/* * Copyright (c) 2019 Sine Nomine Associates. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR `AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * opr_cache - A simple general-purpose in-memory cache implementation. Keys * and values are simple flat memory buffers (keys are compared with memcmp), * and currently the only cache eviction strategy is a semi-random approach. We * hash values using opr_jhash_opaque. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef AFS_PTHREAD_ENV # include #else # include #endif #define MIN_BUCKETS (4) #define MAX_BUCKETS (1024*1024) #define MIN_ENTRIES (4) #define MAX_ENTRIES (1024*1024*1024) struct opr_cache { /* * This lock protects everything in the opr_cache structure. This lock must * be held before touching anything in opr_cache, and before calling any of * our internal functions (unless we're allocating or freeing the cache; in * which case, we had better be the only one touching it!). */ opr_mutex_t lock; /* How many items are present in the cache? */ afs_uint32 n_entries; /* The max number of items we can hold in the cache. */ afs_uint32 max_entries; /* Our dictionary holding the cached items. Contains cache_entry structs, * linked together via 'link'. */ struct opr_dict *dict; }; struct cache_entry { struct opr_queue link; size_t key_len; void *key_buf; size_t val_len; void *val_buf; }; static void free_entry_contents(struct cache_entry *entry) { opr_queue_Remove(&entry->link); free(entry->key_buf); free(entry->val_buf); entry->key_buf = entry->val_buf = NULL; entry->key_len = entry->val_len = 0; } /** * Evict an entry from the cache. * * @pre cache is full. * @pre cache->lock is held. * * @param[in] cache The opr_cache to use. * @param[out] a_entry Set to the cache entry that was evicted. Its contents * have been freed; it can be treated like a * newly-allocated cache entry. */ static void evict_entry(struct opr_cache *cache, struct cache_entry **a_entry) { unsigned int safety, bucket; struct cache_entry *entry = NULL; opr_Assert(cache->dict->size > 0); opr_Assert(cache->n_entries > 0); /* * For cache eviction, we pick an entry somewhat randomly, since random * eviction performs fairly well, and is very simple to implement. * * Our approach slightly differs from pure random eviction: we pick a * random hash bucket, and evict the least-recently-used entry in that * bucket. If the bucket we picked is empty, just use the next bucket. */ bucket = rand() % cache->dict->size; for (safety = 0; safety < cache->dict->size; safety++) { struct opr_queue *chain; chain = &cache->dict->table[bucket]; if (!opr_queue_IsEmpty(chain)) { entry = opr_queue_Last(chain, struct cache_entry, link); break; } bucket++; bucket = bucket % cache->dict->size; } opr_Assert(entry != NULL); free_entry_contents(entry); *a_entry = entry; } /** * Alloc a new entry in the cache. * * @pre cache->lock is held. * @pre The given key does not already exist in the cache. * * @param[in] cache The opr_cache to use. * @param[inout] a_key_buf The key for the new cache entry. Set to NULL on * success; the memory is used in the new cache entry, * and must not be freed or otherwise used by the * caller. * @param[in] key_len The size of *a_key_buf. * @param[out] a_entry Set to the new cache entry on success. The entry has * been inserted into the cache, and the key has been * populated; it looks identical to a normal entry in the * cache, except the value is set to NULL. * * @return errno status codes */ static int alloc_entry(struct opr_cache *cache, void **a_key_buf, size_t key_len, struct cache_entry **a_entry) { struct cache_entry *entry = NULL; unsigned int hash; if (cache->n_entries >= cache->max_entries) { /* * The cache is full. "Alloc" an entry by picking an existing entry to * evict, and just re-use that entry. */ evict_entry(cache, &entry); } else { entry = calloc(1, sizeof(*entry)); if (entry == NULL) { return ENOMEM; } cache->n_entries++; } entry->key_len = key_len; entry->key_buf = *a_key_buf; *a_key_buf = NULL; hash = opr_jhash_opaque(entry->key_buf, entry->key_len, 0); opr_dict_Prepend(cache->dict, hash, &entry->link); *a_entry = entry; return 0; } /** * Find a cache entry in the cache. * * @pre cache->lock is held. * * @param[in] cache The opr_cache to use. * @param[in] key_buf The key of the entry to find. * @param[in] key_len The size of 'key_buf'. * @param[out] a_entry The found cache entry. * * @return errno status codes * @retval ENOENT The given key does not exist in the cache. */ static int find_entry(struct opr_cache *cache, void *key_buf, size_t key_len, struct cache_entry **a_entry) { struct opr_queue *cursor; unsigned int hash; hash = opr_jhash_opaque(key_buf, key_len, 