Template: openafs-client/cell-info Type: string Description: What hosts are DB servers for your home cell? AFS uses the file /etc/openafs/CellServDB to hold the list of servers that should be contacted to find parts of a cell. The cell you claim this workstation belongs to is not in that file. Enter the host names of the database servers separated by spaces. IMPORTANT: If you are creating a new cell and this machine is to be a database server in that cell, only enter this machine's name; add the other servers later after they are functioning. Also, do not enable the AFS client to start at boot on this server until the cell is configured. When you are ready you can edit /etc/openafs/afs.conf.client to enable the client. Template: openafs-client/thiscell Type: string Description: What AFS cell does this workstation belong to? AFS filespace is organized into cells or administrative domains. Each workstation belongs to one cell. Usually the cell is the DNS domain name of the site. Template: openafs-client/cachesize Type: string Default: 50000 Description: How large is your AFS cache (kb)? AFS uses a area of the disk to cache remote files for faster access. This cache will be mounted on /var/cache/openafs. It is important that the cache not overfill the partition it is located on. Often, people find it useful to dedicate a partition to their AFS cache. Template: openafs-client/run-client Type: boolean Default: true Description: Run Openafs client now and at boot? Should the Openafs filesystem be started and mounted at boot? Normally, most users who install the openafs-client package expect to run it at boot. However, if you are planning on setting up a new cell or are on a laptop, you may not want it started at boot time. If you answer no to this question, run /etc/init.d/openafs-client force-start to run. Template: openafs-client/afsdb Type: boolean Default: true Description: Look up AFS cells in DNS? In order to contact an AFS cell, you need the IP addresses of the cell's database servers. Normally, this information is read from /etc/openafs/CellServDB. However, if Openafs cannot find a cell in that file it can use DNS to look for AFSDB records that contain the information. Template: openafs-client/crypt Type: boolean Default: true Description: ENcrypt authenticated traffic with AFS fileserver? AFS provides a weak form of encryption that can optionally be used between a client and the fileservers. While this encryption is weaker than DES and thus is not sufficient for highly confidential data, it does provide some confidentiality and is likely to make the job of a casual attacker significantly more difficult. Template: openafs-client/dynroot Type: boolean Default: false Description: Dynamically generate the contents of /afs? /afs generally contains an entry for each cell that a client can talk to. Traditionally, these entries were generated by servers in the client's home cell. However, OpenAFS clients can generate the contents of /afs dynamically based on the contents of /etc/openafs/CellServDB and DNS. . If you generate /afs dynamically, you may need to create /etc/openafs/CellAliases to include aliases for common cells. DO NOT SELECT THIS OPTION IF YOU ARE CREATING A NEW CELL. Template: openafs-client/fakestat type: boolean default: true Description: Use fakestat to avoid hangs when listing /afs? Because AFS is a global file space, operations on the /afs directory can generate significant network traffic. If some AFS cells are unavailable then looking at /afs using ls or a graphical file browser may hang your machine for minutes. AFS has an option to simulate answers to these operations locally to avoid these hangs. You want this option under most circumstances.