/* * Copyright 2000, International Business Machines Corporation and others. * All Rights Reserved. * * This software has been released under the terms of the IBM Public * License. For details, see the LICENSE file in the top-level source * directory or online at http://www.openafs.org/dl/license10.html */ #include #include #include #ifdef AFS_AIX32_ENV #include #else #define AUDIT_OK 0 #define AUDIT_FAIL 1 #define AUDIT_FAIL_AUTH 2 #define AUDIT_FAIL_ACCESS 3 #define AUDIT_FAIL_PRIV 4 #endif /* AFS_AIX32_ENV */ #include #include "afs/afsint.h" #include "afs/butc.h" #include #include #include "audit.h" #include "audit-api.h" #include "lock.h" #include extern struct osi_audit_ops audit_file_ops; #ifdef HAVE_SYS_IPC_H extern struct osi_audit_ops audit_sysvmq_ops; #endif static struct { void *rock; int (*islocal)(void *rock, char *name, char *inst, char *cell); } audit_user_check = { NULL, NULL }; static struct { const char *name; const struct osi_audit_ops *ops; } audit_interfaces[] = { { "file", &audit_file_ops }, #ifdef HAVE_SYS_IPC_H { "sysvmq", &audit_sysvmq_ops }, #endif }; /* default_interface indexes into the audit_interfaces list. */ static int default_interface = 0; /* Set default to the file interface */ #define N_INTERFACES (sizeof(audit_interfaces) / sizeof(audit_interfaces[0])) /* * Audit interface calling sequence: * osi_audit_interface - sets the default audit interface * osi_audit_file * create_instance - Called during command arg processing (-auditlog) * open_file - Called during command arg processing (-auditlog) * osi_audit_open_interface * open_interface - Called after thread environment has been established * osi_audit_close_interface * close_interface - Called during main process shutdown * osi_audit * send_msg - Called during audit events */ struct audit_log { struct opr_queue link; const struct osi_audit_ops *audit_ops; int auditout_open; void *context; }; struct audit_msg { char buf[OSI_AUDIT_MAXMSG]; size_t len; /* length of the string in 'buf' (not including the trailing '\0') */ int truncated; /* was this message truncated during formatting? */ }; #ifdef AFS_PTHREAD_ENV static pthread_mutex_t audit_lock; static pthread_once_t audit_lock_once = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT; #endif /* Chain of active interfaces */ static struct opr_queue audit_logs = {&audit_logs, &audit_logs}; static int osi_audit_all = (-1); /* Not determined yet */ static int osi_echo_trail = (-1); static int auditout_open = 0; /* True if any interface is open */ static int osi_audit_check(void); /* * Send the message to all the interfaces * @pre audit_lock held */ static void multi_send_msg(struct audit_msg *msg) { struct opr_queue *cursor; if (msg->len < 1) /* Don't send empty strings */ return; for (opr_queue_Scan(&audit_logs, cursor)) { struct audit_log *alog; alog = opr_queue_Entry(cursor, struct audit_log, link); if (alog->auditout_open) { alog->audit_ops->send_msg(alog->context, msg->buf, msg->len, msg->truncated); } } } static void append_msg(struct audit_msg *msg, const char *format, ...) { va_list ap; int remaining, printed; if (msg->truncated) { return; } if (msg->len >= OSI_AUDIT_MAXMSG - 1) { /* Make sure we have at least some space left */ msg->truncated = 1; return; } remaining = OSI_AUDIT_MAXMSG - msg->len; va_start(ap, format); printed = vsnprintf(&msg->buf[msg->len], remaining, format, ap); if (printed < 0) { /* Error during formatting. */ msg->truncated = 1; printed = 0; } else if (printed >= remaining) { /* We tried to write more characters than we had space for. */ msg->truncated = 1; printed = remaining - 1; /* Make sure we're still terminated. */ msg->buf[OSI_AUDIT_MAXMSG - 1] = '\0'; } msg->len += printed; opr_Assert(msg->len < OSI_AUDIT_MAXMSG); va_end(ap); } #ifdef AFS_AIX32_ENV static char *bufferPtr; static int bufferLen; static void audmakebuf(char *audEvent, va_list vaList) { int code; int vaEntry; int vaInt; afs_int32 vaLong; char *vaStr; struct AFSFid *vaFid; vaEntry = va_arg(vaList, int); while (vaEntry != AUD_END) { switch (vaEntry) { case AUD_STR: /* String */ case AUD_NAME: /* Name */ case AUD_ACL: /* ACL */ vaStr = (char *)va_arg(vaList, char *); if (vaStr) { strcpy(bufferPtr, vaStr); bufferPtr += strlen(vaStr) + 1; } else { strcpy(bufferPtr, ""); bufferPtr++; } break; case AUD_INT: /* Integer */ case AUD_ID: /* ViceId */ vaInt = va_arg(vaList, int); *(int *)bufferPtr = vaInt; bufferPtr += sizeof(vaInt); break; case AUD_DATE: /* Date */ case AUD_HOST: /* Host ID */ case AUD_LONG: /* long */ vaLong = va_arg(vaList, afs_int32); *(afs_int32 *) bufferPtr = vaLong; bufferPtr += sizeof(vaLong); break; case AUD_FID: /* AFSFid - contains 3 entries */ vaFid = (struct AFSFid *)va_arg(vaList, struct AFSFid *); if (vaFid) { memcpy(bufferPtr, vaFid, sizeof(struct AFSFid)); } else { memset(bufferPtr, 0, sizeof(struct AFSFid)); } bufferPtr += sizeof(struct AFSFid); break; /* Whole array of fids-- don't know how to handle variable length audit * data with AIX audit package, so for now we just store the first fid. * Better one than none. */ case AUD_FIDS: { struct AFSCBFids *Fids; Fids = (struct AFSCBFids *)va_arg(vaList, struct AFSCBFids *); if (Fids && Fids->AFSCBFids_len) { *((u_int *) bufferPtr) = Fids->AFSCBFids_len; bufferPtr += sizeof(u_int); memcpy(bufferPtr, Fids->AFSCBFids_val, sizeof(struct AFSFid)); } else { *((u_int *) bufferPtr) = 0; bufferPtr += sizeof(u_int); memset(bufferPtr, 0, sizeof(struct AFSFid)); } bufferPtr += sizeof(struct AFSFid); break; } /* butc tape label */ case AUD_TLBL: { struct tc_tapeLabel *label; label = (struct tc_tapeLabel *)va_arg(vaList, struct tc_tapeLabel *); if (label) memcpy(bufferPtr, label, sizeof(*label)); else memset(bufferPtr, 0, sizeof(*label)); bufferPtr += sizeof(label); break; } /* butc dump interface */ case AUD_TDI: { struct tc_dumpInterface *di; di = (struct tc_dumpInterface *) va_arg(vaList, struct tc_dumpInterface *); if (di) memcpy(bufferPtr, di, sizeof(*di)); else memset(bufferPtr, 0, sizeof(*di)); bufferPtr += sizeof(*di); break; } /* * butc dump array * An array of dump descriptions, but the AIX audit package assumes fixed * length, so we can only do the first one for now. */ case AUD_TDA: { struct tc_dumpArray *da; da = (struct tc_dumpArray *) va_arg(vaList, struct tc_dumpArray *); if (da && da->tc_dumpArray_len) { memcpy(bufferPtr, &da->tc_dumpArray_len, sizeof(u_int)); bufferPtr += sizeof(u_int); memcpy(bufferPtr, da->tc_dumpArray_val, sizeof(da->tc_dumpArray_val[0])); } else { memset(bufferPtr, 0, sizeof(u_int)); bufferPtr += sizeof(u_int); memset(bufferPtr, 