# Copyright 2000, International Business Machines Corporation and others. # All Rights Reserved. # # This software has been released under the terms of the IBM Public # License. For details, see the LICENSE file in the top-level source # directory or online at http://www.openafs.org/dl/license10.html # Common nmake file to be included in each NTMakfile. # # Required definitions: # AFSDEV_BUILDTYPE = [ CHECKED | FREE ] # AFSDEV_INCLUDE = # AFSDEV_LIB = # AFSDEV_BIN = # # Optional definitions: # AFSDEV_DESTDIR = (default is $(AFSROOT)\DEST) # AFSDEV_WARNLEVEL = [0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4] (default is 3) # AFSDEV_AUXCDEFINES = (default is null) # AFSDEV_AUXRCFLAGS = (default is null) # AFSDEV_TEXTMODE = (default is null) # AFSDEV_CRTDEBUG = (default is null) # ############################################################################ # Definitions provided here are based on WIN32.MAK, a common nmake # file included with the MS SDK and MS VC distributions. # WIN32.MAK, and this nmake file, are targeted to the MSVC compiler; # port this nmake file if additional compiler support is required. # Define default target-type macros required by WIN32.MAK. # Allow them to be overriden in an NTMakefile or via an environment variable. !IFNDEF APPVER APPVER = 4.0 !ENDIF !IFNDEF TARGETOS TARGETOS = WINNT !ENDIF # Check that build type is correctly specified. !IF (DEFINED(PROFILE) || DEFINED(TUNE)) # Build type ignored when profiling or tuning. AFSDEV_BUILDTYPE = NONE !ELSE # Build type must be checked or free. !IF ("$(AFSDEV_BUILDTYPE)" != "CHECKED" && "$(AFSDEV_BUILDTYPE)" != "FREE") !ERROR Must define AFSDEV_BUILDTYPE to be CHECKED or FREE. !ENDIF !ENDIF # Limit default include and library directories to those specified for build. !IFNDEF AFSDEV_INCLUDE !ERROR Must define AFSDEV_INCLUDE to be the default include directories. !ENDIF !IF ((!DEFINED(INCLUDE)) && ([set INCLUDE=$(AFSDEV_INCLUDE)] != 0)) # If env. var. INCLUDE not defined then macro assignment won't set it. !ERROR Failed setting environment variable INCLUDE. !ENDIF INCLUDE = $(AFSDEV_INCLUDE) !IFNDEF AFSDEV_LIB !ERROR Must define AFSDEV_LIB to be the default library directories. !ENDIF !IF ((!DEFINED(LIB)) && ([set LIB=$(AFSDEV_LIB)] != 0)) # If env. var. LIB not defined then macro assignment won't set it. !ERROR Failed setting environment variable LIB. !ENDIF LIB = $(AFSDEV_LIB) # Put default build binary directories at front of path. !IFNDEF AFSDEV_BIN !ERROR Must define AFSDEV_BIN to be the default build binary directories. !ENDIF !IF ((!DEFINED(PATH)) && ([set PATH=$(AFSDEV_BIN)] != 0)) # If env. var. PATH not defined then macro assignment won't set it. !ERROR Failed setting environment variable PATH. !ENDIF PATH = $(AFSDEV_BIN);$(PATH) # Undefine WIN32.MAK NODEBUG macro. # Always generate full debug info, unless profiling or tuning (see below). !UNDEF NODEBUG # Include WIN32.MAK