rem Copyright 2000, International Business Machines Corporation and others. rem All Rights Reserved. rem rem This software has been released under the terms of the IBM Public rem License. For details, see the LICENSE file in the top-level source rem directory or online at REM AFS build environment variables for Windows NT. REM Modify for local configuration; common defaults shown. REM ######################################################################## REM ######################################################################## REM NOTE: You will need to copy the NLS files into your windows\system32 REM directory prior to building non-english files. REM REM ######################################################################## REM ######################################################################## REM General required definitions: REM SYS_NAME = AFS system name REM Choose one of "i386_w2k", "amd64_w2k", or "i64_w2k" SET SYS_NAME=i386_w2k REM Specify the minimum version of Windows and IE: REM 0x500 for Windows 2000 and above REM 0x501 for Windows XP 32 and above REM 0x502 for Windows XP 64 and Server 2003 and above REM 0x600 for Windows Vista and Server 2008 and above REM 0x700 for Windows 7 and Server 2008 R2 and above SET APPVER=0x500 SET _WIN32_IE=0x500 REM ######################################################################## REM Location of base folder where source lies, build directory REM e.g. AFSROOT\SRC is source directory of the build tree (8.3 short name) set AFSROOT=C:\SRC\OpenAFS REM ######################################################################## REM NTMakefile required definitions: REM AFSVER_CL = version of the Microsoft compiler: REM "1200" for VC6 REM "1300" for VC7 (.NET) REM "1310" for .NET 2003 REM "1400" for VC8 (VS2005) REM "1500" for VC9 (VS2008) set AFSVER_CL=1400 REM ######################################################################## REM NTMakefile optional definitions: REM REM See NTMakefile.SYS_NAME; will normally use defaults. REM IF [%HOMEDRIVE%]==[] SET HOMEDRIVE=C: REM ######################################################################## REM Options necessary when using bison REM set BISON_SIMPLE=c:\bin\bison.simple set BISON_HAIRY=c:\bin\bison.hairy REM ######################################################################## REM Code Signing Definitions for signtool.exe (optional) REM SET CODESIGN_DESC=OpenAFS for Windows REM SET CODESIGN_TIMESTAMP= REM SET CODESIGN_URL= REM SET CODESIGN_CROSS_CERT= REM SET CODESIGN_OTHER= REM ######################################################################## REM Symbol Store Support REM SET SYMSTORE_EXE="C:\WinDDK\7600.16385.0\Debuggers\symstore.exe" REM SET SYMSTORE_ROOT= REM SET SYMSTORE_COMMENT= REM ######################################################################## REM Accept build type as an argument; default to checked. if "%1"=="" goto checked if "%1"=="checked" goto checked if "%1"=="CHECKED" goto checked if "%1"=="free" goto free if "%1"=="FREE" goto free goto usage :checked set AFSBLD_TYPE=CHECKED set AFSDEV_CRTDEBUG=1 goto args_done :free set AFSBLD_TYPE=FREE set AFSDEV_CRTDEBUG=0 goto args_done :args_done REM ####################################################################### REM Construct Variables Required for NTMakefile REM AFSDEV_BUILDTYPE = CHECKED / FREE REM AFSDEV_INCLUDE = default include directories REM AFSDEV_LIB = default library directories REM AFSDEV_BIN = default build binary directories set AFSDEV_BUILDTYPE=%AFSBLD_TYPE% REM Location of Microsoft Visual C++ development folder (8.3 short name) set MSVCDIR=c:\progra~1\MID05A~1\vc REM Location of Microsoft Platform SDK (8.3 short name) set MSSDKDIR=C:\progra~1\MIA713~1\Windows\v6.0a REM Location of npapi.h (from DDK or Platform SDK samples - 8.3 short name) set NTDDKDIR=C:\WINDDK\7600.16385.0 REM Location of Microsoft IDN Normalization SDK set MSIDNNLS=C:\progra~1\MI5913~1 REM Location of the WiX Installer Toolkit set WIX=c:\tools\wix.2.0.5325 REM Location of Cygwin set CYGWINDIR=c:\cygwin REM Location of ActivePerl for Windows set PERL=c:\perl REM Location of Microsoft Code Signing Tool SET SIGNTOOL=C:\winddk\7600.16385.0\bin\amd64\signtool.exe set AFSDEV_INCLUDE=%MSSDKDIR%\include;%MSVCDIR%\include;%MSIDNNLS%\include IF "%AFSVER_CL%" == "1400" set AFSDEV_INCLUDE=%AFSDEV_INCLUDE%;%MSVCDIR%\atlmfc\include IF "%AFSVER_CL%" == "1310" set AFSDEV_INCLUDE=%AFSDEV_INCLUDE%;%MSVCDIR%\atlmfc\include IF "%AFSVER_CL%" == "1300" set AFSDEV_INCLUDE=%AFSDEV_INCLUDE%;%MSVCDIR%\atlmfc\include IF "%AFSVER_CL%" == "1200" set AFSDEV_INCLUDE=%AFSDEV_INCLUDE%;%MSVCDIR%\atl\include;%MSVCDIR%\mfc\include set AFSDEV_INCLUDE=%AFSDEV_INCLUDE%;%NTDDKDIR%\INC\DDK;%NTDDKDIR%\INC\API; set AFSDEV_LIB=%MSSDKDIR%\lib;%MSVCDIR%\lib IF "%AFSVER_CL%" == "1400" set AFSDEV_LIB=%AFSDEV_LIB%;%MSVCDIR%\atlmfc\lib IF "%AFSVER_CL%" == "1310" set AFSDEV_LIB=%AFSDEV_LIB%;%MSVCDIR%\atlmfc\lib IF "%AFSVER_CL%" == "1300" set AFSDEV_LIB=%AFSDEV_LIB%;%MSVCDIR%\atlmfc\lib IF "%AFSVER_CL%" == "1200" set AFSDEV_LIB=%AFSDEV_LIB%;%MSVCDIR%\mfc\lib set AFSDEV_BIN=%MSSDKDIR%\bin;%MSVCDIR%\bin;%PERL%\bin;%CYGWINDIR%\bin;%WIX% goto end :usage echo. echo Usage: %0 [free^|^checked^|^wspp] echo. :end