@echo off REM AFS build environment variables for Windows NT. REM REM Copyright (C) 1998 Transarc Corporation. All rights reserved. REM REM Modify for local configuration; common defaults shown. REM ######################################################################## REM ######################################################################## REM REM NOTE: You should run NTLANG.REG before attempting to build localized REM language files! Failure to do so will cause the resource compiler REM and message-catalog compiler to choke when they hit unknown code pages. REM REM NOTE: You will need to copy the NLS files into your windows\system32 REM directory prior to building non-english files. REM REM ######################################################################## REM ######################################################################## REM Accept build type as an argument; default to checked. if "%1"=="" goto checked if "%1"=="checked" goto checked if "%1"=="CHECKED" goto checked if "%1"=="free" goto free if "%1"=="FREE" goto free if "%1"=="wspp" goto wspp if "%1"=="WSPP" goto wspp goto usage :checked set AFSBLD_TYPE=CHECKED set AFSBLD_IS_WSPP= goto args_done :free set AFSBLD_TYPE=FREE set AFSBLD_IS_WSPP= goto args_done :wspp set AFSBLD_TYPE=FREE set AFSBLD_IS_WSPP=1 goto args_done :args_done REM ######################################################################## REM General required definitions: REM SYS_NAME = set SYS_NAME=i386_nt40 REM ######################################################################## REM NTMakefile required definitions: REM AFSDEV_BUILDTYPE = [ CHECKED | FREE ] REM AFSDEV_INCLUDE = REM AFSDEV_LIB = REM AFSDEV_BIN = set AFSDEV_BUILDTYPE=%AFSBLD_TYPE% set MSVCDIR=c:\dev\tools\DevStudio\vc set AFSDEV_INCLUDE=%MSVCDIR%\include;%MSVCDIR%\mfc\include set AFSDEV_LIB=%MSVCDIR%\lib;%MSVCDIR%\mfc\lib set AFSDEV_BIN=%MSVCDIR%\bin set AFSROOT=d:\afs\openafs REM ######################################################################## REM NTMakefile optional definitions: REM REM See NTMakefile.SYS_NAME; will normally use defaults. REM REM IS5ROOT = REM You should only define this if you have InstallShield installed on REM your computer and want to create the setup as part of the build. set IS5ROOT=d:\progra~1\instal~1\instal~1.1pr REM ######################################################################## REM Options necessary when using bison REM set BISON_SIMPLE=c:\bin\bison.simple set BISON_HAIRY=c:\bin\bison.hairy goto end :usage echo. echo Usage: %0 [free^|^checked^|^wspp] echo. :end