# Copyright 2000, International Business Machines Corporation and others. # All Rights Reserved. # # This software has been released under the terms of the IBM Public # License. For details, see the LICENSE file in the top-level source # directory or online at http://www.openafs.org/dl/license10.html srcdir=@srcdir@ include @TOP_OBJDIR@/src/config/Makefile.config CFLAGS=-g -I. -I${srcdir} -I${TOP_OBJDIR}/src/config -I${TOP_INCDIR} ${XCFLAGS} RPCINCLS=${TOP_INCDIR}/lwp.h ${TOP_INCDIR}/rx/rx.h bosint.h INCLS=bnode.h \ ${RPCINCLS} \ ${TOP_INCDIR}/afs/auth.h \ ${TOP_INCDIR}/afs/keys.h \ ${TOP_INCDIR}/afs/cellconfig.h \ ${TOP_INCDIR}/afs/cmd.h \ ${TOP_INCDIR}/afs/ktime.h # EH 12/18/90 - have to search librx.a twice on Ultrix 4.0 LIBS=${TOP_LIBDIR}/librx.a \ ${TOP_LIBDIR}/liblwp.a \ ${TOP_LIBDIR}/libcmd.a \ ${TOP_LIBDIR}/libkauth.a \ ${TOP_LIBDIR}/libvolser.a \ ${TOP_LIBDIR}/libvldb.a \ ${TOP_LIBDIR}/libauth.a \ ${TOP_LIBDIR}/librxstat.a \ ${TOP_LIBDIR}/librxkad.a \ ${TOP_LIBDIR}/libdes.a \ ${TOP_LIBDIR}/librx.a \ ${TOP_LIBDIR}/libubik.a \ ${TOP_LIBDIR}/libcom_err.a \ ${TOP_LIBDIR}/util.a \ ${TOP_LIBDIR}/libsys.a \ ${TOP_LIBDIR}/libprocmgmt.a OBJS=bosserver.o bnode.o ezbnodeops.o fsbnodeops.o bosint.ss.o bosint.xdr.o \ bosoprocs.o cronbnodeops.o all: bosserver ${TOP_INCDIR}/afs/bosint.h bos ${TOP_LIBDIR}/libbos.a ${TOP_INCDIR}/afs/bnode.h $(OBJS) bosint.xdr.o bosint.cs.o boserr.o: $(INCLS) bosint.ss.o: bosint.ss.c ${RPCINCLS} bosint.xdr.o: bosint.xdr.c ${RPCINCLS} bosint.cs.o: bosint.cs.c ${RPCINCLS} bosint.cs.c: bosint.xg ${RXGEN} -x -C -o $@ ${srcdir}/bosint.xg bosint.ss.c: bosint.xg ${RXGEN} -x -S -o $@ ${srcdir}/bosint.xg bosint.xdr.c: bosint.xg ${RXGEN} -x -c -o $@ ${srcdir}/bosint.xg bosint.h: bosint.xg ${RXGEN} -x -h -o $@ ${srcdir}/bosint.xg bosint.cs.c: bosint.h bosint.ss.c: bosint.h bosint.xdr.c: bosint.h bnode.h boserr.c: bnode.p.h boserr.et $(RM) -f boserr.c bnode.h ${COMPILE_ET} -p ${srcdir} boserr -h bnode bosserver.o: bosserver.c ${INCLS} AFS_component_version_number.o cronbnodeops.o: cronbnodeops.c ${INCLS} bnode.o: bnode.c ${INCLS} bosoprocs.o: bosoprocs.c ${INCLS} bos.o: bos.c ${INCLS} AFS_component_version_number.o bos: bos.o $(LIBS) libbos.a ${CC} ${CFLAGS} -o bos bos.o libbos.a $(LIBS) ${XLIBS} ezbnodeops.o: ezbnodeops.c ${INCLS} fsbnodeops.o: fsbnodeops.c ${INCLS} libbos.a: bosint.xdr.o bosint.cs.o boserr.o AFS_component_version_number.o -$(RM) -f $@ $(AR) crv $@ bosint.xdr.o bosint.cs.o boserr.o AFS_component_version_number.o $(RANLIB) $@ bosserver: $(OBJS) $(LIBS) ${CC} $(CFLAGS) -o bosserver $(OBJS) ${TOP_LIBDIR}/libaudit.a $(LIBS) ${XLIBS} # # Install targets # install: \ ${DESTDIR}${afssrvsbindir}/bosserver \ ${DESTDIR}${includedir}/afs/bosint.h \ ${DESTDIR}${bindir}/bos \ ${DESTDIR}${afssrvbindir}/bos \ ${DESTDIR}${libdir}/afs/libbos.a \ ${DESTDIR}${includedir}/afs/bnode.h ${DEST}/root.server/usr/afs/bin/bosserver: bosserver ${INSTALL} $? $@ ${DEST}/include/afs/bosint.h: bosint.h ${INSTALL} $? $@ ${DEST}/bin/bos: bos ${INSTALL} $? $@ ${DEST}/root.server/usr/afs/bin/bos: bos ${INSTALL} $? $@ ${DEST}/lib/afs/libbos.a: libbos.a ${INSTALL} $? $@ ${DEST}/include/afs/bnode.h: bnode.h ${INSTALL} $? $@ # # Misc. targets # clean: $(RM) -f *.a *.o bos bosserver testproc bosint.cs.c bosint.ss.c bosint.xdr.c \ bosint.h core boserr.c bnode.h AFS_component_version_number.c test: cd test; $(MAKE) include ../config/Makefile.version ${DESTDIR}${afssrvsbindir}/bosserver: bosserver ${INSTALL} $? $@ ${DESTDIR}${includedir}/afs/bosint.h: bosint.h ${INSTALL} $? $@ ${TOP_INCDIR}/afs/bosint.h: bosint.h ${INSTALL} $? $@ ${DESTDIR}${bindir}/bos: bos ${INSTALL} $? $@ ${DESTDIR}${afssrvbindir}/bos: bos ${INSTALL} $? $@ ${DESTDIR}${libdir}/afs/libbos.a: libbos.a ${INSTALL} $? $@ ${TOP_LIBDIR}/libbos.a: libbos.a ${INSTALL} $? $@ ${DESTDIR}${includedir}/afs/bnode.h: bnode.h ${INSTALL} $? $@ ${TOP_INCDIR}/afs/bnode.h: bnode.h ${INSTALL} $? $@ dest: \ ${DEST}/root.server/usr/afs/bin/bosserver \ ${DEST}/include/afs/bosint.h \ ${DEST}/bin/bos \ ${DEST}/root.server/usr/afs/bin/bos \ ${DEST}/lib/afs/libbos.a \ ${DEST}/include/afs/bnode.h