/* * Copyright 2000, International Business Machines Corporation and others. * All Rights Reserved. * * This software has been released under the terms of the IBM Public * License. For details, see the LICENSE file in the top-level source * directory or online at http://www.openafs.org/dl/license10.html */ #include #include #include #include #ifdef AFS_NT40_ENV #include #else #include #include #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include "bc.h" #include "error_macros.h" #include "bucoord_internal.h" #include "bucoord_prototypes.h" /* code to manage volumesets * specific to the ubik database implementation */ extern struct bc_config *bc_globalConfig; extern struct udbHandleS udbHandle; extern char *whoami; static int ListVolSet(struct bc_volumeSet *aset); /* ------------------------------------ * command level routines * ------------------------------------ */ /* bc_AddVolEntryCmd * add a volume (or volume expression) to a volume set * params: * parm 0 is vol set name. * parm 1 is server name * parm 2 is partition name * parm 3 is volume regexp */ int bc_AddVolEntryCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *as, void *arock) { register int code; char *volSetName, *serverName, *partitionName, *volRegExp; udbClientTextP ctPtr; struct bc_volumeSet *tset; volSetName = as->parms[0].items->data; serverName = as->parms[1].items->data; partitionName = as->parms[2].items->data; volRegExp = as->parms[3].items->data; code = bc_UpdateVolumeSet(); if (code) { afs_com_err(whoami, code, "; Can't retrieve volume sets"); return (code); } ctPtr = &bc_globalConfig->configText[TB_VOLUMESET]; tset = bc_FindVolumeSet(bc_globalConfig, volSetName); if (!tset) { afs_com_err(whoami, code, "; Volume entry not added"); ERROR(code); } if (!(tset->flags & VSFLAG_TEMPORARY)) { code = bc_LockText(ctPtr); if (code) ERROR(code); } code = bc_UpdateVolumeSet(); if (code) { afs_com_err(whoami, code, "; Can't retrieve volume sets"); return (code); } code = bc_AddVolumeItem(bc_globalConfig, volSetName, serverName, partitionName, volRegExp); if (code) { afs_com_err(whoami, code, "; Volume entry not added"); ERROR(code); } if (!(tset->flags & VSFLAG_TEMPORARY)) { code = bc_SaveVolumeSet(); if (code) { afs_com_err(whoami, code, "Cannot save volume set file"); afs_com_err(whoami, 0, "Changes are temporary - for this session only"); } } error_exit: if (ctPtr->lockHandle) bc_UnlockText(ctPtr); return (code); } /* bc_AddVolSetCmd * create a new volume set, writing out the new volumeset * file in a safe manner * params: * name of new volume set */ int bc_AddVolSetCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *as, void *arock) { /* parm 0 is vol set name */ register int code; register struct cmd_item *ti; udbClientTextP ctPtr; afs_int32 flags; /* lock schedules and check validity */ ctPtr = &bc_globalConfig->configText[TB_VOLUMESET]; flags = (as->parms[1].items ? VSFLAG_TEMPORARY : 0); /* Don't lock if adding a temporary volumeset */ if (!(flags & VSFLAG_TEMPORARY)) { code = bc_LockText(ctPtr); if (code) ERROR(code); } code = bc_UpdateVolumeSet(); if (code) { afs_com_err(whoami, code, "; Can't retrieve volume sets"); return (code); } /* validate size of volumeset name */ code = bc_CreateVolumeSet(bc_globalConfig, (ti = as->parms[0].items)->data, flags); if (code) { if (code == -1) afs_com_err(whoami, 0, "Volume set '%s' already exists", ti->data); else afs_com_err(whoami, 0, "Unknown problem"); } else if (!(flags & VSFLAG_TEMPORARY)) { code = bc_SaveVolumeSet(); if (code) { afs_com_err(whoami, code, "Cannot save new volume set file"); afs_com_err(whoami, 0, "Changes are temporary - for this session only"); } } error_exit: if (ctPtr->lockHandle != 0) bc_UnlockText(ctPtr); return (code); } /* bc_DeleteVolEntryCmd * delete a volume specification from a volume set * params: * parm 0 is vol set name * parm 1 is entry # (integer, 1 based) */ int bc_DeleteVolEntryCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *as, void *arock) { register int code; afs_int32 entry; char *vsname; udbClientTextP ctPtr; struct bc_volumeSet *tset; vsname = as->parms[0].items->data; code = bc_UpdateVolumeSet(); if (code) { afs_com_err(whoami, code, "; Can't retrieve volume sets"); return (code); } /* lock schedules and check validity */ ctPtr = &bc_globalConfig->configText[TB_VOLUMESET]; tset = bc_FindVolumeSet(bc_globalConfig, vsname); if (!tset) { afs_com_err(whoami, 0, "No such volume set as '%s'", vsname); ERROR(code); } if (!