/* * Copyright 2000, International Business Machines Corporation and others. * All Rights Reserved. * * This software has been released under the terms of the IBM Public * License. For details, see the LICENSE file in the top-level source * directory or online at http://www.openafs.org/dl/license10.html */ #include #include RCSID ("$Header$"); #include #include #include #include #include #include /* sprintf */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include int krb_add_host(struct sockaddr_in *server_list_p); static void krb_set_port(long port); static long ka_AddHostProc(void *rockp, struct sockaddr_in *addrp, char *namep) { return krb_add_host(addrp); } static char bogusReason[100]; static char * ka_MapKerberosError(int code) { switch (code) { case INTK_BADPW: return "password was incorrect"; case KERB_ERR_PRINCIPAL_UNKNOWN: return "user doesn't exist"; case KERB_ERR_SERVICE_EXP: return "server and client clocks are badly skewed"; case SKDC_RETRY: return "Authentication Server was unavailable"; case RD_AP_TIME: return "server and client clocks are badly skewed"; default: sprintf(bogusReason, "unknown authentication error %d", code); return bogusReason; } } static int krb_get_in_tkt_ext(char *user, char *instance, char *realm, char *service, char *sinstance, int life, struct ktc_encryptionKey *key1, struct ktc_encryptionKey *key2, char **ticketpp, long *ticketLenp, struct ktc_encryptionKey *outKeyp, long *kvnop, long *expp, char **reasonp); afs_int32 ka_UserAuthenticateGeneral(afs_int32 flags, char *name, char *instance, char *realm, char *password, Date lifetime, afs_int32 * password_expiresP, afs_int32 spare, char **reasonP) { return ka_UserAuthenticateGeneral2(flags, name, instance, realm, password, NULL, lifetime, password_expiresP, spare, reasonP); } afs_int32 ka_UserAuthenticateGeneral2(afs_int32 flags, char *name, char *instance, char *realm, char *password, char *smbname, Date lifetime, afs_int32 * password_expiresP, afs_int32 spare, char **reasonP) { int code; struct ktc_encryptionKey key1, key2; char *ticket = NULL; int ticketLen; struct ktc_encryptionKey sessionKey; long kvno; long expirationTime; char fullRealm[256]; char upperRealm[256]; struct servent *sp; int ttl; struct ktc_principal server; struct ktc_principal client; struct ktc_token token; if (instance == NULL) instance = ""; if (lifetime == 0) lifetime = MAXKTCTICKETLIFETIME; code = cm_SearchCellFile(realm, fullRealm, ka_AddHostProc, NULL); #ifdef AFS_AFSDB_ENV if (code) { code = cm_SearchCellByDNS(realm, fullRealm, &ttl, ka_AddHostProc, NULL); } #endif if (code) { *reasonP = "specified realm is unknown"; return (code); } strcpy(upperRealm, fullRealm); _strupr(upperRealm); /* encrypt password, both ways */ ka_StringToKey(password, upperRealm, &key1); des_string_to_key(password, &key2); /* set port number */ sp = getservbyname("kerberos", "udp"); if (sp) krb_set_port(ntohs(sp->s_port)); *reasonP = NULL; code = krb_get_in_tkt_ext(name, instance, upperRealm, "afs", "", lifetime, &key1, &key2, &ticket, &ticketLen, &sessionKey, &kvno, &expirationTime, reasonP); if (code && *reasonP == NULL) *reasonP = ka_MapKerberosError(code); if (code) return code; strcpy(server.name, "afs"); strcpy(server.instance, ""); strcpy(server.cell, fullRealm); /* Would like to use Vice ID's; using raw names for now. */ strcpy(client.name, name); strcpy(client.instance, instance); strcpy(client.cell, upperRealm); if (smbname) strcpy(client.smbname, smbname); token.startTime = 0; /* XXX */ token.endTime = expirationTime; token.sessionKey = sessionKey; token.kvno = (short)kvno; token.ticketLen = ticketLen; memcpy(token.ticket, ticket, ticketLen); code = ktc_SetToken(&server, &token, &client, (flags & KA_USERAUTH_AUTHENT_LOGON) ? AFS_SETTOK_LOGON : 0); if (code) { if (code == KTC_NOCM || code == KTC_NOCMRPC) *reasonP = "AFS service may not have started"; else if (code == KTC_RPC) *reasonP = "RPC failure in AFS gateway"; else if (code == KTC_NOCELL) *reasonP = "unknown cell"; else *reasonP = "unknown error"; } return code; } /* * krb_get_in_tkt() * * This code is descended from kerberos files krb_get_in_tkt.c and * send_to_kdc.c, and one.c. */ /* * definition of variable set to 1. * used in krb_conf.h to determine host byte order. */ static int krbONE = 1; #define HOST_BYTE_ORDER (* (char *) &krbONE) #define MSB_FIRST 0 #define LSB_FIRST 1 /* * Copyright 1986, 1987, 1988 by the Massachusetts Institute * of Technology. * * For copying and distribution information, please see the file * . */ #include #include #include #include "krb.h" #include #include static int swap_bytes; /* * The kaserver defines these error codes *privately*. So we redefine them * here, with a slight name change to show that they really are kaserver * errors. */ #define KERB_KA_ERR_BAD_MSG_TYPE 99 #define KERB_KA_ERR_BAD_LIFETIME 98 #define KERB_KA_ERR_NONNULL_REALM 97 #define KERB_KA_ERR_PKT_LENGTH 96 #define KERB_KA_ERR_TEXT_LENGTH 95 static void swap_u_int32(afs_uint32 * u) { *u = *u >> 24 | (*u & 0x00ff0000) >> 8 | (*u & 0x0000ff00) << 8 | *u << 24; } static void swap_u_int16(afs_uint16 * u) { *u = *u >> 8 | *u << 8; } int pkt_clen(KTEXT pkt); KTEXT pkt_cipher(KTEXT packet); /* * The following routine has been hacked to make it work for two different * possible string-to-key algorithms. This is a minimal displacement * of the code. */ /* * krb_get_in_tkt() gets a ticket for a given principal to use a given * service and stores the returned ticket and session key for future * use. * * The "user", "instance", and "realm" arguments give the identity of * the client who will use the ticket. The "service" and "sinstance" * arguments give the identity of the server that the client wishes * to use. (The realm of the server is the same as the Kerberos server * to whom the request is sent.) The "life" argument indicates the * desired lifetime of the ticket; the "key_proc" argument is a pointer * to the routine used for getting the client's private key to decrypt * the reply from Kerberos. The "decrypt_proc" argument is a pointer * to the routine used to decrypt the reply from Kerberos; and "arg" * is an argument to be passed on to the "key_proc" routine. * * If all goes well, krb_get_in_tkt() returns INTK_OK, otherwise it * returns an error code: If an AUTH_MSG_ERR_REPLY packet is returned * by Kerberos, then the error code it contains is returned. Other * error codes returned by this routine include INTK_PROT to indicate * wrong protocol version, INTK_BADPW to indicate bad password (if * decrypted ticket didn't make sense), INTK_ERR if the ticket was for * the wrong server or the ticket store couldn't be initialized. * * The format of the message sent to Kerberos is as follows: * * Size Variable Field * ---- -------- ----- * * 1 byte KRB_PROT_VERSION protocol version number * 1 byte AUTH_MSG_KDC_REQUEST | message type * HOST_BYTE_ORDER local byte order in lsb * string user client's name * string instance client's instance * string realm client's realm * 4 bytes tlocal.tv_sec timestamp in seconds * 1 byte life desired lifetime * string service service's name * string sinstance service's instance */ /* * Check_response is a support routine for krb_get_in_tkt. * * Check the response with the supplied key. If the key is apparently * wrong, return INTK_BADPW, otherwise zero. */ static check_response(KTEXT rpkt, KTEXT cip, char *service, char *instance, char *realm, struct ktc_encryptionKey *key) { Key_schedule key_s; char *ptr; char s_service[SNAME_SZ]; char s_instance[INST_SZ]; char s_realm[REALM_SZ]; int ticket_len; if (!key) return -1; /* copy information from return packet into "cip" */ cip->length = pkt_clen(rpkt); memcpy((char *)(cip->dat), (char *)pkt_cipher(rpkt), cip->length); /* decrypt ticket */ key_sched((char *)key, key_s); pcbc_encrypt((C_Block *) cip->dat, (C_Block *) cip->dat, (long)cip->length, key_s, (des_cblock *) key, 0); /* Skip session key */ ptr = (char *)cip->dat + 8; /* Check and extract server's name */ if ((strlen(ptr) + (ptr - (char *)cip->dat)) > cip->length) { return (INTK_BADPW); } (void)strncpy(s_service, ptr, sizeof(s_service) - 1); s_service[sizeof(s_service) - 1] = '\0'; ptr += strlen(s_service) + 1; /* Check and extract server's instance */ if ((strlen(ptr) + (ptr - (char *)cip->dat)) > cip->length) { return (INTK_BADPW); } (void)strncpy(s_instance, ptr, sizeof(s_instance) - 1); s_instance[sizeof(s_instance) - 1] = '\0'; ptr += strlen(s_instance) + 1; /* Check and extract server's realm */ if ((strlen(ptr) + (ptr - (char *)cip->dat)) > cip->length) { return (INTK_BADPW); } (void)strncpy(s_realm, ptr, sizeof(s_realm)); s_realm[sizeof(s_realm) - 1] = '\0'; ptr += strlen(s_realm) + 1; /* Ignore ticket lifetime, server key version */ ptr += 2; /* Extract and check ticket length */ ticket_len = (unsigned char)*ptr++; if ((ticket_len < 0) || ((ticket_len + (ptr - (char *)cip->dat)) > (int)cip->length)) { return (INTK_BADPW); } /* Check returned server name, instance, and realm fields */ /* * 7/23/98 - Deleting realm check. This allows cell name to differ * from realm name. */ #ifdef REALMCHECK if (strcmp(s_service, service) || strcmp(s_instance, instance) || strcmp(s_realm, realm)) { #else if (strcmp(s_service, service) || strcmp(s_instance, instance)) { #endif /* not what we asked for: assume decryption failed */ return (INTK_BADPW); } return 0; } /* * The old kaserver (pre 3.4) returned zero error codes sometimes, leaving * the kaserver error code in a string in the text of the error message. * The new one does the same, but returns KDC_GEN_ERR rather than zero. * We try to extract the actual error code. */ static char bogus_kaerror[100]; static int kaserver_map_error_code(int code, char *etext, char **reasonP) { if (code == 0 || code == KDC_GEN_ERR) { int mapcode; if (sscanf(etext, "code =%u: ", &mapcode) == 1) { code = mapcode; strcpy(bogus_kaerror, etext); *reasonP = bogus_kaerror; } } if (code == 0) { code = KDC_GEN_ERR; } return code; } static int krb_get_in_tkt_ext(user, instance, realm, service, sinstance, life, key1, key2, ticketpp, ticketLenp, outKeyp, kvnop, expp, reasonp) char *user; char *instance; char *realm; char *service; char *sinstance; int life; struct ktc_encryptionKey *key1, *key2; char **ticketpp; long *ticketLenp; struct ktc_encryptionKey *outKeyp; long *kvnop; long *expp; char **reasonp; { KTEXT_ST pkt_st; KTEXT pkt = &pkt_st; /* Packet to KDC */ KTEXT_ST rpkt_st; KTEXT rpkt = &rpkt_st; /* Returned packet */ KTEXT_ST cip_st; KTEXT cip = &cip_st; /* Returned Ciphertext */ KTEXT_ST tkt_st; KTEXT tkt = &tkt_st; /* Current ticket */ C_Block ses; /* Session key for tkt */ int kvno; /* Kvno for session key */ unsigned char *v = pkt->dat; /* Prot vers no */ unsigned char *t = (pkt->dat + 1); /* Prot msg type */ char s_name[SNAME_SZ]; char s_instance[INST_SZ]; char rlm[REALM_SZ]; int lifetime; char kerberos_life; int msg_byte_order; int kerror; char *ptr; unsigned long t_local; afs_uint32 rep_err_code; afs_uint32 exp_date; afs_uint32 kdc_time; /* BUILD REQUEST PACKET */ /* Set up the fixed part of the packet */ *v = (unsigned char)KRB_PROT_VERSION; *t = (unsigned char)AUTH_MSG_KDC_REQUEST; *t |= HOST_BYTE_ORDER; /* Now for the variable info */ (void)strcpy((char *)(pkt->dat + 2), user); /* aname */ pkt->length = 3 + strlen(user); (void)strcpy((char *)(pkt->dat + pkt->length), instance); /* instance */ pkt->length += 1 + strlen(instance); (void)strcpy((char *)(pkt->dat + pkt->length), realm); /* realm */ pkt->length += 1 + strlen(realm); #ifndef WIN32 (void)gettimeofday(&t_local, NULL); #else /* WIN32 */ t_local = time((void *)0); #endif /* WIN32 */ /* timestamp */ memcpy((char *)(pkt->dat + pkt->length), (char *)&(t_local), 4); pkt->length += 4; if (life == 0) { kerberos_life = DEFAULT_TKT_LIFE; } else { kerberos_life = time_to_life(0, life); if (kerberos_life == 0) { kerberos_life = DEFAULT_TKT_LIFE; } } *(pkt->dat + (pkt->length)++) = kerberos_life; (void)strcpy((char *)(pkt->dat + pkt->length), service); pkt->length += 1 + strlen(service); (void)strcpy((char *)(pkt->dat + pkt->length), sinstance); pkt->length += 1 + strlen(sinstance); rpkt->length = 0; /* SEND THE REQUEST AND RECEIVE THE RETURN PACKET */ if (kerror = send_to_kdc(pkt, rpkt)) { return (kerror); } /* check packet version of the returned packet */ if (pkt_version(rpkt) != KRB_PROT_VERSION) return (INTK_PROT); /* Check byte order */ msg_byte_order = pkt_msg_type(rpkt) & 1; swap_bytes = 0; if (msg_byte_order != HOST_BYTE_ORDER) { swap_bytes++; } switch (pkt_msg_type(rpkt) & ~1) { case AUTH_MSG_KDC_REPLY: break; case AUTH_MSG_ERR_REPLY: memcpy((char *)&rep_err_code, pkt_err_code(rpkt), 4); if (swap_bytes) swap_u_int32(&rep_err_code); /* kaservers return bogus error codes in different ways, so map it * from the error text if this is the case */ return kaserver_map_error_code(rep_err_code, pkt_err_text(rpkt), reasonp); default: return (INTK_PROT); } /* get the principal's expiration date */ memcpy((char *)&exp_date, pkt_x_date(rpkt), sizeof(exp_date)); if (swap_bytes) swap_u_int32(&exp_date); /* Extract length. This will be re-extracted in check_response, below */ cip->length = pkt_clen(rpkt); /* Length of zero seems to correspond to no principal (with kaserver) */ if (cip->length == 0) { return (KERB_ERR_PRINCIPAL_UNKNOWN); } if ((cip->length < 0) || (cip->length > sizeof(cip->dat))) { return (INTK_ERR); /* no appropriate error code * currently defined for INTK_ */ } /* * Check the response against both possible keys, and use the one * that works. */ if (check_response(rpkt, cip, service, sinstance, realm, key1) && check_response(rpkt, cip, service, sinstance, realm, key2)) { return INTK_BADPW; } /* * EXTRACT INFORMATION FROM RETURN PACKET * * Some of the fields, below are already checked for integrity by * check_response. */ ptr = (char *)cip->dat; /* extract session key */ memcpy((char *)ses, ptr, 8); ptr += 8; /* extract server's name */ (void)strncpy(s_name, ptr, sizeof(s_name) - 1); s_name[sizeof(s_name) - 1] = '\0'; ptr += strlen(s_name) + 1; /* extract server's instance */ (void)strncpy(s_instance, ptr, sizeof(s_instance) - 1); s_instance[sizeof(s_instance) - 1] = '\0'; ptr += strlen(s_instance) + 1; /* extract server's realm */ (void)strncpy(rlm, ptr, sizeof(rlm)); rlm[sizeof(rlm) - 1] = '\0'; ptr += strlen(rlm) + 1; /* extract ticket lifetime, server key version, ticket length */ /* be sure to avoid sign extension on lifetime! */ lifetime = (unsigned char)ptr[0]; kvno = (unsigned char)ptr[1]; tkt->length = (unsigned char)ptr[2]; ptr += 3; /* extract ticket itself */ memcpy((char *)(tkt->dat), ptr, tkt->length); ptr += tkt->length; /* check KDC time stamp */ memcpy((char *)&kdc_time, ptr, 4); /* Time (coarse) */ if (swap_bytes) swap_u_int32(&kdc_time); ptr += 4; t_local = time((void *)0); if (abs((int)(t_local - kdc_time)) > CLOCK_SKEW) { return (RD_AP_TIME); /* XXX should probably be better * code */ } /* copy out results; if *ticketpp is non-null, the caller has already * allocated the buffer for us. */ memcpy(outKeyp, ses, sizeof(struct ktc_encryptionKey)); if (*ticketpp == NULL) { *ticketpp = malloc(tkt->length); } else if (tkt->length > (unsigned long)*ticketLenp) return -1; *ticketLenp = tkt->length; memcpy(*ticketpp, tkt->dat, tkt->length); *kvnop = kvno; if (expp) *expp = life_to_time(kdc_time, (char)lifetime); return (INTK_OK); /* this is zero */ } /* * * Copyright 1987, 1988 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. * * For copying and distribution information, please see the file * . */ #define S_AD_SZ sizeof(struct sockaddr_in) static int krb_debug; /* CLIENT_KRB_TIMEOUT indicates the time to wait before * retrying a server. It's defined in "krb.h". */ static struct timeval timeout = { CLIENT_KRB_TIMEOUT, 0 }; static char *prog = "dm"; static send_recv(); /* * This file contains two routines, send_to_kdc() and send_recv(). * send_recv() is