/* * Copyright 2000, International Business Machines Corporation and others. * All Rights Reserved. * * This software has been released under the terms of the IBM Public * License. For details, see the LICENSE file in the top-level source * directory or online at http://www.openafs.org/dl/license10.html */ #include #include RCSID("$Header$"); #include #include #include #include #ifdef AFS_NT40_ENV #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_STRING_H #include #else #ifdef HAVE_STRINGS_H #include #endif #endif #include #include "afsutil.h" #include "ktime.h" /* some forward reference dcls */ static afs_int32 ktime_ParseDate(); static ParseTime(); /* some date parsing routines */ struct token { struct token *next; char *key; }; static char *day[] = { "sun", "mon", "tue", "wed", "thu", "fri", "sat" }; /* free token list returned by parseLine */ #ifdef undef static LocalFreeTokens(alist) register struct token *alist; { register struct token *nlist; for(; alist; alist = nlist) { nlist = alist->next; free(alist->key); free(alist); } return 0; } #endif static space(x) int x; { if (x == 0 || x == ' ' || x == '\t' || x== '\n') return 1; else return 0; } static LocalParseLine(aline, alist) char *aline; struct token **alist; { char tbuffer[256]; register char *tptr = NULL; int inToken; struct token *first, *last; register struct token *ttok; register int tc; inToken = 0; /* not copying token chars at start */ first = (struct token *) 0; last = (struct token *) 0; while (1) { tc = *aline++; if (tc == 0 || space(tc)) { /* terminating null gets us in here, too */ if (inToken) { inToken = 0; /* end of this token */ *tptr++ = 0; ttok = (struct token *) malloc(sizeof(struct token)); ttok->next = (struct token *) 0; ttok->key = (char *) malloc(strlen(tbuffer)+1); strcpy(ttok->key, tbuffer); if (last) { last->next = ttok; last = ttok; } else last = ttok; if (!first) first = ttok; } } else { /* an alpha character */ if (!inToken) { tptr = tbuffer; inToken = 1; } if (tptr - tbuffer >= sizeof(tbuffer)) return -1; /* token too long */ *tptr++ = tc; } if (tc == 0) { /* last token flushed 'cause space(0) --> true */ if (last) last->next = (struct token *) 0; *alist = first; return 0; } } } /* keyword database for periodic date parsing */ static struct ptemp { char *key; afs_int32 value; } ptkeys [] = { { "sun", 0x10000, }, { "mon", 0x10001, }, { "tue", 0x10002, }, { "wed", 0x10003, }, { "thu", 0x10004, }, { "fri", 0x10005, }, { "sat", 0x10006, }, { "sunday", 0x10000, }, { "monday", 0x10001, }, { "tuesday", 0x10002, }, { "wednesday", 0x10003, }, { "thursday", 0x10004, }, { "thur", 0x10004, }, { "friday", 0x10005, }, { "saturday", 0x10006, }, { "am", 0x20000, }, { "pm", 0x20001, }, { "a.m.", 0x20000, }, { "p.m.", 0x20001, }, { 0, 0, } }; /* ktime_DateOf * entry: * atime - time in seconds (Unix std) * exit: * return value - ptr to time in text form. Ptr is to a static string. */ char *ktime_DateOf(atime) afs_int32 atime; { static char tbuffer[30]; register char *tp; tp=ctime((time_t *)&atime); if (tp) { strcpy(tbuffer, tp); tbuffer[24] = 0; /* get rid of new line */ } else strcpy(tbuffer, "BAD TIME"); return tbuffer; } afs_int32 ktime_Str2int32(astr) register char *astr; { struct ktime tk; memset(&tk, 0, sizeof(tk)); if ( ParseTime(&tk, astr) ) return (-1); /* syntax error */ return ((tk.hour*60 + tk.min)*60 + tk.sec); } /* ParseTime * parse 12:33:12 or 12:33 or 12 into ktime structure * entry: * astr - ptr to string to be parsed * ak - ptr to struct for return value. * exit: * 0 - ak holds parsed time. * -1 - error in format */ static ParseTime(ak, astr) register char *astr; register struct ktime *ak; { int field; afs_int32 temp; register char *tp; register int tc; field = 0; /* 0=hour, 1=min, 2=sec */ temp = 0; ak->mask |= (KTIME_HOUR | KTIME_MIN | KTIME_SEC); for(tp=astr;;) { tc = *tp++; if (tc == 0 || tc == ':') { if (field == 0) ak->hour = temp; else if (field == 1) ak->min = temp; else if (field == 2) ak->sec = temp; temp = 0; field++; if (tc == 0) break; continue; } else if (!isdigit(tc)) return -1; /* syntax error */ else { /* digit */ temp *= 10; temp += tc - '0'; } } if (ak->hour >= 24 || ak->min >= 60 || ak->sec >= 60) return -1; return 0; } /* ktime_ParsePeriodic * Parses periodic date of form * now | never | at [time spec] | every [time spec] * where [time spec] is a ktime string. * entry: * adate - string to be parsed * ak - ptr to structure for returned ktime * exit: * 0 - parsed ktime in ak * -1 - specification error */ /* -1 means error, 0 means now, otherwise returns time of next event */ int ktime_ParsePeriodic(adate, ak) register struct ktime *ak; char *adate; { struct token *tt; register afs_int32 code; struct ptemp *tp; memset(ak, 0, sizeof(*ak)); code = LocalParseLine(adate, &tt); if (code) return -1; for(;tt;tt=tt->next) { /* look at each token */ if (strcmp(tt->key, "now") == 0) { ak->mask |= KTIME_NOW; return 0; } if (strcmp(tt->key, "never") == 0) { ak->mask |= KTIME_NEVER; return 0; } if (strcmp(tt->key, "at") == 0) continue; if (strcmp(tt->key, "every") == 0) continue; if (isdigit(tt->key[0])) { /* parse a time */ code = ParseTime(ak, tt->key); if (code) return -1; continue; } /* otherwise use keyword table */ for(tp = ptkeys;; tp++) { if (tp->key == (char *) 0) { return -1; } if (strcmp(tp->key, tt->key) == 0) break; } /* now look at tp->value to see what we've got */ if ((tp->value>>16) == 1) { /* a day */ ak->mask |= KTIME_DAY; ak->day = tp->value & 0xff; } if ((tp->value >> 16) == 2) { /* am or pm token */ if ((tp->value & 0xff) == 1) { /* pm */ if (!(ak->mask & KTIME_HOUR)) return -1; if (ak->hour < 12) ak->hour += 12; /* 12 is 12 PM */ else if (ak->hour != 12) return -1; } else { /* am is almost a noop, except that we map 12:01 am to 0:01 */ if (ak->hour > 12) return -1; if (ak->hour == 12) ak->hour = 0; } } } return 0; } /* ktime_DisplayString * Display ktime structure as English that could go into the ktime parser * entry: * aparm - ktime to be converted to string * astring - ptr to string, for the result * exit: * 0 - astring contains ktime string. */ ktime_DisplayString(aparm, astring) register char *astring; struct ktime *aparm; { char tempString[50]; if (aparm->mask & KTIME_NEVER) { strcpy(astring, "never"); return 0; } else if (aparm->mask & KTIME_NOW) { strcpy(astring, "now"); return 0; } else { strcpy(astring, "at"); if (aparm->mask & KTIME_DAY) { strcat(astring, " "); strcat(astring, day[aparm->day]); } if (aparm->mask & KTIME_HOUR) { if (aparm->hour > 12) sprintf(tempString, " %d", aparm->hour-12); else if (aparm->hour == 0) strcpy(tempString, " 12"); else sprintf(tempString, " %d", aparm->hour); strcat(astring, tempString); } if (aparm->mask & KTIME_MIN) { sprintf(tempString, ":%02d", aparm->min); strcat(astring, tempString); } if ((aparm->mask & KTIME_SEC) && aparm->sec != 0) { sprintf(tempString, ":%02d", aparm->sec); strcat(astring, tempString); } if (aparm->mask & KTIME_HOUR) { if (aparm->hour >= 12) strcat(astring, " pm"); else strcat(astring, " am"); } } return 0; } /* get next time that matches ktime structure after time afrom */ afs_int32 ktime_next(aktime, afrom) afs_int32 afrom; struct ktime *aktime; { /* try by guessing from now */ struct tm *tsp; time_t start; /* time to start looking */ time_t probe; /* a placeholder to use for advancing day to day */ time_t time_next; /* actual UTC time of probe, with time of day set */ afs_int32 tmask; struct ktime_date tdate; start = afrom + time(0); /* time to start search */ tmask = aktime->mask; /* handle some special cases */ if (tmask & KTIME_NEVER) return 0x7fffffff; if (tmask & KTIME_NOW) return 0; /* Use probe to fill in members of *tsp. Add 23 hours each iteration until time_next is correct. Only add 23 hrs to avoid skipping spring daylight savings time day */ for (probe=start;;probe += (23*3600)) { tsp = localtime(&probe); /* find out what UTC time "probe" is */ tdate.year = tsp->tm_year; tdate.month = tsp->tm_mon+1; tdate.day = tsp->tm_mday; tdate.mask = KTIMEDATE_YEAR | KTIMEDATE_MONTH | KTIMEDATE_DAY | KTIMEDATE_HOUR | KTIMEDATE_MIN | KTIMEDATE_SEC; tdate.hour = aktime->hour; /* edit in our changes */ tdate.min = aktime->min; tdate.sec = aktime->sec; time_next = ktime_InterpretDate(&tdate); /* Convert back to UTC time */ if (time_next < start) continue; /* "probe" time is already past */ if ((tmask & KTIME_DAY) == 0) /* don't care about day, we're done */ break; tsp = localtime(&time_next); if (tsp->tm_wday == aktime->day) break; /* day matches, we're done */ } return time_next; } /* compare date in both formats, and return as in strcmp */ #ifdef undef static KTimeCmp(aktime, atm) register struct ktime *aktime; register struct tm *atm; { register afs_int32 tmask; /* don't compare day of the week, since we can't tell the order in a cyclical set. Caller must check for equality, if she cares */ tmask = aktime->mask; if (tmask & KTIME_HOUR) { if (aktime->hour > atm->tm_hour) return 1; if (aktime->hour < atm->tm_hour) return -1; } if (tmask & KTIME_MIN) { if (aktime->min > atm->tm_min) return 1; if (aktime->min < atm->tm_min) return -1; } if (tmask & KTIME_SEC) { if (aktime->sec > atm->tm_sec) return 1; if (aktime->sec < atm->tm_sec) return -1; } return 0; } #endif /* compare date in both formats, and return as in strcmp */ static KDateCmp(akdate, atm) register struct ktime_date *akdate; register struct tm *atm; { if (akdate->year > atm->tm_year) return 1; if (akdate->year < atm->tm_year) return -1; if (akdate->month > atm->tm_mon) return 1; if (akdate->month < atm->tm_mon) return -1; if (akdate->day > atm->tm_mday) return 1; if (akdate->day < atm->tm_mday) return -1; if (akdate->mask & KTIMEDATE_HOUR) { if (akdate->hour > atm->tm_hour) return 1; if (akdate->hour < atm->tm_hour) return -1; } if (akdate->mask & KTIMEDATE_MIN) { if (akdate->min > atm->tm_min) return 1; if (akdate->min < atm->tm_min) return -1; } if (akdate->mask & KTIMEDATE_SEC) { if (akdate->sec > atm->tm_sec) return 1; if (akdate->sec < atm->tm_sec) return -1; } return 0; } /* ktime_DateToInt32 * Converts a ktime date