/* * Copyright 2000, International Business Machines Corporation and others. * All Rights Reserved. * * This software has been released under the terms of the IBM Public * License. For details, see the LICENSE file in the top-level source * directory or online at http://www.openafs.org/dl/license10.html */ #include #include #include #include #ifdef IGNORE_SOME_GCC_WARNINGS # pragma GCC diagnostic warning "-Wimplicit-function-declaration" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "butc_internal.h" #include "error_macros.h" /* GLOBAL CONFIGURATION PARAMETERS */ #define BIGCHUNK 102400 extern int dump_namecheck; extern int autoQuery; struct rstTapeInfo { afs_int32 taskId; afs_int32 tapeSeq; afs_uint32 dumpid; }; static void initTapeBuffering(void); static int writeDbDump(struct butm_tapeInfo *, afs_uint32, Date, afs_uint32); static int restoreDbEntries(struct butm_tapeInfo *, struct rstTapeInfo *); int getTapeData(struct butm_tapeInfo *, struct rstTapeInfo *, void *, afs_int32); int restoreDbHeader(struct butm_tapeInfo *, struct rstTapeInfo *, struct structDumpHeader *); int restoreDbDump(struct butm_tapeInfo *, struct rstTapeInfo *, struct structDumpHeader *); int restoreText(struct butm_tapeInfo *, struct rstTapeInfo *, struct structDumpHeader *); void * KeepAlive(void *); /* CreateDBDump * create a dump entry for a saved database */ afs_int32 CreateDBDump(struct budb_dumpEntry *dumpEntryPtr) { afs_int32 code = 0; memset(dumpEntryPtr, 0, sizeof(struct budb_dumpEntry)); strcpy(dumpEntryPtr->name, DUMP_TAPE_NAME); strcpy(dumpEntryPtr->tapes.format, DUMP_TAPE_NAME); strcat(dumpEntryPtr->tapes.format, ".%d"); strcpy(dumpEntryPtr->volumeSetName, ""); strcpy(dumpEntryPtr->dumpPath, ""); dumpEntryPtr->created = 0; /* let database assign it */ dumpEntryPtr->incTime = 0; dumpEntryPtr->nVolumes = 0; dumpEntryPtr->initialDumpID = 0; dumpEntryPtr->parent = 0; dumpEntryPtr->level = 0; dumpEntryPtr->tapes.maxTapes = 0; dumpEntryPtr->tapes.b = 1; /* now call the database to create the entry */ code = bcdb_CreateDump(dumpEntryPtr); return (code); } struct tapeEntryList { struct tapeEntryList *next; afs_uint32 oldDumpId; struct budb_tapeEntry tapeEnt; }; struct tapeEntryList *listEntryHead; struct tapeEntryList *listEntryPtr; #define tapeEntryPtr (&listEntryPtr->tapeEnt) struct budb_dumpEntry lastDump; /* the last dump of this volset */ /* GetDBTape * Load a DB tape, read and over write its label. * Leave the tape mounted. */ afs_int32 GetDBTape(afs_int32 taskId, Date expires, struct butm_tapeInfo *tapeInfoPtr, afs_uint32 dumpid, afs_int32 sequence, int queryFlag, int *wroteLabel) { afs_int32 code = 0; int interactiveFlag; char tapeName[BU_MAXTAPELEN]; char strlevel[5]; struct timeval tp; afs_int32 curTime; int tapecount = 1; struct butm_tapeLabel oldTapeLabel, newLabel; struct tapeEntryList *endList; /* construct the name of the tape */ sprintf(tapeName, "%s.%-d", DUMP_TAPE_NAME, sequence); interactiveFlag = queryFlag; *wroteLabel = 0; while (!*wroteLabel) { /*w */ if (interactiveFlag) { /* need a tape to write */ code = PromptForTape(SAVEDBOPCODE, tapeName, dumpid, taskId, tapecount); if (code) ERROR_EXIT(code); } interactiveFlag = 1; tapecount++; code = butm_Mount(tapeInfoPtr, tapeName); if (code) { TapeLog(0, taskId, code, tapeInfoPtr->error, "Can't open tape\n"); goto getNewTape; } memset(&oldTapeLabel, 0, sizeof(oldTapeLabel)); code = butm_ReadLabel(tapeInfoPtr, &oldTapeLabel, 1); /* rewind tape */ if (code) { oldTapeLabel.useCount = 0; /* no label exists */ oldTapeLabel.structVersion = 0; strcpy(oldTapeLabel.pName, ""); } else { /* If tape has a name, it must be null or database tape name */ if (dump_namecheck && strcmp(oldTapeLabel.AFSName, "") && !databaseTape(oldTapeLabel.AFSName)) { char gotName[BU_MAXTAPELEN + 32]; LABELNAME(gotName, &oldTapeLabel); TLog(taskId, "This tape %s must be a database tape or NULL tape\n", gotName); getNewTape: unmountTape(taskId, tapeInfoPtr); continue; } /* Do not overwrite a tape that belongs to this dump */ if (oldTapeLabel.dumpid && (oldTapeLabel.dumpid == dumpid)) { ErrorLog(0, taskId, 0, 0, "Can't overwrite tape containing the dump in progress\n"); goto getNewTape; } /* On first tape, the savedb has not started yet, so the database is not locked * and we can therefore, access information from it. This is easier to do because * database dumps don't have appended dumps (nor appended). */ if (sequence == 1) { afs_uint32 dmp; struct budb_dumpEntry de, de2; /* Verify the tape has not expired * Early database dumps don't have a dumpid */ if (!tapeExpired(&oldTapeLabel)) { TLog(taskId, "This