_InitCallBackState3(struct rx_call *a_call, afsUUID * a_uuid); extern int SRXAFSCB_ProbeUuid(struct rx_call *a_call, afsUUID * a_uuid); extern int SRXAFSCB_GetServerPrefs(struct rx_call *a_call, afs_int32 a_index, afs_int32 * a_srvr_addr, afs_int32 * a_srvr_rank); extern int SRXAFSCB_GetCellServDB(struct rx_call *a_call, afs_int32 a_index, char **a_name, serverList * a_hosts); extern int SRXAFSCB_GetLocalCell(struct rx_call *a_call, char **a_name); extern int SRXAFSCB_GetCacheConfig(struct rx_call *a_call, afs_uint32 callerVersion, afs_uint32 * serverVersion, afs_uint32 * configCount, cacheConfig * config); extern int SRXAFSCB_FetchData(struct rx_call *rxcall, struct AFSFid *Fid, afs_int32 Fd, afs_int64 Position, afs_int64 Length, afs_int64 * TotalLength); extern int SRXAFSCB_StoreData(struct rx_call *rxcall, struct AFSFid *Fid, afs_int32 Fd, afs_int64 Position, afs_int64 Length, afs_int64 * TotalLength); /* afs_cbqueue.c */ extern afs_rwlock_t afs_xcbhash; extern void afs_QueueCallback(struct vcache *avc, unsigned int atime, struct volume *avp); extern void afs_CheckCallbacks(unsigned int secs); extern void afs_FlushCBs(void); extern void afs_FlushServerCBs(struct server *srvp); extern int afs_BumpBase(void); extern void afs_InitCBQueue(int doLockInit); extern void afs_DequeueCallback(struct vcache *avc); /* afs_cell.c */ extern afs_int32 afs_cellindex; extern afs_rwlock_t afs_xcell; #ifdef AFS_AFSDB_ENV extern afs_rwlock_t afsdb_client_lock; extern afs_rwlock_t afsdb_req_lock; #endif extern struct afs_q CellLRU; extern void afs_CellInit(void); extern void shutdown_cell(void); #if defined(LINUX_USE_FH) extern int afs_cellname_init(struct fid *fh, int fh_type, int lookupcode); #else extern int afs_cellname_init(ino_t inode, int lookupcode); #endif extern int afs_cellname_write(void); extern afs_int32 afs_NewCell(char *acellName, afs_int32 * acellHosts, int aflags, char *linkedcname, u_short fsport, u_short vlport, int timeout); extern afs_int32 afs_SetPrimaryCell(char *acellName); extern struct cell *afs_GetCell(afs_int32 acell, afs_int32 locktype); extern struct cell *afs_GetCellStale(afs_int32 acell, afs_int32 locktype); extern struct cell *afs_GetCellByHandle(void *handle, afs_int32 locktype); extern struct cell *afs_GetCellByIndex(afs_int32 cellidx, afs_int32 locktype); extern struct cell *afs_GetCellByName(char *acellName, afs_int32 locktype); extern struct cell *afs_GetPrimaryCell(afs_int32 locktype); extern int afs_IsPrimaryCellNum(afs_int32 cellnum); extern int afs_IsPrimaryCell(struct cell *cell); extern void *afs_TraverseCells(void *(*cb) (struct cell *, void *), void *arg); extern int afs_CellOrAliasExists(char *aname); extern int afs_CellNumValid(afs_int32 cellnum); extern afs_int32 afs_NewCellAlias(char *alias, char *cell); extern struct cell_alias *afs_GetCellAlias(int index); extern void afs_PutCellAlias(struct cell_alias *a); extern int afs_AFSDBHandler(char *acellName, int acellNameLen, afs_int32 * kernelMsg); extern void afs_LookupAFSDB(char *acellName); extern void afs_StopAFSDB(void); extern void afs_RemoveCellEntry(struct server *srvp); /* afs_chunk.c */ extern afs_int32 afs_FirstCSize; extern afs_int32 afs_OtherCSize; extern afs_int32 afs_LogChunk; /* afs_cell.c */ extern struct cell *afs_GetRealCellByIndex(register afs_int32 cellindex, afs_int32 locktype, afs_int32 refresh); /* afs_conn.c */ extern afs_int32 cryptall; extern afs_rwlock_t afs_xinterface; extern afs_rwlock_t afs_xconn; extern struct afs_conn *afs_Conn(register struct VenusFid *afid, register struct vrequest *areq, afs_int32 locktype); extern struct afs_conn *afs_ConnBySA(struct srvAddr *sap, unsigned short aport, afs_int32 acell, struct unixuser *tu, int force_if_down, afs_int32 create, afs_int32 locktype); extern struct afs_conn *afs_ConnByMHosts(struct server *ahosts[], unsigned short aport, afs_int32 acell, register struct vrequest *areq, afs_int32 locktype); extern struct afs_conn *afs_ConnByHost(struct server *aserver, unsigned short aport, afs_int32 acell, struct vrequest *areq, int aforce, afs_int32 locktype); extern void afs_PutConn(register struct afs_conn *ac, afs_int32 locktype); extern void ForceNewConnections(struct srvAddr *sap); /* afs_daemons.c */ extern afs_lock_t afs_xbrs; extern short afs_brsWaiters; extern short afs_brsDaemons; extern struct brequest afs_brs[NBRS]; extern struct afs_osi_WaitHandle AFS_WaitHandler, AFS_CSWaitHandler; extern afs_int32 afs_gcpags; extern afs_int32 afs_gcpags_procsize; extern afs_int32 afs_CheckServerDaemonStarted; extern afs_int32 afs_probe_interval; extern afs_int32 afs_preCache; extern void afs_Daemon(void); extern struct brequest *afs_BQueue(register short aopcode, register struct vcache *avc, afs_int32 dontwait, afs_int32 ause, struct AFS_UCRED *acred, afs_size_t asparm0, afs_size_t asparm1, void *apparm0); extern void afs_SetCheckServerNATmode(int isnat); extern void afs_CheckServerDaemon(void); extern int afs_CheckRootVolume(void); extern void afs_BRelease(register struct brequest *ab); extern int afs_BBusy(void); extern int afs_BioDaemon(afs_int32 nbiods); extern void afs_BackgroundDaemon(void); extern void shutdown_daemons(void); extern int afs_sgidaemon(void); /* afs_dcache.c */ extern u_int afs_min_cache; extern afs_int32 *afs_dvhashTbl; extern afs_int32 afs_dhashsize; extern afs_rwlock_t afs_xdcache; extern afs_size_t afs_vmMappingEnd; extern afs_int32 afs_blocksUsed; extern afs_int32 afs_blocksDiscarded; extern int afs_WaitForCacheDrain; extern int cacheDiskType; extern afs_uint32 afs_tpct1, afs_tpct2, splitdcache; extern unsigned char *afs_indexFlags; extern struct afs_cacheOps *afs_cacheType; #if defined(LINUX_USE_FH) extern struct fid cacheitems_fh; extern int cacheitems_fh_type; #else