/* * Copyright 2000, International Business Machines Corporation and others. * All Rights Reserved. * * This software has been released under the terms of the IBM Public * License. For details, see the LICENSE file in the top-level source * directory or online at http://www.openafs.org/dl/license10.html * * Portions Copyright (c) 2006 Sine Nomine Associates */ /* * NEW callback package callback.c (replaces vicecb.c) * Updated call back routines, NOW with: * * Faster DeleteVenus (Now called DeleteAllCallBacks) * Call back breaking for volumes * Adaptive timeouts on call backs * Architected for Multi RPC * No locks (currently implicit vnode locks--these will go, to) * Delayed call back when rpc connection down. * Bulk break of delayed call backs when rpc connection * reestablished * Strict limit on number of call backs. * * InitCallBack(nblocks) * Initialize: nblocks is max number # of file entries + # of callback entries * nblocks must be < 65536 * Space used is nblocks*16 bytes * Note that space will be reclaimed by breaking callbacks of old hosts * * time = AddCallBack(host, fid) * Add a call back. * Returns the expiration time at the workstation. * * BreakCallBack(host, fid) * Break all call backs for fid, except for the specified host. * Delete all of them. * * BreakVolumeCallBacks(volume) * Break all call backs on volume, using single call to each host * Delete all the call backs. * * DeleteCallBack(host,fid) * Delete (do not break) single call back for fid. * * DeleteFileCallBacks(fid) * Delete (do not break) all call backs for fid. * * DeleteAllCallBacks(host) * Delete (do not break) all call backs for host. * * CleanupTimedOutCallBacks() * Delete all timed out call back entries * Must be called periodically by file server. * * BreakDelayedCallBacks(host) * Break all delayed call backs for host. * Returns 1: one or more failed, 0: success. * * PrintCallBackStats() * Print statistics about call backs to stdout. * * DumpCallBacks() ---wishful thinking--- * Dump call back state to /tmp/callback.state. * This is separately interpretable by the program pcb. * * Notes: In general, if a call back to a host doesn't get through, * then HostDown, supplied elsewhere, is called. BreakDelayedCallBacks, * however, does not call HostDown, but instead returns an indication of * success if all delayed call backs were finally broken. * * BreakDelayedCallBacks MUST be called at the first sign of activity * from the host after HostDown has been called (or a previous * BreakDelayedCallBacks failed). The BreakDelayedCallBacks must be * allowed to complete before any requests from that host are handled. * If BreakDelayedCallBacks fails, then the host should remain * down (and the request should be failed). * CleanupCallBacks MUST be called periodically by the file server for * this package to work correctly. Every 5 minutes is suggested. */ #include #include RCSID ("$Header$"); #include #include /* for malloc() */ #include /* ANSI standard location for time stuff */ #ifdef AFS_NT40_ENV #include #include #else #include #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_STRING_H #include #else #ifdef HAVE_STRINGS_H #include #endif #endif #include #include #include /* yuck. This is an abomination. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "viced_prototypes.h" #include "viced.h" #include /* need definition of prlist for host.h */ #include "host.h" #include "callback.h" #ifdef AFS_DEMAND_ATTACH_FS #include "../tviced/serialize_state.h" #endif /* AFS_DEMAND_ATTACH_FS */ extern afsUUID FS_HostUUID; extern int hostCount; static int ShowProblems = 1; struct cbcounters cbstuff; static struct FileEntry * FE = NULL; /* don't use FE[0] */ static struct CallBack * CB = NULL; /* don't use CB[0] */ static struct CallBack * CBfree = NULL; static struct FileEntry * FEfree = NULL; /* Time to live for call backs depends upon number of users of the file. * TimeOuts is indexed by this number/8 (using TimeOut macro). Times * in this table are for the workstation; server timeouts, add * ServerBias */ static int TimeOuts[] = { /* Note: don't make the first entry larger than 4 hours (see above) */ 4 * 60 * 60, /* 0-7 users */ 1 * 60 * 60, /* 8-15 users */ 30 * 60, /* 16-23 users */ 15 * 60, /* 24-31 users */ 15 * 60, /* 32-39 users */ 10 * 60, /* 40-47 users */ 10 * 60, /* 48-55 users */ 10 * 60, /* 56-63 users */ }; /* Anything more: MinTimeOut */ /* minimum time given for a call back */ static int MinTimeOut = (7 * 60); /* Heads of CB queues; a timeout index is 1+index into this array */ static afs_uint32 timeout[CB_NUM_TIMEOUT_QUEUES]; static afs_int32 tfirst; /* cbtime of oldest unexpired call back time queue */ /* 16 byte object get/free routines */ struct object { struct object *next; }; /* Prototypes for static routines */ static struct FileEntry *FindFE(register AFSFid * fid); static struct CallBack *iGetCB(register int *nused); static int iFreeCB(register struct CallBack *cb, register int *nused); static struct FileEntry *iGetFE(register int *nused); static int iFreeFE(register struct FileEntry *fe, register int *nused); static int TAdd(register struct CallBack *cb, register afs_uint32 * thead); static int TDel(register struct CallBack *cb); static int HAdd(register struct CallBack *cb, register struct host *host); static int HDel(register struct CallBack *cb); static int CDel(struct CallBack *cb, int deletefe); static int CDelPtr(register struct FileEntry *fe, register afs_uint32 * cbp, int deletefe); static afs_uint32 *FindCBPtr(struct FileEntry *fe, struct host *host); static int FDel(register struct FileEntry *fe); static int AddCallBack1_r(struct host *host, AFSFid * fid, afs_uint32 * thead, int type, int locked); static void MultiBreakCallBack_r(struct cbstruct cba[], int ncbas, struct AFSCBFids *afidp, struct host *xhost); static int MultiBreakVolumeCallBack_r(struct host *host, int isheld, struct VCBParams *parms, int deletefe); static int MultiBreakVolumeCallBack(struct host *host, int isheld, struct VCBParams *parms); static int MultiBreakVolumeLaterCallBack(struct host *host, int isheld, struct VCBParams *parms); static int GetSomeSpace_r(struct host *hostp, int locked); static int ClearHostCallbacks_r(struct host *hp, int locked); #define GetCB() ((struct CallBack *)iGetCB(&cbstuff.nCBs)) #define GetFE() ((struct FileEntry *)iGetFE(&cbstuff.nFEs)) #define FreeCB(cb) iFreeCB((struct CallBack *)cb, &cbstuff.nCBs) #define FreeFE(fe) iFreeFE((struct FileEntry *)fe, &cbstuff.nFEs) /* Other protos - move out sometime */ void PrintCB(register struct CallBack *cb, afs_uint32 now); static afs_uint32 HashTable[FEHASH_SIZE]; /* File entry hash table */ static struct FileEntry * FindFE(register AFSFid * fid) { int hash; register int fei; register struct FileEntry *fe; hash = FEHash(fid->Volume, fid->Unique); for (fei = HashTable[hash]; fei; fei = fe->fnext) { fe = itofe(fei); if (fe->volid == fid->Volume && fe->unique == fid->Unique && fe->vnode == fid->Vnode && (fe->status & FE_LATER) != FE_LATER) return fe; } return 0; } #ifndef INTERPRET_DUMP static struct CallBack * iGetCB(register int *nused) { register struct CallBack *ret; if ((ret = CBfree)) { CBfree = (struct CallBack *)(((struct object *)ret)->next); (*nused)++; } return ret; } static int iFreeCB(register struct CallBack *cb, register int *nused) { ((struct object *)cb)->next = (struct object *)CBfree; CBfree = cb; (*nused)--; return 0; } static struct FileEntry * iGetFE(register int *nused) { register struct FileEntry *ret; if ((ret = FEfree)) { FEfree = (struct FileEntry *)(((struct object *)ret)->next); (*nused)++; } return ret; } static int iFreeFE(register struct FileEntry *fe, register int *nused) { ((struct object *)fe)->next = (struct object *)FEfree; FEfree = fe; (*nused)--; return 0; } /* Add cb to end of specified timeout list */ static int TAdd(register struct CallBack *cb, register afs_uint32 * thead) { if (!*thead) { (*thead) = cb->tnext = cb->tprev = cbtoi(cb); } else { register struct CallBack *thp = itocb(*thead); cb->tprev = thp->tprev; cb->tnext = *thead; if (thp) { if (thp->tprev) thp->tprev = (itocb(thp->tprev)->tnext = cbtoi(cb)); else thp->tprev = cbtoi(cb); } } cb->thead = ttoi(thead); return 0; } /* Delete call back entry from timeout list */ static int TDel(register struct CallBack *cb) { register afs_uint32 *thead = itot(cb->thead); if (*thead == cbtoi(cb)) *thead = (*thead == cb->tnext ? 0 : cb->tnext); if (itocb(cb->tprev)) itocb(cb->tprev)->tnext = cb->tnext; if (itocb(cb->tnext)) itocb(cb->tnext)->tprev = cb->tprev; return 0; } /* Add cb to end of specified host list */ static int HAdd(register struct CallBack *cb, register struct host *host) { cb->hhead = h_htoi(host); if (!host->cblist) { host->cblist = cb->hnext = cb->hprev = cbtoi(cb); } else { register struct CallBack *fcb = itocb(host->cblist); cb->hprev = fcb->hprev; cb->hnext = cbtoi(fcb); fcb->hprev = (itocb(fcb->hprev)->hnext = cbtoi(cb)); } return 0; } /* Delete call back entry from host list */ static int HDel(register struct CallBack *cb) { register afs_uint32 *hhead = &h_itoh(cb->hhead)->cblist; if (*hhead == cbtoi(cb)) *hhead = (*hhead == cb->hnext ? 