tape has not expired\n"); goto getNewTape; } /* Since the dumpset on this tape will be deleted from database, check if * any of the dumps in this dumpset are most-recent-dumps. */ for (dmp = oldTapeLabel.dumpid; dmp; dmp = de.appendedDumpID) { if (dmp == lastDump.id) { memcpy(&de, &lastDump, sizeof(de)); memcpy(&de2, &lastDump, sizeof(de2)); } else { code = bcdb_FindDumpByID(dmp, &de); if (code) break; sprintf(strlevel, "%d", de.level); code = bcdb_FindLatestDump(de.volumeSetName, strlevel, &de2); if (code) continue; } if (de.id == de2.id) { if (strcmp(DUMP_TAPE_NAME, de2.name) == 0) { ErrorLog(0, taskId, 0, 0, "Warning: Overwriting most recent dump %s (DumpID %u)\n", de.name, de.id); } else { ErrorLog(0, taskId, 0, 0, "Warning: Overwriting most recent dump of the '%s' volumeset: %s (DumpID %u)\n", de.volumeSetName, de.name, de.id); } } } } /* Otherwise, the savedb is in progress and we can't * access the database (it's locked). So we rely on the * information available (and not the backup database). */ else { /* Check the tape's expiration date. Use the expiration on the label */ gettimeofday(&tp, NULL); curTime = tp.tv_sec; if (curTime < oldTapeLabel.expirationDate) { TLog(taskId, "This tape has not expired\n"); goto getNewTape; } /* Check if this previous-dump of the dump-in-progress is on this tape */ if (oldTapeLabel.dumpid && (oldTapeLabel.dumpid == lastDump.id)) { ErrorLog(0, taskId, 0, 0, "Warning: Overwriting most recent dump %s (DumpID %u)\n", lastDump.name, lastDump.id); } } } GetNewLabel(tapeInfoPtr, oldTapeLabel.pName, tapeName, &newLabel); newLabel.expirationDate = expires; newLabel.useCount = oldTapeLabel.useCount + 1; newLabel.dumpid = dumpid; newLabel.size = tapeInfoPtr->tapeSize; code = butm_Create(tapeInfoPtr, &newLabel, 1); /* rewind tape */ if (code) { TapeLog(0, taskId, code, tapeInfoPtr->error, "Can't label tape\n"); goto getNewTape; } *wroteLabel = 1; /* Initialize a tapeEntry for later inclusion into the database */ listEntryPtr = (struct tapeEntryList *)malloc(sizeof(struct tapeEntryList)); if (!listEntryPtr) ERROR_EXIT(TC_NOMEMORY); memset(listEntryPtr, 0, sizeof(struct tapeEntryList)); /* Remember dumpid so we can delete it later */ if ((oldTapeLabel.structVersion >= TAPE_VERSION_3) && oldTapeLabel.dumpid) listEntryPtr->oldDumpId = oldTapeLabel.dumpid; /* Fill in tape entry so we can save it later */ strcpy(tapeEntryPtr->name, TNAME(&newLabel)); tapeEntryPtr->flags = BUDB_TAPE_BEINGWRITTEN; tapeEntryPtr->written = newLabel.creationTime; tapeEntryPtr->expires = expires; tapeEntryPtr->seq = sequence; tapeEntryPtr->useCount = oldTapeLabel.useCount + 1; tapeEntryPtr->dump = dumpid; tapeEntryPtr->useKBytes = 0; tapeEntryPtr->labelpos = 0; /* Thread onto end of single-linked list */ if (listEntryHead) { endList = listEntryHead; while (endList->next) endList = endList->next; endList->next = listEntryPtr; } else listEntryHead = listEntryPtr; } /*w */ error_exit: return (code); } /* freeTapeList * With the list of tapes, free the structures. */ afs_int32 freeTapeList(void) { struct tapeEntryList *next; listEntryPtr = listEntryHead; while (listEntryPtr) { next = listEntryPtr->next; free(listEntryPtr); listEntryPtr = next; } listEntryHead = NULL; return (0); } /* addTapesToDb * With the list of tapes, add them to the database. * Also delete any olddumpids that are around. */ afs_int32 addTapesToDb(afs_int32 taskId) { afs_int32 code = 0; afs_int32 i, new; struct tapeEntryList *next; listEntryPtr = listEntryHead; while (listEntryPtr) { next = listEntryPtr->next; /* Remove the old database entry */ if (listEntryPtr->oldDumpId) { i = bcdb_deleteDump(listEntryPtr->oldDumpId, 0, 0, 0); if (i && (i != BUDB_NOENT)) { ErrorLog(0, taskId, i, 0, "Unable to delete old DB entry %u.\n", listEntryPtr->oldDumpId); } } /* Add the tape to the database */ code = bcdb_UseTape(tapeEntryPtr, &new); if (code) { ErrorLog(0, taskId, code, 0, "Can't add tape to database: %s\n", tapeEntryPtr->name); ERROR_EXIT(code); } code = bcdb_FinishTape(tapeEntryPtr); if (code) { ErrorLog(0, taskId, code, 0, "Can't finish tape: %s\n", tapeEntryPtr->name); ERROR_EXIT(code); } listEntryPtr = next; } error_exit: return (code); } /* writeDbDump * notes: * this code assumes that the blocksize on reads is smaller than * the blocksize on writes */ static int writeDbDump(struct butm_tapeInfo *tapeInfoPtr, afs_uint32 taskId, Date expires, afs_uint32 dumpid) { afs_int32 blockSize; afs_int32 writeBufNbytes = 0; char *writeBlock = 0; char *writeBuffer = 0; char *writeBufPtr; afs_int32 transferSize; char *readBufPtr = NULL; afs_int32 maxReadSize; charListT charList; afs_int32 done; afs_int32 code; afs_int32 chunksize = 0; afs_int32 tc_EndMargin, tc_KEndMargin, kRemaining; int sequence; int wroteLabel; int firstcall; #ifdef AFS_PTHREAD_ENV pthread_t alivePid; pthread_attr_t tattr; AFS_SIGSET_DECL; #else PROCESS alivePid; #endif extern struct tapeConfig globalTapeConfig; extern struct udbHandleS udbHandle; charList.charListT_val = 0; charList.charListT_len = 0; blockSize = BUTM_BLKSIZE; writeBlock = (char *)malloc(BUTM_BLOCKSIZE); if (!writeBlock) ERROR_EXIT(TC_NOMEMORY); writeBuffer = writeBlock + sizeof(struct blockMark); memset(writeBuffer, 0, BUTM_BLKSIZE); maxReadSize = 1024; /* * The margin of space to check for end of tape is set to the * amount of space used to write an end-of-tape multiplied by 2. * The amount of space is size of a 16K EODump marker, its EOF * marker, and up to two EOF markers done on close (1 16K blocks + * 3 EOF * markers). */ tc_EndMargin = (16384 + 3 * globalTapeConfig.fileMarkSize) * 2; tc_KEndMargin = tc_EndMargin / 1024; /* have to write enclose the dump in file marks */ code = butm_WriteFileBegin(tapeInfoPtr); if (code) { ErrorLog(0, taskId, code, tapeInfoPtr->error, "Can't write FileBegin on tape\n"); ERROR_EXIT(code); } writeBufPtr = &writeBuffer[0]; firstcall = 1; sequence = 1; while (1) { /*w */ /* When no data in buffer, read data from the budb_server */ if (charList.charListT_len == 0) { /* get more data. let rx allocate space */ if (charList.charListT_val) { free(charList.charListT_val); charList.charListT_val = 0; } /* get the data */ code = ubik_Call_SingleServer(BUDB_DumpDB, udbHandle.uh_client, UF_SINGLESERVER, firstcall, maxReadSize, &charList, &done); if (code) { ErrorLog(0, taskId, code, 0, "Can't read database\n"); ERROR_EXIT(code); } /* If this if the first call to the budb server, create a thread * that will keep the connection alive (during tape changes). */ if (firstcall) { #ifdef AFS_PTHREAD_ENV code = pthread_attr_init(&tattr); if (code) { ErrorLog(0, taskId, code, 0, "Can't pthread_attr_init Keep-alive process\n"); ERROR_EXIT(code); } code = pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&tattr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED); if (code) { ErrorLog(0, taskId, code, 0, "Can't pthread_attr_setdetachstate Keep-alive process\n"); ERROR_EXIT(code); } AFS_SIGSET_CLEAR(); code = pthread_create(&alivePid, &tattr, KeepAlive, 0); AFS_SIGSET_RESTORE(); #else code = LWP_CreateProcess(KeepAlive, 16384, 1, (void *)NULL, "Keep-alive process", &alivePid); #endif /* XXX should we check code here ??? XXX */ } firstcall = 0; readBufPtr = charList.charListT_val; } if ((charList.charListT_len == 0) && done) break; /* compute how many bytes and transfer to the write Buffer */ transferSize = (charList.charListT_len < (blockSize - writeBufNbytes)) ? charList.charListT_len : (blockSize - writeBufNbytes); memcpy(writeBufPtr, readBufPtr, transferSize); charList.charListT_len -= transferSize; writeBufPtr += transferSize; readBufPtr += transferSize; writeBufNbytes += transferSize; /* If filled the write buffer, then write it to tape */ if (writeBufNbytes == blockSize) { code = butm_WriteFileData(tapeInfoPtr, writeBuffer, 1, blockSize); if (code) { ErrorLog(0, taskId, code, tapeInfoPtr->error, "Can't write data on tape\n"); ERROR_EXIT(code); } memset(writeBuffer, 0, blockSize); writeBufPtr = &writeBuffer[0]; writeBufNbytes = 0; /* Every BIGCHUNK bytes check if aborted */ chunksize += blockSize; if (chunksize > BIGCHUNK) { chunksize = 0; if (checkAbortByTaskId(taskId)) ERROR_EXIT(TC_ABORTEDBYREQUEST); } /* * check if tape is full - since we filled a blockSize worth of data * assume that there is more data. */ kRemaining = butm_remainingKSpace(tapeInfoPtr); if (kRemaining < tc_KEndMargin) { code = butm_WriteFileEnd(tapeInfoPtr); if (code) { ErrorLog(0, taskId, code, tapeInfoPtr->error, "Can't write FileEnd on tape\n"); ERROR_EXIT(code); } code = butm_WriteEOT(tapeInfoPtr); if (code) { ErrorLog(0, taskId, code, tapeInfoPtr->error, "Can't write end-of-dump on tape\n"); ERROR_EXIT(code); } /* Mark tape as having been written */ tapeEntryPtr->useKBytes = tapeInfoPtr->kBytes + (tapeInfoPtr->nBytes ? 