/* * Copyright 2000, International Business Machines Corporation and others. * All Rights Reserved. * * This software has been released under the terms of the IBM Public * License. For details, see the LICENSE file in the top-level source * directory or online at http://www.openafs.org/dl/license10.html */ #include #include #include #include #ifdef AFS_NT40_ENV #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "budb_errs.h" #include "database.h" #include "error_macros.h" #include "budb_internal.h" #include "globals.h" struct ubik_dbase *BU_dbase; struct afsconf_dir *BU_conf; /* for getting cell info */ int argHandler(struct cmd_syndesc *, void *); int truncateDatabase(void); int parseServerList(struct cmd_item *); char lcell[MAXKTCREALMLEN]; afs_uint32 myHost = 0; int helpOption; /* server's global configuration information. This is exported to other * files/routines */ buServerConfT globalConf; buServerConfP globalConfPtr = &globalConf; char dbDir[AFSDIR_PATH_MAX], cellConfDir[AFSDIR_PATH_MAX]; /* debugging control */ int debugging = 0; int rxBind = 0; int lwps = 3; #define MINLWP 3 #define MAXLWP 16 #define ADDRSPERSITE 16 /* Same global is in rx/rx_user.c */ afs_uint32 SHostAddrs[ADDRSPERSITE]; /* check whether caller is authorized to manage RX statistics */ int BU_rxstat_userok(struct rx_call *call) { return afsconf_SuperUser(BU_conf, call, NULL); } /** * Return true if this name is a member of the local realm. */ int BU_IsLocalRealmMatch(void *rock, char *name, char *inst, char *cell) { struct afsconf_dir *dir = (struct afsconf_dir *)rock; afs_int32 islocal = 0; /* default to no */ int code; code = afsconf_IsLocalRealmMatch(dir, &islocal, name, inst, cell); if (code) { LogError(code, "Failed local realm check; name=%s, inst=%s, cell=%s\n", name, inst, cell); } return islocal; } int convert_cell_to_ubik(struct afsconf_cell *cellinfo, afs_uint32 *myHost, afs_uint32 *serverList) { int i; char hostname[64]; struct hostent *th; /* get this host */ gethostname(hostname, sizeof(hostname)); th = gethostbyname(hostname); if (!th) { printf("prserver: couldn't get address of this host.\n"); BUDB_EXIT(1); } memcpy(myHost, th->h_addr, sizeof(afs_uint32)); for (i = 0; i < cellinfo->numServers; i++) /* omit my host from serverList */ if (cellinfo->hostAddr[i].sin_addr.s_addr != *myHost) *serverList++ = cellinfo->hostAddr[i].sin_addr.s_addr; *serverList = 0; /* terminate list */ return 0; } /* MyBeforeProc * The whole purpose of MyBeforeProc is to detect * if the -help option was not within the command line. * If it were, this routine would never have been called. */ static int MyBeforeProc(struct cmd_syndesc *as, void *arock) { helpOption = 0; return 0; } /* initializeCommands * initialize all the supported commands and their arguments */ void initializeArgHandler(void) { struct cmd_syndesc *cptr; cmd_SetBeforeProc(MyBeforeProc, NULL); cptr = cmd_CreateSyntax(NULL, argHandler, NULL, "Backup database server"); cmd_AddParm(cptr, "-database", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL, "database directory"); cmd_AddParm(cptr, "-cellservdb", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL, "cell configuration directory"); cmd_AddParm(cptr, "-resetdb", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "truncate the database"); cmd_AddParm(cptr, "-noauth", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "run without authentication"); cmd_AddParm(cptr, "-smallht", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "use small hash tables"); cmd_AddParm(cptr, "-servers", CMD_LIST, CMD_OPTIONAL, "list of ubik database servers"); cmd_AddParm(cptr, "-ubikbuffers", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL, "the number of ubik buffers"); cmd_AddParm(cptr, "-auditlog", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL, "audit log