0 : cb->hnext); itocb(cb->hprev)->hnext = cb->hnext; itocb(cb->hnext)->hprev = cb->hprev; return 0; } /* Delete call back entry from fid's chain of cb's */ /* N.B. This one also deletes the CB, and also possibly parent FE, so * make sure that it is not on any other list before calling this * routine */ static int CDel(struct CallBack *cb, int deletefe) { int cbi = cbtoi(cb); struct FileEntry *fe = itofe(cb->fhead); register afs_uint32 *cbp; register int safety; for (safety = 0, cbp = &fe->firstcb; *cbp && *cbp != cbi; cbp = &itocb(*cbp)->cnext, safety++) { if (safety > cbstuff.nblks + 10) { assert(0); ViceLog(0, ("CDel: Internal Error -- shutting down: wanted %d from %d, now at %d\n", cbi, fe->firstcb, *cbp)); DumpCallBackState(); ShutDownAndCore(PANIC); } } CDelPtr(fe, cbp, deletefe); return 0; } /* Same as CDel, but pointer to parent pointer to CB entry is passed, * as well as file entry */ /* N.B. This one also deletes the CB, and also possibly parent FE, so * make sure that it is not on any other list before calling this * routine */ static int Ccdelpt = 0, CcdelB = 0; static int CDelPtr(register struct FileEntry *fe, register afs_uint32 * cbp, int deletefe) { register struct CallBack *cb; if (!*cbp) return 0; Ccdelpt++; cb = itocb(*cbp); if (cb != &CB[*cbp]) CcdelB++; *cbp = cb->cnext; FreeCB(cb); if (deletefe && (--fe->ncbs == 0)) FDel(fe); return 0; } static afs_uint32 * FindCBPtr(struct FileEntry *fe, struct host *host) { register afs_uint32 hostindex = h_htoi(host); register struct CallBack *cb; register afs_uint32 *cbp; register int safety; for (safety = 0, cbp = &fe->firstcb; *cbp; cbp = &cb->cnext, safety++) { if (safety > cbstuff.nblks) { ViceLog(0, ("FindCBPtr: Internal Error -- shutting down.\n")); DumpCallBackState(); ShutDownAndCore(PANIC); } cb = itocb(*cbp); if (cb->hhead == hostindex) break; } return cbp; } /* Delete file entry from hash table */ static int FDel(register struct FileEntry *fe) { register int fei = fetoi(fe); register afs_uint32 *p = &HashTable[FEHash(fe->volid, fe->unique)]; while (*p && *p != fei) p = &itofe(*p)->fnext; assert(*p); *p = fe->fnext; FreeFE(fe); return 0; } /* initialize the callback package */ int InitCallBack(int nblks) { H_LOCK; tfirst = CBtime(FT_ApproxTime()); /* N.B. The "-1", below, is because * FE[0] and CB[0] are not used--and not allocated */ FE = ((struct FileEntry *)(calloc(nblks, sizeof(struct FileEntry)))); if (!FE) { ViceLog(0, ("Failed malloc in InitCallBack\n")); assert(0); } FE--; /* FE[0] is supposed to point to junk */ cbstuff.nFEs = nblks; while (cbstuff.nFEs) FreeFE(&FE[cbstuff.nFEs]); /* This is correct */ CB = ((struct CallBack *)(calloc(nblks, sizeof(struct CallBack)))); if (!CB) { ViceLog(0, ("Failed malloc in InitCallBack\n")); assert(0); } CB--; /* CB[0] is supposed to point to junk */ cbstuff.nCBs = nblks; while (cbstuff.nCBs) FreeCB(&CB[cbstuff.nCBs]); /* This is correct */ cbstuff.nblks = nblks; cbstuff.nbreakers = 0; H_UNLOCK; return 0; } afs_int32 XCallBackBulk_r(struct host * ahost, struct AFSFid * fids, afs_int32 nfids) { struct AFSCallBack tcbs[AFSCBMAX]; register int i; struct AFSCBFids tf; struct AFSCBs tc; int code; int j; struct rx_connection *cb_conn = NULL; #ifdef ADAPT_MTU rx_SetConnDeadTime(ahost->callback_rxcon, 4); rx_SetConnHardDeadTime(ahost->callback_rxcon, AFS_HARDDEADTIME); #endif code = 0; j = 0; while (nfids > 0) { for (i = 0; i < nfids && i < AFSCBMAX; i++) { tcbs[i].CallBackVersion = CALLBACK_VERSION; tcbs[i].ExpirationTime = 0; tcbs[i].CallBackType = CB_DROPPED; } tf.AFSCBFids_len = i; tf.AFSCBFids_val = &(fids[j]); nfids -= i; j += i; tc.AFSCBs_len = i; tc.AFSCBs_val = tcbs; cb_conn = ahost->callback_rxcon; rx_GetConnection(cb_conn); H_UNLOCK; code |= RXAFSCB_CallBack(cb_conn, &tf, &tc); rx_PutConnection(cb_conn); cb_conn = NULL; H_LOCK; } return code; } /* the locked flag tells us if the host entry has already been locked * by our parent. I don't think anybody actually calls us with the * host locked, but here's how to make that work: GetSomeSpace has to * change so that it doesn't attempt to lock any hosts < "host". That * means that it might be unable to free any objects, so it has to * return an exit status. If it fails, then AddCallBack1 might fail, * as well. If so, the host->ResetDone should probably be set to 0, * and we probably don't want to return a callback promise to the * cache manager, either. */ int AddCallBack1(struct host *host, AFSFid * fid, afs_uint32 * thead, int type, int locked) { int retVal; H_LOCK; if (!locked) { h_Lock_r(host); } retVal = AddCallBack1_r(host, fid, thead, type, 1); if (!locked) { h_Unlock_r(host); } H_UNLOCK; return retVal; } static int AddCallBack1_r(struct host *host, AFSFid * fid, afs_uint32 * thead, int type, int locked) { struct FileEntry *fe; struct CallBack *cb = 0, *lastcb = 0; struct FileEntry *newfe = 0; afs_uint32 time_out; afs_uint32 *Thead = thead; struct CallBack *newcb = 0; int safety; host->Console |= 2; /* allocate these guys first, since we can't call the allocator with * the host structure locked -- or we might deadlock. However, we have * to avoid races with FindFE... */ while (!(newcb = GetCB())) { GetSomeSpace_r(host, locked); } while (!(newfe = GetFE())) { /* Get it now, so we don't have to call */ /* GetSomeSpace with the host locked, later. This might turn out to */ /* have been unneccessary, but that's actually kind of unlikely, since */ /* most files are not shared. */ GetSomeSpace_r(host, locked); } if (!locked) { h_Lock_r(host); /* this can yield, so do it before we get any */ /* fragile info */ } fe = FindFE(fid); if (type == CB_NORMAL) { time_out = TimeCeiling(FT_ApproxTime() + TimeOut(fe ? fe->ncbs : 0) + ServerBias); Thead = THead(CBtime(time_out)); } else if (type == CB_VOLUME) { time_out = TimeCeiling((60 * 120 + FT_ApproxTime()) + ServerBias); Thead = THead(CBtime(time_out)); } else if (type == CB_BULK) { /* bulk status can get so many callbacks all at once, and most of them * are probably not for things that will be used for long. */ time_out = TimeCeiling(FT_ApproxTime() + ServerBias + TimeOut(22 + (fe ? fe->ncbs : 0))); Thead = THead(CBtime(time_out)); } host->Console &= ~2; if (!fe) { register afs_uint32 hash; fe = newfe; newfe = NULL; fe->firstcb = 0; fe->volid = fid->Volume; fe->vnode = fid->Vnode; fe->unique = fid->Unique; fe->ncbs = 0; fe->status = 0; hash = FEHash(fid->Volume, fid->Unique); fe->fnext = HashTable[hash]; HashTable[hash] = fetoi(fe); } for (safety = 0, lastcb = cb = itocb(fe->firstcb); cb; lastcb = cb, cb = itocb(cb->cnext), safety++) { if (safety > cbstuff.nblks) { ViceLog(0, ("AddCallBack1: Internal Error -- shutting down.\n")); DumpCallBackState(); ShutDownAndCore(PANIC); } if (cb->hhead == h_htoi(host)) break; } if (cb) { /* Already have call back: move to new timeout list */ /* don't change delayed callbacks back to normal ones */ if (cb->status != CB_DELAYED) cb->status = type; /* Only move if new timeout is longer */ if (TNorm(ttoi(Thead)) > TNorm(cb->thead)) { TDel(cb); TAdd(cb, Thead); } if (newfe == NULL) { /* we are using the new FE */ fe->firstcb = cbtoi(cb); fe->ncbs++; cb->fhead = fetoi(fe); } } else { cb = newcb; newcb = NULL; *(lastcb ? &lastcb->cnext : &fe->firstcb) = cbtoi(cb); fe->ncbs++; cb->cnext = 0; cb->fhead = fetoi(fe); cb->status = type; HAdd(cb, host); TAdd(cb, Thead); } /* now free any still-unused callback or host entries */ if (newcb) FreeCB(newcb); if (newfe) FreeFE(newfe); if (!locked) /* freecb and freefe might(?) yield */ h_Unlock_r(host); if (type == CB_NORMAL || type == CB_VOLUME || type == CB_BULK) return time_out - ServerBias; /* Expires sooner at workstation */ return 0; } /* Take an array full of hosts, all held. Break callbacks to them, and * release the holds once you're done, except don't release xhost. xhost * may be NULL. Currently only works for a single Fid in afidp array. * If you want to make this work with multiple fids, you need to fix * the error handling. One approach would be to force a reset if a * multi-fid call fails, or you could add delayed callbacks for each * fid. You probably also need to sort and remove duplicate hosts. * When this is called from the BreakVolumeCallBacks path, it does NOT * force a reset if the RPC fails, it just marks the host down and tries * to create a delayed callback. */ /* N.B. be sure that code works when ncbas == 0 */ /* N.B. requires all the cba[*].hp pointers to be valid... */ /* This routine does not hold a lock on the host for the duration of * the BreakCallBack RPC, which is a significant deviation from tradition. * It _does_ get a lock on the host before setting VenusDown = 1, * which is sufficient only if VenusDown = 0 only happens when the * lock is held over the RPC and the subsequent VenusDown == 0 * wherever that is done. */ static void MultiBreakCallBack_r(struct cbstruct cba[], int ncbas, struct AFSCBFids *afidp, struct host *xhost) { int i, j; struct rx_connection *conns[MAX_CB_HOSTS]; static struct AFSCBs tc = { 0, 0 }; int multi_to_cba_map[MAX_CB_HOSTS]; assert(ncbas <= MAX_CB_HOSTS); /* set up conns for multi-call */ for (i = 0, j = 0; i < ncbas; i++) { struct host *thishost = cba[i].hp; if (!thishost || (thishost->hostFlags & HOSTDELETED)) { continue; } rx_GetConnection(thishost->callback_rxcon); multi_to_cba_map[j] = i; conns[j++] = thishost->callback_rxcon; #ifdef ADAPT_MTU rx_SetConnDeadTime(thishost->callback_rxcon, 4); rx_SetConnHardDeadTime(thishost->callback_rxcon, AFS_HARDDEADTIME); #endif } if (j) { /* who knows what multi would do with 0 conns? */ cbstuff.nbreakers++; H_UNLOCK; multi_Rx(conns, j) { multi_RXAFSCB_CallBack(afidp, &tc); if (multi_error) { afs_uint32 idx; struct host *hp; char hoststr[16]; i = multi_to_cba_map[multi_i]; hp = cba[i].hp; idx = cba[i].thead; if (!hp || !idx) { ViceLog(0, ("BCB: INTERNAL ERROR: hp=%x, cba=%x, thead=%u\n", hp, cba, idx)); } else { /* ** try breaking callbacks on alternate interface addresses */ if (MultiBreakCallBackAlternateAddress(hp, afidp)) { if (ShowProblems) { ViceLog(7, ("BCB: Failed on file %u.