\begindata{text, 268793616} \textdsversion{11} \template{default} \define{italic menu:[Font,Italic] attr:[FontFace Italic Int Set]} \define{bold menu:[Font,Bold] attr:[FontFace Bold Int Set]} \define{chapter menu:[Title,Chapter] attr:[Justification LeftJustified Point 0] attr:[FontFace Bold Int Set] attr:[FontSize PreviousFontSize Point 4]} \define{section menu:[Title,Section] attr:[Justification LeftJustified Point 0] attr:[FontFace Bold Int Set] attr:[FontSize PreviousFontSize Point 2]} \define{subsection menu:[Title,Subsection] attr:[Justification LeftJustified Point 0] attr:[FontFace Bold Int Set]} \define{paragraph menu:[Title,Paragraph] attr:[Justification LeftJustified Point 0] attr:[FontFace Italic Int Set]} \define{bigger menu:[Font,Bigger] attr:[FontSize PreviousFontSize Point 2]} \define{indent menu:[Region,Indent] attr:[LeftMargin LeftMargin Inch 32768] attr:[RightMargin RightMargin Inch 32768]} \define{typewriter menu:[Font,Typewriter] attr:[FontFace FixedFace Int Set] attr:[FontFamily AndyType Int 0]} \define{display menu:[Region,Display] attr:[LeftMargin LeftMargin Inch 32768] attr:[RightMargin RightMargin Inch 32768] attr:[Justification LeftJustified Point 0]} \define{example menu:[Region,Example] attr:[LeftMargin LeftMargin Inch 32768] attr:[Justification LeftJustified Point 0] attr:[FontFace FixedFace Int Set] attr:[FontFamily AndyType Int 0]} \define{description menu:[Region,Description] attr:[LeftMargin LeftMargin Inch 32768] attr:[Indent LeftEdge Inch -32768]} \define{quotation menu:[Region,Quotation] attr:[LeftMargin LeftMargin Inch 32768] attr:[RightMargin RightMargin Inch 32768] attr:[FontFace Italic Int Set]} \define{subscript menu:[Font,Subscript] attr:[Script PreviousScriptMovement Point 131072] attr:[FontSize PreviousFontSize Point -2]} \define{superscript menu:[Font,Superscript] attr:[Script PreviousScriptMovement Point -393216] attr:[FontSize PreviousFontSize Point -2]} \define{smaller menu:[Font,Smaller] attr:[FontSize PreviousFontSize Point -2]} \define{heading menu:[Title,Heading] attr:[LeftMargin LeftMargin Inch -13107] attr:[Justification LeftJustified Point 0] attr:[FontFace Bold Int Set]} \define{majorheading menu:[Title,MajorHeading] attr:[Justification Centered Point 0] attr:[FontSize PreviousFontSize Point 4]} \define{formatnote menu:[Region,FormatNote] attr:[Flags PassThru Int Set]} \define{subheading menu:[Title,Subheading] attr:[Justification LeftJustified Point 0] attr:[FontFace Bold Int Set]} \define{center menu:[Justify,Center] attr:[Justification Centered Point 0]} \define{flushleft menu:[Justify,FlushLeft] attr:[Justification LeftJustified Point 0]} \define{flushright menu:[Justify,FlushRight] attr:[Justification RightJustified Point 0]} \define{leftindent menu:[Region,LeftIndent] attr:[LeftMargin LeftMargin Inch 32768]} \majorheading{Testing Script for Unlog} \center{15\center{ November 1987}}\center{ J. Rosenberg \italic{\smaller{file: in RCS directory ?, file ?}}} \smaller{This script tests the basic functioning of the program unlog, which is currently executed out of /usr/andrew/bin/. } \bold{1.} Pull up two typescript windows. \bold{2.} In window number 1, type the following: su and respond with your password. This will create a new shell for the same user, but associated with a different PAG. \bold{3.} Touch a file in the home directory in both windows, to demonstrate that authentication for both PAGs is in place. E.g., \example{touch ~/testfile} \bold{4.} Type unlog -p in window 1. This will kill authentication for that shell's PAG. \bold{5.} Touch a file in the home directory in both windows. The touch will succeed in the second window, but will fail in window 1. \bold{6.} (Cleanup) Type ^D in window 1 to terminate the new shell with the unauthenticated PAG. By the way, the original shell that reappears in that typescript will be able to successfully touch the same file, since it also belongs to the first PAG. \enddata{text,268793616}