path"); cmd_AddParm(cptr, "-p", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL, "number of processes"); cmd_AddParm(cptr, "-rxbind", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "bind the Rx socket (primary interface only)"); cmd_AddParm(cptr, "-audit-interface", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL, "audit interface (file or sysvmq)"); } int argHandler(struct cmd_syndesc *as, void *arock) { /* globalConfPtr provides the handle for the configuration information */ /* database directory */ if (as->parms[0].items != 0) { globalConfPtr->databaseDirectory = strdup(as->parms[0].items->data); if (globalConfPtr->databaseDirectory == 0) BUDB_EXIT(-1); } /* -cellservdb, cell configuration directory */ if (as->parms[1].items != 0) { globalConfPtr->cellConfigdir = strdup(as->parms[1].items->data); if (globalConfPtr->cellConfigdir == 0) BUDB_EXIT(-1); globalConfPtr->debugFlags |= DF_RECHECKNOAUTH; } /* truncate the database */ if (as->parms[2].items != 0) truncateDatabase(); /* run without authentication */ if (as->parms[3].items != 0) globalConfPtr->debugFlags |= DF_NOAUTH; /* use small hash tables */ if (as->parms[4].items != 0) globalConfPtr->debugFlags |= DF_SMALLHT; /* user provided list of ubik database servers */ if (as->parms[5].items != 0) parseServerList(as->parms[5].items); /* user provided the number of ubik buffers */ if (as->parms[6].items != 0) ubik_nBuffers = atoi(as->parms[6].items->data); else ubik_nBuffers = 0; /* param 7 (-auditlog) handled below */ /* user provided the number of threads */ if (as->parms[8].items != 0) { lwps = atoi(as->parms[8].items->data); if (lwps > MAXLWP) { printf ("Warning: '-p %d' is too big; using %d instead\n", lwps, MAXLWP); lwps = MAXLWP; } if (lwps < MINLWP) { printf ("Warning: '-p %d' is too small; using %d instead\n", lwps, MINLWP); lwps = MINLWP; } } /* user provided rxbind option */ if (as->parms[9].items != 0) { rxBind = 1; } /* -audit-interface */ if (as->parms[10].items != 0) { char *interface = as->parms[10].items->data; if (osi_audit_interface(interface)) { printf("Invalid audit interface '%s'\n", interface); BUDB_EXIT(-1); } } /* -auditlog */ /* needs to be after -audit-interface, so we osi_audit_interface * before we osi_audit_file */ if (as->parms[7].items != 0) { char *fileName = as->parms[7].items->data; osi_audit_file(fileName); } return 0; } /* --- */ int parseServerList(struct cmd_item *itemPtr) { struct cmd_item *save; char **serverArgs; char **ptr; afs_int32 nservers = 0; afs_int32 code = 0; save = itemPtr; /* compute number of servers in the list */ while (itemPtr) { nservers++; itemPtr = itemPtr->next; } LogDebug(3, "%d servers\n", nservers); /* now can allocate the space for the server arguments */ serverArgs = malloc((nservers + 2) * sizeof(char *)); if (serverArgs == 0) ERROR(-1); ptr = serverArgs; *ptr++ = ""; *ptr++ = "-servers"; /* now go through and construct the list of servers */ itemPtr = save; while (itemPtr) { *ptr++ = itemPtr->data; itemPtr = itemPtr->next; } code = ubik_ParseServerList(nservers + 2, serverArgs, &globalConfPtr->myHost, globalConfPtr->serverList); if (code) ERROR(code); /* free space for the server args */ free(serverArgs); error_exit: return (code); } /* truncateDatabase * truncates just the database file. */ int truncateDatabase(void) { char *path; afs_int32 code = 0; int fd; asprintf(&path, "%s%s%s", globalConfPtr->databaseDirectory, globalConfPtr->databaseName, globalConfPtr->databaseExtension); if (path == NULL) ERROR(-1); fd = open(path, O_RDWR, 0755); if (!fd) { code = errno; } else { if (ftruncate(fd, 0) != 0) { code = errno; } else close(fd); } free(path); error_exit: return (code); } /* --- */ #include "AFS_component_version_number.c" int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *whoami = argv[0]; char *dbNamePtr = 0; struct afsconf_cell cellinfo; time_t currentTime; afs_int32 code = 0; afs_uint32 host = ntohl(INADDR_ANY); char clones[MAXHOSTSPERCELL]; struct rx_service *tservice; struct rx_securityClass **securityClasses; afs_int32 numClasses; extern int rx_stackSize; #ifdef AFS_NT40_ENV /* initialize winsock */ if (afs_winsockInit() < 0) { ReportErrorEventAlt(AFSEVT_SVR_WINSOCK_INIT_FAILED, 0, argv[0], 0); fprintf(stderr, "%s: Couldn't initialize winsock.