0); for (opr_dict_ScanBucket(cache->dict, hash, cursor)) { struct cache_entry *entry; entry = opr_queue_Entry(cursor, struct cache_entry, link); if (key_len != entry->key_len) { continue; } if (memcmp(key_buf, entry->key_buf, key_len) != 0) { continue; } opr_dict_Promote(cache->dict, hash, &entry->link); *a_entry = entry; return 0; } return ENOENT; } /** * Fetch an item from the cache. * * If NULL is given for 'cache' or 'key_buf', or if 0 is given for key_len, we * always return ENOENT. Conceptually, we treat a NULL cache as an empty cache, * and NULL/0-length keys are not allowed in an opr_cache, so returning ENOENT * in these cases is consistent. * * @param[in] cache The opr_cache to use. * @param[in] key_buf The key to lookup. * @param[in] key_len The size of 'key_buf'. * @param[out] val_buf On success, where to store the looked-up value. * @param[inout] a_val_len On entry, set to the max size available in * 'val_buf'. On successful return, set to the number * of bytes copied into 'val_buf'. * @return errno status codes * @retval 0 success * @retval ENOENT key not found * @retval ENOSPC a_val_len is too small to store the retrieved value */ int opr_cache_get(struct opr_cache *cache, void *key_buf, size_t key_len, void *val_buf, size_t *a_val_len) { struct cache_entry *entry; int code; if (cache == NULL || key_buf == NULL || key_len < 1) { return ENOENT; } opr_mutex_enter(&cache->lock); code = find_entry(cache, key_buf, key_len, &entry); if (code != 0) { goto done; } if (entry->val_len > *a_val_len) { code = ENOSPC; goto done; } memcpy(val_buf, entry->val_buf, entry->val_len); *a_val_len = entry->val_len; done: opr_mutex_exit(&cache->lock); return code; } static void* memdup(void *src, size_t len) { void *buf = malloc(len); if (buf == NULL) { return NULL; } memcpy(buf, src, len); return buf; } /** * Store an item in the cache. * * This operation is a no-op if NULL is given for 'cache', 'key_buf', or * 'val_buf', or if 'key_len' or 'val_len' are 0. Conceptually, a NULL * opr_cache represents an empty cache, and NULL/0-length keys and values are * not allowed in an opr_cache. * * @param[in] cache The opr_cache to use. * @param[in] key_buf The key for the stored value. * @param[in] key_len The size of 'key_buf'. * @param[in] val_buf The value to store. * @param[in] val_len The size of 'val_buf'. */ void opr_cache_put(struct opr_cache *cache, void *key_buf, size_t key_len, void *val_buf, size_t val_len) { int code; struct cache_entry *entry; void *key_dup = NULL; void *val_dup = NULL; if (cache == NULL || key_buf == NULL || val_buf == NULL || key_len < 1 || val_len < 1) { goto done; } key_dup = memdup(key_buf, key_len); val_dup = memdup(val_buf, val_len); if (key_dup == NULL || val_dup == NULL) { goto done; } opr_mutex_enter(&cache->lock); code = find_entry(cache, key_buf, key_len, &entry); if (code == ENOENT) { code = alloc_entry(cache, &key_dup, key_len, &entry); } if (code != 0) { goto done_locked; } free(entry->val_buf); entry->val_buf = val_dup; entry->val_len = val_len; val_dup = NULL; done_locked: opr_mutex_exit(&cache->lock); done: free(key_dup); free(val_dup); } static_inline int isPowerOf2(int value) { return (value > 0) && (value & (value - 1)) == 0; } /** * Create a new opr_cache. * * @param[in] opts What options to use for the cache. * @param[out] a_cache The newly-allocated cache. * * @return errno status codes * @retval EINVAL invalid option values */ int opr_cache_init(struct opr_cache_opts *opts, struct opr_cache **a_cache) { struct opr_cache *cache; if (opts->n_buckets < MIN_BUCKETS || opts->n_buckets > MAX_BUCKETS) { return EINVAL; } if (!isPowerOf2(opts->n_buckets)) { return EINVAL; } if (opts->max_entries < MIN_ENTRIES || opts->max_entries > MAX_ENTRIES) { return EINVAL; } cache = calloc(1, sizeof(*cache)); if (cache == NULL) { return ENOMEM; } opr_mutex_init(&cache->lock); cache->max_entries = opts->max_entries; cache->dict = opr_dict_Init(opts->n_buckets); if (cache->dict == NULL) { opr_cache_free(&cache); return ENOMEM; } *a_cache = cache; return 0; } /** * Free an opr_cache. * * @param[inout] a_cache The cache to free. Set to NULL on return. */ void opr_cache_free(struct opr_cache **a_cache) { struct opr_cache *cache = *a_cache; if (cache == NULL) { return; } *a_cache = NULL; if (cache->dict != NULL) { int bucket; for (bucket = 0; bucket < cache->dict->size; bucket++) { struct opr_queue *cursor, *tmp; for (opr_dict_ScanBucketSafe(cache->dict, bucket, cursor, tmp)) { struct cache_entry *entry; entry = opr_queue_Entry(cursor, struct cache_entry, link); free_entry_contents(entry); free(entry); } } opr_dict_Free(&cache->dict); } opr_mutex_destroy(&cache->lock); free(cache); }