(tset->flags & VSFLAG_TEMPORARY)) { code = bc_LockText(ctPtr); if (code) ERROR(code); } code = bc_UpdateVolumeSet(); if (code) { afs_com_err(whoami, code, "; Can't retrieve volume sets"); return (code); } entry = bc_SafeATOI(as->parms[1].items->data); if (entry < 0) { afs_com_err(whoami, 0, "Can't parse entry number '%s' as decimal integer", as->parms[1].items->data); ERROR(BC_BADARG); } code = bc_DeleteVolumeItem(bc_globalConfig, vsname, entry); if (code) { if (code == -1) { afs_com_err(whoami, 0, "No such volume set as '%s'", vsname); } else if (code == -2) { afs_com_err(whoami, 0, "There aren't %d volume items for this volume set", entry); afs_com_err(whoami, 0, "Use the 'listvolsets' command to examine the volume set"); } ERROR(code); } if (!(tset->flags & VSFLAG_TEMPORARY)) { code = bc_SaveVolumeSet(); if (code == 0) { printf("backup: deleted volume entry %d from volume set %s\n", entry, vsname); } else { afs_com_err(whoami, code, "Cannot save volume set file"); afs_com_err(whoami, 0, "Deletion is temporary - for this session only"); } } error_exit: if (ctPtr->lockHandle != 0) bc_UnlockText(ctPtr); return (code); } /* bc_DeleteVolSetCmd * delete a volume set, writing out a new configuration file when * completed * params: * name of volumeset to delete */ int bc_DeleteVolSetCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *as, void *arock) { /* parm 0 is vol set name */ register int code; register struct cmd_item *ti; udbClientTextP ctPtr; afs_int32 c; afs_int32 flags, tosave = 0; /* lock schedules and check validity */ ctPtr = &bc_globalConfig->configText[TB_VOLUMESET]; code = bc_LockText(ctPtr); if (code) ERROR(code); code = bc_UpdateVolumeSet(); if (code) { afs_com_err(whoami, code, "; Can't retrieve volume sets"); return (code); } for (ti = as->parms[0].items; ti; ti = ti->next) { code = bc_DeleteVolumeSet(bc_globalConfig, ti->data, &flags); if (code) { if (code == -1) afs_com_err(whoami, 0, "Can't find volume set '%s'", ti->data); else afs_com_err(whoami, code, "; Unknown problem deleting volume set '%s'", ti->data); } else { if (!(flags & VSFLAG_TEMPORARY)) tosave = 1; printf("backup: deleted volume set '%s'\n", ti->data); } } /* now write out the file */ if (tosave) { c = bc_SaveVolumeSet(); if (c) { if (!code) code = c; afs_com_err(whoami, c, "Cannot save updated volume set file"); afs_com_err(whoami, 0, "Deletion effective for this session only"); } } error_exit: if (ctPtr->lockHandle) bc_UnlockText(ctPtr); return (code); } static int ListVolSet(struct bc_volumeSet *aset) { struct bc_volumeEntry *tentry; int i; printf("Volume set %s", aset->name); if (aset->flags & VSFLAG_TEMPORARY) printf(" (temporary)"); printf(":\n"); i = 1; for (tentry = aset->ventries; tentry; tentry = tentry->next, i++) { printf(" Entry %3d: server %s, partition %s, volumes: %s\n", i, tentry->serverName, tentry->partname, tentry->name); } return 0; } /* bc_ListVolSetCmd * list out all the information (?) about a volumeset or about all * volumesets * entry: * optional parameter specifies a volumeset name */ int bc_ListVolSetCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *as, void *arock) { /* parm 0 is optional volume set to display */ register struct bc_volumeSet *tset; register struct cmd_item *ti; int code = 0; code = bc_UpdateVolumeSet(); if (code) { afs_com_err(whoami, code, "; Can't retrieve volume sets"); return (code); } /* figure out volume set to list */ if ((ti = as->parms[0].items)) { /* for each volume set in the command