string into an afs_int32 * entry: * adate - ktime date string * aint32 - ptr to afs_int32 * exit: * 0 - aint32 contains converted date. */ afs_int32 ktime_DateToInt32(adate, aint32) afs_int32 *aint32; char *adate; { struct ktime_date tdate; register afs_int32 code; /* parse the date into a ktime_date structure */ code = ktime_ParseDate(adate, &tdate); if (code) return code; /* failed to parse */ code = ktime_InterpretDate(&tdate); /* interpret date as seconds since 1970 */ *aint32 = code; /* return it */ return 0; /* and declare no errors */ } /* ktime_ParseDate * parse date string into ktime_date structure * entry: * adate - string to be parsed * akdate - ptr to ktime_date for result * exit: * 0 - akdate contains converted date * -1 - parsing failure */ static afs_int32 ktime_ParseDate(adate, akdate) char *adate; struct ktime_date *akdate; { int code; afs_int32 month, day, year, hour, min, sec; char never[7]; char c; lcstring (never, adate, sizeof(never)); if (strcmp (never, "never") == 0) akdate->mask = KTIMEDATE_NEVER; else if (strcmp (never, "now") == 0) akdate->mask = KTIMEDATE_NOW; else akdate->mask = 0; if (akdate->mask) return 0; code = sscanf(adate, "%d / %d / %d %d : %d : %d%1s", &month, &day, &year, &hour, &min, &sec, &c); if (code != 6) { sec = 0; code = sscanf(adate, "%d / %d / %d %d : %d%1s", &month, &day, &year, &hour, &min, &c); if (code != 5) { hour = min = 0; code = sscanf(adate, "%d / %d / %d%1s", &month, &day, &year, &c); if (code != 3) { return -1; } } } if ((year < 0) || (month < 1) || (month > 12) || (day < 1) || (day > 31) || /* more or less */ (hour < 0) || (hour > 23) || (min < 0) || (min > 59) || (sec < 0) || (sec > 59)) return -2; if (year < 69) year += 100; /* make 1/1/1 => Jan 1, 2001 */ else if (year >= 1900) year -= 1900; /* allow 1/1/2001 to work */ else if (year > 99) return -2; /* only allow 2 or 4 digit years */ akdate->mask = KTIMEDATE_YEAR | KTIMEDATE_MONTH | KTIMEDATE_DAY | KTIMEDATE_HOUR | KTIMEDATE_MIN | KTIMEDATE_SEC; akdate->year = year; akdate->month = month; akdate->day = day; akdate->hour = hour; akdate->min = min; akdate->sec = sec; /* done successfully */ return 0; } /* get useful error message to print about date input format */ char *ktime_GetDateUsage() { return "date format is 'mm/dd/yy [hh:mm]', using a 24 hour clock"; } /* ktime_InterpretDate * Converts ktime_date to an afs_int32 * entry: * akdate - date to be converted/interpreted * exit: * returns KTIMEDATE_NEVERDATE - if never flag was set, or * date converted to afs_int32. */ afs_int32 ktime_InterpretDate(struct ktime_date *akdate) { register afs_uint32 tresult; register afs_uint32 tbit; time_t temp; register struct tm *tsp; if (akdate->mask & KTIMEDATE_NOW) return time(0); if (akdate->mask & KTIMEDATE_NEVER) return KTIMEDATE_NEVERDATE; tbit = 1<<30; /* start off at max signed result */ tresult = 0; /* result to return */ while(tbit > 0) { temp = tresult + tbit; /* see if adding this bit keeps us < akdate */ tsp = localtime(&temp); tsp->tm_mon++; #ifdef notdef if (tsp->tm_mon == 0) { tsp->tm_mon = 12; tsp->tm_year--; } #endif if (KDateCmp(akdate, tsp) >= 0) { /* if temp still represents earlier than date than we're searching * for, add in bit as increment, otherwise use old value and look * for smaller increment */ tresult = temp; } tbit = tbit >> 1; /* try next bit */ } return tresult; }