0, sizeof(da->tc_dumpArray_val[0])); } bufferPtr += sizeof(da->tc_dumpArray_val[0]); break; } /* * butc restore array * An array of restore descriptions, but the AIX audit package assumes * fixed length, so we can only do the first one for now. */ case AUD_TRA: { struct tc_restoreArray *ra; ra = (struct tc_restoreArray *) va_arg(vaList, struct tc_restoreArray *); if (ra && ra->tc_restoreArray_len) { memcpy(bufferPtr, &ra->tc_restoreArray_len, sizeof(u_int)); bufferPtr += sizeof(u_int); memcpy(bufferPtr, ra->tc_restoreArray_val, sizeof(ra->tc_restoreArray_val[0])); } else { memset(bufferPtr, 0, sizeof(u_int)); bufferPtr += sizeof(u_int); memset(bufferPtr, 0, sizeof(ra->tc_restoreArray_val[0])); } bufferPtr += sizeof(ra->tc_restoreArray_val[0]); break; } /* butc tape controller status */ { struct tciStatusS *status; status = (struct tciStatusS *)va_arg(vaList, struct tciStatusS *); if (status) memcpy(bufferPtr, status, sizeof(*status)); else memset(bufferPtr, 0, sizeof(*status)); bufferPtr += sizeof(*status); break; } default: #ifdef AFS_AIX32_ENV code = auditlog("AFS_Aud_EINVAL", (-1), audEvent, (strlen(audEvent) + 1)); #endif return; break; } /* end switch */ vaEntry = va_arg(vaList, int); } /* end while */ } #endif static void printbuf(int rec, char *audEvent, char *afsName, afs_int32 hostId, afs_int32 errCode, va_list vaList) { int vaEntry; int vaInt; afs_int32 vaLong; char *vaStr; struct AFSFid *vaFid; struct AFSCBFids *vaFids; struct tc_tapeLabel *vaLabel; struct tc_dumpInterface *vaDI; struct tc_dumpArray *vaDA; struct tc_restoreArray *vaRA; struct tciStatusS *vaTCstatus; int num = LogThreadNum(); struct in_addr hostAddr; time_t currenttime; char tbuffer[26]; struct tm tm; struct audit_msg *msg = calloc(1, sizeof(*msg)); if (!msg) { return; } /* Don't print the timestamp or thread id if we recursed */ if (rec == 0) { currenttime = time(0); if (strftime(tbuffer, sizeof(tbuffer), "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y ", localtime_r(¤ttime, &tm)) !=0) append_msg(msg, tbuffer); if (num > -1) append_msg(msg, "[%d] ", num); } append_msg(msg, "EVENT %s CODE %d ", audEvent, errCode); if (afsName) { hostAddr.s_addr = hostId; append_msg(msg, "NAME %s HOST %s ", afsName, inet_ntoa(hostAddr)); } vaEntry = va_arg(vaList, int); while (vaEntry != AUD_END) { switch (vaEntry) { case AUD_STR: /* String */ vaStr = (char *)va_arg(vaList, char *); if (vaStr) append_msg(msg, "STR %s ", vaStr); else append_msg(msg, "STR "); break; case AUD_NAME: /* Name */ vaStr = (char *)va_arg(vaList, char *); if (vaStr) append_msg(msg, "NAME %s ", vaStr); else append_msg(msg, "NAME "); break; case AUD_ACL: /* ACL */ vaStr = (char *)va_arg(vaList, char *); if (vaStr) append_msg(msg, "ACL %s ", vaStr); else append_msg(msg, "ACL "); break; case AUD_INT: /* Integer */ vaInt = va_arg(vaList, int); append_msg(msg, "INT %d ", vaInt); break; case AUD_ID: /* ViceId */ vaInt = va_arg(vaList, int); append_msg(msg, "ID %d ", vaInt); break; case AUD_DATE: /* Date */ vaLong = va_arg(vaList, afs_int32); append_msg(msg, "DATE %u ", vaLong); break; case AUD_HOST: /* Host ID */ vaLong = va_arg(vaList, afs_int32); hostAddr.s_addr = vaLong; append_msg(msg, "HOST %s ", inet_ntoa(hostAddr)); break; case AUD_LONG: /* afs_int32 */ vaLong = va_arg(vaList, afs_int32); append_msg(msg, "LONG %d ", vaLong); break; case AUD_FID: /* AFSFid - contains 3 entries */ vaFid = va_arg(vaList, struct AFSFid *); if (vaFid) append_msg(msg, "FID %u:%u:%u ", vaFid->Volume, vaFid->Vnode, vaFid->Unique); else append_msg(msg, "FID %u:%u:%u ", 0, 0, 0); break; case AUD_FIDS: /* array of Fids */ vaFids = va_arg(vaList, struct AFSCBFids *); if (vaFids) { unsigned int i; vaFid = vaFids->AFSCBFids_val; if (vaFid) { append_msg(msg, "FIDS %u ", vaFids->AFSCBFids_len); for ( i = 1; i <= vaFids->AFSCBFids_len; i++, vaFid++ ) append_msg(msg, "FID %u:%u:%u ", vaFid->Volume, vaFid->Vnode, vaFid->Unique); } else append_msg(msg, "FIDS 0 FID 0:0:0 "); } break; case AUD_TLBL: /* butc tape label */ vaLabel = va_arg(vaList, struct tc_tapeLabel *); if (vaLabel) { append_msg(msg, "TAPELABEL %d:%.*s:%.*s:%u ", vaLabel->size, TC_MAXTAPELEN, vaLabel->afsname, TC_MAXTAPELEN, vaLabel->pname, vaLabel->tapeId); } else { append_msg(msg, "TAPELABEL "); } break; case AUD_TDI: vaDI = va_arg(vaList, struct tc_dumpInterface *); if (vaDI) { append_msg(msg, "TCDUMPINTERFACE %.*s:%.*s:%.*s:%d:%d:%d:%d:%.*s:%.*s:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d ", TC_MAXDUMPPATH, vaDI->dumpPath, TC_MAXNAMELEN, vaDI->volumeSetName, TC_MAXNAMELEN, vaDI->dumpName, vaDI->parentDumpId, vaDI->dumpLevel, vaDI->doAppend, vaDI->tapeSet.id, TC_MAXHOSTLEN, vaDI->tapeSet.tapeServer, TC_MAXFORMATLEN, vaDI->tapeSet.format, vaDI->tapeSet.maxTapes, vaDI->tapeSet.a, vaDI->tapeSet.b, vaDI->tapeSet.expDate, vaDI->tapeSet.expType); } else { append_msg(msg, "TCDUMPINTERFACE "); } break; case AUD_TDA: vaDA = va_arg(vaList, struct tc_dumpArray *); if (vaDA) { u_int i; struct tc_dumpDesc *desc; struct in_addr hostAddr; desc = vaDA->tc_dumpArray_val; if (desc) { append_msg(msg, "DUMPS %d ", vaDA->tc_dumpArray_len); for (i = 0; i < vaDA->tc_dumpArray_len; i++, desc++) { hostAddr.s_addr = desc->hostAddr; append_msg(msg, "DUMP %d:%d:%.*s:%d:%d:%d:%s ", desc->vid, desc->vtype, TC_MAXNAMELEN, desc->name, desc->partition, desc->date, desc->cloneDate, inet_ntoa(hostAddr)); } } else { append_msg(msg, "DUMPS 0 DUMP 0:0::0:0:0:"); } } break; case AUD_TRA: vaRA = va_arg(vaList, struct tc_restoreArray *); if (vaRA) { u_int i; struct tc_restoreDesc *desc; struct in_addr hostAddr; desc = vaRA->tc_restoreArray_val; if (desc) { append_msg(msg, "RESTORES %d ", vaRA->tc_restoreArray_len); for(i = 0; i < vaRA->tc_restoreArray_len; i++, desc++) { hostAddr.s_addr = desc->hostAddr; append_msg(msg, "RESTORE %d:%.*s:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%s:%.*s:%.*s ", desc->flags, TC_MAXTAPELEN, desc->tapeName, desc->dbDumpId, desc->initialDumpId, desc->position, desc->origVid, desc->vid, desc->partition, desc->dumpLevel, inet_ntoa(hostAddr), TC_MAXNAMELEN, desc->oldName, TC_MAXNAMELEN, desc->newName); } } else { append_msg(msg, "RESTORES 0 RESTORE 0::0:0:0:0:0:0:0: "); } } break; case AUD_TSTT: vaTCstatus = va_arg(vaList, struct tciStatusS *); if (vaTCstatus) append_msg(msg, "TCSTATUS %.*s:%d:%d:%d:%d:%.