extern ino_t cacheInode; #endif extern struct osi_file *afs_cacheInodep; extern void afs_dcacheInit(int afiles, int ablocks, int aDentries, int achunk, int aflags); extern int afs_PutDCache(register struct dcache *adc); extern void afs_FlushDCache(register struct dcache *adc); extern void shutdown_dcache(void); extern void afs_CacheTruncateDaemon(void); extern afs_int32 afs_fsfragsize; extern struct dcache *afs_MemGetDSlot(register afs_int32 aslot, register struct dcache *tmpdc); extern struct dcache *afs_GetDCache(register struct vcache *avc, afs_size_t abyte, register struct vrequest *areq, afs_size_t * aoffset, afs_size_t * alen, int aflags); extern struct dcache *afs_FindDCache(register struct vcache *avc, afs_size_t abyte); extern void afs_StoreWarn(register afs_int32 acode, afs_int32 avolume, register afs_int32 aflags); extern void afs_MaybeWakeupTruncateDaemon(void); extern void afs_CacheTruncateDaemon(void); extern void afs_AdjustSize(register struct dcache *adc, register afs_int32 newSize); extern int afs_HashOutDCache(struct dcache *adc, int zap); extern int afs_MaybeFreeDiscardedDCache(void); extern int afs_RefDCache(struct dcache *adc); extern void afs_TryToSmush(register struct vcache *avc, struct AFS_UCRED *acred, int sync); extern void updateV2DC(int lockVc, struct vcache *v, struct dcache *d, int src); extern void afs_WriteThroughDSlots(void); extern struct dcache *afs_UFSGetDSlot(register afs_int32 aslot, register struct dcache *tmpdc); extern int afs_WriteDCache(register struct dcache *adc, int atime); extern int afs_wakeup(register struct vcache *avc); extern int afs_InitCacheFile(char *afile, ino_t ainode); extern int afs_DCacheMissingChunks(struct vcache *avc); extern struct dcache *afs_ObtainDCacheForWriting(struct vcache *avc, afs_size_t filePos, afs_size_t len, struct vrequest *areq, int noLock); /* afs_disconnected.c */ /* afs_dynroot.c */ extern int afs_IsDynrootFid(struct VenusFid *fid); extern int afs_IsDynrootMountFid(struct VenusFid *fid); extern int afs_IsDynrootAnyFid(struct VenusFid *fid); extern void afs_GetDynrootFid(struct VenusFid *fid); extern void afs_GetDynrootMountFid(struct VenusFid *fid); extern int afs_IsDynroot(struct vcache *avc); extern int afs_IsDynrootMount(struct vcache *avc); extern int afs_IsDynrootAny(struct vcache *avc); extern void afs_DynrootInvalidate(void); extern void afs_GetDynroot(char **dynrootDir, int *dynrootLen, struct AFSFetchStatus *status); extern void afs_GetDynrootMount(char **dynrootDir, int *dynrootLen, struct AFSFetchStatus *status); extern void afs_PutDynroot(void); extern int afs_DynrootNewVnode(struct vcache *avc, struct AFSFetchStatus *status); extern int afs_InitDynroot(void); extern int afs_SetDynrootEnable(int enable); extern int afs_GetDynrootEnable(void); extern int afs_DynrootVOPRemove(struct vcache *avc, struct AFS_UCRED *acred, char *aname); extern int afs_DynrootVOPSymlink(struct vcache *avc, struct AFS_UCRED *acred, char *aname, char *atargetName); /* afs_error.c */ extern void init_et_to_sys_error(void); extern afs_int32 et_to_sys_error(afs_int32 in); extern void afs_FinalizeReq(struct vrequest *areq); extern int afs_CheckCode(afs_int32 acode, struct vrequest *areq, int where); extern void afs_CopyError(register struct vrequest *afrom, register struct vrequest *ato); extern void init_sys_error_to_et(void); /* afs_exporter.c */ extern struct afs_exporter *root_exported; extern struct afs_exporter *exporter_find(int type); extern void shutdown_exporter(void); /* afs_icl.c */ extern struct afs_icl_set *afs_icl_allSets; extern int afs_icl_InitLogs(void); extern int afs_icl_CreateLog(char *name, afs_int32 logSize, struct afs_icl_log **outLogpp); extern int afs_icl_CreateLogWithFlags(char *name, afs_int32 logSize, afs_uint32 flags, struct afs_icl_log **outLogpp); extern int afs_icl_CopyOut(register struct afs_icl_log *logp, afs_int32 * bufferp, afs_int32 * bufSizep, afs_uint32 * cookiep, afs_int32 * flagsp); extern int afs_icl_GetLogParms(struct afs_icl_log *logp, afs_int32 * maxSizep, afs_int32 * curSizep); extern int afs_icl_LogHold(register struct afs_icl_log *logp); extern int afs_icl_LogHoldNL(register struct afs_icl_log *logp); extern int afs_icl_LogUse(register struct afs_icl_log *logp); extern int afs_icl_LogFreeUse(register struct afs_icl_log *logp); extern int afs_icl_LogSetSize(register struct afs_icl_log *logp, afs_int32 logSize); extern int afs_icl_ZapLog(register struct afs_icl_log *logp); extern int afs_icl_LogRele(register struct afs_icl_log *logp); extern int afs_icl_LogReleNL(register struct afs_icl_log *logp); extern int afs_icl_ZeroLog(register struct afs_icl_log *logp); extern int afs_icl_LogFree(register struct afs_icl_log *logp); extern struct afs_icl_log *afs_icl_FindLog(char *name); extern int afs_icl_EnumerateLogs(int (*aproc) (char *name, char *arock, struct afs_icl_log * tp), char *arock); extern int afs_icl_CreateSet(char *name, struct afs_icl_log *baseLogp, struct afs_icl_log *fatalLogp, struct afs_icl_set **outSetpp); extern int afs_icl_CreateSetWithFlags(char *name, struct afs_icl_log *baseLogp, struct afs_icl_log *fatalLogp, afs_uint32 flags, struct afs_icl_set **outSetpp); extern int afs_icl_SetEnable(struct afs_icl_set *setp, afs_int32 eventID, int setValue); extern int afs_icl_GetEnable(struct afs_icl_set *setp, afs_int32 eventID, int *getValuep); extern int afs_icl_ZeroSet(struct afs_icl_set *setp); extern int afs_icl_EnumerateSets(int (*aproc) (char *name, char *arock, struct afs_icl_log * tp), char *arock); extern int afs_icl_AddLogToSet(struct afs_icl_set *setp, struct afs_icl_log *newlogp); extern int afs_icl_SetSetStat(struct afs_icl_set *setp, int op); extern int afs_icl_SetHold(register struct