\n", whoami); exit(1); } #endif #ifdef AFS_AIX32_ENV /* * The following signal action for AIX is necessary so that in case of a * crash (i.e. core is generated) we can include the user's data section * in the core dump. Unfortunately, by default, only a partial core is * generated which, in many cases, isn't too useful. */ struct sigaction nsa; sigemptyset(&nsa.sa_mask); nsa.sa_handler = SIG_DFL; nsa.sa_flags = SA_FULLDUMP; sigaction(SIGSEGV, &nsa, NULL); sigaction(SIGABRT, &nsa, NULL); #endif osi_audit_init(); osi_audit(BUDB_StartEvent, 0, AUD_END); initialize_BUDB_error_table(); initializeArgHandler(); /* Initialize dirpaths */ if (!(initAFSDirPath() & AFSDIR_SERVER_PATHS_OK)) { #ifdef AFS_NT40_ENV ReportErrorEventAlt(AFSEVT_SVR_NO_INSTALL_DIR, 0, argv[0], 0); #endif afs_com_err(whoami, errno, "; Unable to obtain AFS server directory."); exit(2); } memset(globalConfPtr, 0, sizeof(*globalConfPtr)); /* set default configuration values */ strcpy(dbDir, AFSDIR_SERVER_DB_DIRPATH); strcat(dbDir, "/"); globalConfPtr->databaseDirectory = dbDir; globalConfPtr->databaseName = DEFAULT_DBPREFIX; strcpy(cellConfDir, AFSDIR_SERVER_ETC_DIRPATH); globalConfPtr->cellConfigdir = cellConfDir; /* open the log file */ /* globalConfPtr->log = fopen(DEFAULT_LOGNAME,"a"); if ( globalConfPtr->log == NULL ) { printf("Can't open log file %s - aborting\n", DEFAULT_LOGNAME); BUDB_EXIT(-1); } */ srandom(1); #ifdef AFS_PTHREAD_ENV SetLogThreadNumProgram( rx_GetThreadNum ); #endif /* process the user supplied args */ helpOption = 1; code = cmd_Dispatch(argc, argv); if (code) ERROR(code); /* exit if there was a help option */ if (helpOption) BUDB_EXIT(0); /* open the log file */ globalConfPtr->log = fopen(AFSDIR_SERVER_BUDBLOG_FILEPATH, "a"); if (globalConfPtr->log == NULL) { printf("Can't open log file %s - aborting\n", AFSDIR_SERVER_BUDBLOG_FILEPATH); BUDB_EXIT(-1); } /* keep log closed so can remove it */ fclose(globalConfPtr->log); /* open the cell's configuration directory */ LogDebug(4, "opening %s\n", globalConfPtr->cellConfigdir); BU_conf = afsconf_Open(globalConfPtr->cellConfigdir); if (BU_conf == 0) { LogError(code, "Failed getting cell info\n"); afs_com_err(whoami, code, "Failed getting cell info"); ERROR(BUDB_NOCELLS); } code = afsconf_GetLocalCell(BU_conf, lcell, sizeof(lcell)); if (code) { LogError(0, "** Can't determine local cell name!\n"); ERROR(code); } if (globalConfPtr->myHost == 0) { /* if user hasn't supplied a list of servers, extract server * list from the cell's database */ LogDebug(1, "Using server list from %s cell database.\n", lcell); code = afsconf_GetExtendedCellInfo (BU_conf, lcell, 0, &cellinfo, clones); if (code) { LogError(0, "Can't read cell information\n"); ERROR(code); } code = convert_cell_to_ubik(&cellinfo, &globalConfPtr->myHost, globalConfPtr->serverList); if (code) ERROR(code); } /* initialize audit user check */ osi_audit_set_user_check(BU_conf, BU_IsLocalRealmMatch); /* initialize ubik */ ubik_SetClientSecurityProcs(afsconf_ClientAuth, afsconf_UpToDate, BU_conf); ubik_SetServerSecurityProcs(afsconf_BuildServerSecurityObjects, afsconf_CheckAuth, BU_conf); if (ubik_nBuffers == 0) ubik_nBuffers = 400; LogError(0, "Will allocate %d ubik buffers\n", ubik_nBuffers); asprintf(&dbNamePtr, "%s%s", globalConfPtr->databaseDirectory, globalConfPtr->databaseName); if (dbNamePtr == 0) ERROR(-1); rx_SetRxDeadTime(60); /* 60 seconds inactive