/* * Copyright 2000, International Business Machines Corporation and others. * All Rights Reserved. * * This software has been released under the terms of the IBM Public * License. For details, see the LICENSE file in the top-level source * directory or online at http://www.openafs.org/dl/license10.html */ /* Kill command based on process management library (procmgmt.h). * Intended for use on Windows NT, where it will only signal processes * linked with the process management library (except SIGKILL). */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "procmgmt.h" /* Define NULL-terminated array of signal name/number pairs */ typedef struct { char *name; int number; } signal_map_t; static signal_map_t signalMap[] = { {"HUP", SIGHUP}, {"INT", SIGINT}, {"QUIT", SIGQUIT}, {"ILL", SIGILL}, {"ABRT", SIGABRT}, {"FPE", SIGFPE}, {"KILL", SIGKILL}, {"SEGV", SIGSEGV}, {"TERM", SIGTERM}, {"USR1", SIGUSR1}, {"USR2", SIGUSR2}, {"CLD", SIGCLD}, {"CHLD", SIGCHLD}, {"TSTP", SIGTSTP}, {NULL, 0} }; static void PrintSignalList(void) { int i; for (i = 0; signalMap[i].name; i++) { printf("%s ", signalMap[i].name); } printf("\n"); } static int SignalArgToNumber(const char *sigargp) { long signo; char *endp; int i; /* check for numeric signal arg */ errno = 0; signo = strtol(sigargp, &endp, 0); if (errno == 0 && *endp == '\0') { return (int)signo; } /* check for named signal arg */ for (i = 0; signalMap[i].name; i++) { if (!strcasecmp(signalMap[i].name, sigargp)) { return signalMap[i].number; } } return -1; /* invalid signal argument */ } static void PrintUsage(const char *whoami) { printf("usage: %s [-signal] [pid] ...\n", whoami); printf(" %s -l\n", whoami); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int status = 0; char *whoami; /* set whoami to last component of argv[0] */ if ((whoami = strrchr(argv[0], '/')) != NULL) { whoami++; } else if ((whoami = strrchr(argv[0], '\\')) != NULL) { whoami++; } else { whoami = argv[0]; } /* parse command arguments */ if (argc <= 1) { /* no arguments; print usage statement */ PrintUsage(whoami); } else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-l")) { /* request to print a list of valid signals */ PrintSignalList(); } else { /* request to send a signal */ int i; int signo = SIGTERM; /* SIGTERM is default if no signal specified */ for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { char *curargp = argv[i]; if (i == 1 && *curargp == '-') { /* signal argument specified; translate to a number */ curargp++; /* advance past signal flag indicator ('-') */ if ((signo = SignalArgToNumber(curargp)) == -1) { printf("%s: unknown signal %s.\n", whoami, curargp); PrintUsage(whoami); status = 1; break; } } else { /* pid specified; send signal */ long pid; char *endp; errno = 0; pid = strtol(curargp, &endp, 0); if (errno != 0 || *endp != '\0' || pid <= 0) { printf("%s: invalid pid value %s.\n", whoami, curargp); status = 1; } else { if (kill((pid_t) pid, signo)) { if (errno == EINVAL) { printf("%s: invalid signal number %d.\n", whoami, signo); status = 1; break; } else if (errno == ESRCH) { printf("%s: no such process %d.\n", whoami, (int)pid); status = 1; } else if (errno == EPERM) { printf("%s: no privilege to signal %d.\n", whoami, (int)pid); status = 1; } else { printf("%s: failed to signal %d (errno = %d).\n", whoami, (int)pid, (int)errno); status = 1; } } } } } } return status; }