%u.%u, Host %s:%d is down\n", afidp->AFSCBFids_val->Volume, afidp->AFSCBFids_val->Vnode, afidp->AFSCBFids_val->Unique, afs_inet_ntoa_r(hp->host, hoststr), ntohs(hp->port))); } H_LOCK; h_Lock_r(hp); hp->hostFlags |= VENUSDOWN; /** * We always go into AddCallBack1_r with the host locked */ AddCallBack1_r(hp, afidp->AFSCBFids_val, itot(idx), CB_DELAYED, 1); h_Unlock_r(hp); H_UNLOCK; } } } } multi_End; H_LOCK; cbstuff.nbreakers--; } for (i = 0; i < ncbas; i++) { struct host *hp; hp = cba[i].hp; if (hp && xhost != hp) { h_Release_r(hp); } } /* H_UNLOCK around this so h_FreeConnection does not deadlock. h_FreeConnection should *never* be called on a callback connection, but on 10/27/04 a deadlock occurred where it was, when we know why, this should be reverted. -- shadow */ H_UNLOCK; for (i = 0; i < j; i++) { rx_PutConnection(conns[i]); } H_LOCK; return; } /* * Break all call backs for fid, except for the specified host (unless flag * is true, in which case all get a callback message. Assumption: the specified * host is h_Held, by the caller; the others aren't. * Specified host may be bogus, that's ok. This used to check to see if the * host was down in two places, once right after the host was h_held, and * again after it was locked. That race condition is incredibly rare and * relatively harmless even when it does occur, so we don't check for it now. */ /* if flag is true, send a break callback msg to "host", too */ int BreakCallBack(struct host *xhost, AFSFid * fid, int flag) { struct FileEntry *fe; struct CallBack *cb, *nextcb; struct cbstruct cba[MAX_CB_HOSTS]; int ncbas; struct AFSCBFids tf; int hostindex; char hoststr[16]; ViceLog(7, ("BCB: BreakCallBack(all but %s:%d, (%u,%u,%u))\n", afs_inet_ntoa_r(xhost->host, hoststr), ntohs(xhost->port), fid->Volume, fid->Vnode, fid->Unique)); H_LOCK; cbstuff.BreakCallBacks++; fe = FindFE(fid); if (!fe) { goto done; } hostindex = h_htoi(xhost); cb = itocb(fe->firstcb); if (!cb || ((fe->ncbs == 1) && (cb->hhead == hostindex) && !flag)) { /* the most common case is what follows the || */ goto done; } tf.AFSCBFids_len = 1; tf.AFSCBFids_val = fid; for (; cb;) { for (ncbas = 0; cb && ncbas < MAX_CB_HOSTS; cb = nextcb) { nextcb = itocb(cb->cnext); if ((cb->hhead != hostindex || flag) && (cb->status == CB_BULK || cb->status == CB_NORMAL || cb->status == CB_VOLUME)) { struct host *thishost = h_itoh(cb->hhead); if (!thishost) { ViceLog(0, ("BCB: BOGUS! cb->hhead is NULL!\n")); } else if (thishost->hostFlags & VENUSDOWN) { ViceLog(7, ("BCB: %s:%d is down; delaying break call back\n", afs_inet_ntoa_r(thishost->host, hoststr), ntohs(thishost->port))); cb->status = CB_DELAYED; } else { h_Hold_r(thishost); cba[ncbas].hp = thishost; cba[ncbas].thead = cb->thead; ncbas++; TDel(cb); HDel(cb); CDel(cb, 1); /* Usually first; so this delete * is reasonably inexpensive */ } } } if (ncbas) { MultiBreakCallBack_r(cba, ncbas, &tf, xhost); /* we need to to all these initializations again because MultiBreakCallBack may block */ fe = FindFE(fid); if (!fe) { goto done; } cb = itocb(fe->firstcb); if (!cb || ((fe->ncbs == 1) && (cb->hhead == hostindex) && !flag)) { /* the most common case is what follows the || */ goto done; } } } done: H_UNLOCK; return 0; } /* Delete (do not break) single call back for fid */ int DeleteCallBack(struct host *host, AFSFid * fid) { register struct FileEntry *fe; register afs_uint32 *pcb; char hoststr[16]; cbstuff.DeleteCallBacks++; H_LOCK; h_Lock_r(host); fe = FindFE(fid); if (!fe) { h_Unlock_r(host); H_UNLOCK; ViceLog(8, ("DCB: No call backs for fid (%u, %u, %u)\n", fid->Volume, fid->Vnode, fid->Unique)); return 0; } pcb = FindCBPtr(fe, host); if (!*pcb) { ViceLog(8, ("DCB: No call back for host %s:%d, (%u, %u, %u)\n", afs_inet_ntoa_r(host->host, hoststr), ntohs(host->port), fid->Volume, fid->Vnode, fid->Unique)); h_Unlock_r(host); H_UNLOCK; return 0; } HDel(itocb(*pcb)); TDel(itocb(*pcb)); CDelPtr(fe, pcb, 1); h_Unlock_r(host); H_UNLOCK; return 0; } /* * Delete (do not break) all call backs for fid. This call doesn't * set all of the various host locks, but it shouldn't really matter * since we're not adding callbacks, but deleting them. I'm not sure * why it doesn't set the lock, however; perhaps it should. */ int DeleteFileCallBacks(AFSFid * fid) { register struct FileEntry *fe; register struct CallBack *cb; register afs_uint32 cbi; register int n; H_LOCK; cbstuff.DeleteFiles++; fe = FindFE(fid); if (!fe) { H_UNLOCK; ViceLog(8, ("DF: No fid (%u,%u,%u) to delete\n", fid->Volume, fid->Vnode, fid->Unique)); return 0; } for (n = 0, cbi = fe->firstcb; cbi; n++) { cb = itocb(cbi); cbi = cb->cnext; TDel(cb); HDel(cb); FreeCB(cb); } FDel(fe); H_UNLOCK; return 0; } /* Delete (do not break) all call backs for host. The host should be * locked. */ int DeleteAllCallBacks_r(struct host *host, int deletefe) { register struct CallBack *cb; register int cbi, first; cbstuff.DeleteAllCallBacks++; cbi = first = host->cblist; if (!cbi) { ViceLog(8, ("DV: no call backs\n")); return 0; } do { cb = itocb(cbi); cbi = cb->hnext; TDel(cb); CDel(cb, deletefe); } while (cbi != first); host->cblist = 0; return 0; } /* * Break all delayed call backs for host. Returns 1 if all call backs * successfully broken; 0 otherwise. Assumes host is h_Held and h_Locked. * Must be called with VenusDown set for this host */ int BreakDelayedCallBacks(struct host *host) { int retVal; H_LOCK; retVal = BreakDelayedCallBacks_r(host); H_UNLOCK; return retVal; } int BreakDelayedCallBacks_r(struct host *host) { struct AFSFid fids[AFSCBMAX]; u_byte thead[AFSCBMAX]; /* This should match thead in struct Callback */ int cbi, first, nfids; struct CallBack *cb; int code; char hoststr[16]; struct rx_connection *cb_conn; cbstuff.nbreakers++; if (!(host->hostFlags & RESETDONE) && !(host->hostFlags & HOSTDELETED)) { host->hostFlags &= ~ALTADDR; /* alternate addresses are invalid */ cb_conn = host->callback_rxcon; rx_GetConnection(cb_conn); if (host->interface) { H_UNLOCK; code = RXAFSCB_InitCallBackState3(cb_conn, &FS_HostUUID); } else { H_UNLOCK; code = RXAFSCB_InitCallBackState(cb_conn); } rx_PutConnection(cb_conn); cb_conn = NULL; H_LOCK; host->hostFlags |= ALTADDR; /* alternate addresses are valid */ if (code) { if (ShowProblems) { ViceLog(0, ("CB: Call back connect back failed (in break delayed) for Host %s:%d\n", afs_inet_ntoa_r(host->host, hoststr), ntohs(host->port))); } host->hostFlags |= VENUSDOWN; } else { ViceLog(25, ("InitCallBackState success on %s\n", afs_inet_ntoa_r(host->host, hoststr))); /* reset was done successfully */ host->hostFlags |= RESETDONE; host->hostFlags &= ~VENUSDOWN; } } else while (!(host->hostFlags & HOSTDELETED)) { nfids = 0; host->hostFlags &= ~VENUSDOWN; /* presume up */ cbi = first = host->cblist; if (!cbi) break; do { first = host->cblist; cb = itocb(cbi); cbi = cb->hnext; if (cb->status == CB_DELAYED) { register struct FileEntry *fe = itofe(cb->fhead); thead[nfids] = cb->thead; fids[nfids].Volume = fe->volid; fids[nfids].Vnode = fe->vnode; fids[nfids].Unique = fe->unique; nfids++; HDel(cb); TDel(cb); CDel(cb, 1); } } while (cbi && cbi != first && nfids < AFSCBMAX); if (nfids == 0) { break; } if (XCallBackBulk_r(host, fids, nfids)) { /* Failed, again: put them back, probably with old * timeout values */ int i; if (ShowProblems) { ViceLog(0, ("CB: XCallBackBulk failed, Host %s:%d; callback list follows:\n", afs_inet_ntoa_r(host->host, hoststr), ntohs(host->port))); } for (i = 0; i < nfids; i++) { if (ShowProblems) { ViceLog(0, ("CB: Host %s:%d, file %u.%u.