item list */ for (; ti; ti = ti->next) { tset = bc_FindVolumeSet(bc_globalConfig, ti->data); if (tset) { ListVolSet(tset); printf("\n"); } else { afs_com_err(whoami, 0, "Can't find volume set '%s'", ti->data); code = 1; } } } else { /* no command parameters specified, show entire list */ for (tset = bc_globalConfig->vset; tset; tset = tset->next) { ListVolSet(tset); printf("\n"); } } return code; } /* ------------------------------------ * support routines * ------------------------------------ */ int bc_ClearVolumeSets(void) { struct bc_volumeSet *vsPtr, *vsNextPtr, **vsPrev; extern struct bc_config *bc_globalConfig; vsPrev = &(bc_globalConfig->vset); for (vsPtr = bc_globalConfig->vset; vsPtr; vsPtr = vsNextPtr) { vsNextPtr = vsPtr->next; if (vsPtr->flags & VSFLAG_TEMPORARY) { /* Skip temporary volumeSet */ vsPrev = &(vsPtr->next); continue; } *vsPrev = vsPtr->next; /* Remove volumeSet from the chain */ FreeVolumeSet(vsPtr); } return (0); } /* bc_ParseVolumeSet * Open up the volume set configuration file as specified in our argument, * then parse the file to set up our internal representation. * exit: * 0 on successful processing, * -1 otherwise. */ int bc_ParseVolumeSet(void) { char tbuffer[1024]; /*Buffer for reading config file */ char vsname[256]; /*Volume set name */ char serverName[256]; /*Server name */ char partName[256]; /*Partition name */ register struct bc_volumeEntry *tve; /*Ptr to generated volume spec struct */ register struct bc_volumeSet *tvs = NULL; /*Ptr to volume set struct */ struct bc_volumeEntry **ppve, *pve; struct bc_volumeSet **ppvs, *pvs; register afs_int32 code; /*Generalized return code */ char *tp; /*Result of fgets(), malloc() */ int readHeader; /*Is next thing to read a volume set hdr? */ udbClientTextP ctPtr; register FILE *stream; struct bc_config *configPtr; extern struct bc_config *bc_globalConfig; ctPtr = &bc_globalConfig->configText[TB_VOLUMESET]; stream = ctPtr->textStream; configPtr = bc_globalConfig; /* * Open up the volume set configuration file, fail if it can't be done. */ if (ctPtr->textSize == 0) /* empty is ok */ return (0); /* stream checks and initialization */ if (stream == NULL) return (BC_INTERNALERROR); rewind(stream); readHeader = 1; while (1) { /* Read in and process the next line of the volume set description * file. */ tp = fgets(tbuffer, sizeof(tbuffer), stream); if (!tp) break; if (readHeader) { /*r */ /* * Scan a header entry. */ readHeader = 0; code = sscanf(tbuffer, "%s %s", serverName, vsname); if ((code != 2) || (strcmp(serverName, "volumeset") != 0) ) { afs_com_err(whoami, 0, "Bad volume header line: '%s'", tbuffer); return (-1); } /* Create and fill in the volume set descriptor structure from * the info just read placing it at the head of its queue in the * global configuration structure. */ tvs = (struct bc_volumeSet *)malloc(sizeof(struct bc_volumeSet)); memset(tvs, 0, sizeof(*tvs)); tvs->name = (char *)malloc(strlen(vsname) + 1); strcpy(tvs->name, vsname); /* append to the end */ for (ppvs = &bc_globalConfig->vset, pvs = *ppvs; pvs; ppvs = &pvs->next, pvs = *ppvs); *ppvs = tvs; tvs->next = (struct bc_volumeSet *)0; } /*r */ else { /*e */ /* Scan a volume name entry, which contains the server name, * partition pattern, and volume pattern. */ code = sscanf(tbuffer, "%s %s %s", serverName, partName, vsname); if (code == 1 && strcmp(serverName, "end") == 0) { /* This was really a line delimiting the current volume set. * Next time around, we should try to read a header. */ readHeader = 1; continue; } /* The line just read in is a volume spec. Create a new volume * spec record, then get the rest of the information regarding * the host, and stuff everything into place. */ tve = (struct bc_volumeEntry *) malloc(sizeof(struct bc_volumeEntry)); if (!tve) { afs_com_err(whoami, 0, "Can't malloc() a new volume spec record!"); return (-1); } memset(tve, 0, sizeof(*tve)); if (bc_ParseHost(serverName, &(tve->server))) afs_com_err(whoami, 0, "Can't get required