afs_icl_set *setp); extern int afs_icl_ZapSet(register struct afs_icl_set *setp); extern int afs_icl_SetRele(register struct afs_icl_set *setp); extern int afs_icl_SetFree(register struct afs_icl_set *setp); extern struct afs_icl_set *afs_icl_FindSet(char *name); extern int afs_icl_Event4(register struct afs_icl_set *setp, afs_int32 eventID, afs_int32 lAndT, long p1, long p2, long p3, long p4); extern int afs_icl_Event3(register struct afs_icl_set *setp, afs_int32 eventID, afs_int32 lAndT, long p1, long p2, long p3); extern int afs_icl_Event2(register struct afs_icl_set *setp, afs_int32 eventID, afs_int32 lAndT, long p1, long p2); extern int afs_icl_Event1(register struct afs_icl_set *setp, afs_int32 eventID, afs_int32 lAndT, long p1); extern int afs_icl_Event0(register struct afs_icl_set *setp, afs_int32 eventID, afs_int32 lAndT); extern void afs_icl_AppendRecord(register struct afs_icl_log *logp, afs_int32 op, afs_int32 types, long p1, long p2, long p3, long p4); extern int Afscall_icl(long opcode, long p1, long p2, long p3, long p4, long *retval); /* afs_init.c */ extern struct cm_initparams cm_initParams; extern int afs_resourceinit_flag; extern afs_rwlock_t afs_puttofileLock; extern char *afs_sysname; extern char *afs_sysnamelist[MAXNUMSYSNAMES]; extern int afs_sysnamecount; extern int afs_sysnamegen; extern afs_int32 cacheInfoModTime; extern int afs_CacheInit(afs_int32 astatSize, afs_int32 afiles, afs_int32 ablocks, afs_int32 aDentries, afs_int32 aVolumes, afs_int32 achunk, afs_int32 aflags, afs_int32 ninodes, afs_int32 nusers); extern void afs_ComputeCacheParms(void); extern int afs_InitCacheInfo(register char *afile); extern int afs_InitVolumeInfo(char *afile); extern int afs_InitCellInfo(char *afile); extern int afs_ResourceInit(int preallocs); extern void shutdown_cache(void); extern void shutdown_vnodeops(void); extern void shutdown_AFS(void); /* afs_lock.c */ extern void Lock_Init(register struct afs_lock *lock); extern void ObtainLock(register struct afs_lock *lock, int how, unsigned int src_indicator); extern void ReleaseLock(register struct afs_lock *lock, int how); extern int Afs_Lock_Trace(int op, struct afs_lock *alock, int type, char *file, int line); extern void Afs_Lock_Obtain(register struct afs_lock *lock, int how); extern void Afs_Lock_ReleaseR(register struct afs_lock *lock); extern void Afs_Lock_ReleaseW(register struct afs_lock *lock); extern void afs_osi_SleepR(register char *addr, register struct afs_lock *alock); extern void afs_osi_SleepW(register char *addr, register struct afs_lock *alock); extern void afs_osi_SleepS(register char *addr, register struct afs_lock *alock); #ifndef AFS_NOBOZO_LOCK extern void afs_BozonLock(struct afs_bozoLock *alock, struct vcache *avc); extern void afs_BozonUnlock(struct afs_bozoLock *alock, struct vcache *avc); extern void afs_BozonInit(struct afs_bozoLock *alock, struct vcache *avc); extern int afs_CheckBozonLock(struct afs_bozoLock *alock); extern int afs_CheckBozonLockBlocking(struct afs_bozoLock *alock); #endif /* afs_mariner.c */ extern afs_int32 afs_mariner; extern afs_int32 afs_marinerHost; extern struct rx_service *afs_server; extern int afs_AddMarinerName(register char *aname, register struct vcache *avc); extern char *afs_GetMariner(register struct vcache *avc); extern void afs_MarinerLogFetch(register struct vcache *avc, register afs_int32 off, register afs_int32 bytes, register afs_int32 idx); extern void afs_MarinerLog(register char *astring, register struct vcache *avc); extern void shutdown_mariner(void); /* afs_memcache.c */ extern int afs_InitMemCache(int blkCount, int blkSize, int flags); extern int afs_MemCacheClose(struct osi_file *file); #if defined(AFS_SUN57_64BIT_ENV) || defined(AFS_SGI62_ENV) extern void *afs_MemCacheOpen(ino_t blkno); #else extern void *afs_MemCacheOpen(afs_int32 blkno); #endif extern int afs_MemReadBlk(register struct osi_file *fP, int offset, void *dest, int size); extern int afs_MemReadvBlk(register struct memCacheEntry *mceP, int offset, struct iovec *iov, int nio, int size); extern int afs_MemReadUIO(ino_t blkno, struct uio *uioP); extern int afs_MemWriteBlk(register struct osi_file *fP, int offset, void *src, int size); extern int afs_MemWritevBlk(register struct memCacheEntry *mceP, int offset, struct iovec *iov, int nio, int size); extern int afs_MemWriteUIO(ino_t blkno, struct uio *uioP); extern int afs_MemCacheTruncate(register struct osi_file *fP, int size); extern int afs_MemCacheStoreProc(register struct rx_call *acall, register struct osi_file *fP, register afs_int32 alen, struct vcache *avc, int *shouldWake, afs_size_t * abytesToXferP, afs_size_t * abytesXferredP); extern int afs_MemCacheFetchProc(register struct rx_call *acall, register struct osi_file *fP, afs_size_t abase, struct dcache *adc, struct vcache *avc, afs_size_t * abytesToXferP, afs_size_t * abytesXferredP, afs_int32 lengthFound); extern void shutdown_memcache(void); /* afs_nfsclnt.c */ extern struct afs_exporter *afs_nfsexported; extern struct afs_exporter *afs_nfsexporter; extern void afs_nfsclient_init(void); extern int afs_nfsclient_reqhandler(struct afs_exporter *exporter, struct AFS_UCRED **cred, afs_int32 host, afs_int32 *pagparam, struct afs_exporter **outexporter); extern void shutdown_nfsclnt(void); /* afs_osi.c */ extern afs_lock_t afs_ftf; extern void afs_osi_Invisible(void); extern void afs_osi_Visible(void); extern void afs_osi_RxkRegister(void); extern void afs_osi_MaskSignals(void); extern void afs_osi_UnmaskRxkSignals(void); extern void afs_osi_MaskUserLoop(void); extern void osi_Init(void); extern void afs_osi_MaskSignals(void); extern void afs_osi_UnmaskRxkSignals(void); extern void afs_osi_RxkRegister(void); extern void