/* * Copyright 2008-2010, Sine Nomine Associates and others. * All Rights Reserved. * * This software has been released under the terms of the IBM Public * License. For details, see the LICENSE file in the top-level source * directory or online at http://www.openafs.org/dl/license10.html */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define __AFS_THREAD_POOL_IMPL 1 #include "work_queue.h" #include "thread_pool.h" #include "thread_pool_impl.h" /** * public interfaces for thread_pool. */ /** * allocate a thread pool object. * * @param[inout] pool_out address in which to store pool object pointer * * @return operation status * @retval 0 success * @retval ENOMEM out of memory * * @internal */ static int _afs_tp_alloc(struct afs_thread_pool ** pool_out) { int ret = 0; struct afs_thread_pool * pool; *pool_out = pool = malloc(sizeof(*pool)); if (pool == NULL) { ret = ENOMEM; goto error; } error: return ret; } /** * free a thread pool object. * * @param[in] pool thread pool object * * @return operation status * @retval 0 success * * @internal */ static int _afs_tp_free(struct afs_thread_pool * pool) { int ret = 0; free(pool); return ret; } /** * allocate a thread worker object. * * @param[inout] worker_out address in which to store worker object pointer * * @return operation status * @retval 0 success * @retval ENOMEM out of memory * * @internal */ static int _afs_tp_worker_alloc(struct afs_thread_pool_worker ** worker_out) { int ret = 0; struct afs_thread_pool_worker * worker; *worker_out = worker = malloc(sizeof(*worker)); if (worker == NULL) { ret = ENOMEM; goto error; } queue_NodeInit(&worker->worker_list); error: return ret; } /** * free a thread worker object. * * @param[in] worker thread worker object * * @return operation status * @retval 0 success * * @internal */ static int _afs_tp_worker_free(struct afs_thread_pool_worker * worker) { int ret = 0; free(worker); return ret; } /** * low-level thread entry point. * * @param[in] rock opaque pointer to thread worker object * * @return opaque return pointer from pool entry function * * @internal */ static void * _afs_tp_worker_run(void * rock) { struct afs_thread_pool_worker * worker = rock; struct afs_thread_pool * pool = worker->pool; /* register worker with pool */ MUTEX_ENTER(&pool->lock); queue_Append(&pool->thread_list, worker); pool->nthreads++; MUTEX_EXIT(&pool->lock); /* call high-level entry point */ worker->ret = (*pool->entry)(pool, worker, pool->work_queue, pool->rock); /* adjust pool live thread count */ MUTEX_ENTER(&pool->lock); osi_Assert(pool->nthreads); queue_Remove(worker); pool->nthreads--; if (!pool->nthreads) { CV_BROADCAST(&pool->shutdown_cv); pool->state = AFS_TP_STATE_STOPPED; } MUTEX_EXIT(&pool->lock); _afs_tp_worker_free(worker); return NULL; } /** * default high-level thread entry point. * * @internal */ static void * _afs_tp_worker_default(struct afs_thread_pool *pool, struct afs_thread_pool_worker *worker, struct afs_work_queue *queue, void *rock) { int code = 0; while (code == 0 && afs_tp_worker_continue(worker)) { code = afs_wq_do(queue, NULL /* no call rock */); } return NULL; } /** * start a worker thread. * * @param[in] pool thread pool object * @param[inout] worker_out address in which to store worker thread object pointer * * @return operation status * @retval 0 success * @retval ENOMEM out of memory */ static int _afs_tp_worker_start(struct afs_thread_pool * pool, struct afs_thread_pool_worker ** worker_out) { int ret = 0; pthread_attr_t attrs; struct afs_thread_pool_worker * worker; ret = _afs_tp_worker_alloc(worker_out); if (ret) { goto error; } worker = *worker_out; worker->pool = pool; worker->req_shutdown = 0; osi_Assert(pthread_attr_init(&attrs) == 0); osi_Assert(pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attrs, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED) == 0); ret = pthread_create(&worker->tid, &attrs, &_afs_tp_worker_run, worker); error: return ret; } /** * create a thread pool. * * @param[inout] pool_out address in which to store pool object pointer. * @param[in] queue work queue serviced by thread pool * * @return operation status * @retval 0 success * @retval ENOMEM out of memory */ int afs_tp_create(struct afs_thread_pool ** pool_out, struct afs_work_queue * queue) { int ret = 0; struct afs_thread_pool * pool; ret = _afs_tp_alloc(pool_out); if (ret) { goto error; } pool = *pool_out; MUTEX_INIT(&pool->lock, "pool", MUTEX_DEFAULT, 0); CV_INIT(&pool->shutdown_cv, "pool shutdown", CV_DEFAULT, 0); queue_Init(&pool->thread_list); pool->work_queue = queue; pool->entry = &_afs_tp_worker_default; pool->rock = NULL; pool->nthreads = 0; pool->max_threads = 4; pool->state = AFS_TP_STATE_INIT; error: return ret; } /** * destroy a thread pool. * * @param[in] pool thread pool object to be destroyed * * @return operation status * @retval 0 success * @retval AFS_TP_ERROR pool not in a quiescent state */ int afs_tp_destroy(struct afs_thread_pool * pool) { int ret = 0; MUTEX_ENTER(&pool->lock); switch (pool->state) { case AFS_TP_STATE_INIT: case AFS_TP_STATE_STOPPED: _afs_tp_free(pool); break; default: ret = AFS_TP_ERROR; MUTEX_EXIT(&pool->lock); } return ret; } /** * set the number of threads to spawn. * * @param[in] pool thread pool object * @param[in] threads number of threads to spawn * * @return operation status * @retval 0 success * @retval AFS_TP_ERROR thread pool has already been started */ int afs_tp_set_threads(struct afs_thread_pool *pool, afs_uint32 threads) { int ret = 0; MUTEX_ENTER(&pool->lock); if (pool->state != AFS_TP_STATE_INIT) { ret = AFS_TP_ERROR; } else { pool->max_threads = threads; } MUTEX_EXIT(&pool->lock); return ret; } /** * set a custom thread entry point. * * @param[in] pool thread pool object * @param[in] entry thread entry function pointer * @param[in] rock opaque pointer passed to thread * * @return operation status * @retval 0 success * @retval AFS_TP_ERROR thread pool has already been started */ int afs_tp_set_entry(struct afs_thread_pool * pool, afs_tp_worker_func_t * entry, void * rock) { int ret = 0; MUTEX_ENTER(&pool->lock); if (pool->state != AFS_TP_STATE_INIT) { ret = AFS_TP_ERROR; } else { pool->entry = entry; pool->rock = rock; } MUTEX_EXIT(&pool->lock); return ret; } /** * start a thread pool. * * @param[in] pool thread pool object * * @return operation status * @retval 0 success * @retval AFS_TP_ERROR thread create failure */ int afs_tp_start(struct afs_thread_pool * pool) { int code, ret = 0; struct afs_thread_pool_worker * worker; afs_uint32 i; MUTEX_ENTER(&pool->lock); if (pool->state != AFS_TP_STATE_INIT) { ret = AFS_TP_ERROR; goto done_sync; } pool->state = AFS_TP_STATE_STARTING; MUTEX_EXIT(&pool->lock); for (i = 0; i < pool->max_threads; i++) { code = _afs_tp_worker_start(pool, &worker); if (code) { ret = code; } } MUTEX_ENTER(&pool->lock); pool->state = AFS_TP_STATE_RUNNING; done_sync: MUTEX_EXIT(&pool->lock); return ret; } /** * shut down all threads in pool. * * @param[in] pool thread pool object * @param[in] block wait for all threads to terminate, if asserted * * @return operation status * @retval 0 success */ int afs_tp_shutdown(struct afs_thread_pool * pool, int block) { int ret = 0; struct afs_thread_pool_worker * worker, *nn; MUTEX_ENTER(&pool->lock); if (pool->state == AFS_TP_STATE_STOPPED || pool->state == AFS_TP_STATE_STOPPING) { goto done_stopped; } if (pool->state != AFS_TP_STATE_RUNNING) { ret = AFS_TP_ERROR; goto done_sync; } pool->state = AFS_TP_STATE_STOPPING; for (queue_Scan(&pool->thread_list, worker, nn, afs_thread_pool_worker)) { worker->req_shutdown = 1; } if (!pool->nthreads) { pool->state = AFS_TP_STATE_STOPPED; } /* need to drop lock to get a membar here */ MUTEX_EXIT(&pool->lock); ret = afs_wq_shutdown(pool->work_queue); if (ret) { goto error; } MUTEX_ENTER(&pool->lock); done_stopped: if (block) { while (pool->nthreads) { CV_WAIT(&pool->shutdown_cv, &pool->lock); } } done_sync: MUTEX_EXIT(&pool->lock); error: return ret; } /** * check whether thread pool is online. * * @param[in] pool thread pool object * * @return whether pool is online * @retval 1 pool is online * @retval 0 pool is not online */ int afs_tp_is_online(struct afs_thread_pool * pool) { int ret; MUTEX_ENTER(&pool->lock); ret = (pool->state == AFS_TP_STATE_RUNNING); MUTEX_EXIT(&pool->lock); return ret; } /** * check whether a given worker thread can continue to run. * * @param[in] worker worker thread object pointer * * @return whether thread can continue to execute * @retval 1 execution can continue * @retval 0 shutdown has been requested */ int afs_tp_worker_continue(struct afs_thread_pool_worker * worker) { return !worker->req_shutdown; }