/* * Copyright 2000, International Business Machines Corporation and others. * All Rights Reserved. * * This software has been released under the terms of the IBM Public * License. For details, see the LICENSE file in the top-level source * directory or online at http://www.openafs.org/dl/license10.html */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "lifetimes.h" #include "rxkad.h" #include "rxkad_convert.h" /* This union is used to insure we allocate enough space for a key * schedule even if we are linked against a library that uses OpenSSL's * larger representation. This is necessary so we don't lose if an * application uses both rxkad and openssl. */ union Key_schedule_safe { DES_key_schedule schedule; struct { union { char cblock[8]; long deslong[2]; } ks; int weak_key; } openssl_schedule[16]; }; #define getstr(name,min) \ slen = strlen(ticket); \ if ((slen < min) || (slen >= MAXKTCNAMELEN)) return -1; \ strcpy (name, ticket); \ ticket += slen+1 static int decode_athena_ticket(char *ticket, int ticketLen, char *name, char *inst, char *realm, afs_int32 * host, struct ktc_encryptionKey *sessionKey, afs_uint32 * start, afs_uint32 * end) { char *ticketBeg = ticket; char flags; int slen; int tlen; unsigned char lifetime; char sname[MAXKTCNAMELEN]; /* these aren't used, */ char sinst[MAXKTCNAMELEN]; /* but are in the ticket */ flags = *ticket++; getstr(name, 1); getstr(inst, 0); getstr(realm, 0); memcpy(host, ticket, sizeof(*host)); ticket += sizeof(*host); *host = ktohl(flags, *host); memcpy(sessionKey, ticket, sizeof(struct ktc_encryptionKey)); ticket += sizeof(struct ktc_encryptionKey); lifetime = *ticket++; memcpy(start, ticket, sizeof(*start)); ticket += sizeof(*start); *start = ktohl(flags, *start); *end = life_to_time(*start, lifetime); getstr(sname, 1); getstr(sinst, 0); tlen = ticket - ticketBeg; if ((round_up_to_ebs(tlen) != ticketLen) && (ticketLen != 56)) return -1; return 0; } /* This is called to interpret a ticket. It is assumed that the necessary keys have been added so that the key version number in the ticket will indicate a valid key for decrypting the ticket. The various fields inside the ticket are copied into the return arguments. An error code indicate some problem interpreting the ticket and the values of the output parameters are undefined. */ int tkt_DecodeTicket(char *asecret, afs_int32 ticketLen, struct ktc_encryptionKey *key, char *name, char *inst, char *cell, struct ktc_encryptionKey *sessionKey, afs_int32 * host, afs_uint32 * start, afs_uint32 * end) { char clear_ticket[MAXKTCTICKETLEN]; char *ticket; union Key_schedule_safe schedule; int code; if (ticketLen == 0) return RXKADBADTICKET; /* no ticket */ if ((ticketLen < MINKTCTICKETLEN) || /* minimum legal ticket size */ (ticketLen > MAXKTCTICKETLEN) || /* maximum legal ticket size */ ((ticketLen) % 8 != 0)) /* enc. part must be (0 mod 8) bytes */ return RXKADBADTICKET; if (DES_key_sched(ktc_to_cblock(key), &schedule.schedule)) return RXKADBADKEY; ticket = clear_ticket; DES_pcbc_encrypt(asecret, ticket, ticketLen, &schedule.schedule, ktc_to_cblockptr(key), DECRYPT); code = decode_athena_ticket(ticket, ticketLen, name, inst, cell, host, (struct ktc_encryptionKey *)sessionKey, start, end); if (code) return RXKADBADTICKET; code = tkt_CheckTimes(*start, *end, time(0)); if (code == 0) return RXKADNOAUTH; else if (code == -1) return RXKADEXPIRED; else if (code < -1) return RXKADBADTICKET; return 0; } /* This makes a Kerberos ticket */ /* char *ticket; * ticket is constructed here * int *ticketLen; * output length of finished ticket * struct ktc_encryptionKey *key; * key ticket should be sealed with * char *name; * user of this ticket * char *inst; char *cell; * cell of authentication * afs_uint32 start,end; * life of ticket * struct ktc_encryptionKey *sessionKey; * session key invented for ticket * afs_uint32 host; * caller's host address * char *sname; * server * char *sinst; */ #define putstr(name,min) \ slen = strlen(name); \ if ((slen < min) || (slen >= MAXKTCNAMELEN)) return -1; \ strcpy (ticket, name); \ ticket += slen+1 #define putint(num) num = htonl(num);\ memcpy(ticket, &num, sizeof(num));\ ticket += sizeof(num) static int assemble_athena_ticket(char *ticket, int *ticketLen, char *name, char *inst, char *realm, afs_int32 host, struct ktc_encryptionKey *sessionKey, afs_uint32 start, afs_uint32 end, char *sname, char *sinst) { char *ticketBeg = ticket; int slen; unsigned char life; *ticket++ = 0; /* flags, always send net-byte-order */ putstr(name, 1); putstr(inst, 0); putstr(realm, 0); putint(host); memcpy(ticket, sessionKey, sizeof(struct ktc_encryptionKey)); ticket += sizeof(struct ktc_encryptionKey); life = time_to_life(start, end); if (life == 