/* * Copyright 2000, International Business Machines Corporation and others. * All Rights Reserved. * * This software has been released under the terms of the IBM Public * License. For details, see the LICENSE file in the top-level source * directory or online at http://www.openafs.org/dl/license10.html */ #include #include #include #include "afsutil.h" /* maximum number of partitions - must match vol/voldefs.h */ #define VOLMAXPARTS 255 /** * map a partition id from any partition-style name. * * @param[in] aname partition name string * * @return partition index number * @retval -1 invalid partition name * * @see volutil_PartitionName2_r * @see volutil_PartitionName_r * @see volutil_PartitionName */ afs_int32 volutil_GetPartitionID(char *aname) { char tc; afs_int32 temp; char ascii[3] = {0}; tc = *aname; if (tc == 0) return -1; /* unknown */ /* numbers go straight through */ if (tc >= '0' && tc <= '9') { temp = atoi(aname); /* this next check is to make the syntax less ambiguous when discriminating * between volume numbers and partition IDs. This lets things like * bos salvage do some reasonability checks on its input w/o checking * to see if the partition is really on the server. */ if (temp < 0 || temp >= VOLMAXPARTS) return -1; else return temp; } /* otherwise check for vicepa or /vicepa, or just plain "a" */ if (strlen(aname) <= 2) { strcpy(ascii, aname); } else if (!strncmp(aname, "/vicep", 6)) { if(strlcpy(ascii, aname + 6, sizeof(ascii)) >= sizeof(ascii)) return -1; /* bad partition name: trailing characters */ } else if (!strncmp(aname, "vicep", 5)) { if(strlcpy(ascii, aname + 5, sizeof(ascii)) >= sizeof(ascii)) return -1; /* bad partition name: trailing characters */ } else return -1; /* bad partition name */ if (ascii[0] == '\0') { /* Invalid partition name "/vicep" or "vicep". */ return -1; } /* now partitions are named /vicepa ... /vicepz, /vicepaa, /vicepab, .../vicepzz, * and are numbered from 0. Do the appropriate conversion */ if (ascii[1] == 0) { /* one char name, 0..25 */ if (ascii[0] < 'a' || ascii[0] > 'z') return -1; /* wrongo */ return ascii[0] - 'a'; } else { /* two char name, 26 .. */ if (ascii[0] < 'a' || ascii[0] > 'z') return -1; /* wrongo */ if (ascii[1] < 'a' || ascii[1] > 'z') return -1; /* just as bad */ temp = (ascii[0] - 'a') * 26 + (ascii[1] - 'a') + 26; return (temp >= VOLMAXPARTS ? -1 : temp); } } /** * convert a partition index number into a partition name string (/vicepXX). * * @param[in] part partition index number * @param[out] tbuffer buffer in which to store name * @param[in] buflen length of tbuffer * * @return operation status * @retval 0 success * @retval -1 buffer too short * @retval -2 invalid partition id * * @see volutil_PartitionName_r * @see volutil_PartitionName * @see volutil_GetPartitionID */ afs_int32 volutil_PartitionName2_r(afs_int32 part, char *tbuffer, size_t buflen) { char tempString[3]; int i; if (part < 0 || part >= VOLMAXPARTS) { return -2; } tempString[1] = tempString[2] = 0; strncpy(tbuffer, "/vicep", buflen); if (part <= 25) { tempString[0] = 'a' + part; } else { part -= 26; i = (part / 26); tempString[0] = i + 'a'; tempString[1] = (part % 26) + 'a'; } if (strlcat(tbuffer, tempString, buflen) >= buflen) { return -1; } return 0; } #define BAD_VID "BAD VOLUME ID" #define BAD_VID_LEN (sizeof(BAD_VID)) /** * convert a partition index number into a partition name string (/vicepXX). * * @param[in] part partition index number * @param[out] tbuffer buffer in which to store name * @param[in] buflen length of tbuffer * * @return partition name string * @retval "" buffer too short * @retval "SPC" buffer too short * @retval "BAD VOLUME ID" avalue contains an invalid partition index * * @note you may wish to consider using volutil_PartitionName2_r, as its * error handling is more standard * * @see volutil_PartitionName2_r * @see volutil_PartitionName * @see volutil_GetPartitionID */ char * volutil_PartitionName_r(int part, char *tbuffer, int buflen) { afs_int32 code; if (buflen < BAD_VID_LEN) { strlcpy(tbuffer, "SPC", buflen); return tbuffer; } code = volutil_PartitionName2_r(part, tbuffer, buflen); if (code == -2) { strlcpy(tbuffer, BAD_VID, buflen); } return tbuffer; } /** * convert a partition index number into a partition name string (/vicepXX). * * @param[in] avalue partition index number * * @return partition name string * @retval "BAD VOLUME ID" avalue contains an invalid partition index * * @warning this interface is not re-entrant * * @see volutil_PartitionName2_r * @see volutil_PartitionName_r * @see volutil_GetPartitionID */ char * volutil_PartitionName(int avalue) { #define VPN_TBUFLEN 64 static char tbuffer[VPN_TBUFLEN]; return volutil_PartitionName_r(avalue, tbuffer, VPN_TBUFLEN - 1); } /* is this a digit or a digit-like thing? */ static int ismeta(int ac, int abase) { /* if (ac == '-' || ac == 'x' || ac == 'X') return 1; */ if (ac >= '0' && ac <= '7') return 1; if (abase <= 8) return 0; if (ac >= '8' && ac <= '9') return 1; if (abase <= 10) return 0; if (ac >= 'a' && ac <= 'f') return 1; if (ac >= 'A' && ac <= 'F') return 1; return 0; } /* given that this is a digit or a digit-like thing, compute its value */ static int getmeta(int ac) { if (ac >= '0' && ac <= '9') return ac - '0'; if (ac >= 'a' && ac <= 'f') return ac - 'a' + 10; if (ac >= 'A' && ac <= 'F') return ac - 'A' + 10; return 0; } afs_int32 util_GetInt32(char *as, afs_int32 * aval) { afs_int32 total; int tc; int base; int negative; total = 0; /* initialize things */ negative = 0; /* skip over leading spaces */ for (tc = *as; tc !='\0'; as++, tc = *as) { if (tc != ' ' && tc != '\t') break; } /* compute sign */ if (*as == '-') { negative = 1; as++; /* skip over character */ } /* compute the base */ if (*as == '0') { as++; if (*as == 'x' || *as == 'X') { base = 16; as++; } else base = 8; } else base = 10; /* compute the # itself */ for (tc = *as; tc !='\0'; as++, tc = *as) { if (!ismeta(tc, base)) return -1; total *= base; total += getmeta(tc); } if (negative) *aval = -total; else *aval = total; return 0; } afs_uint32 util_GetUInt32(char *as, afs_uint32 * aval) { afs_uint32 total; int tc; int base; total = 0; /* initialize things */ /* skip over leading spaces */ for (tc = *as; tc !='\0'; as++, tc = *as) { if (tc != ' ' && tc != '\t') break; } /* compute the base */ if (*as == '0') { as++; if (*as == 'x' || *as == 'X') { base = 16; as++; } else base = 8; } else base = 10; /* compute the # itself */ for (tc = *as; tc !='\0'; as++, tc = *as) { if (!ismeta(tc, base)) return -1; total *= base; total += getmeta(tc); } *aval = total; return 0; } static const char power_letter[] = { 'K', /* kibi */ 'M', /* mebi */ 'G', /* gibi */ 'T', /* tebi */ }; afs_int32 util_GetHumanInt32(char *as, afs_int32 * aval) { long value; char * unit; long mult = 1; int exponent = 0; errno = 0; value = strtol(as, &unit, 0); if (errno) return -1; if (unit[0] != 0) { for (exponent = 0; exponent < sizeof(power_letter) && power_letter[exponent] != unit[0]; exponent++) { mult *= 1024; } if (exponent == sizeof(power_letter)) return -1; } if (value > MAX_AFS_INT32 / mult || value < MIN_AFS_INT32 / mult) return -1; *aval = value * mult; return 0; } afs_int32 util_GetInt64(char *as, afs_int64 * aval) { afs_int64 total; int tc; int base; int negative; total = 0; /* initialize things */ negative = 0; /* skip over leading spaces */ while ((tc = *as)) { if (tc != ' ' && tc != '\t') break; } /* compute sign */ if (*as == '-') { negative = 1; as++; /* skip over character */ } /* compute the base */ if (*as == '0') { as++; if (*as == 'x' || *as == 'X') { base = 16; as++; } else base = 8; } else base = 10; /* compute the # itself */ while ((tc = *as)) { if (!ismeta(tc, base)) return -1; total *= base; total += getmeta(tc); as++; } if (negative) *aval = -total; else *aval = total; return 0; } afs_uint32 util_GetUInt64(char *as, afs_uint64 * aval) { afs_uint64 total; int tc; int base; total = 0; /* initialize things */ /* skip over leading spaces */ while ((tc = *as)) { if (tc != ' ' && tc != '\t') break; } /* compute the base */ if (*as == '0') { as++; if (*as == 'x' || *as == 'X') { base = 16; as++; } else base = 8; } else base = 10; /* compute the # itself */ while ((tc = *as)) { if (!ismeta(tc, base)) return -1; total *= base; total += getmeta(tc); as++; } *aval = total; return 0; }