1 : 0); tapeEntryPtr->flags = BUDB_TAPE_WRITTEN; unmountTape(taskId, tapeInfoPtr); /* Get next tape and writes its label */ sequence++; code = GetDBTape(taskId, expires, tapeInfoPtr, dumpid, sequence, 1, &wroteLabel); if (code) ERROR_EXIT(code); code = butm_WriteFileBegin(tapeInfoPtr); if (code) { ErrorLog(0, taskId, code, tapeInfoPtr->error, "Can't write FileBegin on tape\n"); ERROR_EXIT(code); } } } } /*w */ /* no more data to be read - if necessary, flush out the last buffer */ if (writeBufNbytes > 0) { code = butm_WriteFileData(tapeInfoPtr, writeBuffer, 1, blockSize); if (code) { ErrorLog(1, taskId, code, tapeInfoPtr->error, "Can't write data on tape\n"); ERROR_EXIT(code); } } code = butm_WriteFileEnd(tapeInfoPtr); if (code) { ErrorLog(0, taskId, code, tapeInfoPtr->error, "Can't write FileEnd on tape\n"); ERROR_EXIT(code); } /* Mark tape as having been written */ tapeEntryPtr->useKBytes = tapeInfoPtr->kBytes + (tapeInfoPtr->nBytes ? 1 : 0); tapeEntryPtr->flags = BUDB_TAPE_WRITTEN; error_exit: /* Let the KeepAlive process stop on its own */ code = ubik_Call_SingleServer(BUDB_DumpDB, udbHandle.uh_client, UF_END_SINGLESERVER, 0); if (writeBlock) free(writeBlock); if (charList.charListT_val) free(charList.charListT_val); return (code); } /* saveDbToTape * dump backup database to tape */ void * saveDbToTape(void *param) { struct saveDbIf *saveDbIfPtr = (struct saveDbIf *)param; afs_int32 code; afs_int32 i; int wroteLabel; afs_uint32 taskId; Date expires; struct butm_tapeInfo tapeInfo; struct budb_dumpEntry dumpEntry; extern struct deviceSyncNode *deviceLatch; extern struct tapeConfig globalTapeConfig; afs_pthread_setname_self("Db save"); expires = (saveDbIfPtr->archiveTime ? NEVERDATE : 0); taskId = saveDbIfPtr->taskId; dumpEntry.id = 0; setStatus(taskId, DRIVE_WAIT); EnterDeviceQueue(deviceLatch); /* lock tape device */ clearStatus(taskId, DRIVE_WAIT); printf("\n\n"); TLog(taskId, "SaveDb\n"); tapeInfo.structVersion = BUTM_MAJORVERSION; code = butm_file_Instantiate(&tapeInfo, &globalTapeConfig); if (code) { ErrorLog(0, taskId, code, tapeInfo.error, "Can't initialize tape module\n"); ERROR_EXIT(code); } /* Determine what the last database dump was */ memset(&lastDump, 0, sizeof(lastDump)); code = bcdb_FindLatestDump("", "", &lastDump); if (code) { if (code != BUDB_NODUMPNAME) { ErrorLog(0, taskId, code, 0, "Can't read backup database\n"); ERROR_EXIT(code); } memset(&lastDump, 0, sizeof(lastDump)); } code = CreateDBDump(&dumpEntry); /* Create a dump for this tape */ if (code) { ErrorLog(0, taskId, code, 0, "Can't create dump in database\n"); ERROR_EXIT(code); } listEntryHead = NULL; /* Get the tape and write a new label to it */ code = GetDBTape(taskId, expires, &tapeInfo, dumpEntry.id, 1, autoQuery, &wroteLabel); /* * If did not write the label, remove created dump * Else if wrote the label, remove old dump from db so it's not saved. */ if (!wroteLabel) { i = bcdb_deleteDump(dumpEntry.id, 0, 0, 0); dumpEntry.id = 0; if (i && (i != BUDB_NOENT)) ErrorLog(0, taskId, i, 0, "Unable to delete DB entry %u.\n", dumpEntry.id); } else if (listEntryHead->oldDumpId) { i = bcdb_deleteDump(listEntryHead->oldDumpId, 0, 0, 0); listEntryHead->oldDumpId = 0; if (i && (i != BUDB_NOENT)) { ErrorLog(0, taskId, i, 0, "Unable to delete old DB entry %u.\n", listEntryHead->oldDumpId); ERROR_EXIT(i); } } if (code) ERROR_EXIT(code); TapeLog(1, taskId, 0, 0, "Tape accepted - now dumping database\n"); /* we have a writable tape */ code = writeDbDump(&tapeInfo, taskId, expires, dumpEntry.id); if (code) ERROR_EXIT(code); /* Now delete the entries between time 0 and archive-time */ if (saveDbIfPtr->archiveTime) code = bcdb_deleteDump(0, 0, saveDbIfPtr->archiveTime, 0); error_exit: unmountTape(taskId, &tapeInfo); /* Add this dump's tapes to the database and mark it finished */ if (dumpEntry.id) { i = addTapesToDb(taskId); if (!code) code = i; i = bcdb_FinishDump(&dumpEntry); if (!code) code = i; } freeTapeList(); if (code == TC_ABORTEDBYREQUEST) { TLog(taskId, "SaveDb: Aborted by request\n"); clearStatus(taskId, ABORT_REQUEST); setStatus(taskId, ABORT_DONE); } else if (code) { TapeLog(0, taskId, code, 0, "SaveDb: Finished with errors\n"); setStatus(taskId, TASK_ERROR); } else { TLog(taskId, "SaveDb: Finished\n"); } setStatus(taskId, TASK_DONE); free(saveDbIfPtr); LeaveDeviceQueue(deviceLatch); return (void *)(intptr_t)(code); } /* makeDbDumpEntry() * Make a database dump entry given a tape label. */ afs_int32 makeDbDumpEntry(struct budb_tapeEntry *tapeEntPtr, struct budb_dumpEntry *dumpEntryPtr) { memset(dumpEntryPtr, 0, sizeof(struct budb_dumpEntry)); dumpEntryPtr->id = tapeEntPtr->dump; dumpEntryPtr->initialDumpID = 0; dumpEntryPtr->parent = 0; dumpEntryPtr->level = 0; dumpEntryPtr->flags = 0; strcpy(dumpEntryPtr->volumeSetName, ""); strcpy(dumpEntryPtr->dumpPath, ""); strcpy(dumpEntryPtr->name, DUMP_TAPE_NAME); dumpEntryPtr->created = tapeEntPtr->dump; dumpEntryPtr->incTime = 0; dumpEntryPtr->nVolumes = 0; strcpy(dumpEntryPtr->tapes.format, DUMP_TAPE_NAME); strcat(dumpEntryPtr->tapes.format, ".