afs_osi_Invisible(void); extern void shutdown_osi(void); extern void shutdown_osinet(void); extern int afs_osi_suser(void *credp); extern void afs_osi_TraverseProcTable(void); #if defined(KERNEL) && !defined(UKERNEL) && defined(AFS_PROC) extern const struct AFS_UCRED *afs_osi_proc2cred(AFS_PROC * pr); #endif /* afs_osi_alloc.c */ #ifndef AFS_FBSD_ENV extern afs_lock_t osi_fsplock; extern afs_lock_t osi_flplock; #endif extern void *afs_osi_Alloc_debug(size_t x, char *func, int line); #ifndef afs_osi_Alloc_NoSleep extern void *afs_osi_Alloc_NoSleep(size_t x); #endif #ifndef afs_osi_Free extern void afs_osi_Free(void *x, size_t asize); #endif #if !defined(AFS_OBSD44_ENV) extern void afs_osi_FreeStr(char *x); #endif extern void osi_FreeLargeSpace(void *adata); extern void osi_FreeSmallSpace(void *adata); extern void *osi_AllocLargeSpace(size_t size); extern void *osi_AllocSmallSpace(size_t size); extern void shutdown_osinet(void); /* afs_osi_pag.c */ #if defined(AFS_SUN5_ENV) extern int afs_setpag(struct AFS_UCRED **credpp); #elif defined(AFS_OSF_ENV) || defined(AFS_DARWIN_ENV) || defined(AFS_XBSD_ENV) extern int afs_setpag(struct proc *p, void *args, int *retval); #else extern int afs_setpag(void); #endif extern afs_uint32 genpag(void); extern afs_uint32 getpag(void); #if defined(AFS_OSF_ENV) || defined(AFS_DARWIN_ENV) || defined(AFS_XBSD_ENV) extern int AddPag(struct proc *p, afs_int32 aval, struct AFS_UCRED **credpp); #else extern int AddPag(afs_int32 aval, struct AFS_UCRED **credpp); #endif extern int afs_InitReq(register struct vrequest *av, struct AFS_UCRED *acred); #if defined(UKERNEL) && defined(AFS_WEB_ENHANCEMENTS) extern afs_uint32 afs_get_pag_from_groups(gid_t g0a, gid_t g1a); #else #ifdef AFS_LINUX26_ONEGROUP_ENV extern afs_uint32 afs_get_pag_from_groups(struct group_info *gi); #endif #endif extern void afs_get_groups_from_pag(afs_uint32 pag, gid_t * g0p, gid_t * g1p); extern afs_int32 PagInCred(const struct AFS_UCRED *cred); /* afs_osi_uio.c */ extern int afsio_copy(struct uio *ainuio, struct uio *aoutuio, struct iovec *aoutvec); extern int afsio_trim(struct uio *auio, afs_int32 asize); extern int afsio_skip(struct uio *auio, afs_int32 asize); /* afs_osi_vm.c */ extern int osi_Active(register struct vcache *avc); extern void osi_FlushPages(register struct vcache *avc, struct AFS_UCRED *credp); extern void osi_FlushText_really(register struct vcache *vp); extern int osi_VMDirty_p(struct vcache *avc); #ifndef UKERNEL extern void osi_ReleaseVM(struct vcache *avc, struct AFS_UCRED *acred); #endif /* ARCH/osi_misc.c */ extern void afs_osi_SetTime(osi_timeval_t * atv); /* LINUX/osi_misc.c */ #ifdef AFS_LINUX20_ENV #ifdef AFS_LINUX24_ENV extern int osi_lookupname(char *aname, uio_seg_t seg, int followlink, struct dentry **dpp); extern int osi_InitCacheInfo(char *aname); extern int osi_rdwr(struct osi_file *osifile, uio_t * uiop, int rw); extern void setup_uio(uio_t * uiop, struct iovec *iovecp, const char *buf, afs_offs_t pos, int count, uio_flag_t flag, uio_seg_t seg); extern int uiomove(char *dp, int length, uio_flag_t rw, uio_t * uiop); extern void osi_linux_free_inode_pages(void); #endif extern void osi_linux_mask(void); extern void osi_linux_unmask(void); extern int setpag(cred_t ** cr, afs_uint32 pagvalue, afs_uint32 * newpag, int change_parent); #endif /* ARCH/osi_sleep.c */ extern void afs_osi_InitWaitHandle(struct afs_osi_WaitHandle *achandle); extern void afs_osi_CancelWait(struct afs_osi_WaitHandle *achandle); extern int afs_osi_Wait(afs_int32 ams, struct afs_osi_WaitHandle *ahandle, int aintok); #ifndef afs_osi_Wakeup extern int afs_osi_Wakeup(void *event); #endif #ifndef afs_osi_Sleep extern void afs_osi_Sleep(void *event); #endif #ifndef afs_osi_SleepSig extern int afs_osi_SleepSig(void *event); #endif /* ARCH/osi_inode.c */ #ifdef AFS_SUN5_ENV extern int afs_syscall_icreate(dev_t, long, long, long, long, long, rval_t *, struct AFS_UCRED *); extern int afs_syscall_iopen(dev_t, int, int, rval_t *, struct AFS_UCRED *); extern int afs_syscall_iincdec(dev_t, int, int, int, rval_t *, struct AFS_UCRED *); #elif defined(AFS_SGI65_ENV) extern int afs_syscall_icreate(afs_uint32, afs_uint32, afs_uint32, afs_uint32, afs_uint32, afs_uint32, rval_t *); extern int afs_syscall_iopen(int, ino_t, int, rval_t *); extern int afs_syscall_iincdec(int, int, int, int); #elif defined(AFS_OSF_ENV) || defined(AFS_DARWIN_ENV) || defined(AFS_XBSD_ENV) extern int afs_syscall_icreate(long, long, long, long, long, long, long*); extern int afs_syscall_iopen(int dev, int inode, int usrmod, long *retval); extern int afs_syscall_iincdec(int dev, int inode, int inode_p1, int amount); #else extern int afs_syscall_icreate(long, long, long, long, long, long); extern int afs_syscall_iopen(int, int, int); extern int afs_syscall_iincdec(int, int, int, int); #endif /* ARCH/osi_file.c */ extern int afs_osicred_initialized; #if defined(AFS_SUN57_64BIT_ENV) || defined(AFS_SGI62_ENV) extern void *osi_UFSOpen(ino_t ainode); #else #if defined(LINUX_USE_FH) extern void *osi_UFSOpen_fh(struct fid *fh, int fh_type); extern int osi_get_fh(struct dentry *dp, struct fid *fh, int *max_len); #else extern void *osi_UFSOpen(afs_int32 ainode); #endif #endif extern int afs_osi_Stat(register struct osi_file *afile, register struct osi_stat *astat); extern int osi_UFSClose(register struct osi_file *afile); extern int osi_UFSTruncate(register struct osi_file *afile, afs_int32 asize); extern void osi_DisableAtimes(struct vnode *avp); extern int afs_osi_Read(register struct osi_file *afile, int offset, void *aptr, afs_int32 asize); extern int afs_osi_Write(register struct osi_file *afile, afs_int32 offset, void *aptr, afs_int32 asize); extern int afs_osi_MapStrategy(int (*aproc) (struct