nmake file !INCLUDE # Extend and/or supplement definitions in WIN32.MAK. # Standard install directory. !IFDEF AFSDEV_DESTDIR DESTDIR = $(AFSDEV_DESTDIR) !ELSE DESTDIR = $(AFSROOT)\DEST !ENDIF # Command macros. COPY = copy DEL = del MKDIR = mkdir REN = ren ECHO = echo CD = cd MC = mc -vcsU MAKECMD = nmake.exe COMPILE_ET = $(DESTDIR)\bin\compile_et RXGEN = $(DESTDIR)\bin\rxgen MIDL = midl # Common clean target. # Double colon (::) syntax allows supplemental clean target to be specified. clean:: $(DEL) *.obj *.lib *.dll *.exe $(DEL) *_component_version_number.* # Common lang target. # Double colon (::) syntax allows supplemental lang target to be specified. lang:: # Compiler include paths and preprocessor defines afscdefs =\ -I. \ -I$(DESTDIR)\include \ -I$(DESTDIR)\include\afs \ -I$(DESTDIR)\include\rx \ -DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN \ -DSTRICT afscdefs = $(afscdefs) $(AFSDEV_AUXCDEFINES) # Compiler switches (except include paths and preprocessor defines) # # Note: if conflicting options are specified, rightmost option applies. # # /Oy- specifies no frame-pointer omission # /GF pool strings and place in read-only memory # /Gd use cdecl calling convention by default # /Gy enable function-level linking # /GX enable C++ exceptions (assumes extern C funcs never throw exceptions) # /Os favor small (over fast) code; seems to avoid 64-bit bugs in VC compiler afscflags =\ /Oy- \ /GF \ /Gd \ /Gy \ /GX \ /Os # Set optimization and debugging level based on build type. !IF ("$(AFSDEV_BUILDTYPE)" == "FREE") # Apply full optimization; generate full debug info in obj. afscflags = $(afscflags) /Ox /Z7 ldebug = $(ldebug) -debugtype:both cdebug = $(cdebug:-Od=) # avoid annoying override warning (D4025) !ELSEIF ("$(AFSDEV_BUILDTYPE)" == "CHECKED") # Disable optimization; generate full debug info in obj. afscflags = $(afscflags) /Od /Z7 ldebug = $(ldebug) -debugtype:both !ENDIF # Set compiler warning level !IFNDEF AFSDEV_WARNLEVEL AFSDEV_WARNLEVEL = 3 !ELSE !IF ("$(AFSDEV_WARNLEVEL)" != "0" && \ "$(AFSDEV_WARNLEVEL)" != "1" && \ "$(AFSDEV_WARNLEVEL)" != "2" && \ "$(AFSDEV_WARNLEVEL)" != "3" && \ "$(AFSDEV_WARNLEVEL)" != "4") !ERROR Must define AFSDEV_WARNLEVEL to be one of 0 through 4. !ENDIF !ENDIF afscflags = $(afscflags) /W$(AFSDEV_WARNLEVEL) # Linker switches # # /FIXED:NO generates a relocation section in the executable afslflags =\ /FIXED:NO # For checked builds, define DEBUG (but not the MS control flag _DEBUG). !IF ("$(AFSDEV_BUILDTYPE)" == "CHECKED") afscdefs = $(afscdefs) -DDEBUG !ENDIF # Utilize the debug version of the MSVC runtime, if requested. !IFDEF AFSDEV_CRTDEBUG afscdefs = $(afscdefs) -D_DEBUG conlibsdll = $(conlibsdll:msvcrt.lib=msvcrtd.lib) guilibsdll = $(guilibsdll:msvcrt.lib=msvcrtd.lib) !ENDIF # Link with binmode.obj; files will be opened in binary mode by default. !IFNDEF AFSDEV_TEXTMODE conlibsdll = $(conlibsdll) binmode.obj