before timeout */ if (rxBind) { afs_int32 ccode; if (AFSDIR_SERVER_NETRESTRICT_FILEPATH || AFSDIR_SERVER_NETINFO_FILEPATH) { char reason[1024]; ccode = afsconf_ParseNetFiles(SHostAddrs, NULL, NULL, ADDRSPERSITE, reason, AFSDIR_SERVER_NETINFO_FILEPATH, AFSDIR_SERVER_NETRESTRICT_FILEPATH); } else { ccode = rx_getAllAddr(SHostAddrs, ADDRSPERSITE); } if (ccode == 1) { host = SHostAddrs[0]; rx_InitHost(host, htons(AFSCONF_BUDBPORT)); } } /* Disable jumbograms */ rx_SetNoJumbo(); code = ubik_ServerInitByInfo (globalConfPtr->myHost, htons(AFSCONF_BUDBPORT), &cellinfo, clones, dbNamePtr, /* name prefix */ &BU_dbase); if (code) { LogError(code, "Ubik init failed\n"); afs_com_err(whoami, code, "Ubik init failed"); ERROR(code); } afsconf_BuildServerSecurityObjects(BU_conf, &securityClasses, &numClasses); tservice = rx_NewServiceHost(host, 0, BUDB_SERVICE, "BackupDatabase", securityClasses, numClasses, BUDB_ExecuteRequest); if (tservice == (struct rx_service *)0) { LogError(0, "Could not create backup database rx service\n"); printf("Could not create backup database rx service\n"); BUDB_EXIT(3); } rx_SetMinProcs(tservice, 1); rx_SetMaxProcs(tservice, lwps); rx_SetStackSize(tservice, 10000); /* allow super users to manage RX statistics */ rx_SetRxStatUserOk(BU_rxstat_userok); /* misc. initialization */ /* database dump synchronization */ memset(dumpSyncPtr, 0, sizeof(*dumpSyncPtr)); Lock_Init(&dumpSyncPtr->ds_lock); rx_StartServer(0); /* start handling requests */ code = InitProcs(); if (code) ERROR(code); currentTime = time(0); LogError(0, "Ready to process requests at %s\n", ctime(¤tTime)); rx_ServerProc(NULL); /* donate this LWP */ error_exit: osi_audit(BUDB_FinishEvent, code, AUD_END); return (code); } void consistencyCheckDb(void) { /* do consistency checks on structure sizes */ if ((sizeof(struct htBlock) > BLOCKSIZE) || (sizeof(struct vfBlock) > BLOCKSIZE) || (sizeof(struct viBlock) > BLOCKSIZE) || (sizeof(struct dBlock) > BLOCKSIZE) || (sizeof(struct tBlock) > BLOCKSIZE) ) { fprintf(stderr, "Block layout error!\n"); BUDB_EXIT(99); } } void LogDebug(int level, char *fmt, ... ) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); if (debugging >= level) { /* log normally closed so can remove it */ globalConfPtr->log = fopen(AFSDIR_SERVER_BUDBLOG_FILEPATH, "a"); if (globalConfPtr->log != NULL) { vfprintf(globalConfPtr->log, fmt, ap); fflush(globalConfPtr->log); fclose(globalConfPtr->log); } } va_end(ap); } static char * TimeStamp(time_t t) { struct tm *lt; static char timestamp[20]; lt = localtime(&t); strftime(timestamp, 20, "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S", lt); return timestamp; } void Log(char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; time_t now; va_start(ap, fmt); globalConfPtr->log = fopen(AFSDIR_SERVER_BUDBLOG_FILEPATH, "a"); if (globalConfPtr->log != NULL) { now = time(0); fprintf(globalConfPtr->log, "%s ", TimeStamp(now)); vfprintf(globalConfPtr->log, fmt, ap); fflush(globalConfPtr->log); fclose(globalConfPtr->log); } va_end(ap); } void LogError(long code, char *fmt, ... ) { va_list ap; time_t now; va_start(ap, fmt); globalConfPtr->log = fopen(AFSDIR_SERVER_BUDBLOG_FILEPATH, "a"); if (globalConfPtr->log != NULL) { now = time(0); fprintf(globalConfPtr->log, "%s ", TimeStamp(now)); if (code) fprintf(globalConfPtr->log, "%s: %s\n", afs_error_table_name(code), afs_error_message(code)); vfprintf(globalConfPtr->log, fmt, ap ); fflush(globalConfPtr->log); fclose(globalConfPtr->log); } } /* ---------------- * debug * ---------------- */ void LogNetDump(struct dump *dumpPtr) { struct dump hostDump; extern buServerConfP globalConfPtr; dump_ntoh(dumpPtr, &hostDump); globalConfPtr->log = fopen(AFSDIR_SERVER_BUDBLOG_FILEPATH, "a"); if (globalConfPtr->log != NULL) { printDump(globalConfPtr->log, &hostDump); fclose(globalConfPtr->log); } }