%u (part of bulk callback)\n", afs_inet_ntoa_r(host->host, hoststr), ntohs(host->port), fids[i].Volume, fids[i].Vnode, fids[i].Unique)); } /* used to do this: * AddCallBack1_r(host, &fids[i], itot(thead[i]), CB_DELAYED, 1); * * but it turns out to cause too many tricky locking problems. * * now, if break delayed fails, screw it. */ } host->hostFlags |= VENUSDOWN; /* Failed */ ClearHostCallbacks_r(host, 1 /* locked */ ); nfids = 0; break; } if (nfids < AFSCBMAX) break; } cbstuff.nbreakers--; /* If we succeeded it's always ok to unset HFE_LATER */ if (!host->hostFlags & VENUSDOWN) host->hostFlags &= ~HFE_LATER; return (host->hostFlags & VENUSDOWN); } /* ** isheld is 0 if the host is held in h_Enumerate ** isheld is 1 if the host is held in BreakVolumeCallBacks */ static int MultiBreakVolumeCallBack_r(struct host *host, int isheld, struct VCBParams *parms, int deletefe) { char hoststr[16]; if (!isheld) return isheld; /* host is held only by h_Enumerate, do nothing */ if (host->hostFlags & HOSTDELETED) return 0; /* host is deleted, release hold */ if (host->hostFlags & VENUSDOWN) { h_Lock_r(host); if (host->hostFlags & HOSTDELETED) { h_Unlock_r(host); return 0; /* Release hold */ } ViceLog(8, ("BVCB: volume call back for Host %s:%d failed\n", afs_inet_ntoa_r(host->host, hoststr), ntohs(host->port))); if (ShowProblems) { ViceLog(0, ("CB: volume callback for Host %s:%d failed\n", afs_inet_ntoa_r(host->host, hoststr), ntohs(host->port))); } DeleteAllCallBacks_r(host, deletefe); /* Delete all callback state * rather than attempting to * selectively remember to * delete the volume callbacks * later */ host->hostFlags &= ~RESETDONE; /* Do InitCallBackState when host returns */ h_Unlock_r(host); return 0; /* release hold */ } assert(parms->ncbas <= MAX_CB_HOSTS); /* Do not call MultiBreakCallBack on the current host structure ** because it would prematurely release the hold on the host */ if (parms->ncbas == MAX_CB_HOSTS) { struct AFSCBFids tf; tf.AFSCBFids_len = 1; tf.AFSCBFids_val = parms->fid; /* this releases all the hosts */ MultiBreakCallBack_r(parms->cba, parms->ncbas, &tf, 0 /* xhost */ ); parms->ncbas = 0; } parms->cba[parms->ncbas].hp = host; parms->cba[(parms->ncbas)++].thead = parms->thead; return 1; /* DON'T release hold, because we still need it. */ } /* ** isheld is 0 if the host is held in h_Enumerate ** isheld is 1 if the host is held in BreakVolumeCallBacks */ static int MultiBreakVolumeCallBack(struct host *host, int isheld, struct VCBParams *parms) { int retval; H_LOCK; retval = MultiBreakVolumeCallBack_r(host, isheld, parms, 1); H_UNLOCK; return retval; } /* ** isheld is 0 if the host is held in h_Enumerate ** isheld is 1 if the host is held in BreakVolumeCallBacks */ static int MultiBreakVolumeLaterCallBack(struct host *host, int isheld, struct VCBParams *parms) { int retval; H_LOCK; retval = MultiBreakVolumeCallBack_r(host, isheld, parms, 0); H_UNLOCK; return retval; } /* * Break all call backs on a single volume. Don't call this with any * hosts h_held. Note that this routine clears the callbacks before * actually breaking them, and that the vnode isn't locked during this * operation, so that people might see temporary callback loss while * this function is executing. It is just a temporary state, however, * since the callback will be broken later by this same function. * * Now uses multi-RX for CallBack RPC. Note that the * multiBreakCallBacks routine does not force a reset if the RPC * fails, unlike the previous version of this routine, but does create * a delayed callback. Resets will be forced if the host is * determined to be down before the RPC is executed. */ int BreakVolumeCallBacks(afs_uint32 volume) { struct AFSFid fid; int hash; afs_uint32 *feip; struct CallBack *cb; struct FileEntry *fe; struct host *host; struct VCBParams henumParms; afs_uint32 tthead = 0; /* zero is illegal value */ H_LOCK; fid.Volume = volume, fid.Vnode = fid.Unique = 0; for (hash = 0; hash < FEHASH_SIZE; hash++) { for (feip = &HashTable[hash]; (fe = itofe(*feip));) { if (fe->volid == volume) { register struct CallBack *cbnext; for (cb = itocb(fe->firstcb); cb; cb = cbnext) { host = h_itoh(cb->hhead); h_Hold_r(host); cbnext = itocb(cb->cnext); if (!tthead || (TNorm(tthead) < TNorm(cb->thead))) { tthead = cb->thead; } TDel(cb); HDel(cb); FreeCB(cb); /* leave hold for MultiBreakVolumeCallBack to clear */ } *feip = fe->fnext; FreeFE(fe); } else { feip = &fe->fnext; } } } if (!tthead) { /* didn't find any callbacks, so return right away. */ H_UNLOCK; return 0; } henumParms.ncbas = 0; henumParms.fid = &fid; henumParms.thead = tthead; H_UNLOCK; h_Enumerate(MultiBreakVolumeCallBack, (char *)&henumParms); H_LOCK; if (henumParms.ncbas) { /* do left-overs */ struct AFSCBFids tf; tf.AFSCBFids_len = 1; tf.AFSCBFids_val = &fid; MultiBreakCallBack_r(henumParms.cba, henumParms.ncbas, &tf, 0); henumParms.ncbas = 0; } H_UNLOCK; return 0; } #ifdef AFS_PTHREAD_ENV extern pthread_cond_t fsync_cond; #else extern char fsync_wait[]; #endif int BreakVolumeCallBacksLater(afs_uint32 volume) { int hash; afs_uint32 *feip; struct FileEntry *fe; struct CallBack *cb; struct host *host; int found = 0; ViceLog(25, ("Setting later on volume %u\n", volume)); H_LOCK; for (hash = 0; hash < FEHASH_SIZE; hash++) { for (feip = &HashTable[hash]; (fe = itofe(*feip)) != NULL; ) { if (fe->volid == volume) { register struct CallBack *cbnext; for (cb = itocb(fe->firstcb); cb; cb = cbnext) { host = h_itoh(cb->hhead); host->hostFlags |= HFE_LATER; cb->status = CB_DELAYED; cbnext = itocb(cb->cnext); } FSYNC_LOCK; fe->status |= FE_LATER; FSYNC_UNLOCK; found = 1; } feip = &fe->fnext; } } H_UNLOCK; if (!found) { /* didn't find any callbacks, so return right away. */ return 0; } ViceLog(25, ("Fsync thread wakeup\n")); #ifdef AFS_PTHREAD_ENV FSYNC_LOCK; assert(pthread_cond_broadcast(&fsync_cond) == 0); FSYNC_UNLOCK; #else LWP_NoYieldSignal(fsync_wait); #endif return 0; } int BreakLaterCallBacks(void) { struct AFSFid fid; int hash; afs_uint32 *feip; struct CallBack *cb; struct FileEntry *fe = NULL; struct FileEntry *myfe = NULL; struct host *host; struct VCBParams henumParms; unsigned short tthead = 0; /* zero is illegal value */ char hoststr[16]; /* Unchain first */ ViceLog(25, ("Looking for FileEntries to unchain\n")); H_LOCK; FSYNC_LOCK; /* Pick the first volume we see to clean up */ fid.Volume = fid.Vnode = fid.Unique = 0; for (hash = 0; hash < FEHASH_SIZE; hash++) { for (feip = &HashTable[hash]; (fe = itofe(*feip)) != NULL; ) { if (fe && (fe->status & FE_LATER) && (fid.Volume == 0 || fid.Volume == fe->volid)) { /* Ugly, but used to avoid left side casting */ struct object *tmpfe; ViceLog(125, ("Unchaining for %u:%u:%u\n", fe->vnode, fe->unique, fe->volid)); fid.Volume = fe->volid; *feip = fe->fnext; /* Works since volid is deeper than the largest pointer */ tmpfe = (struct object *)fe; tmpfe->next = (struct object *)myfe; myfe = fe; } else feip = &fe->fnext; } } FSYNC_UNLOCK; if (!myfe) { H_UNLOCK; return 0; } /* loop over FEs from myfe and free/break */ tthead = 0; for (fe = myfe; fe;) { register struct CallBack *cbnext; for (cb = itocb(fe->firstcb); cb; cb = cbnext) { cbnext = itocb(cb->cnext); host = h_itoh(cb->hhead); if (cb->status == CB_DELAYED) { h_Hold_r(host); if (!tthead || (TNorm(tthead) < TNorm(cb->thead))) { tthead = cb->thead; } TDel(cb); HDel(cb); CDel(cb, 0); /* Don't let CDel clean up the fe */ /* leave hold for MultiBreakVolumeCallBack to clear */ } else { ViceLog(125, ("Found host %s:%d non-DELAYED cb for %u:%u:%u\n", afs_inet_ntoa_r(host->host, hoststr), ntohs(host->port), fe->vnode, fe->unique, fe->volid)); } } myfe = fe; fe = (struct FileEntry *)((struct object *)fe)->next; FreeFE(myfe); } if (tthead) { ViceLog(125, ("Breaking volume %u\n", fid.Volume)); henumParms.ncbas = 0; henumParms.fid = &fid; henumParms.thead = tthead; H_UNLOCK; h_Enumerate(MultiBreakVolumeLaterCallBack, (char *)&henumParms); H_LOCK; if (henumParms.ncbas) { /* do left-overs */ struct AFSCBFids tf; tf.AFSCBFids_len = 1; tf.AFSCBFids_val = &fid; MultiBreakCallBack_r(henumParms.cba, henumParms.ncbas, &tf, 0); henumParms.ncbas = 0; } } H_UNLOCK; /* Arrange to be called again */ return 1; } /* * Delete all timed-out call back entries (to be called periodically by file * server) */ int CleanupTimedOutCallBacks(void) { H_LOCK; CleanupTimedOutCallBacks_r(); H_UNLOCK; return 0; } int CleanupTimedOutCallBacks_r(void) { afs_uint32 now = CBtime(FT_ApproxTime()); register afs_uint32 *thead; register struct CallBack *cb; register int ntimedout = 0; char hoststr[16]; while (tfirst <= now) { register int cbi; cbi = *(thead = THead(tfirst)); if (cbi) { do { cb = itocb(cbi); cbi = cb->tnext; ViceLog(8, ("CCB: deleting timed out call back %s:%d, (%u,%u,%u)\n", afs_inet_ntoa_r(h_itoh(cb->hhead)->host, hoststr), h_itoh(cb->hhead)->port, itofe(cb->fhead)->volid, itofe(cb->fhead)->vnode, itofe(cb->fhead)->unique)); HDel(cb); CDel(cb, 1); ntimedout++; if (ntimedout > cbstuff.nblks) { ViceLog(0, ("CCB: Internal Error -- shutting down...