*s:%d:%d ", TC_MAXNAMELEN, vaTCstatus->taskName, vaTCstatus->taskId, vaTCstatus->flags, vaTCstatus->dbDumpId, vaTCstatus->nKBytes, TC_MAXNAMELEN, vaTCstatus->volumeName, vaTCstatus->volsFailed, vaTCstatus->lastPolled); else append_msg(msg, "TCSTATUS "); break; default: append_msg(msg, "--badval-- "); break; } /* end switch */ vaEntry = va_arg(vaList, int); } /* end while */ MUTEX_ENTER(&audit_lock); multi_send_msg(msg); MUTEX_EXIT(&audit_lock); free(msg); } #ifdef AFS_PTHREAD_ENV static void osi_audit_init_lock(void) { MUTEX_INIT(&audit_lock, "audit", MUTEX_DEFAULT, 0); } #endif void osi_audit_init(void) { #ifdef AFS_PTHREAD_ENV pthread_once(&audit_lock_once, osi_audit_init_lock); #endif /* AFS_PTHREAD_ENV */ } /* ************************************************************************** */ /* The routine that acually does the audit call. * ************************************************************************** */ static int osi_audit_internal(char *audEvent, /* Event name (15 chars or less) */ afs_int32 errCode, /* The error code */ char *afsName, afs_int32 hostId, va_list vaList) { #ifdef AFS_AIX32_ENV afs_int32 code; afs_int32 err; static char BUFFER[32768]; int result; #endif #ifdef AFS_PTHREAD_ENV /* i'm pretty sure all the server apps now call osi_audit_init(), * but to be extra careful we'll leave this in here for a * while to make sure */ pthread_once(&audit_lock_once, osi_audit_init_lock); #endif /* AFS_PTHREAD_ENV */ if ((osi_audit_all < 0) || (osi_echo_trail < 0)) osi_audit_check(); if (!osi_audit_all && !auditout_open) return 0; #ifdef AFS_AIX32_ENV switch (errCode) { case 0: result = AUDIT_OK; break; case KANOAUTH: /* kautils.h */ case RXKADNOAUTH: /* rxkad.h */ result = AUDIT_FAIL_AUTH; break; case EPERM: /* errno.h */ case EACCES: /* errno.h */ case PRPERM: /* pterror.h */ result = AUDIT_FAIL_ACCESS; break; case VL_PERM: /* vlserver.h */ case BUDB_NOTPERMITTED: /* budb_errs.h */ case BZACCESS: /* bnode.h */ case VOLSERBAD_ACCESS: /* volser.h */ result = AUDIT_FAIL_PRIV; break; default: result = AUDIT_FAIL; break; } #endif #ifdef AFS_AIX32_ENV MUTEX_ENTER(&audit_lock); bufferPtr = BUFFER; /* Put the error code into the buffer list */ *(int *)bufferPtr = errCode; bufferPtr += sizeof(errCode); audmakebuf(audEvent, vaList); bufferLen = (int)((afs_int32) bufferPtr - (afs_int32) & BUFFER[0]); code = auditlog(audEvent, result, BUFFER, bufferLen); MUTEX_EXIT(&audit_lock); #else if (auditout_open) { printbuf(0, audEvent, afsName, hostId, errCode, vaList); } #endif return 0; } int osi_audit(char *audEvent, /* Event name (15 chars or less) */ afs_int32 errCode, /* The error code */ ...) { va_list vaList; if ((osi_audit_all < 0) || (osi_echo_trail < 0)) osi_audit_check(); if (!osi_audit_all && !auditout_open) return 0; va_start(vaList, errCode); osi_audit_internal(audEvent, errCode, NULL, 0, vaList); va_end(vaList); return 0; } /* ************************************************************************** */ /* Given a RPC call structure, this routine extracts the name and host id from the * call and includes it within the audit information. * ************************************************************************** */ int osi_auditU(struct rx_call *call, char *audEvent, int errCode, ...) { struct rx_connection *conn; struct rx_peer *peer; afs_int32 secClass; afs_int32 code; char afsName[MAXKTCNAMELEN + MAXKTCNAMELEN + MAXKTCREALMLEN + 3]; afs_int32 hostId; va_list vaList; if (osi_audit_all < 0) osi_audit_check(); if (!osi_audit_all && !auditout_open) return 