buf * bp), register struct buf *bp); extern void shutdown_osifile(void); /* ARCH/osi_groups.c */ #ifdef AFS_XBSD_ENV extern int setpag(struct proc *proc, struct ucred **cred, afs_uint32 pagvalue, afs_uint32 * newpag, int change_parent); #endif /* ARCH/osi_vm.c */ extern int osi_VM_FlushVCache(struct vcache *avc, int *slept); extern void osi_VM_StoreAllSegments(struct vcache *avc); extern void osi_VM_TryToSmush(struct vcache *avc, struct AFS_UCRED *acred, int sync); extern void osi_VM_FlushPages(struct vcache *avc, struct AFS_UCRED *credp); extern void osi_VM_Truncate(struct vcache *avc, int alen, struct AFS_UCRED *acred); extern void osi_VM_TryReclaim(struct vcache *avc, int *slept); extern void osi_VM_NukePages(struct vnode *vp, off_t offset, off_t size); extern int osi_VM_Setup(struct vcache *avc, int force); #ifdef AFS_SUN5_ENV extern int osi_VM_GetDownD(struct vcache *avc, struct dcache *adc); extern void osi_VM_PreTruncate(struct vcache *avc, int alen, struct AFS_UCRED *acred); #endif /* ARCH/osi_vnodeops.c */ extern struct vnodeops Afs_vnodeops; #if defined(AFS_OSF_ENV) #if defined(AFS_OSF30_ENV) extern int max_vnodes; /* number of total system vnodes */ #else extern int nvnode; /* number of total system vnodes */ extern int numvnodes; /* number vnodes in use now */ #endif #ifdef AFS_DUX40_ENV extern struct vfs_ubcops afs_ubcops; #endif #endif extern int afs_inactive(struct vcache *avc, struct AFS_UCRED *acred); /* afs_osifile.c */ /* afs_osi_pag.c */ extern afs_uint32 pag_epoch; extern afs_uint32 pagCounter; /* OS/osi_vfsops.c */ #if defined(AFS_OSF_ENV) || defined(AFS_XBSD_ENV) || defined(AFS_DARWIN_ENV) extern struct mount *afs_globalVFS; #else extern struct vfs *afs_globalVFS; #endif extern struct vcache *afs_globalVp; #ifdef AFS_LINUX20_ENV extern void vcache2inode(struct vcache *avc); extern void vcache2fakeinode(struct vcache *rootvp, struct vcache *mpvp); #endif /* afs_pag_call.c */ extern afs_int32 afs_nfs_server_addr; extern void afspag_Init(afs_int32 nfs_server_addr); extern void afspag_Shutdown(void); /* afs_pag_cred.c */ extern afs_rwlock_t afs_xpagcell; extern afs_rwlock_t afs_xpagsys; extern int afspag_PUnlog(char *ain, afs_int32 ainSize, struct AFS_UCRED **acred); extern int afspag_PSetTokens(char *ain, afs_int32 ainSize, struct AFS_UCRED **acred); extern int afspag_PSetSysName(char *ain, afs_int32 ainSize, struct AFS_UCRED **acred); /* afs_pioctl.c */ extern struct VenusFid afs_rootFid; extern afs_int32 afs_waitForever; extern short afs_waitForeverCount; extern afs_int32 afs_showflags; extern int afs_defaultAsynchrony; #ifdef AFS_SUN5_ENV extern int afs_syscall_pioctl(char *path, unsigned int com, caddr_t cmarg, int follow, rval_t *rvp, struct AFS_UCRED *credp); #elif defined(AFS_DARWIN_ENV) || defined(AFS_XBSD_ENV) extern int afs_syscall_pioctl(char *path, unsigned int com, caddr_t cmarg, int follow, struct AFS_UCRED *credp); #else extern int afs_syscall_pioctl(char *path, unsigned int com, caddr_t cmarg, int follow); #endif extern int HandleIoctl(register struct vcache *avc, register afs_int32 acom, struct afs_ioctl *adata); /* afs_segments.c */ extern int afs_StoreMini(register struct vcache *avc, struct vrequest *areq); extern int afs_StoreAllSegments(register struct vcache *avc, struct vrequest *areq, int sync); extern int afs_InvalidateAllSegments(struct vcache *avc); extern int afs_ExtendSegments(struct vcache *avc, afs_size_t alen, struct vrequest *areq); extern int afs_TruncateAllSegments(register struct vcache *avc, afs_size_t alen, struct vrequest *areq, struct AFS_UCRED *acred); /* afs_server.c */ extern afs_rwlock_t afs_xsrvAddr; extern afs_rwlock_t afs_xserver; extern afs_rwlock_t afs_icl_lock; extern struct srvAddr *afs_srvAddrs[NSERVERS]; extern struct server *afs_servers[NSERVERS]; extern int afs_totalServers; extern struct server *afs_setTimeHost; extern struct server *afs_FindServer(afs_int32 aserver, afs_uint16 aport, afsUUID * uuidp, afs_int32 locktype); extern struct server *afs_GetServer(afs_uint32 * aserver, afs_int32 nservers, afs_int32 acell, u_short aport, afs_int32 locktype, afsUUID * uuidp, afs_int32 addr_uniquifier); extern void ForceAllNewConnections(void); extern void afs_MarkServerUpOrDown(struct srvAddr *sa, int a_isDown); extern afs_int32 afs_ServerDown(struct srvAddr *sa); extern void afs_CountServers(void); extern void afs_CheckServers(int adown, struct cell *acellp); extern unsigned int afs_random(void); extern int afs_randomMod15(void); extern int afs_randomMod127(void); extern void afs_SortOneServer(struct server *asp); extern void afs_SortServers(struct server *aservers[], int count); extern void afs_FlushServer(struct server *srvp); extern void afs_RemoveSrvAddr(struct srvAddr *sap); extern void afs_ActivateServer(struct srvAddr *sap); #ifdef AFS_USERSPACE_IP_ADDR extern void afsi_SetServerIPRank(struct srvAddr *sa, afs_int32 addr, afs_uint32 subnetmask); #else #if (!defined(AFS_SUN5_ENV)) && defined(USEIFADDR) void afsi_SetServerIPRank(struct srvAddr *sa, struct in_ifaddr *ifa); #endif #endif extern int afs_HaveCallBacksFrom(struct server *aserver); extern void shutdown_server(void); extern void afs_RemoveAllConns(void); extern void afs_MarkAllServersUp(void); /* afs_osidnlc.c */ extern int osi_dnlc_enter(struct vcache *adp, char *aname, struct vcache *avc, afs_hyper_t * avno); extern struct vcache *osi_dnlc_lookup(struct vcache *adp, char *aname, int locktype); extern int osi_dnlc_remove(struct vcache *adp, char *aname, struct vcache *avc); extern int osi_dnlc_purgedp(struct vcache *adp); extern int osi_dnlc_purgevp(struct vcache *avc); extern int osi_dnlc_purge(void); extern int osi_dnlc_purgevol(struct VenusFid *fidp); extern int osi_dnlc_init(void); extern