a static routine used by send_to_kdc(). */ /* * send_to_kdc() sends a message to the Kerberos authentication * server(s) in the given realm and returns the reply message. * The "pkt" argument points to the message to be sent to Kerberos; * the "rpkt" argument will be filled in with Kerberos' reply. * The "realm" argument indicates the realm of the Kerberos server(s) * to transact with. If the realm is null, the local realm is used. * * If more than one Kerberos server is known for a given realm, * different servers will be queried until one of them replies. * Several attempts (retries) are made for each server before * giving up entirely. * * If an answer was received from a Kerberos host, KSUCCESS is * returned. The following errors can be returned: * * SKDC_CANT - can't get local realm * - can't find "kerberos" in /etc/services database * - can't open socket * - can't bind socket * - all ports in use * - couldn't find any Kerberos host * * SKDC_RETRY - couldn't get an answer from any Kerberos server, * after several retries */ typedef struct krb_server { struct krb_server *nextp; struct sockaddr_in addr; } krb_server_t; static long krb_udp_port = KRB_PORT; /* In host byte order */ static krb_server_t *krb_hosts_p = NULL; static int krb_nhosts = 0; static void krb_set_port(long port) { krb_udp_port = port; } int krb_add_host(struct sockaddr_in *server_list_p) { krb_server_t *krb_host_p; krb_host_p = malloc(sizeof(krb_server_t)); /* add host to list */ krb_host_p->nextp = krb_hosts_p; krb_hosts_p = krb_host_p; krb_nhosts++; /* copy in the data */ memcpy(&krb_host_p->addr, server_list_p, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); return 0; } static send_to_kdc(pkt, rpkt) KTEXT pkt; KTEXT rpkt; { SOCKET f; int retry; int retval; krb_server_t *tsp; struct sockaddr_in to; int timeAvail, timePerIter, numIters; memset((char *)&to, 0, sizeof(to)); if ((f = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) < 0) { if (krb_debug) fprintf(stderr, "%s: Can't open socket\n", prog); return (SKDC_CANT); } /* from now on, exit through rtn label for cleanup */ /* compute # of retries */ /* The SMB client seems to time out after 60 seconds. */ timeAvail = 60; /* Leave ourselves some margin for fooling around * timeAvail -= 10; * /* How long does one iteration take? */ timePerIter = krb_nhosts * CLIENT_KRB_TIMEOUT; /* How many iters? */ numIters = timeAvail / timePerIter; /* No more than max */ if (numIters > CLIENT_KRB_RETRY) numIters = CLIENT_KRB_RETRY; /* At least one */ if (numIters < 1) numIters = 1; /* retry each host in sequence */ for (retry = 0; retry < numIters; ++retry) { for (tsp = krb_hosts_p; tsp; tsp = tsp->nextp) { to = tsp->addr; to.sin_family = AF_INET; to.sin_port = htons(((unsigned short)krb_udp_port)); if (send_recv(pkt, rpkt, f, &to)) { retval = KSUCCESS; goto rtn; } } } retval = SKDC_RETRY; rtn: (void)closesocket(f); return (retval); } /* * try to send out and receive message. * return 1 on success, 0 on failure */ static send_recv(pkt, rpkt, f, _to) KTEXT pkt; KTEXT rpkt; SOCKET f; struct sockaddr_in *_to; { fd_set readfds; struct sockaddr_in from; int sin_size; int numsent; int code; if (krb_debug) { if (_to->sin_family == AF_INET) printf("Sending message to %s...", inet_ntoa(_to->sin_addr)); else printf("Sending message..."); (void)fflush(stdout); } if ((numsent = sendto(f, (char *)(pkt->dat), pkt->length, 0, (struct sockaddr *)_to, S_AD_SZ)) != (int)pkt->length) { if (krb_debug) printf("sent only %d/%d\n", numsent, pkt->length); return 0; } if (krb_debug) { printf("Sent\nWaiting for reply..."); (void)fflush(stdout); } FD_ZERO(&readfds); FD_SET(f, &readfds); errno = 0; /* select - either recv is ready, or timeout */ /* see if timeout or error or wrong descriptor */ if (select(f + 1, &readfds, (fd_set *) 0, (fd_set *) 0, &timeout) < 1 || !FD_ISSET(f, &readfds)) { if (krb_debug) { fprintf(stderr, "select failed: readfds=%p", readfds); perror(""); } return 0; } sin_size = sizeof(from); if ((code = recvfrom(f, (char *)(rpkt->dat), sizeof(rpkt->dat), 0, (struct sockaddr *)&from, &sin_size)) < 0) { if (krb_debug) perror("recvfrom"); return 0; } if (krb_debug) { printf("received packet from %s\n", inet_ntoa(from.sin_addr)); fflush(stdout); } return 1; } /* * * Copyright 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988 by the Massachusetts Institute * of Technology. * * For copying and distribution information, please see the file * . */ /* * This routine takes a reply packet from the Kerberos ticket-granting * service and returns a pointer to the beginning of the ciphertext in it. * * See "krb_prot.h" for packet format. */ static KTEXT pkt_cipher(KTEXT packet) { unsigned char *ptr = pkt_a_realm(packet) + 6 + strlen((char *)pkt_a_realm(packet)); /* Skip a few more fields */ ptr += 3 + 4; /* add 4 for exp_date */ /* And return the pointer */ return ((KTEXT) ptr); } /* * * Copyright 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988 by the Massachusetts Institute * of Technology. * * For copying and distribution information, please see the file * . */ /* * Given a pointer to an AUTH_MSG_KDC_REPLY packet, return the length of * its ciphertext portion. The external variable "swap_bytes" is assumed * to have been set to indicate whether or not the packet is in local * byte order. pkt_clen() takes this into account when reading the * ciphertext length out of the packet. */ static int pkt_clen(KTEXT pkt) { afs_uint16 temp; /* Start of ticket list */ unsigned char *ptr = pkt_a_realm(pkt) + 10 + strlen((char *)pkt_a_realm(pkt)); /* Finally the length */ memcpy((char *)&temp, (char *)(++ptr), 2); /* alignment */ if (swap_bytes) { swap_u_int16(&temp); } if (krb_debug) { printf("Clen is %d\n", temp); } return (temp); } /* This defines the Andrew string_to_key function. It accepts a password string as input and converts its via a one-way encryption algorithm to a DES encryption key. It is compatible with the original Andrew authentication service password database. */ static void Andrew_StringToKey(str, cell, key) char *str; char *cell; /* cell for password */ struct ktc_encryptionKey *key; { char password[8 + 1]; /* crypt's limit is 8 chars anyway */ int i; int passlen; memset(key, 0, sizeof(struct ktc_encryptionKey)); strncpy(password, cell, 8); passlen = strlen(str); if (passlen > 8) passlen = 8; for (i = 0; i < passlen; i++) password[i] ^= str[i]; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) if (password[i] == '\0') password[i] = 'X'; /* crypt only considers the first 8 characters of password but for some * reason returns eleven characters of result (plus the two salt chars). */ strncpy((char *)key, (char *)crypt(password, "p1") + 2, sizeof(struct ktc_encryptionKey)); /* parity is inserted into the LSB so leftshift each byte up one bit. This * allows ascii characters with a zero MSB to retain as much significance * as possible. */ { char *keybytes = (char *)key; unsigned int temp; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { temp = (unsigned int)keybytes[i]; keybytes[i] = (unsigned char)(temp << 1); } } des_fixup_key_parity((unsigned char *)key); } static void StringToKey(str, cell, key) char *str; char *cell; /* cell for password */ struct ktc_encryptionKey *key; { des_key_schedule schedule; char temp_key[8]; char ivec[8]; char password[BUFSIZ]; int passlen; strncpy(password, str, sizeof(password)); if ((passlen = strlen(password)) < sizeof(password) - 1) strncat(password, cell, sizeof(password) - passlen); if ((passlen = strlen(password)) > sizeof(password)) passlen = sizeof(password); memcpy(ivec, "kerberos", 8); memcpy(temp_key, "kerberos", 8); des_fixup_key_parity(temp_key); des_key_sched(temp_key, schedule); des_cbc_cksum(password, ivec, passlen, schedule, ivec); memcpy(temp_key, ivec, 8); des_fixup_key_parity(temp_key); des_key_sched(temp_key, schedule); des_cbc_cksum(password, (char *)key, passlen, schedule, ivec); des_fixup_key_parity((char *)key); }