0; strcpy(afsName, "--Unknown--"); hostId = 0; if (call) { conn = rx_ConnectionOf(call); /* call -> conn) */ if (conn) { secClass = rx_SecurityClassOf(conn); /* conn -> securityIndex */ if (secClass == RX_SECIDX_NULL) { /* unauthenticated */ osi_audit("AFS_Aud_Unauth", (-1), AUD_STR, audEvent, AUD_END); strcpy(afsName, "--UnAuth--"); } else if (secClass == RX_SECIDX_KAD || secClass == RX_SECIDX_KAE) { /* authenticated with rxkad */ char tcell[MAXKTCREALMLEN]; char name[MAXKTCNAMELEN]; char inst[MAXKTCNAMELEN]; code = rxkad_GetServerInfo(conn, NULL, NULL, name, inst, tcell, NULL); if (code) { osi_audit("AFS_Aud_NoAFSId", (-1), AUD_STR, audEvent, AUD_END); strcpy(afsName, "--NoName--"); } else { afs_int32 islocal = 0; if (audit_user_check.islocal) { islocal = audit_user_check.islocal(audit_user_check.rock, name, inst, tcell); } strlcpy(afsName, name, sizeof(afsName)); if (inst[0]) { strlcat(afsName, ".", sizeof(afsName)); strlcat(afsName, inst, sizeof(afsName)); } if (tcell[0] && !islocal) { strlcat(afsName, "@", sizeof(afsName)); strlcat(afsName, tcell, sizeof(afsName)); } } } else { /* Unauthenticated and/or unknown */ osi_audit("AFS_Aud_UnknSec", (-1), AUD_STR, audEvent, AUD_END); strcpy(afsName, "--Unknown--"); } peer = rx_PeerOf(conn); /* conn -> peer */ if (peer) hostId = rx_HostOf(peer); /* peer -> host */ else osi_audit("AFS_Aud_NoHost", (-1), AUD_STR, audEvent, AUD_END); } else { /* null conn */ osi_audit("AFS_Aud_NoConn", (-1), AUD_STR, audEvent, AUD_END); } } else { /* null call */ osi_audit("AFS_Aud_NoCall", (-1), AUD_STR, audEvent, AUD_END); } va_start(vaList, errCode); osi_audit_internal(audEvent, errCode, afsName, hostId, vaList); va_end(vaList); return 0; } /* ************************************************************************** */ /* Determines whether auditing is on or off by looking at the Audit file. * If the string AFS_AUDIT_AllEvents is defined in the file, then auditing will be * enabled. * ************************************************************************** */ int osi_audit_check(void) { FILE *fds; int onoff; char event[257]; osi_audit_all = 1; /* say we made check (>= 0) */ /* and assume audit all events (for now) */ onoff = 0; /* assume we will turn auditing off */ osi_echo_trail = 0; /* assume no echoing */ fds = fopen(AFSDIR_SERVER_AUDIT_FILEPATH, "r"); if (fds) { while (fscanf(fds, "%256s", event) > 0) { if (strcmp(event, "AFS_AUDIT_AllEvents") == 0) onoff = 1; if (strcmp(event, "Echo_Trail") == 0) osi_echo_trail = 1; } fclose(fds); } /* Audit this event all of the time */ if (onoff) osi_audit("AFS_Aud_On", 0, AUD_END); else osi_audit("AFS_Aud_Off", 0, AUD_END); /* Now set whether we audit all events from here on out */ osi_audit_all = onoff; return 0; } /*! * Helper for processing cmd line options * * Process the parameters for the -audit-interface and -auditlog command line * options * * @param[in] default_iface * String for the default audit interface or NULL * @param[in] audit_loglist * Pointer to a cmd_item list of audit logs or NULL * * @return status * @retval 0 - success * @retval -1 - Error (message printed to stderr) */ int osi_audit_cmd_Options(char *default_iface, struct cmd_item *audit_loglist) { if (default_iface) { if (osi_audit_interface(default_iface)) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid auditinterface '%s'\n", default_iface); return -1; } } while (audit_loglist != NULL) { if (osi_audit_file(audit_loglist->data)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error processing auditlog options '%s'\n", audit_loglist->data); return -1; } audit_loglist = audit_loglist->next; } return 0; } /* * Handle parsing a string: [interface_name:]filespec[:options] * The string a:b will parse 'a' as the interface name and 'b' as the filespec. * Note that the string pointed by optionstr will be modified * by strtok_r by inserting '\0' between the tokens. * The values returned in interface_name, filespec and options * are pointers to the 'sub-strings' within optionstr. */ static int parse_file_options(char *optionstr, const char **interface_name, char **filespec, char **options) { int code = 0; char *opt_cursor = optionstr; char *tok1 = NULL, *tok2 = NULL, *tok3 = NULL, *tokptrsave = NULL; /* * Handle the fact that strtok doesn't handle empty fields e.g. a::b * and will return tok1-> a tok2-> b */ /* 1st field */ if (*opt_cursor != ':') { tok1 = strtok_r(opt_cursor, ":", &tokptrsave); opt_cursor = strtok_r(NULL, "", &tokptrsave); } else { /* Skip the ':' */ opt_cursor++; } /* 2nd field */ if (opt_cursor != NULL) { if (*opt_cursor != ':') { tok2 = strtok_r(opt_cursor, ":", &tokptrsave); opt_cursor = strtok_r(NULL, "", &tokptrsave); } else { /* Skip the ':' */ opt_cursor++; } } /* 3rd field is just the remainder if any */ tok3 = opt_cursor; if (tok1 == NULL || strlen(tok1) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Missing -auditlog parameter\n"); code = EINVAL; goto done; } /* If only one token, then it's the filespec */ if (tok2 == NULL && tok3 == NULL) { *filespec = tok1; } else { *interface_name = tok1; *filespec = tok2; *options = tok3; } done: return code; } /* * Parse the options looking for comma-seperated values. */ static int parse_option_string(const struct osi_audit_ops *ops, void *rock, char *options) { int code = 0; char *tok1, *tokptrsave = NULL; tok1 = strtok_r(options, ",", &tokptrsave); while (tok1) { /* Handle opt=val or just opt */ char *opt, *val; char *optvalsave; opt = strtok_r(tok1, "=", &optvalsave); val = strtok_r(NULL, "", &optvalsave); code = ops->set_option(rock, opt, val); if (code) { /* Bad option */ goto done; } tok1 = strtok_r(NULL, ",", &tokptrsave); } done: return code; } /* * Process -auditlog * [interface]:filespec[:options] * interface - interface name (optional - defaults to default_interface) * filespec - depends on the interface (required) * options - optional string passed to interface * Returns 0 - success * EINVAL - option error * ENOMEM - error allocating memory */ int osi_audit_file(const char *fileplusoptions) { int idx; int code; char *optionstr = NULL; const char *interface_name = NULL; char *filespec = NULL; char *options = NULL; const struct osi_audit_ops *ops = NULL; struct audit_log *new_alog = NULL; /* Use the default unless specified */ interface_name = audit_interfaces[default_interface].name; /* dup of the input string so the parsing can safely modify it */ optionstr = strdup(fileplusoptions); if (!optionstr) { code = ENOMEM; goto done; } code = parse_file_options(optionstr, &interface_name, &filespec, &options); if (code) goto