guilibsdll = $(guilibsdll) binmode.obj !ENDIF # Define MFC link and library macros # Note that MFC seems to make extensive use of default libraries, # thus we do not specify a general /NODEFAULTLIB. mfclflags = $(guilflags) mfclflags = $(mfclflags:/NODEFAULTLIB=) mfcdlllflags = $(dlllflags) mfcdlllflags = $(mfcdlllflags:/NODEFAULTLIB=) mfclibsdll = $(guilibsdll) mfclibsdll = $(mfclibsdll:msvcrtd.lib=) mfclibsdll = $(mfclibsdll:msvcrt.lib=) !IFNDEF AFSDEV_CRTDEBUG mfclflags = $(mfclflags) /NODEFAULTLIB:msvcrtd.lib mfcdlllflags = $(mfcdlllflags) /NODEFAULTLIB:msvcrtd.lib !ELSE mfclflags = $(mfclflags) /NODEFAULTLIB:msvcrt.lib mfcdlllflags = $(mfcdlllflags) /NODEFAULTLIB:msvcrt.lib !ENDIF # Macros for creating/modifying binary targets # EXE link macro for console applications EXECONLINK = $(link) /OUT:$@ $(ldebug) $(conlflags) $(afslflags) $(conlibsdll) $** # EXE link macro for GUI applications EXEGUILINK = $(link) /OUT:$@ $(ldebug) $(guilflags) $(afslflags) $(guilibsdll) $** # EXE link macro for MFC applications EXEMFCLINK = $(link) /OUT:$@ $(ldebug) $(mfclflags) $(afslflags) $(mfclibsdll) $** # DLL link macro for console applications DLLCONLINK = $(link) /OUT:$@ $(ldebug) $(dlllflags) $(afslflags) $(conlibsdll) $** # DLL link macro for GUI applications DLLGUILINK = $(link) /OUT:$@ $(ldebug) $(dlllflags) $(afslflags) $(guilibsdll) $** # DLL link macro for MFC applications DLLMFCLINK = $(link) /OUT:$@ $(ldebug) $(mfcdlllflags) $(afslflags) $(mfclibsdll) $** # DLL link macro for resource-only DLLs DLLRESLINK = $(link) /OUT:$@ $(dlllflags:-entry:_DllMainCRTStartup@12=-noentry) $(afslflags) $** # Library archive macro LIBARCH = $(implib) /NOLOGO /OUT:$@ $** # Language selection macro NTLANG = $(DESTDIR)\bin\NTLang.bat # EXE\DLL preparation macros # Rebase to avoid conflicts; strip symbols in free build. !IF ("$(AFSDEV_BUILDTYPE)" == "FREE") EXEPREP = rebase -b 0x00400000 -x $(@D) -q $@ DLLPREP = rebase -i $(DESTDIR)\NTDllmap.txt -x $(@D) -q $@ !ELSEIF ("$(AFSDEV_BUILDTYPE)" == "CHECKED") EXEPREP = rebase -b 0x00400000 -q $@ DLLPREP = rebase -i $(DESTDIR)\NTDllmap.txt -q $@ !ENDIF # C/C++ compilation macros C2OBJ = $(cc) $(cflags) $(cdebug) $(cvarsdll) $(afscflags) $(afscdefs) /c CPP2OBJ = $(cc) $(cflags) $(cdebug) $(cvarsdll) $(afscflags) $(afscdefs) /c # Resource compiler macro RC = $(rc) $(rcvars) $(rcflags) $(AFSDEV_AUXRCFLAGS) # Lex/Yacc macros LEX = flex -l YACC = bison # Inference rules for building and installing targets # Compile .c files .c.obj: $(C2OBJ) $*.c # Compile .cpp files .cpp.obj: $(CPP2OBJ) $*.cpp # Compile .rc (resource) files .rc.res: $(RC) $*.rc # Install header files .SUFFIXES: .h .h.{$(DESTDIR)\include}.h: $(COPY) $(*B).h $(DESTDIR)\include .h.{$(DESTDIR)\include\afs}.h: $(COPY) $(*B).h $(DESTDIR)\include\afs .h.{$(DESTDIR)\include\rx}.h: $(COPY) $(*B).h $(DESTDIR)\include\rx .h.{$(DESTDIR)\include\WINNT}.h: $(COPY) $(*B).h $(DESTDIR)\include\WINNT