/* * Copyright 2000, International Business Machines Corporation and others. * All Rights Reserved. * * This software has been released under the terms of the IBM Public * License. For details, see the LICENSE file in the top-level source * directory or online at http://www.openafs.org/dl/license10.html */ #include #include #include #include #include "ptserver.h" #include "display.h" static char * pr_TimeToString(time_t clock) { struct tm *tm; static char buffer[32]; static int this_year = 0; if (clock == 0) return "time-not-set "; if (!this_year) { time_t now = time(0); tm = localtime(&now); this_year = tm->tm_year; } tm = localtime(&clock); if (tm->tm_year != this_year) strftime(buffer, 32, "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S", tm); else strftime(buffer, 32, "%m/%d %H:%M:%S", tm); return buffer; } #define host(a) (hostOrder ? (a) : ntohl(a)) static void PrintEntries(FILE *f, int hostOrder, int indent, struct prentry *e, int n) { int i; int newline; newline = 0; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (e->entries[i] == 0) break; if (i == 0) fprintf(f, "%*sids ", indent, ""); else if (newline == 0) fprintf(f, "%*s", indent + 4, ""); if (host(e->entries[i]) == PRBADID) fprintf(f, " EMPTY"); else fprintf(f, "%6d", host(e->entries[i])); newline = 1; if (i % 10 == 9) { fprintf(f, "\n"); newline = 0; } else fprintf(f, " "); } if (newline) fprintf(f, "\n"); } int pr_PrintEntry(FILE *f, int hostOrder, afs_int32 ea, struct prentry *e, int indent) { int i; if (e->cellid) fprintf(f, "cellid == %d\n", host(e->cellid)); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(e->reserved) / sizeof(e->reserved[0]); i++) if (e->reserved[i]) fprintf(f, "reserved field [%d] not zero: %d\n", i, host(e->reserved[i])); fprintf(f, "%*s", indent, ""); fprintf(f, "Entry at %d: flags 0x%x, id %di, next %d.\n", ea, host(e->flags), host(e->id), host(e->next)); fprintf(f, "%*s", indent, ""); fprintf(f, "c:%s ", pr_TimeToString(host(e->createTime))); fprintf(f, "a:%s ", pr_TimeToString(host(e->addTime))); fprintf(f, "r:%s ", pr_TimeToString(host(e->removeTime))); fprintf(f, "n:%s\n", pr_TimeToString(host(e->changeTime))); if (host(e->flags) & PRCONT) PrintEntries(f, hostOrder, indent, e, COSIZE); else { /* regular entry */ PrintEntries(f, hostOrder, indent, e, PRSIZE); fprintf(f, "%*s", indent, ""); fprintf(f, "hash (id %d name %d). Owner %di, creator %di\n", host(e->nextID), host(e->nextName), host(e->owner), host(e->creator)); fprintf(f, "%*s", indent, ""); #if defined(SUPERGROUPS) fprintf(f, "quota groups %d, foreign users %d. Mem: %d, cntsg: %d\n", host(e->ngroups), host(e->nusers), host(e->count), host(e->instance)); #else fprintf(f, "quota groups %d, foreign users %d. Mem: %d, inst: %d\n", host(e->ngroups), host(e->nusers), host(e->count), host(e->instance)); #endif fprintf(f, "%*s", indent, ""); #if defined(SUPERGROUPS) fprintf(f, "Owned chain %d, next owned %d, nextsg %d, sg (%d %d).\n", host(e->owned), host(e->nextOwned), host(e->parent), host(e->sibling), host(e->child)); #else fprintf(f, "Owned chain %d, next owned %d, inst ptrs(%d %d %d).\n", host(e->owned), host(e->nextOwned), host(e->parent), host(e->sibling), host(e->child)); #endif fprintf(f, "%*s", indent, ""); if (strlen(e->name) >= PR_MAXNAMELEN) fprintf(f, "NAME TOO LONG: "); fprintf(f, "Name is '%.*s'\n", PR_MAXNAMELEN, e->name); } return 0; }