%d"); dumpEntryPtr->tapes.b = tapeEntPtr->seq; dumpEntryPtr->tapes.maxTapes = 0; return 0; } /* readDbTape * prompt for a specific database tape */ afs_int32 readDbTape(struct butm_tapeInfo *tapeInfoPtr, struct rstTapeInfo *rstTapeInfoPtr, int query) { afs_int32 code = 0; int interactiveFlag; afs_int32 taskId; struct butm_tapeLabel oldTapeLabel; char AFStapeName[BU_MAXTAPELEN], tapeName[BU_MAXTAPELEN]; struct tapeEntryList *endList; int tapecount = 1; struct budb_dumpEntry de; struct budb_tapeEntry te; taskId = rstTapeInfoPtr->taskId; interactiveFlag = query; /* construct the name of the tape */ sprintf(AFStapeName, "%s.%-d", DUMP_TAPE_NAME, rstTapeInfoPtr->tapeSeq); strcpy(tapeName, AFStapeName); /* Will prompt for the latest saved database tape, but will accept any one */ if (rstTapeInfoPtr->tapeSeq == 1) { code = bcdb_FindLatestDump("", "", &de); if (!code) rstTapeInfoPtr->dumpid = de.id; } if (rstTapeInfoPtr->dumpid) { code = bcdb_FindTapeSeq(rstTapeInfoPtr->dumpid, rstTapeInfoPtr->tapeSeq, &te); if (!code) strcpy(tapeName, te.name); } code = 0; while (1) { /*w */ if (interactiveFlag) { /* need a tape to read */ code = PromptForTape(RESTOREDBOPCODE, tapeName, rstTapeInfoPtr->dumpid, taskId, tapecount); if (code) ERROR_EXIT(code); } interactiveFlag = 1; tapecount++; code = butm_Mount(tapeInfoPtr, tapeName); if (code) { TapeLog(0, taskId, code, tapeInfoPtr->error, "Can't open tape\n"); goto getNewTape; } code = butm_ReadLabel(tapeInfoPtr, &oldTapeLabel, 1); /* will rewind the tape */ if (code) { TapeLog(0, taskId, code, tapeInfoPtr->error, "Can't read tape label\n"); goto getNewTape; } /* Check for name of tape and matching dump id (if applicable). */ if ((strcmp(oldTapeLabel.AFSName, AFStapeName) != 0) || ((rstTapeInfoPtr->tapeSeq != 1) && (oldTapeLabel.dumpid != rstTapeInfoPtr->dumpid))) { char expTape[BU_MAXTAPELEN + 32]; char gotTape[BU_MAXTAPELEN + 32]; TAPENAME(expTape, tapeName, rstTapeInfoPtr->dumpid); TAPENAME(gotTape, oldTapeLabel.AFSName, oldTapeLabel.dumpid); TLog(taskId, "Tape label expected %s, label seen %s\n", expTape, gotTape); goto getNewTape; } if (rstTapeInfoPtr->tapeSeq == 1) /* Remember this dumpId */ rstTapeInfoPtr->dumpid = oldTapeLabel.dumpid; break; getNewTape: unmountTape(taskId, tapeInfoPtr); } /*w */ /* Initialize a tapeEntry for later inclusion into the database */ listEntryPtr = (struct tapeEntryList *)malloc(sizeof(struct tapeEntryList)); if (!listEntryPtr) ERROR_EXIT(TC_NOMEMORY); memset(listEntryPtr, 0, sizeof(struct tapeEntryList)); /* Fill in tape entry so we can save it later */ strcpy(tapeEntryPtr->name, TNAME(&oldTapeLabel)); tapeEntryPtr->dump = oldTapeLabel.dumpid; tapeEntryPtr->flags = BUDB_TAPE_BEINGWRITTEN; tapeEntryPtr->written = oldTapeLabel.creationTime; tapeEntryPtr->expires = oldTapeLabel.expirationDate; tapeEntryPtr->seq = extractTapeSeq(oldTapeLabel.AFSName); tapeEntryPtr->useCount = oldTapeLabel.useCount; tapeEntryPtr->useKBytes = 0; tapeEntryPtr->labelpos = 0; /* Thread onto end of single-linked list */ if (listEntryHead) { endList = listEntryHead; while (endList->next) endList = endList->next; endList->next = listEntryPtr; } else listEntryHead = listEntryPtr; error_exit: return (code); } static afs_int32 nbytes = 0; /* # bytes left in buffer */ static void initTapeBuffering(void) { nbytes = 0; } /* restoreDbEntries * restore all the items on the tape * entry: * tape positioned after tape label */ static int restoreDbEntries(struct butm_tapeInfo *tapeInfoPtr, struct rstTapeInfo *rstTapeInfoPtr) { struct structDumpHeader netItemHeader, hostItemHeader; afs_int32 more = 1; afs_int32 taskId, code = 0; int count = 0; taskId = rstTapeInfoPtr->taskId; /* clear state for the buffer routine(s) */ initTapeBuffering(); code = butm_ReadFileBegin(tapeInfoPtr); if (code) { ErrorLog(0, taskId, code, tapeInfoPtr->error, "Can't read FileBegin on tape\n"); ERROR_EXIT(code); } /* get the first item-header */ memset(&netItemHeader, 0, sizeof(netItemHeader)); code = getTapeData(tapeInfoPtr, rstTapeInfoPtr, &netItemHeader, sizeof(netItemHeader)); if (code) ERROR_EXIT(code); structDumpHeader_ntoh(&netItemHeader, &hostItemHeader); while (more) { switch (hostItemHeader.type) { case SD_DBHEADER: code = restoreDbHeader(tapeInfoPtr, rstTapeInfoPtr, &hostItemHeader); if (code) ERROR_EXIT(code); break; case SD_DUMP: if (++count > 25) { /*every 25 dumps, wait */ waitDbWatcher(); count = 0; } code = restoreDbDump(tapeInfoPtr, rstTapeInfoPtr, &hostItemHeader); if (code) ERROR_EXIT(code); break; case SD_TAPE: case SD_VOLUME: ERROR_EXIT(-1); break; case SD_TEXT_DUMPSCHEDULE: case SD_TEXT_VOLUMESET: case SD_TEXT_TAPEHOSTS: code = restoreText(tapeInfoPtr, rstTapeInfoPtr, &hostItemHeader); if (code) ERROR_EXIT(code); break; case SD_END: more = 0; break; default: TLog(taskId, "Unknown database header type %d\n", hostItemHeader.type); ERROR_EXIT(-1); break; } } code = butm_ReadFileEnd(tapeInfoPtr); if (code) { ErrorLog(0, taskId, code, tapeInfoPtr->error, "Can't read EOF on tape\n"); ERROR_EXIT(code); } /* Mark tape as having been written */ tapeEntryPtr->useKBytes = tapeInfoPtr->kBytes + (tapeInfoPtr->nBytes ? 