#!/bin/sh cd /var/db/openafs/etc # only do these checks if we're upgrading from a pre-1.2.7 if [ -f CellServDB -a ! -f CellServDB.master ]; then CK=`md5 CellServDB | awk '{ print $4 }'` if grep -q $CK $1/Contents/Resources/CellServDB.list; then # it matched one of our previously released files echo Unmodified CellServDB -- not preserving : else if [ ! -f CellServDB.master.last ]; then echo Modified CellServDB -- saving as /var/db/openafs/etc/CellServDB.save echo Please re-merge it manually -- this will not be required for future upgrades fi cp CellServDB CellServDB.save fi fi if [ -f config/afsd.options -a -f config/afsd.options.sample ]; then if cmp -s config/afsd.options config/afs.options.sample; then echo Removing no-longer needed afsd.options file rm -f config/afsd.options fi fi