\n")); DumpCallBackState(); ShutDownAndCore(PANIC); } } while (cbi != *thead); *thead = 0; } tfirst++; } cbstuff.CBsTimedOut += ntimedout; ViceLog(7, ("CCB: deleted %d timed out callbacks\n", ntimedout)); return (ntimedout > 0); } static struct host *lih_host; static int lih_host_held; /* This version does not allow 'host' to be selected unless its ActiveCall * is newer than 'hostp' which is the host with the oldest ActiveCall from * the last pass (if it is provided). We filter out any hosts that are * are held by other threads. */ static int lih0_r(register struct host *host, register int held, register struct host *hostp) { if (host->cblist && (hostp && host != hostp) && (!held && !h_OtherHolds_r(host)) && (!lih_host || host->ActiveCall < lih_host->ActiveCall) && (!hostp || host->ActiveCall > hostp->ActiveCall)) { if (lih_host != NULL && lih_host_held) { h_Release_r(lih_host); } lih_host = host; lih_host_held = !held; held = 1; } return held; } /* This version does not allow 'host' to be selected unless its ActiveCall * is newer than 'hostp' which is the host with the oldest ActiveCall from * the last pass (if it is provided). In this second varient, we do not * prevent held hosts from being selected. */ static int lih1_r(register struct host *host, register int held, register struct host *hostp) { if (host->cblist && (hostp && host != hostp) && (!lih_host || host->ActiveCall < lih_host->ActiveCall) && (!hostp || host->ActiveCall > hostp->ActiveCall)) { if (lih_host != NULL && lih_host_held) { h_Release_r(lih_host); } lih_host = host; lih_host_held = !held; held = 1; } return held; } /* This could be upgraded to get more space each time */ /* first pass: sequentially find the oldest host which isn't held by anyone for which we can clear callbacks; skipping 'hostp' */ /* second pass: sequentially find the oldest host regardless of whether or not the host is held; skipping 'hostp' */ /* third pass: attempt to clear callbacks from 'hostp' */ /* always called with hostp unlocked */ /* Note: hostlist is ordered most recently created host first and * its order has no relationship to the most recently used. */ extern struct host *hostList; static int GetSomeSpace_r(struct host *hostp, int locked) { register struct host *hp, *hp1, *hp2; int i = 0; cbstuff.GotSomeSpaces++; ViceLog(5, ("GSS: First looking for timed out call backs via CleanupCallBacks\n")); if (CleanupTimedOutCallBacks_r()) { cbstuff.GSS3++; return 0; } i = 0; hp1 = NULL; hp2 = hostList; do { lih_host = 0; h_Enumerate_r(i == 0 ? lih0_r : lih1_r, hp2, (char *)hp1); hp = lih_host; if (hp) { /* set in lih_r! private copy before giving up H_LOCK */ int lih_host_held2=lih_host_held; cbstuff.GSS4++; if ((hp != hostp) && !ClearHostCallbacks_r(hp, 0 /* not locked or held */ )) { if (lih_host_held2) h_Release_r(hp); return 0; } if (lih_host_held2) h_Release_r(hp); hp1 = hp; hp2 = hostList; } else { /* * Next time try getting callbacks from any host even if * it's deleted (that's actually great since we can freely * remove its callbacks) or it's held since the only other * option is starvation for the file server (i.e. until the * callback timeout arrives). */ i++; hp1 = NULL; hp2 = hostList; cbstuff.GSS1++; ViceLog(5, ("GSS: Try harder for longest inactive host cnt= %d\n", i)); } } while (i < 2); /* Could not obtain space from other hosts, clear hostp's callback state */ cbstuff.GSS2++; if (!locked) { h_Lock_r(hostp); } ClearHostCallbacks_r(hostp, 1 /*already locked */ ); if (!locked) { h_Unlock_r(hostp); } return 0; } /* locked - set if caller has already locked the host */ static int ClearHostCallbacks_r(struct host *hp, int locked) { int code; int held = 0; char hoststr[16]; struct rx_connection *cb_conn = NULL; ViceLog(5, ("GSS: Delete longest inactive host %s\n", afs_inet_ntoa_r(hp->host, hoststr))); if (!(held = h_Held_r(hp))) h_Hold_r(hp); /** Try a non-blocking lock. If the lock is already held return * after releasing hold on hp */ if (!locked) { if (h_NBLock_r(hp)) { if (!held) h_Release_r(hp); return 1; } } if (hp->Console & 2) { /* * If the special console field is set it means that a thread * is waiting in AddCallBack1 after it set pointers to the * file entry and/or callback entry. Because of the bogus * usage of h_hold it won't prevent from another thread, this * one, to remove all the callbacks so just to be safe we keep * a reference. NOTE, on the last phase we'll free the calling * host's callbacks but that's ok... */ cbstuff.GSS5++; } DeleteAllCallBacks_r(hp, 1); if (hp->hostFlags & VENUSDOWN) { hp->hostFlags &= ~RESETDONE; /* remember that we must do a reset */ } else { /* host is up, try a call */ hp->hostFlags &= ~ALTADDR; /* alternate addresses are invalid */ cb_conn = hp->callback_rxcon; rx_GetConnection(hp->callback_rxcon); if (hp->interface) { H_UNLOCK; code = RXAFSCB_InitCallBackState3(cb_conn, &FS_HostUUID); } else { H_UNLOCK; code = RXAFSCB_InitCallBackState(cb_conn); } rx_PutConnection(cb_conn); cb_conn = NULL; H_LOCK; hp->hostFlags |= ALTADDR; /* alternate addresses are valid */ if (code) { /* failed, mark host down and need reset */ hp->hostFlags |= VENUSDOWN; hp->hostFlags &= ~RESETDONE; } else { /* reset succeeded, we're done */ hp->hostFlags |= RESETDONE; } } if (!locked) { h_Unlock_r(hp); } if (!held) h_Release_r(hp); return 0; } #endif /* INTERPRET_DUMP */ int PrintCallBackStats(void) { fprintf(stderr, "%d add CB, %d break CB, %d del CB, %d del FE, %d CB's timed out, %d space reclaim, %d del host\n", cbstuff.AddCallBacks, cbstuff.BreakCallBacks, cbstuff.DeleteCallBacks, cbstuff.DeleteFiles, cbstuff.CBsTimedOut, cbstuff.GotSomeSpaces, cbstuff.DeleteAllCallBacks); fprintf(stderr, "%d CBs, %d FEs, (%d of total of %d 16-byte blocks)\n", cbstuff.nCBs, cbstuff.nFEs, cbstuff.nCBs + cbstuff.nFEs, cbstuff.nblks); return 0; } #define MAGIC 0x12345678 /* To check byte ordering of dump when it is read in */ #ifndef INTERPRET_DUMP #ifdef AFS_DEMAND_ATTACH_FS /* * demand attach fs * callback state serialization */ static int cb_stateSaveTimeouts(struct fs_dump_state * state); static int cb_stateSaveFEHash(struct fs_dump_state * state); static int cb_stateSaveFEs(struct fs_dump_state * state); static int cb_stateSaveFE(struct fs_dump_state * state, struct FileEntry * fe); static int cb_stateRestoreTimeouts(struct fs_dump_state * state); static int cb_stateRestoreFEHash(struct fs_dump_state * state); static int cb_stateRestoreFEs(struct fs_dump_state * state); static int cb_stateRestoreFE(struct fs_dump_state * state); static int cb_stateRestoreCBs(struct fs_dump_state * state, struct FileEntry * fe, struct iovec * iov, int niovecs); static int cb_stateVerifyFEHash(struct fs_dump_state * state); static int cb_stateVerifyFE(struct fs_dump_state * state, struct FileEntry * fe); static int cb_stateVerifyFCBList(struct fs_dump_state * state, struct FileEntry * fe); static int cb_stateVerifyTimeoutQueues(struct fs_dump_state * state); static int cb_stateFEToDiskEntry(struct FileEntry *, struct FEDiskEntry *); static int cb_stateDiskEntryToFE(struct fs_dump_state * state, struct FEDiskEntry *, struct FileEntry *); static int cb_stateCBToDiskEntry(struct CallBack *, struct CBDiskEntry *); static int cb_stateDiskEntryToCB(struct fs_dump_state * state, struct CBDiskEntry *, struct CallBack *); static int cb_stateFillHeader(struct callback_state_header * hdr); static int cb_stateCheckHeader(struct callback_state_header * hdr); static int cb_stateAllocMap(struct fs_dump_state * state); int cb_stateSave(struct fs_dump_state * state) { int ret = 0; AssignInt64(state->eof_offset, &state->hdr->cb_offset); /* invalidate callback state header */ memset(state->cb_hdr, 0, sizeof(struct callback_state_header)); if (fs_stateWriteHeader(state, &state->hdr->cb_offset, state->cb_hdr, sizeof(struct callback_state_header))) { ret = 1; goto done; } fs_stateIncEOF(state, sizeof(struct callback_state_header)); /* dump timeout state */ if (cb_stateSaveTimeouts(state)) { ret = 1; goto done; } /* dump fe hashtable state */ if (cb_stateSaveFEHash(state)) { ret = 1; goto done; } /* dump callback state */ if (cb_stateSaveFEs(state)) { ret = 1; goto done; } /* write the callback state header to disk */ cb_stateFillHeader(state->cb_hdr); if (fs_stateWriteHeader(state, &state->hdr->cb_offset, state->cb_hdr, sizeof(struct callback_state_header))) { ret = 1; goto done; } done: return ret; } int cb_stateRestore(struct fs_dump_state * state) { int ret = 0; if (fs_stateReadHeader(state, &state->hdr->cb_offset, state->cb_hdr, sizeof(struct callback_state_header))) { ret = 1; goto done; } if (cb_stateCheckHeader(state->cb_hdr)) { ret = 1; goto done; } if (cb_stateAllocMap(state)) { ret = 1; goto done; } if (cb_stateRestoreTimeouts(state)) { ret = 1; goto done; } if (cb_stateRestoreFEHash(state)) { ret = 1; goto done; } /* restore FEs and CBs from disk */ if (cb_stateRestoreFEs(state)) { ret = 1; goto done; } /* restore the timeout queue heads */ tfirst = state->cb_hdr->tfirst; done: return ret; } int cb_stateRestoreIndices(struct fs_dump_state * state) { int i, ret = 0; struct FileEntry * fe; struct CallBack * cb; /* restore indices in the FileEntry structures */ for (i = 1; i < state->fe_map.len; i++) { if (state->fe_map.entries[i].new_idx) { fe = itofe(state->fe_map.entries[i].new_idx); /* restore the fe->fnext entry */ if (fe_OldToNew(state, fe->fnext, &fe->fnext)) { ret = 1; goto done; } /* restore the fe->firstcb entry */ if (cb_OldToNew(state, fe->firstcb, &fe->firstcb)) { ret = 1; goto done; } } } /* restore indices in the CallBack structures */ for (i = 1; i < state->cb_map.len; i++) { if (state->cb_map.entries[i].new_idx) { cb = itocb(state->cb_map.entries[i].new_idx); /* restore the cb->cnext entry */ if (cb_OldToNew(state, cb->cnext, &cb->cnext)) { ret = 1; goto done; } /* restore the cb->fhead entry */ if (fe_OldToNew(state, cb->fhead, &cb->fhead)) { ret = 1; goto done; } /* restore the cb->hhead entry */ if (h_OldToNew(state, cb->hhead, &cb->hhead)) { ret = 1; goto done; } /* restore the cb->tprev entry */ if (cb_OldToNew(state, cb->tprev, &cb->tprev)) { ret = 1; goto