/* * Copyright 2000, International Business Machines Corporation and others. * All Rights Reserved. * * This software has been released under the terms of the IBM Public * License. For details, see the LICENSE file in the top-level source * directory or online at http://www.openafs.org/dl/license10.html */ /* Make the AFS_component_version_number.c file. Do it in C since there's no * guarantee of perl on an NT platform. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define VERINFO_STRING_CHARS_MAX 950 /* max chars in verinfo string */ #define CFILE_STRING_CHARS_MAX 2000 /* max chars in C file string */ #define DEPTH_MAX 6 /* maximum depth of src dir search (>= 3) */ #define CMLDIR_DFLT "../../src/CML" /* default starting point for search */ #define CMLDIR_BUFSZ ((DEPTH_MAX * (sizeof("../") - 1)) + sizeof("src/CML")) static char cmldir[CMLDIR_BUFSZ]; #define STATE "state" #define STAMPS "stamps" #define CML_STRING "cml_version_number[]=\"@(#)" #define CML_VER_DECL "char " CML_STRING char *cml_string = CML_VER_DECL; #define VERINFO_BUILD_STRING "#define AFS_VERINFO_BUILD " #define AFS_STRING "char* AFSVersion = \"" #define VERS_FILE "AFS_component_version_number" #define MAXDELTAS 128 typedef struct { char name[512]; char type; } deltaNames; deltaNames stateDeltas[MAXDELTAS], stampDeltas[MAXDELTAS]; FILE *fpStamps; FILE *fpState; FILE *fpVers; int nStates = 0; int nStamps = 0; enum { CF_DEFAULT, CF_VERINFO, CF_TEXT, CF_XML } cfgFormat = CF_DEFAULT; char *programName; void PrintStamps(void); void Usage(void) { printf ("Usage: %s [-d directory] [-o output file name] [-c component] [-v | -t | -x]\n", programName); printf("%s creates the AFS_component_version_number.c file.\n", programName); printf("Options:\n"); printf("-d directory - path of the CML directory, default is %s.\n", CMLDIR_DFLT); printf("-o file name - alternate output file name.\n"); printf ("-c component - if not \"afs\" prefix for cml_version_number variable.\n"); printf("-v generate NT versioninfo style declarations.\n"); printf("-t generate text file style information.\n"); printf("-x generate XML revision information.\n"); exit(1); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { char stampsFile[1024]; char stateFile[1024]; char s[1024]; int i; char *baseDir; int argDir = 0; char *outputFile = NULL; char outputFileBuf[sizeof(VERS_FILE) + 2]; struct stat sbuf; time_t versTime; int reBuild = 0; int code; char *cml_prefix = NULL; /* initialize cmldir buffer and set default starting directory */ for (i = 0; i < DEPTH_MAX; i++) { strcat(cmldir, "../"); } strcat(cmldir, "src/CML"); baseDir = strstr(cmldir, CMLDIR_DFLT); programName = argv[0]; for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (!strcmp("-d", argv[i])) { i++; if (i >= argc || *argv[i] == '-') { printf("Missing directory name for -d option.\n"); Usage(); } baseDir = argv[i]; argDir = 1; } else if (!strcmp("-o", argv[i])) { i++; if (i >= argc || *argv[i] == '-') { printf("Missing output file name for -o option.\n"); Usage(); } outputFile = argv[i]; } else if (!strcmp("-c", argv[i])) { i++; if (i >= argc || *argv[i] == '-') { printf("Missing component for -c option.\n"); Usage(); } cml_prefix = argv[i]; } else if (!strcmp("-v", argv[i])) { if (cfgFormat == CF_DEFAULT || cfgFormat == CF_VERINFO) { cfgFormat = CF_VERINFO; } else { printf("Specify only one alternative output format\n"); Usage(); } } else if (!strcmp("-t", argv[i])) { if (cfgFormat == CF_DEFAULT || cfgFormat == CF_TEXT) { cfgFormat = CF_TEXT; } else { printf("Specify only one alternative output format\n"); Usage(); } } else if (!strcmp("-x", argv[i])) { if (cfgFormat == CF_DEFAULT || cfgFormat == CF_XML) { cfgFormat = CF_XML; } else { printf("Specify only one alternative output format\n"); Usage(); } } else { printf("%s: Unknown argument.