int osi_dnlc_shutdown(void); /* afs_pag_cred.c */ extern void afspag_SetPrimaryCell(char *acell); /* afs_stat.c */ extern struct afs_CMStats afs_cmstats; extern struct afs_stats_CMPerf afs_stats_cmperf; extern struct afs_stats_CMFullPerf afs_stats_cmfullperf; extern afs_int32 afs_stats_XferSumBytes[AFS_STATS_NUM_FS_XFER_OPS]; extern void afs_InitStats(void); extern void afs_GetCMStat(char **ptr, unsigned *size); #ifndef AFS_NOSTATS extern void afs_AddToMean(struct afs_MeanStats *oldMean, afs_int32 newValue); #endif /* afs_syscall.c */ extern int copyin_afs_ioctl(caddr_t cmarg, struct afs_ioctl *dst); /* UKERNEL/afs_usrops.c */ #ifdef UKERNEL extern void uafs_Shutdown(void); extern void osi_ReleaseVM(struct vcache *avc, int len, struct usr_ucred *credp); extern int osi_GetTime(struct timeval *tv); #endif /* afs_user.c */ extern afs_rwlock_t afs_xuser; extern struct unixuser *afs_users[NUSERS]; extern struct unixuser *afs_FindUser(afs_int32 auid, afs_int32 acell, afs_int32 locktype); extern struct unixuser *afs_GetUser(register afs_int32 auid, afs_int32 acell, afs_int32 locktype); #if AFS_GCPAGS extern afs_int32 afs_GCPAGs(afs_int32 * ReleasedCount); extern void afs_GCPAGs_perproc_func(AFS_PROC * pproc); #endif /* AFS_GCPAGS */ extern void afs_ComputePAGStats(void); extern void afs_PutUser(register struct unixuser *au, afs_int32 locktype); extern void afs_GCUserData(int aforce); extern void afs_CheckTokenCache(void); extern void afs_ResetAccessCache(afs_int32 uid, int alock); extern void afs_ResetUserConns(register struct unixuser *auser); extern void afs_SetPrimary(register struct unixuser *au, register int aflag); /* afs_util.c */ extern afs_int32 afs_calc_inum (afs_int32 volume, afs_int32 vnode); #ifndef afs_cv2string extern char *afs_cv2string(char *ttp, afs_uint32 aval); #endif #ifndef afs_strcasecmp extern int afs_strcasecmp(char *s1, char *s2); #endif #ifndef afs_strcat extern char *afs_strcat(char *s1, char *s2); #endif #ifdef AFS_OBSD34_ENV extern char *afs_strcpy(char *s1, char *s2); #endif #ifndef afs_strchr extern char *afs_strchr(char *s, int c); #endif #ifndef afs_strrchr extern char *afs_strrchr(char *s, int c); #endif extern char *afs_strdup(char *s); extern void print_internet_address(char *preamble, struct srvAddr *sa, char *postamble, int flag); extern afs_int32 afs_data_pointer_to_int32(const void *p); #if 0 /* problems - need to change to varargs, right now is incorrect usage * throughout code */ extern void afs_warn(char *a, long b, long c, long d, long e, long f, long g, long h, long i, long j); extern void afs_warnuser(char *a, long b, long c, long d, long e, long f, long g, long h, long i, long j); #else extern void afs_warn(); extern void afs_warnuser(); #endif extern void afs_CheckLocks(void); extern int afs_badop(void); extern int afs_noop(void); extern afs_int32 afs_data_pointer_to_int32(const void *p); /* afs_vcache.c */ extern afs_int32 afs_maxvcount; extern afs_int32 afs_vcount; extern int afsvnumbers; extern afs_rwlock_t afs_xvreclaim; extern afs_rwlock_t afs_xvcache; extern afs_lock_t afs_xvcb; extern struct afs_q VLRU; extern afs_int32 vcachegen; extern unsigned int afs_paniconwarn; extern struct afs_q afs_vhashTV[VCSIZE]; extern afs_int32 afs_bulkStatsLost; extern int afs_norefpanic; extern struct vcache *ReclaimedVCList; extern void afs_FlushReclaimedVcaches(void); void afs_vcacheInit(int astatSize); extern struct vcache *afs_FindVCache(struct VenusFid *afid, afs_int32 * retry, afs_int32 flag); extern afs_int32 afs_FetchStatus(struct vcache *avc, struct VenusFid *afid, struct vrequest *areq, struct AFSFetchStatus *Outsp); extern afs_int32 afs_FlushVCBs(afs_int32 lockit); extern void afs_InactiveVCache(struct vcache *avc, struct AFS_UCRED *acred); extern struct vcache *afs_LookupVCache(struct VenusFid *afid, struct vrequest *areq, afs_int32 * cached, struct vcache *adp, char *aname); extern int afs_FlushVCache(struct vcache *avc, int *slept); extern struct vcache *afs_GetRootVCache(struct VenusFid *afid, struct vrequest *areq, afs_int32 * cached, struct volume *tvolp); extern struct vcache *afs_NewVCache(struct VenusFid *afid, struct server *serverp); extern int afs_VerifyVCache2(struct vcache *avc, struct vrequest *areq); extern struct vcache *afs_GetVCache(register struct VenusFid *afid, struct vrequest *areq, afs_int32 * cached, struct vcache *avc); extern void afs_PutVCache(register struct vcache *avc); extern void afs_ProcessFS(register struct vcache *avc, register struct AFSFetchStatus *astat, struct vrequest *areq); extern struct afs_cbr *afs_AllocCBR(void); extern int afs_FreeCBR(register struct afs_cbr *asp); extern void afs_RemoveVCB(register struct VenusFid *afid); extern void afs_FlushActiveVcaches(register afs_int32 doflocks); extern int afs_WriteVCache(register struct vcache *avc, register struct AFSStoreStatus *astatus, struct vrequest *areq); extern int afs_RemoteLookup(register struct VenusFid *afid, struct vrequest *areq, char *name, struct VenusFid *nfid, struct AFSFetchStatus *OutStatusp, struct AFSCallBack *CallBackp, struct server **serverp, struct AFSVolSync *tsyncp); extern void afs_ResetVCache(struct vcache *, struct AFS_UCRED *); extern afs_int32 afs_NFSFindVCache(struct vcache **avcp, struct VenusFid *afid); extern void afs_vcacheInit(int astatSize); extern void shutdown_vcache(void); extern void afs_DisconGiveUpCallbacks(void); /* VNOPS/afs_vnop_access.c */ extern afs_int32 afs_GetAccessBits(register struct vcache *avc, register afs_int32 arights, register struct vrequest *areq); extern int afs_AccessOK(struct vcache *avc, afs_int32 arights, struct vrequest *areq, afs_int32 check_mode_bits); #if defined(AFS_SUN5_ENV) || (defined(AFS_SGI_ENV) && !defined(AFS_SGI65_ENV)) extern