# Copyright 2000, International Business Machines Corporation and others. # All Rights Reserved. # # This software has been released under the terms of the IBM Public # License. For details, see the LICENSE file in the top-level source # directory or online at http://www.openafs.org/dl/license10.html srcdir=@srcdir@ include @TOP_OBJDIR@/src/config/Makefile.config # System specific build commands and flags CC = gcc DEFINES= -D_REENTRANT -DKERNEL -DUKERNEL KOPTS= CFLAGS=-I. -I.. -I${TOP_OBJDIR}/src/config ${FSINCLUDES} $(DEFINES) $(KOPTS) ${DBUG} OPTF=-O # WEBOPTS = -I../nsapi -DNETSCAPE_NSAPI -DNET_SSL -DXP_UNIX -DMCC_HTTPD TEST_CFLAGS=-pthread -D_REENTRANT -DAFS_PTHREAD_ENV -DAFS_LINUX22_ENV TEST_LDFLAGS= TEST_LIBS=-lpthread LIBUAFS = libuafs.a LIBAFSWEB = nsafs.so LIBAFSWEBKRB = nsafs.krb.so include Makefile.common setup_common: -$(RM) -f h net netinet rpc ufs nfs machine sys inet nsapi -ln -s /usr/include/sys h -ln -s /usr/include/net net -ln -s /usr/include/netinet netinet -ln -s /usr/include/rpc rpc -ln -s /usr/include/sys sys -ln -s /usr/include/nfs nfs -ln -s /usr/include/inet inet -ln -s /usr/include/ufs ufs -ln -s $(NS_INCL) nsapi setup_uafs: UAFS setup_common -$(RM) -f UAFS/Makefile UAFS/Makefile.common ln -s ../Makefile UAFS/Makefile ln -s ../Makefile.common UAFS/Makefile.common UAFS: mkdir -p $@ setup_nsafs: AFSWEB setup_common -$(RM) -f AFSWEB/Makefile AFSWEB/Makefile.common ln -s ../Makefile AFSWEB/Makefile ln -s ../Makefile.common AFSWEB/Makefile.common AFSWEB: mkdir -p $@ UAFS/$(LIBUAFS): setup_uafs cd UAFS; \ $(MAKE) $(LIBUAFS) DESTDIR=${DESTDIR} AFSWEB/$(LIBAFSWEB): setup_nsafs cd AFSWEB; \ $(MAKE) $(LIBAFSWEB) DESTDIR=${DESTDIR} AFSWEB/$(LIBAFSWEBKRB): setup_nsafs cd AFSWEB; \ $(MAKE) $(LIBAFSWEBKRB) DESTDIR=${DESTDIR} # Below this line are targets when in the COMMON directory: $(LIBUAFS): $(UAFSOBJ) -$(RM) -f $(LIBUAFS) $(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $(LIBUAFS) $(UAFSOBJ) $(LIBAFSWEB): $(AFSWEBOBJ) ${DES}/libdes.a -$(RM) -f $(LIBAFSWEB) ld -b $(LIBAFSWEB) $(AFSWEBOBJ) ${DES}/libdes.a $(WEBLIBS) $(LIBAFSWEBKRB): $(AFSWEBOBJKRB) ${DES}/libdes.a -$(RM) -f $(LIBAFSWEBKRB) ld -b $(LIBAFSWEBKRB) $(AFSWEBOBJKRB) ${DES}/libdes.a $(WEBLIBS)