\n", argv[i]); Usage(); } } /* set outputFile if not specified */ if (outputFile == NULL) { strcpy(outputFileBuf, VERS_FILE); if (cfgFormat == CF_VERINFO) { strcat(outputFileBuf, ".h"); } else if (cfgFormat == CF_TEXT) { strcat(outputFileBuf, ".txt"); } else if (cfgFormat == CF_XML) { strcat(outputFileBuf, ".xml"); } else { strcat(outputFileBuf, ".c"); } outputFile = outputFileBuf; } /* Determine if we need to create the output file. */ if ((code = stat(outputFile, &sbuf)) < 0) { reBuild = 1; versTime = (time_t) 0; /* indicates no output file. */ } else { versTime = sbuf.st_mtime; } sprintf(stampsFile, "%s/%s", baseDir, STAMPS); code = stat(stampsFile, &sbuf); while (code < 0 && errno == ENOENT && !argDir && baseDir > cmldir) { /* Try path at next level of depth. */ baseDir -= sizeof("../") - 1; sprintf(stampsFile, "%s/%s", baseDir, STAMPS); code = stat(stampsFile, &sbuf); } if (code == 0 && versTime <= sbuf.st_mtime) { reBuild = 1; } sprintf(stateFile, "%s/%s", baseDir, STATE); if (!reBuild) { code = stat(stateFile, &sbuf); /* dont' check alternate base dir, since it would be reset above */ if (code == 0 && versTime <= sbuf.st_mtime) reBuild = 1; } if (!reBuild) { printf("Not rebuilding %s since it is up to date.\n", outputFile); exit(0); } if (cml_prefix) { cml_string = (char *)malloc(strlen("char ") + strlen(cml_prefix) + strlen(CML_STRING) + 1); if (!cml_string) { printf("No space to use prefix in cml string, ignoring it.\n"); cml_string = CML_VER_DECL; } else { (void)sprintf(cml_string, "%s%s%s", "char ", cml_prefix, CML_STRING); } } fpState = fopen(stateFile, "r"); fpStamps = fopen(stampsFile, "r"); fpVers = fopen(outputFile, "w"); if (fpStamps == NULL || fpState == NULL || fpVers == NULL) { if (fpVers) { if (cfgFormat == CF_VERINFO) { fprintf(fpVers, "%s \"No configuration information available\"\n", VERINFO_BUILD_STRING); } else if (cfgFormat == CF_TEXT) { fprintf(fpVers, "No configuration information available.\n"); } else { fprintf(fpVers, "%sNo configuration information available\";\n", cml_string); fprintf(fpVers, "%safs??\";\n", AFS_STRING); } fclose(fpVers); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Can't write version information to %s.\n", outputFile); } fprintf(stderr, "No configuration information available, continuing...\n"); exit(1); } nStates = 0; while (fgets(s, sizeof(s), fpState)) { if (*s == 'I' || *s == 'N' || *s == 'C' || *s == 'O') { stateDeltas[nStates].type = *s; s[strlen(s) - 1] = '\0'; (void)strcpy(stateDeltas[nStates].name, s + 2); nStates++; } } fclose(fpState); PrintStamps(); fclose(fpVers); return 0; } void PrintStamps(void) { char *s; char *c = NULL; int i; size_t outMax, outCount = 0; time_t t = time(NULL); if (cfgFormat == CF_VERINFO) { outMax = VERINFO_STRING_CHARS_MAX; } else if (cfgFormat == CF_TEXT) { outMax = 0; /* signifies that there is no maximum */ } else { outMax = CFILE_STRING_CHARS_MAX; } for (i = 0; i < nStates; i++) { if (stateDeltas[i].type == 'C') { if (cfgFormat == CF_VERINFO) { fprintf(fpVers, "%s \"Base configuration %s", VERINFO_BUILD_STRING, stateDeltas[i].name); } else if (cfgFormat == CF_TEXT) { fprintf(fpVers, "Base configuration %s\n", stateDeltas[i].name); } else if (cfgFormat == CF_XML) { fprintf(fpVers, "\n" "\n" "\n" "Base configuration %s\n" "\n" "\n" "%s" "\n" "\n", stateDeltas[i].name, ctime(&t)); } else { fprintf(fpVers, "%sBase configuration %s", cml_string, stateDeltas[i].name); } c = stateDeltas[i].name; break; } } for (i = 0; i < nStates; i++) { if (stateDeltas[i].type == 'I' || stateDeltas[i].type == 'N') { outCount += strlen(stateDeltas[i].name) + 2; if (outMax && outCount > outMax) { break; } if (cfgFormat == CF_TEXT) { fprintf(fpVers, "%c%s\n", stateDeltas[i].type, stateDeltas[i].name); } else if (cfgFormat == CF_XML) { fprintf(fpVers, "\n" ";%c%s" "\n", stateDeltas[i].type, stateDeltas[i].name); } else { fprintf(fpVers, ";%c%s", stateDeltas[i].type, stateDeltas[i].name); } } } for (i = 0; i < nStates; i++) { if (stateDeltas[i].type == 'O') { outCount += strlen(stateDeltas[i].name) + 2; if (outMax && outCount > outMax) { break; } if (cfgFormat == CF_TEXT) { fprintf(fpVers, "%c%s\n", stateDeltas[i].type, stateDeltas[i].name); } else if (cfgFormat == CF_XML) { fprintf(fpVers, "\n" ";%c%s" "\n", stateDeltas[i].type, stateDeltas[i].name); } else { fprintf(fpVers, ";%c%s", stateDeltas[i].type, stateDeltas[i].name); } } } if (outMax && outCount > outMax) { fprintf(fpVers, ";[LIST TRUNCATED]"); } if (cfgFormat == CF_VERINFO) { fprintf(fpVers, "\"\n"); } else if (cfgFormat == CF_DEFAULT) { fprintf(fpVers, "\";\n"); if (c) c += 3; s = (char *)strchr(c, ' '); if (s) *s = '\0'; fprintf(fpVers, "%s%s\";\n", AFS_STRING, c ? c : "Unknown"); } else if (cfgFormat == CF_XML) { fprintf(fpVers, "\n"); } }