0) return -1; *ticket++ = life; putint(start); putstr(sname, 1); putstr(sinst, 0); *ticketLen = ticket - ticketBeg; return 0; } int tkt_MakeTicket(char *ticket, int *ticketLen, struct ktc_encryptionKey *key, char *name, char *inst, char *cell, afs_uint32 start, afs_uint32 end, struct ktc_encryptionKey *sessionKey, afs_uint32 host, char *sname, char *sinst) { int code; union Key_schedule_safe schedule; *ticketLen = 0; /* in case we return early */ code = assemble_athena_ticket(ticket, ticketLen, name, inst, cell, host, sessionKey, start, end, sname, sinst); *ticketLen = round_up_to_ebs(*ticketLen); /* round up */ if (code) return -1; /* encrypt ticket */ if ((code = DES_key_sched(ktc_to_cblock(key), &schedule.schedule))) { printf("In tkt_MakeTicket: key_sched returned %d\n", code); return RXKADBADKEY; } DES_pcbc_encrypt(ticket, ticket, *ticketLen, &schedule.schedule, ktc_to_cblockptr(key), ENCRYPT); return 0; } /* This is just a routine that checks the consistency of ticket lifetimes. It returns three values: */ /* -2 means the times are inconsistent or ticket has expired -1 means the ticket has recently expired. 0 means the times are consistent but start time is in the (near) future. 1 means the start time is in the past and the end time is infinity. 2 means the start time is past and the end time is in the future and the lifetime is within the legal limit. */ int tkt_CheckTimes(afs_uint32 start, afs_uint32 end, afs_uint32 now) { int active; if (start >= end) return -2; /* zero or negative lifetime */ if (start > now + KTC_TIME_UNCERTAINTY + MAXKTCTICKETLIFETIME) return -2; /* starts too far in the future? */ if ((start != 0) && (end != NEVERDATE) && (end - start > MAXKTCTICKETLIFETIME)) return -2; /* too long a life */ if ((end != NEVERDATE) && (end + KTC_TIME_UNCERTAINTY < now)) { /* expired */ if ((start != 0) && (now - start > MAXKTCTICKETLIFETIME + 24 * 60 * 60)) return -2; else return -1; /* expired only recently */ } if ((start == 0) || (start - KTC_TIME_UNCERTAINTY <= now)) active = 1; else active = 0; /* start time not yet arrived */ if ((start == 0) || (end == NEVERDATE)) return active; /* no expiration time */ return active * 2; /* ticket valid */ } afs_int32 ktohl(char flags, afs_int32 l) { if (flags & 1) { unsigned char *lp = (unsigned char *)&l; afs_int32 hl; hl = *lp + (*(lp + 1) << 8) + (*(lp + 2) << 16) + (*(lp + 3) << 24); return hl; } return ntohl(l); } /* life_to_time - takes a start time and a Kerberos standard lifetime char and * returns the corresponding end time. There are four simple cases to be * handled. The first is a life of 0xff, meaning no expiration, and results in * an end time of 0xffffffff. The second is when life is less than the values * covered by the table. In this case, the end time is the start time plus the * number of 5 minute intervals specified by life. The third case returns * start plus the MAXTKTLIFETIME if life is greater than TKTLIFEMAXFIXED. The * last case, uses the life value (minus TKTLIFEMINFIXED) as an index into the * table to extract the lifetime in seconds, which is added to start to produce * the end time. */ afs_uint32 life_to_time(afs_uint32 start, unsigned char life) { int realLife; if (life == TKTLIFENOEXPIRE) return NEVERDATE; if (life < TKTLIFEMINFIXED) return start + life * 5 * 60; if (life > TKTLIFEMAXFIXED) return start + MAXTKTLIFETIME; realLife = tkt_lifetimes[life - TKTLIFEMINFIXED]; return start + realLife; } /* time_to_life - takes start and end times for the ticket and returns a * Kerberos standard lifetime char possibily using the tkt_lifetimes table for * lifetimes above 127*5minutes. First, the special case of (end == * 0xffffffff) is handled to mean no expiration. Then negative lifetimes and * those greater than the maximum ticket lifetime are rejected. Then lifetimes * less than the first table entry are handled by rounding the requested * lifetime *up* to the next 5 minute interval. The final step is to search * the table for the smallest entry *greater than or equal* to the requested * entry. The actual code is prepared to handle the case where the table is * unordered but that it an unnecessary frill. */ unsigned char time_to_life(afs_uint32 start, afs_uint32 end) { int lifetime = end - start; int best, best_i; int i; if (end == NEVERDATE) return TKTLIFENOEXPIRE; if ((lifetime > MAXKTCTICKETLIFETIME) || (lifetime <= 0)) return 0; if (lifetime < tkt_lifetimes[0]) return (lifetime + 5 * 60 - 1) / (5 * 60); best_i = -1; best = MAXKTCTICKETLIFETIME; for (i = 0; i < TKTLIFENUMFIXED; i++) if (tkt_lifetimes[i] >= lifetime) { int diff = tkt_lifetimes[i] - lifetime; if (diff < best) { best = diff; best_i = i; } } if (best_i < 0) return 0; return best_i + TKTLIFEMINFIXED; }