done; } /* restore the cb->tnext entry */ if (cb_OldToNew(state, cb->tnext, &cb->tnext)) { ret = 1; goto done; } /* restore the cb->hprev entry */ if (cb_OldToNew(state, cb->hprev, &cb->hprev)) { ret = 1; goto done; } /* restore the cb->hnext entry */ if (cb_OldToNew(state, cb->hnext, &cb->hnext)) { ret = 1; goto done; } } } /* restore the timeout queue head indices */ for (i = 0; i < state->cb_timeout_hdr->records; i++) { if (cb_OldToNew(state, timeout[i], &timeout[i])) { ret = 1; goto done; } } /* restore the FE hash table queue heads */ for (i = 0; i < state->cb_fehash_hdr->records; i++) { if (fe_OldToNew(state, HashTable[i], &HashTable[i])) { ret = 1; goto done; } } done: return ret; } int cb_stateVerify(struct fs_dump_state * state) { int ret = 0; if (cb_stateVerifyFEHash(state)) { ret = 1; } if (cb_stateVerifyTimeoutQueues(state)) { ret = 1; } done: return ret; } static int cb_stateVerifyFEHash(struct fs_dump_state * state) { int ret = 0, i; struct FileEntry * fe; afs_uint32 fei, chain_len; for (i = 0; i < FEHASH_SIZE; i++) { chain_len = 0; for (fei = HashTable[i], fe = itofe(fei); fe; fei = fe->fnext, fe = itofe(fei)) { if (fei > cbstuff.nblks) { ViceLog(0, ("cb_stateVerifyFEHash: error: index out of range (fei=%d)\n", fei)); ret = 1; break; } if (cb_stateVerifyFE(state, fe)) { ret = 1; } if (chain_len > FS_STATE_FE_MAX_HASH_CHAIN_LEN) { ViceLog(0, ("cb_stateVerifyFEHash: error: hash chain %d length exceeds %d; assuming there's a loop\n", i, FS_STATE_FE_MAX_HASH_CHAIN_LEN)); ret = 1; break; } chain_len++; } } done: return ret; } static int cb_stateVerifyFE(struct fs_dump_state * state, struct FileEntry * fe) { int ret = 0; if ((fe->firstcb && !fe->ncbs) || (!fe->firstcb && fe->ncbs)) { ViceLog(0, ("cb_stateVerifyFE: error: fe->firstcb does not agree with fe->ncbs (fei=%d, fe->firstcb=%d, fe->ncbs=%d)\n", fetoi(fe), fe->firstcb, fe->ncbs)); ret = 1; } if (cb_stateVerifyFCBList(state, fe)) { ViceLog(0, ("cb_stateVerifyFE: error: FCBList failed verification (fei=%d)\n", fetoi(fe))); ret = 1; } done: return ret; } static int cb_stateVerifyFCBList(struct fs_dump_state * state, struct FileEntry * fe) { int ret = 0; afs_uint32 cbi, fei, chain_len = 0; struct CallBack * cb; fei = fetoi(fe); for (cbi = fe->firstcb, cb = itocb(cbi); cb; cbi = cb->cnext, cb = itocb(cbi)) { if (cbi > cbstuff.nblks) { ViceLog(0, ("cb_stateVerifyFCBList: error: list index out of range (cbi=%d, ncbs=%d)\n", cbi, cbstuff.nblks)); ret = 1; goto done; } if (cb->fhead != fei) { ViceLog(0, ("cb_stateVerifyFCBList: error: cb->fhead != fei (fei=%d, cb->fhead=%d)\n", fei, cb->fhead)); ret = 1; } if (chain_len > FS_STATE_FCB_MAX_LIST_LEN) { ViceLog(0, ("cb_stateVerifyFCBList: error: list length exceeds %d (fei=%d); assuming there's a loop\n", FS_STATE_FCB_MAX_LIST_LEN, fei)); ret = 1; goto done; } chain_len++; } if (fe->ncbs != chain_len) { ViceLog(0, ("cb_stateVerifyFCBList: error: list length mismatch (len=%d, fe->ncbs=%d)\n", chain_len, fe->ncbs)); ret = 1; } done: return ret; } int cb_stateVerifyHCBList(struct fs_dump_state * state, struct host * host) { int ret = 0; afs_uint32 hi, chain_len, cbi; struct CallBack *cb, *ncb; hi = h_htoi(host); chain_len = 0; for (cbi = host->cblist, cb = itocb(cbi); cb; cbi = cb->hnext, cb = ncb) { if (chain_len && (host->cblist == cbi)) { /* we've wrapped around the circular list, and everything looks ok */ break; } if (cb->hhead != hi) { ViceLog(0, ("cb_stateVerifyHCBList: error: incorrect cb->hhead (cbi=%d, h->index=%d, cb->hhead=%d)\n", cbi, hi, cb->hhead)); ret = 1; } if (!cb->hprev || !cb->hnext) { ViceLog(0, ("cb_stateVerifyHCBList: error: null index in circular list (cbi=%d, h->index=%d)\n", cbi, hi)); ret = 1; goto done; } if ((cb->hprev > cbstuff.nblks) || (cb->hnext > cbstuff.nblks)) { ViceLog(0, ("cb_stateVerifyHCBList: error: list index out of range (cbi=%d, h->index=%d, cb->hprev=%d, cb->hnext=%d, nCBs=%d)\n", cbi, hi, cb->hprev, cb->hnext, cbstuff.nblks)); ret = 1; goto done; } ncb = itocb(cb->hnext); if (cbi != ncb->hprev) { ViceLog(0, ("cb_stateVerifyHCBList: error: corrupt linked list (cbi=%d, h->index=%d)\n", cbi, hi)); ret = 1; goto done; } if (chain_len > FS_STATE_HCB_MAX_LIST_LEN) { ViceLog(0, ("cb_stateVerifyFCBList: error: list length exceeds %d (h->index=%d); assuming there's a loop\n", FS_STATE_HCB_MAX_LIST_LEN, hi)); ret = 1; goto done; } chain_len++; } done: return ret; } static int cb_stateVerifyTimeoutQueues(struct fs_dump_state * state) { int ret = 0, i; afs_uint32 cbi, chain_len; struct CallBack *cb, *ncb; for (i = 0; i < CB_NUM_TIMEOUT_QUEUES; i++) { chain_len = 0; for (cbi = timeout[i], cb = itocb(cbi); cb; cbi = cb->tnext, cb = ncb) { if (chain_len && (cbi == timeout[i])) { /* we've wrapped around the circular list, and everything looks ok */ break; } if (cbi > cbstuff.nblks) { ViceLog(0, ("cb_stateVerifyTimeoutQueues: error: list index out of range (cbi=%d, tindex=%d)\n", cbi, i)); ret = 1; break; } if (itot(cb->thead) != &timeout[i]) { ViceLog(0, ("cb_stateVerifyTimeoutQueues: error: cb->thead points to wrong timeout queue (tindex=%d, cbi=%d, cb->thead=%d)\n", i, cbi, cb->thead)); ret = 1; } if (!cb->tprev || !cb->tnext) { ViceLog(0, ("cb_stateVerifyTimeoutQueues: null index in circular list (cbi=%d, tindex=%d)\n", cbi, i)); ret = 1; break; } if ((cb->tprev > cbstuff.nblks) || (cb->tnext > cbstuff.nblks)) { ViceLog(0, ("cb_stateVerifyTimeoutQueues: list index out of range (cbi=%d, tindex=%d, cb->tprev=%d, cb->tnext=%d, nCBs=%d)\n", cbi, i, cb->tprev, cb->tnext, cbstuff.nblks)); ret = 1; break; } ncb = itocb(cb->tnext); if (cbi != ncb->tprev) { ViceLog(0, ("cb_stateVerifyTimeoutQueues: corrupt linked list (cbi=%d, tindex=%d)\n", cbi, i)); ret = 1; break; } if (chain_len > FS_STATE_TCB_MAX_LIST_LEN) { ViceLog(0, ("cb_stateVerifyTimeoutQueues: list length exceeds %d (tindex=%d); assuming there's a loop\n", FS_STATE_TCB_MAX_LIST_LEN, i)); ret = 1; break; } chain_len++; } } done: return ret; } static int cb_stateSaveTimeouts(struct fs_dump_state * state) { int ret = 0; struct iovec iov[2]; AssignInt64(state->eof_offset, &state->cb_hdr->timeout_offset); memset(state->cb_timeout_hdr, 0, sizeof(struct callback_state_fehash_header)); state->cb_timeout_hdr->magic = CALLBACK_STATE_TIMEOUT_MAGIC; state->cb_timeout_hdr->records = CB_NUM_TIMEOUT_QUEUES; state->cb_timeout_hdr->len = sizeof(struct callback_state_timeout_header) + (state->cb_timeout_hdr->records * sizeof(afs_uint32)); iov[0].iov_base = (char *)state->cb_timeout_hdr; iov[0].iov_len = sizeof(struct callback_state_timeout_header); iov[1].iov_base = (char *)timeout; iov[1].iov_len = sizeof(timeout); if (fs_stateSeek(state, &state->cb_hdr->timeout_offset)) { ret = 1; goto done; } if (fs_stateWriteV(state, iov, 2)) { ret = 1; goto done; } fs_stateIncEOF(state, state->cb_timeout_hdr->len); done: return ret; } static int cb_stateRestoreTimeouts(struct fs_dump_state * state) { int ret = 0, len; if (fs_stateReadHeader(state, &state->cb_hdr->timeout_offset, state->cb_timeout_hdr, sizeof(struct callback_state_timeout_header))) { ret = 1; goto done; } if (state->cb_timeout_hdr->magic != CALLBACK_STATE_TIMEOUT_MAGIC) { ret = 1; goto done; } if (state->cb_timeout_hdr->records != CB_NUM_TIMEOUT_QUEUES) { ret = 1; goto done; } len = state->cb_timeout_hdr->records * sizeof(afs_uint32); if (state->cb_timeout_hdr->len != (sizeof(struct callback_state_timeout_header) + len)) { ret = 1; goto done; } if (fs_stateRead(state, timeout, len)) { ret = 1; goto done; } done: return ret; } static int cb_stateSaveFEHash(struct fs_dump_state * state) { int ret = 0; struct iovec iov[2]; AssignInt64(state->eof_offset, &state->cb_hdr->fehash_offset); memset(state->cb_fehash_hdr, 0, sizeof(struct callback_state_fehash_header)); state->cb_fehash_hdr->magic = CALLBACK_STATE_FEHASH_MAGIC; state->cb_fehash_hdr->records = FEHASH_SIZE; state->cb_fehash_hdr->len = sizeof(struct callback_state_fehash_header) + (state->cb_fehash_hdr->records * sizeof(afs_uint32)); iov[0].iov_base = (char *)state->cb_fehash_hdr; iov[0].iov_len = sizeof(struct callback_state_fehash_header); iov[1].iov_base = (char *)HashTable; iov[1].iov_len = sizeof(HashTable); if (fs_stateSeek(state, &state->cb_hdr->fehash_offset)) { ret = 1; goto done; } if (fs_stateWriteV(state, iov, 2)) { ret = 1; goto done; } fs_stateIncEOF(state, state->cb_fehash_hdr->len); done: return ret; } static int cb_stateRestoreFEHash(struct fs_dump_state * state) { int ret = 0, len; if (fs_stateReadHeader(state, &state->cb_hdr->fehash_offset, state->cb_fehash_hdr, sizeof(struct callback_state_fehash_header))) { ret = 1; goto done; } if (state->cb_fehash_hdr->magic != CALLBACK_STATE_FEHASH_MAGIC) { ret = 1; goto done; } if (state->cb_fehash_hdr->records != FEHASH_SIZE) { ret = 1; goto done; } len = state->cb_fehash_hdr->records * sizeof(afs_uint32); if (state->cb_fehash_hdr->len != (sizeof(struct callback_state_fehash_header) + len)) { ret = 1; goto done; } if (fs_stateRead(state, HashTable, len)) { ret = 1; goto done; } done: return ret; } static int cb_stateSaveFEs(struct fs_dump_state * state) { int ret = 0; register int fei, hash; register struct FileEntry *fe; AssignInt64(state->eof_offset, &state->cb_hdr->fe_offset); for (hash = 0; hash < FEHASH_SIZE ; hash++) { for (fei = HashTable[hash]; fei; fei = fe->fnext) { fe = itofe(fei); if (cb_stateSaveFE(state, fe)) { ret = 1; goto done; } } } done: return ret; } static int cb_stateRestoreFEs(struct fs_dump_state * state) { int count, nFEs, ret = 0; nFEs = state->cb_hdr->nFEs; for (count = 0; count < nFEs; count++) { if (cb_stateRestoreFE(state)) { ret = 1; goto done; } } done: return ret; } static int cb_stateSaveFE(struct fs_dump_state * state, struct FileEntry * fe) { int ret = 0, iovcnt, cbi, idx, len, written = 0; afs_uint32 fei; struct callback_state_entry_header hdr; struct FEDiskEntry fedsk; struct CBDiskEntry cbdsk[16]; struct iovec iov[16]; struct CallBack *cb; fei = fetoi(fe); if (fei > state->cb_hdr->fe_max) { state->cb_hdr->fe_max = fei; } memset(&hdr, 0, sizeof(struct callback_state_entry_header)); if (cb_stateFEToDiskEntry(fe, &fedsk)) { ret = 1; goto done; } iov[0].iov_base = (char *)&hdr; len = iov[0].iov_len = sizeof(hdr); iov[1].iov_base = (char *)&fedsk; len += iov[1].iov_len = sizeof(struct FEDiskEntry); iovcnt = 2; for (cbi = fe->firstcb, cb = itocb(cbi), idx = 2; cb != NULL; cbi = cb->cnext, cb = itocb(cbi), idx++, hdr.nCBs++) { if (cbi > state->cb_hdr->cb_max) { state->cb_hdr->cb_max = cbi; } if (cb_stateCBToDiskEntry(cb, &cbdsk[idx])) { ret = 1; goto done; } cbdsk[idx].index = cbi; iov[idx].iov_base = (char *)&cbdsk[idx]; len += iov[idx].iov_len = sizeof(struct CBDiskEntry); iovcnt++; if ((iovcnt == 16) || (!cb->cnext)) { if (fs_stateWriteV(state, iov, iovcnt)) { ret = 1; goto done; } written = 1; iovcnt = 0; len = 0; } } hdr.magic = CALLBACK_STATE_ENTRY_MAGIC; hdr.len = sizeof(hdr) + sizeof(struct FEDiskEntry) + (hdr.nCBs * sizeof(struct CBDiskEntry)); if (!written) { if (fs_stateWriteV(state, iov, iovcnt)) { ret = 1; goto done; } } else { if (fs_stateWriteHeader(state, &state->eof_offset, &hdr, sizeof(hdr))) { ret = 1; goto done; } } fs_stateIncEOF(state, hdr.len); if (written) { if (fs_stateSeek(state, &state->eof_offset)) { ret = 1; goto done; } } state->cb_hdr->nFEs++; state->cb_hdr->nCBs += hdr.nCBs; done: return ret; } static int cb_stateRestoreFE(struct fs_dump_state * state) { int ret = 0, iovcnt, len, nCBs, idx; struct callback_state_entry_header hdr; struct FEDiskEntry fedsk; struct CBDiskEntry cbdsk[16]; struct iovec iov[16]; struct FileEntry * fe; struct CallBack * cb; iov[0].iov_base = (char *)&hdr; len = iov[0].iov_len = sizeof(hdr); iov[1].iov_base = (char *)&fedsk; len += iov[1].iov_len = sizeof(fedsk); iovcnt = 2; if (fs_stateReadV(state, iov, iovcnt)) { ret = 1; goto done; } if (hdr.magic != CALLBACK_STATE_ENTRY_MAGIC) { ret = 1; goto done; } fe = GetFE(); if (fe == NULL) { ViceLog(0, ("cb_stateRestoreFE: ran out of free FileEntry structures\n")); ret = 1; goto done; } if (cb_stateDiskEntryToFE(state, &fedsk, fe)) { ret = 1; goto done; } if (hdr.nCBs) { for (iovcnt = 0, idx = 0, len = 0, nCBs = 0; nCBs < hdr.nCBs; idx++, nCBs++) { iov[idx].iov_base = (char *)&cbdsk[idx]; len += iov[idx].iov_len = sizeof(struct CBDiskEntry); iovcnt++; if ((iovcnt == 16) || (nCBs == hdr.nCBs - 1)) { if (fs_stateReadV(state, iov, iovcnt)) { ret = 1; goto done; } if (cb_stateRestoreCBs(state, fe, iov, iovcnt)) { ret = 1; goto done; } len = 0; iovcnt = 0; } } } done: return ret; } static int cb_stateRestoreCBs(struct fs_dump_state * state, struct FileEntry * fe, struct iovec * iov, int niovecs) { int ret = 0, idx; register struct CallBack * cb; struct CBDiskEntry * cbdsk; afs_uint32 fei; fei = fetoi(fe); for (idx = 0; idx < niovecs; idx++) { cbdsk = (struct CBDiskEntry *) iov[idx].iov_base; if ((cb = GetCB()) == NULL) { ViceLog(0, ("cb_stateRestoreCBs: ran out of free CallBack structures\n")); ret = 1; goto done; } if (cb_stateDiskEntryToCB(state, cbdsk, cb)) { ViceLog(0, ("cb_stateRestoreCBs: corrupt CallBack disk entry\n")); ret = 1; goto done; } } done: return ret; } static int cb_stateFillHeader(struct callback_state_header * hdr) { hdr->stamp.magic = CALLBACK_STATE_MAGIC; hdr->stamp.version = CALLBACK_STATE_VERSION; hdr->tfirst = tfirst; return 0; } static int cb_stateCheckHeader(struct callback_state_header * hdr) { int ret = 0; if (hdr->stamp.magic != CALLBACK_STATE_MAGIC) { ret = 1; } else if (hdr->stamp.version != CALLBACK_STATE_VERSION) { ret = 1; } else if ((hdr->nFEs > cbstuff.nblks) || (hdr->nCBs > cbstuff.nblks)) { ViceLog(0, ("cb_stateCheckHeader: saved callback state larger than callback memory allocation\n")); ret = 1; } return ret; } /* disk entry conversion routines */ static int cb_stateFEToDiskEntry(struct FileEntry * in, struct FEDiskEntry * out) { memcpy(&out->fe, in, sizeof(struct FileEntry)); out->index = fetoi(in); return 0; } static int cb_stateDiskEntryToFE(struct fs_dump_state * state, struct FEDiskEntry * in, struct FileEntry * out) { int ret = 0; memcpy(out, &in->fe, sizeof(struct FileEntry)); /* setup FE map entry */ if (!in->index || (in->index >= state->fe_map.len)) { ViceLog(0, ("cb_stateDiskEntryToFE: index (%d) out of range", in->index)); ret = 1; goto done; } state->fe_map.entries[in->index].old_idx = in->index; state->fe_map.entries[in->index].new_idx = fetoi(out); done: return ret; } static int cb_stateCBToDiskEntry(struct CallBack * in, struct CBDiskEntry * out) { memcpy(&out->cb, in, sizeof(struct CallBack)); out->index = cbtoi(in); return 0; } static int cb_stateDiskEntryToCB(struct fs_dump_state * state, struct CBDiskEntry * in, struct CallBack * out) { int ret = 0; memcpy(out, &in->cb, sizeof(struct CallBack)); /* setup CB map entry */ if (!in->index || (in->index >= state->cb_map.len)) { ViceLog(0, ("cb_stateDiskEntryToCB: index (%d) out of range\n", in->index)); ret = 1; goto done; } state->cb_map.entries[in->index].old_idx = in->index; state->cb_map.entries[in->index].new_idx = cbtoi(out); done: return ret; } /* index map routines */ static int cb_stateAllocMap(struct fs_dump_state * state) { state->fe_map.len = state->cb_hdr->fe_max + 1; state->cb_map.len = state->cb_hdr->cb_max + 1; state->fe_map.entries = (struct idx_map_entry_t *) calloc(state->fe_map.len, sizeof(struct idx_map_entry_t)); state->cb_map.entries = (struct idx_map_entry_t *) calloc(state->cb_map.len, sizeof(struct idx_map_entry_t)); return ((state->fe_map.entries != NULL) && (state->cb_map.entries != NULL)) ? 0 : 1; } int fe_OldToNew(struct fs_dump_state * state, afs_uint32 old, afs_uint32 * new) { int ret = 0; /* FEs use a one-based indexing system, so old==0 implies no mapping */ if (!old) { *new = 0; goto done; } if (old >= state->fe_map.len) { ViceLog(0, ("fe_OldToNew: index %d is out of range\n", old)); ret = 1; } else if (state->fe_map.entries[old].old_idx != old) { /* sanity check */ ViceLog(0, ("fe_OldToNew: index %d points to an invalid FileEntry record\n", old)); ret = 1; } else { *new = state->fe_map.entries[old].new_idx; } done: return ret; } int cb_OldToNew(struct fs_dump_state * state, afs_uint32 old, afs_uint32 * new) { int ret = 0; /* CBs use a one-based indexing system, so old==0 implies no mapping */ if (!old) { *new = 0; goto done; } if (old >= state->cb_map.len) { ViceLog(0, ("cb_OldToNew: index %d is out of range\n", old)); ret = 1; } else if (state->cb_map.entries[old].old_idx != old) { /* sanity check */ ViceLog(0, ("cb_OldToNew: index %d points to an invalid CallBack record\n", old)); ret = 1; } else { *new = state->cb_map.entries[old].new_idx; } done: return ret; } #endif /* AFS_DEMAND_ATTACH_FS */ int DumpCallBackState(void) { int fd; afs_uint32 magic = MAGIC, now = FT_ApproxTime(), freelisthead; fd = open(AFSDIR_SERVER_CBKDUMP_FILEPATH, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0666); if (fd < 0) { ViceLog(0, ("Couldn't create callback dump file %s\n", AFSDIR_SERVER_CBKDUMP_FILEPATH)); return 0; } (void)write(fd, &magic, sizeof(magic)); (void)write(fd, &now, sizeof(now)); (void)write(fd, &cbstuff, sizeof(cbstuff)); (void)write(fd, TimeOuts, sizeof(TimeOuts)); (void)write(fd, timeout, sizeof(timeout)); (void)write(fd, &tfirst, sizeof(tfirst)); freelisthead = cbtoi((struct CallBack *)CBfree); (void)write(fd, &freelisthead, sizeof(freelisthead)); /* This is a pointer */ freelisthead = fetoi((struct FileEntry *)FEfree); (void)write(fd, &freelisthead, sizeof(freelisthead)); /* This is a pointer */ (void)write(fd, HashTable, sizeof(HashTable)); (void)write(fd, &CB[1], sizeof(CB[1]) * cbstuff.nblks); /* CB stuff */ (void)write(fd, &FE[1], sizeof(FE[1]) * cbstuff.nblks); /* FE stuff */ close(fd); return 0; } #endif /* !INTERPRET_DUMP */ #ifdef INTERPRET_DUMP /* This is only compiled in for the callback analyzer program */ /* Returns the time of the dump */ time_t ReadDump(char *file) { int fd; afs_uint32 magic, freelisthead; time_t now; fd = open(file, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't read dump file %s\n", file); exit(1); } read(fd, &magic, sizeof(magic)); if (magic != MAGIC) { fprintf(stderr, "Magic number of %s is invalid. You might be trying to\n", file); fprintf(stderr, "run this program on a machine type with a different byte ordering.