int afs_access(OSI_VC_DECL(avc), register afs_int32 amode, int flags, struct AFS_UCRED *acred); #else extern int afs_access(OSI_VC_DECL(avc), register afs_int32 amode, struct AFS_UCRED *acred); #endif extern int afs_getRights(OSI_VC_DECL(avc), register afs_int32 arights, struct AFS_UCRED *acred); /* VNOPS/afs_vnop_attrs.c */ extern int afs_CopyOutAttrs(register struct vcache *avc, register struct vattr *attrs); #if defined(AFS_SUN5_ENV) || defined(AFS_SGI_ENV) extern int afs_getattr(OSI_VC_DECL(avc), struct vattr *attrs, int flags, struct AFS_UCRED *acred); #else extern int afs_getattr(OSI_VC_DECL(avc), struct vattr *attrs, struct AFS_UCRED *acred); #endif extern int afs_VAttrToAS(register struct vcache *avc, register struct vattr *av, register struct AFSStoreStatus *as); #if defined(AFS_SUN5_ENV) || defined(AFS_SGI_ENV) extern int afs_setattr(OSI_VC_DECL(avc), register struct vattr *attrs, int flags, struct AFS_UCRED *acred); #else extern int afs_setattr(OSI_VC_DECL(avc), register struct vattr *attrs, struct AFS_UCRED *acred); #endif /* VNOPS/afs_vnop_create.c */ #ifdef AFS_OSF_ENV extern int afs_create(struct nameidata *ndp, struct vattr *attrs); #else /* AFS_OSF_ENV */ #ifdef AFS_SGI64_ENV extern int afs_create(OSI_VC_DECL(adp), char *aname, struct vattr *attrs, int flags, int amode, struct vcache **avcp, struct AFS_UCRED *acred); #else /* AFS_SGI64_ENV */ extern int afs_create(OSI_VC_DECL(adp), char *aname, struct vattr *attrs, enum vcexcl aexcl, int amode, struct vcache **avcp, struct AFS_UCRED *acred); #endif /* AFS_SGI64_ENV */ #endif /* AFS_OSF_ENV */ extern int afs_LocalHero(register struct vcache *avc, register struct dcache *adc, register AFSFetchStatus * astat, register int aincr); /* VNOPS/afs_vnop_dirops.c */ extern int afs_mkdir(OSI_VC_DECL(adp), char *aname, struct vattr *attrs, register struct vcache **avcp, struct AFS_UCRED *acred); #if defined(AFS_SUN5_ENV) || defined(AFS_SGI_ENV) extern int afs_rmdir(OSI_VC_DECL(adp), char *aname, struct vnode *cdirp, struct AFS_UCRED *acred); #else extern int afs_rmdir(OSI_VC_DECL(adp), char *aname, struct AFS_UCRED *acred); #endif struct fid; /* VNOPS/afs_vnop_fid.c */ #if !defined(AFS_ATHENA_ENV) #ifdef AFS_AIX41_ENV int afs_fid(OSI_VC_DECL(avc), struct fid *fidpp, struct ucred *credp); #elif defined(AFS_OSF_ENV) || defined(AFS_SUN54_ENV) int afs_fid(OSI_VC_DECL(avc), struct fid *fidpp); #else int afs_fid(OSI_VC_DECL(avc), struct fid **fidpp); #endif /* AFS_AIX41_ENV */ #endif /* VNOPS/afs_vnop_flock.c */ extern afs_int32 lastWarnTime; extern void lockIdSet(struct AFS_FLOCK *flock, struct SimpleLocks *slp, int clid); extern int HandleFlock(register struct vcache *avc, int acom, struct vrequest *areq, pid_t clid, int onlymine); #ifdef AFS_OSF_ENV extern int afs_lockctl(struct vcache * avc, struct eflock * af, int flag, struct AFS_UCRED * acred, pid_t clid, off_t offset); #elif defined(AFS_SGI_ENV) || defined(AFS_DARWIN_ENV) || defined(AFS_XBSD_ENV) extern int afs_lockctl(struct vcache * avc, struct AFS_FLOCK * af, int acmd, struct AFS_UCRED * acred, pid_t clid); #else extern int afs_lockctl(struct vcache * avc, struct AFS_FLOCK * af, int acmd, struct AFS_UCRED * acred); #endif /* VNOPS/afs_vnop_link.c */ #if defined(AFS_SUN5_ENV) || defined(AFS_SGI_ENV) extern int afs_link(OSI_VC_DECL(adp), struct vcache *avc, char *aname, struct AFS_UCRED *acred); #else extern int afs_link(struct vcache *avc, OSI_VC_DECL(adp), char *aname, struct AFS_UCRED *acred); #endif /* VNOPS/afs_vnop_lookup.c */ extern int EvalMountPoint(register struct vcache *avc, struct vcache *advc, struct volume **avolpp, register struct vrequest *areq); extern void afs_InitFakeStat(struct afs_fakestat_state *state); extern int afs_EvalFakeStat(struct vcache **avcp, struct afs_fakestat_state *state, struct vrequest *areq); extern int afs_TryEvalFakeStat(struct vcache **avcp, struct afs_fakestat_state *state, struct vrequest *areq); extern void afs_PutFakeStat(struct afs_fakestat_state *state); extern int afs_ENameOK(register char *aname); extern void Check_AtSys(register struct vcache *avc, const char *aname, struct sysname_info *state, struct vrequest *areq); extern int Next_AtSys(register struct vcache *avc, struct vrequest *areq, struct sysname_info *state); extern int afs_DoBulkStat(struct vcache *adp, long dirCookie, struct vrequest *areqp); #ifdef AFS_OSF_ENV extern int afs_lookup(OSI_VC_DECL(adp), char *aname, struct vcache **avcp, struct AFS_UCRED *acred, int opflag, int wantparent); #elif defined(AFS_SUN5_ENV) || defined(AFS_SGI_ENV) extern int afs_lookup(OSI_VC_DECL(adp), char *aname, struct vcache **avcp, struct pathname *pnp, int flags, struct vnode *rdir, struct AFS_UCRED *acred); #elif defined(UKERNEL) extern int afs_lookup(OSI_VC_DECL(adp), char *aname, struct vcache **avcp, struct AFS_UCRED *acred, int flags); #else extern int afs_lookup(OSI_VC_DECL(adp), char *aname, struct vcache **avcp, struct AFS_UCRED *acred); #endif /* VNOPS/afs_vnop_open.c */ #ifdef AFS_SGI64_ENV extern int afs_open(bhv_desc_t * bhv, struct vcache **avcp, afs_int32 aflags, struct AFS_UCRED *acred); #else extern int afs_open(struct vcache **avcp, afs_int32 aflags, struct AFS_UCRED *acred); #endif /* VNOPS/afs_vnop_read.c */ extern afs_int32 maxIHint; extern afs_int32 nihints; extern afs_int32 usedihint; extern int afs_MemRead(register struct vcache *avc, struct uio *auio, struct AFS_UCRED *acred, daddr_t albn, struct buf **abpp, int noLock); extern int afs_UFSRead(register struct vcache *avc, struct uio *auio, struct AFS_UCRED *acred, daddr_t albn, struct buf **abpp, int noLock); extern void afs_PrefetchChunk(struct vcache *avc, struct dcache *adc, struct AFS_UCRED *acred, struct vrequest *areq); /* VNOPS/afs_vnop_readdir.c */ extern int afs_rd_stash_i; #if defined(AFS_SUN5_ENV) || defined(AFS_SGI_ENV) || defined(AFS_OSF_ENV) || defined(AFS_DARWIN_ENV) || defined(AFS_XBSD_ENV) extern int afs_readdir(OSI_VC_DECL(avc), struct uio *auio, struct AFS_UCRED *acred, int *eofp); #elif defined(AFS_HPUX100_ENV) extern int afs_readdir2(OIS_VC_DECL(avc), struct uio *auio, struct AFS_UCRED *acred); #else extern int afs_readdir(OSI_VC_DECL(avc), struct uio *auio, struct AFS_UCRED *acred); #endif /* VNOPS/afs_vnop_remove.c */ extern int afsremove(register struct vcache *adp, register struct dcache *tdc, register struct vcache *tvc, char *aname, struct AFS_UCRED *acred, struct vrequest *treqp); extern int afs_remunlink(register struct vcache *avc, register int doit); extern int afs_remove(OSI_VC_DECL(adp), char *aname, struct AFS_UCRED *acred); extern char *afs_newname(void); /* VNOPS/afs_vnop_rename.c */ extern int afsrename(struct vcache *aodp, char *aname1, struct vcache *andp, char *aname2, struct AFS_UCRED *acred, struct vrequest *areq); #ifdef AFS_SGI_ENV extern int afs_rename(OSI_VC_DECL(aodp), char *aname1, struct vcache *andp, char *aname2, struct pathname *npnp, struct AFS_UCRED *acred); #else extern int afs_rename(OSI_VC_DECL(aodp), char *aname1, struct vcache *andp, char *aname2, struct AFS_UCRED *acred); #endif /* VNOPS/afs_vnop_strategy.c */ #if defined(AFS_SUN5_ENV) || defined(AFS_OSF_ENV) || defined(AFS_DARWIN_ENV) extern int afs_ustrategy(register struct buf *adp, struct AFS_UCRED *credp); #else extern int afs_ustrategy(register struct buf *adp); #endif /* VNOPS/afs_vnop_symlink.c */ extern int afs_MemHandleLink(register struct vcache *avc, struct vrequest *areq); extern int afs_UFSHandleLink(register struct vcache *avc, struct vrequest *areq); extern int afs_symlink(OSI_VC_DECL(adp), char *aname, struct vattr *attrs, char *atargetName, struct AFS_UCRED *acred); extern int afs_readlink(OSI_VC_DECL(avc), struct uio *auio, struct AFS_UCRED *acred); /* VNOPS/afs_vnop_write.c */ extern int afs_MemWrite(register struct vcache *avc, struct uio *auio, int aio, struct AFS_UCRED *acred, int noLock); extern int afs_StoreOnLastReference(register struct vcache *avc, register struct vrequest *treq); extern int afs_UFSWrite(register struct vcache *avc, struct uio *auio, int aio, struct AFS_UCRED *acred, int noLock); extern int afs_DoPartialWrite(register struct vcache *avc, struct vrequest *areq); extern int afs_closex(register struct file *afd); #ifdef AFS_SGI65_ENV extern int afs_close(OSI_VC_DECL(avc), afs_int32 aflags, lastclose_t lastclose, struct AFS_UCRED *acred); #elif defined(AFS_SGI64_ENV) extern int afs_close(OSI_VC_DECL(avc), afs_int32 aflags, lastclose_t lastclose, off_t offset, struct AFS_UCRED *acred, struct flid *flp); #elif defined(AFS_SGI_ENV) extern int afs_close(OSI_VC_DECL(avc), afs_int32 aflags, lastclose_t lastclose, off_t offset, struct AFS_UCRED *acred); #elif defined(AFS_SUN5_ENV) extern int afs_close(OSI_VC_DECL(avc), afs_int32 aflags, int count, offset_t offset, struct AFS_UCRED *acred); #else extern int afs_close(OSI_VC_DECL(avc), afs_int32 aflags, struct AFS_UCRED *acred); #endif #ifdef AFS_OSF_ENV extern int afs_fsync(OSI_VC_DECL(avc), int fflags, struct AFS_UCRED *acred, int waitfor); #elif defined(AFS_SGI65_ENV) extern int afs_fsync(OSI_VC_DECL(avc), int flags, struct AFS_UCRED *acred, off_t start, off_t stop); #elif defined(AFS_SGI_ENV) || defined(AFS_SUN53_ENV) extern int afs_fsync(OSI_VC_DECL(avc), int flag, struct AFS_UCRED *acred); #else extern int afs_fsync(OSI_VC_DECL(avc), struct AFS_UCRED *acred); #endif /* afs_volume.c */ extern afs_int32 afs_FVIndex; extern afs_int32 afs_volCounter; extern afs_rwlock_t afs_xvolume; extern struct volume *afs_volumes[NVOLS]; #if defined(LINUX_USE_FH) extern struct fid volumeinfo_fh; extern int volumeinfo_fh_type; #else extern ino_t volumeInode; #endif extern struct volume *afs_FindVolume(struct VenusFid *afid, afs_int32 locktype); extern struct volume *afs_freeVolList; extern afs_int32 fvTable[NFENTRIES]; extern void InstallVolumeEntry(struct volume *av, struct vldbentry *ve, int acell); extern void InstallNVolumeEntry(struct volume *av, struct nvldbentry *ve, int acell); extern void InstallUVolumeEntry(struct volume *av, struct uvldbentry *ve, int acell, struct cell *tcell, struct vrequest *areq); extern void afs_ResetVolumeInfo(struct volume *tv); extern struct volume *afs_MemGetVolSlot(void); extern void afs_ResetVolumes(struct server *srvp); extern struct volume *afs_GetVolume(struct VenusFid *afid, struct vrequest *areq, afs_int32 locktype); extern struct volume *afs_GetVolumeByName(register char *aname, afs_int32 acell, int agood, struct vrequest *areq, afs_int32 locktype); extern struct volume *afs_UFSGetVolSlot(void); extern void afs_CheckVolumeNames(int flags); /* Prototypes for generated files that aren't really in src/afs/ */ /* afs_uuid.c */ extern afs_int32 afs_uuid_equal(afsUUID * u1, afsUUID * u2); extern afs_int32 afs_uuid_is_nil(afsUUID * u1); extern void afs_htonuuid(afsUUID * uuidp); extern void afs_ntohuuid(afsUUID * uuidp); extern afs_int32 afs_uuid_create(afsUUID * uuid); extern u_short afs_uuid_hash(afsUUID * uuid); /* MISC PROTOTYPES - THESE SHOULD NOT BE HERE */ /* MOVE THEM TO APPROPRIATE LOCATIONS */ extern afs_int32 RXAFSCB_ExecuteRequest(struct rx_call *acall); extern afs_int32 RXSTATS_ExecuteRequest(struct rx_call *acall); extern afs_int32 PAGCB_ExecuteRequest(struct rx_call *acall); #if defined(AFS_SUN5_ENV) || defined(AFS_LINUX20_ENV) || defined(AFS_AIX_ENV) || defined(AFS_DARWIN_ENV) || defined(AFS_XBSD_ENV) || defined(AFS_HPUX_ENV) || defined(AFS_SGI62_ENV) || defined(AFS_OSF_ENV) #include "osi_prototypes.h" #endif #endif /* _AFS_PROTOTYPES_H_ */