done; if (interface_name && strlen(interface_name) != 0) { for (idx = 0; idx < N_INTERFACES; idx++) { if (strcmp(interface_name, audit_interfaces[idx].name) == 0) { ops = audit_interfaces[idx].ops; break; } } if (ops == NULL) { /* Couldn't find the interface name */ fprintf(stderr, "Could not find the specified audit interface %s\n", interface_name); code = EINVAL; goto done; } } else { fprintf(stderr, "Missing interface name\n"); code = EINVAL; goto done; } if (filespec == NULL || strlen(filespec) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Missing auditlog path for %s interface\n", interface_name); code = EINVAL; goto done; } opr_Assert(ops->create_interface != NULL); opr_Assert(ops->close_interface != NULL); opr_Assert(ops->open_file != NULL); opr_Assert(ops->send_msg != NULL); opr_Assert(ops->print_interface_stats != NULL); /* open_interface, set_option and close_interface are optional */ new_alog = calloc(1, sizeof(*new_alog)); if (!new_alog) { code = ENOMEM; goto done; } new_alog->audit_ops = ops; new_alog->auditout_open = 0; new_alog->context = ops->create_interface(); if (new_alog->context == NULL) { code = ENOMEM; goto done; } if (options != NULL && ops->set_option != NULL) { /* Split the option string at commas */ code = parse_option_string(ops, new_alog->context, options); if (code) goto done; } code = ops->open_file(new_alog->context, filespec); if (code) { /* Error opening file */ goto done; } new_alog->auditout_open = 1; auditout_open = 1; /* Add to chain of active interfaces */ opr_queue_Append(&audit_logs, &new_alog->link); new_alog = NULL; code = 0; done: if (code) { /* Error condition present.. */ if (new_alog) { ops->close_interface(&new_alog->context); free(new_alog); } } if (optionstr) free(optionstr); return code; } /* * Set the default interface * return 0 for success * EINVAL missing or invalid interface name */ int osi_audit_interface(const char *interface) { int idx; if (interface == NULL || strlen(interface) == 0) return EINVAL; for (idx = 0; idx < N_INTERFACES; idx++) { if (strcmp(interface, audit_interfaces[idx].name) == 0) { default_interface = idx; return 0; } } return EINVAL; } /* * Let the interfaces finish initialization */ void osi_audit_open(void) { struct opr_queue *cursor; for (opr_queue_Scan(&audit_logs, cursor)) { struct audit_log *alog; alog = opr_queue_Entry(cursor, struct audit_log, link); if (alog->auditout_open && alog->audit_ops->open_interface != NULL) alog->audit_ops->open_interface(alog->context); } } /* * Shutdown the interfaces */ void osi_audit_close(void) { struct opr_queue *cursor, *cursorsave; for (opr_queue_ScanSafe(&audit_logs, cursor, cursorsave)) { struct audit_log *alog; alog = opr_queue_Entry(cursor, struct audit_log, link); alog->audit_ops->close_interface(&alog->context); opr_queue_Remove(&alog->link); free(alog); } } void osi_audit_set_user_check(void *rock, int (*islocal) (void *rock, char *name, char *inst, char *cell)) { audit_user_check.rock = rock; audit_user_check.islocal = islocal; } void audit_PrintStats(FILE *out) { struct opr_queue *cursor; for (opr_queue_Scan(&audit_logs, cursor)) { struct audit_log *alog; alog = opr_queue_Entry(cursor, struct audit_log, link); if (alog->auditout_open) alog->audit_ops->print_interface_stats(alog->context, out); } }