1 : 0); tapeEntryPtr->flags = BUDB_TAPE_WRITTEN; error_exit: return (code); } /* restoreDbFromTape * restore the backup database from tape. */ void * restoreDbFromTape(void *param) { afs_uint32 taskId = (intptr_t) param; afs_int32 code = 0; afs_int32 i; struct butm_tapeInfo tapeInfo; struct rstTapeInfo rstTapeInfo; struct budb_dumpEntry dumpEntry; extern struct tapeConfig globalTapeConfig; extern struct deviceSyncNode *deviceLatch; afs_pthread_setname_self("Db restore"); setStatus(taskId, DRIVE_WAIT); EnterDeviceQueue(deviceLatch); /* lock tape device */ clearStatus(taskId, DRIVE_WAIT); printf("\n\n"); TLog(taskId, "RestoreDb\n"); tapeInfo.structVersion = BUTM_MAJORVERSION; code = butm_file_Instantiate(&tapeInfo, &globalTapeConfig); if (code) { ErrorLog(0, taskId, code, tapeInfo.error, "Can't initialize tape module\n"); ERROR_EXIT(code); } listEntryHead = NULL; rstTapeInfo.taskId = taskId; rstTapeInfo.tapeSeq = 1; rstTapeInfo.dumpid = 0; code = readDbTape(&tapeInfo, &rstTapeInfo, autoQuery); if (code) ERROR_EXIT(code); code = restoreDbEntries(&tapeInfo, &rstTapeInfo); if (code) ERROR_EXIT(code); error_exit: /* Now put this dump into the database */ /* Make a dump entry from first tape */ listEntryPtr = listEntryHead; if (listEntryPtr) { makeDbDumpEntry(tapeEntryPtr, &dumpEntry); if (dumpEntry.id != 0) { i = bcdb_CreateDump(&dumpEntry); if (i) { if (i == BUDB_DUMPIDEXISTS) fprintf(stderr, "Dump id %d not added to database - already exists\n", dumpEntry.id); else TapeLog(0, taskId, i, 0, "Dump id %d not added to database\n", dumpEntry.id); } else { i = addTapesToDb(taskId); if (!code) code = i; i = bcdb_FinishDump(&dumpEntry); if (!code) code = i; } } freeTapeList(); } unmountTape(taskId, &tapeInfo); waitDbWatcher(); if (code == TC_ABORTEDBYREQUEST) { TLog(taskId, "RestoreDb: Aborted by request\n"); clearStatus(taskId, ABORT_REQUEST); setStatus(taskId, ABORT_DONE); } else if (code) { TapeLog(0, taskId, code, 0, "RestoreDb: Finished with errors\n"); setStatus(taskId, TASK_ERROR); } else { TLog(taskId, "RestoreDb: Finished\n"); } LeaveDeviceQueue(deviceLatch); setStatus(taskId, TASK_DONE); return (void *)(intptr_t)(code); } /* KeepAlive * * While dumping the database, keeps the connection alive. * Every 10 seconds, wake up and ask to read 0 bytes of the database. * This resets the database's internal timer so that it does not * prematuraly quit (on asking for new tapes and such). * * Use the same udbHandle as writeDbDump so we go to the same server. */ void * KeepAlive(void *unused) { charListT charList; afs_int32 code; afs_int32 done; extern struct udbHandleS udbHandle; afs_pthread_setname_self("Keep-alive"); while (1) { #ifdef AFS_PTHREAD_ENV sleep(5); #else IOMGR_Sleep(5); #endif charList.charListT_val = 0; charList.charListT_len = 0; code = ubik_Call_SingleServer(BUDB_DumpDB, udbHandle.uh_client, UF_SINGLESERVER, 0, 0, &charList, &done); if (code || done) break; } return 0; } /* restoreDbHeader * restore special items in the header */ int restoreDbHeader(struct butm_tapeInfo *tapeInfo, struct rstTapeInfo *rstTapeInfoPtr, struct structDumpHeader *nextHeader) { struct structDumpHeader netItemHeader; struct DbHeader netDbHeader, hostDbHeader; afs_int32 code = 0; extern struct udbHandleS udbHandle; /* Read the database header */ memset(&netDbHeader, 0, sizeof(netDbHeader)); code = getTapeData(tapeInfo, rstTapeInfoPtr, &netDbHeader, sizeof(netDbHeader)); if (code) ERROR_EXIT(code); DbHeader_ntoh(&netDbHeader, &hostDbHeader); /* Add the database header to the database */ code = ubik_BUDB_RestoreDbHeader(udbHandle.uh_client, 0, &hostDbHeader); if (code) { ErrorLog(0, rstTapeInfoPtr->taskId, code, 0, "Can't restore DB Header\n"); ERROR_EXIT(code); } /* get the next item-header */ memset(nextHeader, 0, sizeof(*nextHeader)); code = getTapeData(tapeInfo, rstTapeInfoPtr, &netItemHeader, sizeof(netItemHeader)); if (code) ERROR_EXIT(code); structDumpHeader_ntoh(&netItemHeader, nextHeader); error_exit: return (code); } /* restoreDbDump * restore a single dump, including all its tapes and volumes, from * the tape. * entry: * nextHeader - ptr to structure for return value * exit: * nextHeader - next structure header from tape * notes: * upon entry, the dump structure header has been read confirming that * a database dump tree exists on the tape */ int restoreDbDump(struct butm_tapeInfo *tapeInfo, struct rstTapeInfo *rstTapeInfoPtr, struct structDumpHeader *nextHeader) { struct budb_dumpEntry netDumpEntry, hostDumpEntry; struct budb_tapeEntry netTapeEntry, hostTapeEntry; struct budb_volumeEntry netVolumeEntry, hostVolumeEntry; struct structDumpHeader netItemHeader; int restoreThisDump = 1; afs_int32 code = 0; extern struct udbHandleS udbHandle; /* read dump entry */ memset(&netDumpEntry, 0, sizeof(netDumpEntry)); code = getTapeData(tapeInfo, rstTapeInfoPtr, &netDumpEntry, sizeof(netDumpEntry)); if (code) ERROR_EXIT(code); /* If database tape does not have a dumpid (AFS 3.3) then no initial/appended dumps */ if (rstTapeInfoPtr->dumpid == 0) { netDumpEntry.initialDumpID = 0; netDumpEntry.appendedDumpID = 0; } dumpEntry_ntoh(&netDumpEntry, &hostDumpEntry); /* The dump entry for this database tape is incomplete, so don't include it */ if (hostDumpEntry.id == rstTapeInfoPtr->dumpid) restoreThisDump = 0; /* add the dump to the database */ if (restoreThisDump) { code = threadEntryDir(&hostDumpEntry, sizeof(hostDumpEntry), DLQ_USEDUMP); if (code) ERROR_EXIT(code); } /* get the next item-header */ memset(nextHeader, 0, sizeof(*nextHeader)); code = getTapeData(tapeInfo, rstTapeInfoPtr, &netItemHeader, sizeof(netItemHeader)); if (code) ERROR_EXIT(code); structDumpHeader_ntoh(&netItemHeader, nextHeader); /* Add every tape to the db */ while (nextHeader->type == SD_TAPE) { /*t */ /* read the tape entry */ memset(&netTapeEntry, 0, sizeof(netTapeEntry)); code = getTapeData(tapeInfo, rstTapeInfoPtr, &netTapeEntry, sizeof(netTapeEntry)); if (code) ERROR_EXIT(code); tapeEntry_ntoh(&netTapeEntry, &hostTapeEntry); /* Add the tape to the database */ if (restoreThisDump) { code = threadEntryDir(&hostTapeEntry, sizeof(hostTapeEntry), DLQ_USETAPE); if (code) ERROR_EXIT(code); } /* get the next item-header */ memset(nextHeader, 0, sizeof(*nextHeader)); code = getTapeData(tapeInfo, rstTapeInfoPtr, &netItemHeader, sizeof(netItemHeader)); if (code) ERROR_EXIT(code); structDumpHeader_ntoh(&netItemHeader, nextHeader); /* Add every volume to the db */ while (nextHeader->type == SD_VOLUME) { /*v */ /* read the volume entry */ memset(&netVolumeEntry, 0, sizeof(netVolumeEntry)); code = getTapeData(tapeInfo, rstTapeInfoPtr, &netVolumeEntry, sizeof(netVolumeEntry)); if (code) ERROR_EXIT(code); volumeEntry_ntoh(&netVolumeEntry, &hostVolumeEntry); if (restoreThisDump) { code = threadEntryDir(&hostVolumeEntry, sizeof(hostVolumeEntry), DLQ_VOLENTRY); if (code) ERROR_EXIT(code); } /* get the next item-header */ memset(nextHeader, 0, sizeof(*nextHeader)); code = getTapeData(tapeInfo, rstTapeInfoPtr, &netItemHeader, sizeof(netItemHeader)); if (code) ERROR_EXIT(code); structDumpHeader_ntoh(&netItemHeader, nextHeader); } /*v */ /* Finish the tape */ if (restoreThisDump) { code = threadEntryDir(&hostTapeEntry, sizeof(hostTapeEntry), DLQ_FINISHTAPE); if (code) ERROR_EXIT(code); } } /*t */ /* Finish the dump */ if (restoreThisDump) { code = threadEntryDir(&hostDumpEntry, sizeof(hostDumpEntry), DLQ_FINISHDUMP); if (code) ERROR_EXIT(code); } error_exit: return (code); } /* saveTextFile * Save the specified file as configuration text in the ubik database. * Have to setup the client text structure so that we can call * the routine to transmit the text to the db. */ afs_int32 saveTextFile(afs_int32 taskId, afs_int32 textType, char *fileName) { udbClientTextP ctPtr = 0; afs_int32 code = 0; int tlock = 0; ctPtr = (udbClientTextP) malloc(sizeof(*ctPtr)); if (!ctPtr) ERROR_EXIT(TC_NOMEMORY); memset(ctPtr, 0, sizeof(*ctPtr)); ctPtr->textType = textType; /* lock the text in the database */ code = bc_LockText(ctPtr); if (code) { ErrorLog(0, taskId, code, 0, "Can't lock text file\n"); ERROR_EXIT(code); } tlock = 1; ctPtr->textStream = fopen(fileName, "r"); if (!ctPtr->textStream) { ErrorLog(0, taskId, errno, 0, "Can't open text file\n"); ERROR_EXIT(errno); } /* now send the text to the database */ code = bcdb_SaveTextFile(ctPtr); if (code) { ErrorLog(0, taskId, code, 0, "Can't save text file\n"); ERROR_EXIT(code); } error_exit: if (ctPtr) { if (ctPtr->textStream) fclose(ctPtr->textStream); if (tlock) bc_UnlockText(ctPtr); free(ctPtr); } return (code); } /* restoreText * read the text off the tape, and store it in the appropriate * text type in the database. * entry: * nextHeader - ptr to struct for return information * exit: * nextHeader - struct header for next item on the tape */ int restoreText(struct butm_tapeInfo *tapeInfo, struct rstTapeInfo *rstTapeInfoPtr, struct structDumpHeader *nextHeader) { char filename[64]; afs_int32 nbytes; char *readBuffer = 0; afs_int32 readBlockSize; afs_int32 transferSize; struct structDumpHeader netItemHeader; int fid = -1; afs_int32 code = 0; udbClientTextP ctPtr = 0; afs_int32 textType; ctPtr = (udbClientTextP) malloc(sizeof(*ctPtr)); if (!ctPtr) ERROR_EXIT(TC_NOMEMORY); /* determine the type of text block */ switch (nextHeader->type) { case SD_TEXT_DUMPSCHEDULE: textType = TB_DUMPSCHEDULE; break; case SD_TEXT_VOLUMESET: textType = TB_VOLUMESET; break; case SD_TEXT_TAPEHOSTS: textType = TB_TAPEHOSTS; break; default: ErrorLog(0, rstTapeInfoPtr->taskId, TC_INTERNALERROR, 0, "Unknown text block\n"); ERROR_EXIT(TC_INTERNALERROR); break; } /* open the text file */ sprintf(filename, "%s/bu_XXXXXX", gettmpdir()); fid = mkstemp(filename); if (fid < 0) { ErrorLog(0, rstTapeInfoPtr->taskId, errno, 0, "Can't open temporary text file: %s\n", filename); ERROR_EXIT(errno); } /* allocate buffer for text */ readBlockSize = BUTM_BLKSIZE; readBuffer = (char *)malloc(readBlockSize); if (!readBuffer) ERROR_EXIT(TC_NOMEMORY); /* read the text into the temporary file */ nbytes = nextHeader->size; while (nbytes > 0) { transferSize = (readBlockSize < nbytes) ? readBlockSize : nbytes; /* read it from the tape */ code = getTapeData(tapeInfo, rstTapeInfoPtr, readBuffer, transferSize); if (code) ERROR_EXIT(code); /* write to the file */ if (write(fid, readBuffer, transferSize) != transferSize) { ErrorLog(0, rstTapeInfoPtr->taskId, errno, 0, "Can't write temporary text file: %s\n", filename); ERROR_EXIT(errno); } nbytes -= transferSize; } close(fid); fid = -1; code = saveTextFile(rstTapeInfoPtr->taskId, textType, filename); if (code) ERROR_EXIT(code); unlink(filename); /* get the next item-header */ memset(nextHeader, 0, sizeof(*nextHeader)); code = getTapeData(tapeInfo, rstTapeInfoPtr, &netItemHeader, sizeof(netItemHeader)); if (code) ERROR_EXIT(code); structDumpHeader_ntoh(&netItemHeader, nextHeader); error_exit: if (ctPtr) free(ctPtr); if (readBuffer) free(readBuffer); if (fid != -1) { close(fid); unlink(filename); } return (code); } /* ---------------------------------- * Tape data buffering - for reading database dumps * ---------------------------------- */ static char *tapeReadBuffer = 0; /* input buffer */ static char *tapeReadBufferPtr = 0; /* position in buffer */ /* getTapeData * Read information from tape, and place the requested number of bytes * in the buffer supplied * entry: * tapeInfo * rstTapeInfoPtr - Info about the dump being restored. * buffer - buffer for requested data * requestedBytes - no. of bytes requested * exit: * fn retn - 0, ok, n, error */ int getTapeData(struct butm_tapeInfo *tapeInfoPtr, struct rstTapeInfo *rstTapeInfoPtr, void *out, afs_int32 requestedBytes) { char *buffer = (char *) out; afs_int32 taskId, transferBytes; afs_int32 code = 0; taskId = rstTapeInfoPtr->taskId; if (checkAbortByTaskId(taskId)) ERROR_EXIT(TC_ABORTEDBYREQUEST); if (!tapeReadBuffer) { tapeReadBuffer = (char *)malloc(BUTM_BLOCKSIZE); if (!tapeReadBuffer) ERROR_EXIT(TC_NOMEMORY); } while (requestedBytes > 0) { if (nbytes == 0) { tapeReadBufferPtr = &tapeReadBuffer[sizeof(struct blockMark)]; /* get more data */ code = butm_ReadFileData(tapeInfoPtr, tapeReadBufferPtr, BUTM_BLKSIZE, &nbytes); if (code) { /* detect if we hit the end-of-tape and get next tape */ if (code == BUTM_ENDVOLUME) { /* Update fields in tape entry for this tape */ tapeEntryPtr->flags = BUDB_TAPE_WRITTEN; tapeEntryPtr->useKBytes = tapeInfoPtr->kBytes + (tapeInfoPtr->nBytes ? 1 : 0); unmountTape(taskId, tapeInfoPtr); rstTapeInfoPtr->tapeSeq++; code = readDbTape(tapeInfoPtr, rstTapeInfoPtr, 1); if (code) ERROR_EXIT(code); code = butm_ReadFileBegin(tapeInfoPtr); if (code) { ErrorLog(0, taskId, code, tapeInfoPtr->error, "Can't read FileBegin on tape\n"); ERROR_EXIT(code); } continue; } ErrorLog(0, taskId, code, tapeInfoPtr->error, "Can't read FileData on tape\n"); ERROR_EXIT(code); } } /* copy out data */ transferBytes = (nbytes < requestedBytes) ? nbytes : requestedBytes; memcpy(buffer, tapeReadBufferPtr, transferBytes); tapeReadBufferPtr += transferBytes; buffer += transferBytes; nbytes -= transferBytes; requestedBytes -= transferBytes; } error_exit: return (code); }