info on host '%s'", serverName); /* The above code has filled in the server sockaddr, now fill in * the rest of the fields. */ tve->serverName = (char *)malloc(strlen(serverName) + 1); if (!tve->serverName) { afs_com_err(whoami, 0, "Can't malloc() a new volume spec server name field!"); return (-1); } strcpy(tve->serverName, serverName); tve->partname = (char *)malloc(strlen(partName) + 1); if (!tve->partname) { afs_com_err(whoami, 0, "Can't malloc() a new volume spec partition pattern field!"); return (-1); } strcpy(tve->partname, partName); code = bc_GetPartitionID(partName, &tve->partition); if (code) { afs_com_err(whoami, 0, "Can't parse partition '%s'", partName); return -1; } tp = (char *)malloc(strlen(vsname) + 1); if (!tp) { afs_com_err(whoami, 0, "Can't malloc() a new volume spec volume pattern field!"); return (-1); } strcpy(tp, vsname); tve->name = tp; /* Now, thread it onto the list of other volume spec entries for * the current volume set. */ for (ppve = &tvs->ventries, pve = *ppve; pve; ppve = &pve->next, pve = *ppve); *ppve = tve; tve->next = (struct bc_volumeEntry *)0; } } /*forever loop */ /* If we hit an EOF in the middle of a volume set record, we bitch and * moan. */ if (!readHeader) return (-1); /* * Well, we did it. Return successfully. */ return (0); } /*bc_ParseVolumeSet */ /* bc_SaveVolumeSet * save the current volume set information to disk */ int bc_SaveVolumeSet(void) { register afs_int32 code = 0; register struct bc_volumeSet *tset; register struct bc_volumeEntry *tentry; udbClientTextP ctPtr; register FILE *stream; struct bc_config *configPtr; extern struct bc_config *bc_globalConfig; ctPtr = &bc_globalConfig->configText[TB_VOLUMESET]; stream = ctPtr->textStream; configPtr = bc_globalConfig; /* must be locked */ if (ctPtr->lockHandle == 0) return (BC_INTERNALERROR); /* truncate the file */ code = ftruncate(fileno(stream), 0); if (code) ERROR(errno); rewind(stream); /* now write the volumeset information */ for (tset = bc_globalConfig->vset; tset != 0; tset = tset->next) { if (tset->flags & VSFLAG_TEMPORARY) continue; /* skip temporary entries */ fprintf(stream, "volumeset %s\n", tset->name); for (tentry = tset->ventries; tentry; tentry = tentry->next) { fprintf(stream, "%s %s %s\n", tentry->serverName, tentry->partname, tentry->name); } fprintf(stream, "end\n"); } if (ferror(stream)) return (BC_INTERNALERROR); /* send to server */ code = bcdb_SaveTextFile(ctPtr); if (code) ERROR(code); /* do this on bcdb_SaveTextFile */ /* increment local version number */ ctPtr->textVersion++; /* update locally stored file size */ ctPtr->textSize = filesize(ctPtr->textStream); error_exit: return (code); } afs_int32 bc_UpdateVolumeSet(void) { struct udbHandleS *uhptr = &udbHandle; udbClientTextP ctPtr; afs_int32 code; int lock = 0; /* lock schedules and check validity */ ctPtr = &bc_globalConfig->configText[TB_VOLUMESET]; /* Don't need a lock to check the version */ code = bc_CheckTextVersion(ctPtr); if (code != BC_VERSIONMISMATCH) { ERROR(code); /* version matches or some other error */ } /* Must update the volume sets */ /* If no lock alredy taken, then lock it */ if (ctPtr->lockHandle == 0) { code = bc_LockText(ctPtr); if (code) ERROR(code); lock = 1; } if (ctPtr->textVersion != -1) { printf("backup: obsolete volumesets - updating\n"); bc_ClearVolumeSets(); } /* open a temp file to store the config text received from buserver * * The open file stream is stored in ctPtr->textStream */ code = bc_openTextFile(ctPtr, &bc_globalConfig->tmpTextFileNames[TB_VOLUMESET][0]); if (code) ERROR(code); /* now get a fresh set of information from the database */ code = bcdb_GetTextFile(ctPtr); if (code) ERROR(code); /* fetch the version number */ code = ubik_BUDB_GetTextVersion(uhptr->uh_client, 0, ctPtr->textType, &ctPtr->textVersion); if (code) ERROR(code); /* parse the file */ code = bc_ParseVolumeSet(); if (code) ERROR(code); error_exit: if (lock && ctPtr->lockHandle) bc_UnlockText(ctPtr); return (code); }