\n"); exit(1); } read(fd, &now, sizeof(now)); read(fd, &cbstuff, sizeof(cbstuff)); read(fd, TimeOuts, sizeof(TimeOuts)); read(fd, timeout, sizeof(timeout)); read(fd, &tfirst, sizeof(tfirst)); read(fd, &freelisthead, sizeof(freelisthead)); CB = ((struct CallBack *)(calloc(cbstuff.nblks, sizeof(struct FileEntry)))) - 1; FE = ((struct FileEntry *)(calloc(cbstuff.nblks, sizeof(struct FileEntry)))) - 1; CBfree = (struct CallBack *)itocb(freelisthead); read(fd, &freelisthead, sizeof(freelisthead)); FEfree = (struct FileEntry *)itofe(freelisthead); read(fd, HashTable, sizeof(HashTable)); read(fd, &CB[1], sizeof(CB[1]) * cbstuff.nblks); /* CB stuff */ read(fd, &FE[1], sizeof(FE[1]) * cbstuff.nblks); /* FE stuff */ if (close(fd)) { perror("Error reading dumpfile"); exit(1); } return now; } #include "AFS_component_version_number.c" int main(int argc, char **argv) { int err = 0, cbi = 0, stats = 0, noptions = 0, all = 0, vol = 0, raw = 0; static AFSFid fid; register struct FileEntry *fe; register struct CallBack *cb; time_t now; memset(&fid, 0, sizeof(fid)); argc--; argv++; while (argc && **argv == '-') { noptions++; argc--; if (!strcmp(*argv, "-host")) { if (argc < 1) { err++; break; } argc--; cbi = atoi(*++argv); } else if (!strcmp(*argv, "-fid")) { if (argc < 2) { err++; break; } argc -= 3; fid.Volume = atoi(*++argv); fid.Vnode = atoi(*++argv); fid.Unique = atoi(*++argv); } else if (!strcmp(*argv, "-time")) { fprintf(stderr, "-time not supported\n"); exit(1); } else if (!strcmp(*argv, "-stats")) { stats = 1; } else if (!strcmp(*argv, "-all")) { all = 1; } else if (!strcmp(*argv, "-raw")) { raw = 1; } else if (!strcmp(*argv, "-volume")) { if (argc < 1) { err++; break; } argc--; vol = atoi(*++argv); } else err++; argv++; } if (err || argc != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: cbd [-host cbid] [-fid volume vnode] [-stats] [-all] callbackdumpfile\n"); fprintf(stderr, "[cbid is shown for each host in the hosts.dump file]\n"); exit(1); } now = ReadDump(*argv); if (stats || noptions == 0) { time_t uxtfirst = UXtime(tfirst); printf("The time of the dump was %u %s", now, ctime(&now)); printf("The last time cleanup ran was %u %s", uxtfirst, ctime(&uxtfirst)); PrintCallBackStats(); } if (all || vol) { int hash; afs_uint32 *feip; struct CallBack *cb; struct FileEntry *fe; for (hash = 0; hash < FEHASH_SIZE; hash++) { for (feip = &HashTable[hash]; fe = itofe(*feip);) { if (!vol || (fe->volid == vol)) { register struct CallBack *cbnext; for (cb = itocb(fe->firstcb); cb; cb = cbnext) { PrintCB(cb, now); cbnext = itocb(cb->cnext); } *feip = fe->fnext; } else { feip = &fe->fnext; } } } } if (cbi) { afs_uint32 cfirst = cbi; do { cb = itocb(cbi); PrintCB(cb, now); cbi = cb->hnext; } while (cbi != cfirst); } if (fid.Volume) { fe = FindFE(&fid); if (!fe) { printf("No callback entries for %u.%u\n", fid.Volume, fid.Vnode); exit(1); } cb = itocb(fe->firstcb); while (cb) { PrintCB(cb, now); cb = itocb(cb->cnext); } } if (raw) { afs_int32 *p, i; for (i = 1; i < cbstuff.nblks; i++) { p = (afs_int32 *) & FE[i]; printf("%d:%12x%12x%12x%12x\n", i, p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3]); } } exit(0); } void PrintCB(register struct CallBack *cb, afs_uint32 now) { struct FileEntry *fe = itofe(cb->fhead); time_t expires = TIndexToTime(cb->thead); if (fe == NULL) return; printf("vol=%u vn=%u cbs=%d hi=%d st=%d fest=%d, exp in %d secs at %s", fe->volid, fe->vnode, fe->ncbs, cb->hhead, cb->status, fe->status, expires - now, ctime(&expires)); } #endif #if !defined(INTERPRET_DUMP) /* ** try breaking calbacks on afidp from host. Use multi_rx. ** return 0 on success, non-zero on failure */ int MultiBreakCallBackAlternateAddress(struct host *host, struct AFSCBFids *afidp) { int retVal; H_LOCK; retVal = MultiBreakCallBackAlternateAddress_r(host, afidp); H_UNLOCK; return retVal; } int MultiBreakCallBackAlternateAddress_r(struct host *host, struct AFSCBFids *afidp) { int i, j; struct rx_connection **conns; struct rx_connection *connSuccess = 0; struct AddrPort *interfaces; static struct rx_securityClass *sc = 0; static struct AFSCBs tc = { 0, 0 }; char hoststr[16]; /* nothing more can be done */ if (!host->interface) return 1; /* failure */ assert(host->interface->numberOfInterfaces > 0); /* the only address is the primary interface */ if (host->interface->numberOfInterfaces == 1) return 1; /* failure */ /* initialise a security object only once */ if (!sc) sc = rxnull_NewClientSecurityObject(); i = host->interface->numberOfInterfaces; interfaces = calloc(i, sizeof(struct AddrPort)); conns = calloc(i, sizeof(struct rx_connection *)); if (!interfaces || !conns) { ViceLog(0, ("Failed malloc in MultiBreakCallBackAlternateAddress_r\n")); assert(0); } /* initialize alternate rx connections */ for (i = 0, j = 0; i < host->interface->numberOfInterfaces; i++) { /* this is the current primary address */ if (host->host == host->interface->interface[i].addr && host->port == host->interface->interface[i].port) continue; interfaces[j] = host->interface->interface[i]; conns[j] = rx_NewConnection(interfaces[j].addr, interfaces[j].port, 1, sc, 0); rx_SetConnDeadTime(conns[j], 2); rx_SetConnHardDeadTime(conns[j], AFS_HARDDEADTIME); j++; } assert(j); /* at least one alternate address */ ViceLog(125, ("Starting multibreakcall back on all addr for host %s\n", afs_inet_ntoa_r(host->host, hoststr))); H_UNLOCK; multi_Rx(conns, j) { multi_RXAFSCB_CallBack(afidp, &tc); if (!multi_error) { /* first success */ H_LOCK; if (host->callback_rxcon) rx_DestroyConnection(host->callback_rxcon); host->callback_rxcon = conns[multi_i]; host->host = interfaces[multi_i].addr; host->port = interfaces[multi_i].port; connSuccess = conns[multi_i]; rx_SetConnDeadTime(host->callback_rxcon, 50); rx_SetConnHardDeadTime(host->callback_rxcon, AFS_HARDDEADTIME); ViceLog(125, ("multibreakcall success with addr %s\n", afs_inet_ntoa_r(interfaces[multi_i].addr, hoststr))); H_UNLOCK; multi_Abort; } } multi_End_Ignore; H_LOCK; /* Destroy all connections except the one on which we succeeded */ for (i = 0; i < j; i++) if (conns[i] != connSuccess) rx_DestroyConnection(conns[i]); free(interfaces); free(conns); if (connSuccess) return 0; /* success */ else return 1; /* failure */ } /* ** try multi_RX probes to host. ** return 0 on success, non-0 on failure */ int MultiProbeAlternateAddress_r(struct host *host) { int i, j; struct rx_connection **conns; struct rx_connection *connSuccess = 0; struct AddrPort *interfaces; static struct rx_securityClass *sc = 0; char hoststr[16]; /* nothing more can be done */ if (!host->interface) return 1; /* failure */ assert(host->interface->numberOfInterfaces > 0); /* the only address is the primary interface */ if (host->interface->numberOfInterfaces == 1) return 1; /* failure */ /* initialise a security object only once */ if (!sc) sc = rxnull_NewClientSecurityObject(); i = host->interface->numberOfInterfaces; interfaces = calloc(i, sizeof(struct AddrPort)); conns = calloc(i, sizeof(struct rx_connection *)); if (!interfaces || !conns) { ViceLog(0, ("Failed malloc in MultiProbeAlternateAddress_r\n")); assert(0); } /* initialize alternate rx connections */ for (i = 0, j = 0; i < host->interface->numberOfInterfaces; i++) { /* this is the current primary address */ if (host->host == host->interface->interface[i].addr && host->port == host->interface->interface[i].port) continue; interfaces[j] = host->interface->interface[i]; conns[j] = rx_NewConnection(interfaces[i].addr, interfaces[i].port, 1, sc, 0); rx_SetConnDeadTime(conns[j], 2); rx_SetConnHardDeadTime(conns[j], AFS_HARDDEADTIME); j++; } assert(j); /* at least one alternate address */ ViceLog(125, ("Starting multiprobe on all addr for host %s\n", afs_inet_ntoa_r(host->host, hoststr))); H_UNLOCK; multi_Rx(conns, j) { multi_RXAFSCB_ProbeUuid(&host->interface->uuid); if (!multi_error) { /* first success */ H_LOCK; if (host->callback_rxcon) rx_DestroyConnection(host->callback_rxcon); host->callback_rxcon = conns[multi_i]; host->host = interfaces[multi_i].addr; host->port = interfaces[multi_i].port; connSuccess = conns[multi_i]; rx_SetConnDeadTime(host->callback_rxcon, 50); rx_SetConnHardDeadTime(host->callback_rxcon, AFS_HARDDEADTIME); ViceLog(125, ("multiprobe success with addr %s\n", afs_inet_ntoa_r(interfaces[multi_i].addr, hoststr))); H_UNLOCK; multi_Abort; } else { ViceLog(125, ("multiprobe failure with addr %s\n", afs_inet_ntoa_r(interfaces[multi_i].addr, hoststr))); /* This is less than desirable but its the best we can do. * The AFS Cache Manager will return either 0 for a Uuid * match and a 1 for a non-match. If the error is 1 we * therefore know that our mapping of IP address to Uuid * is wrong. We should attempt to find the correct * Uuid and fix the host tables. */ if (multi_error == 1) { /* remove the current alternate address from this host */ H_LOCK; for (i = 0, j = 0; i < host->interface->numberOfInterfaces; i++) { if (interfaces[multi_i].addr != host->interface->interface[i].addr && interfaces[multi_i].port != host->interface->interface[i].port) { host->interface->interface[j] = host->interface->interface[i]; j++; } } host->interface->numberOfInterfaces--; H_UNLOCK; } } #ifdef AFS_DEMAND_ATTACH_FS /* try to bail ASAP if the fileserver is shutting down */ FS_STATE_RDLOCK; if (fs_state.mode == FS_MODE_SHUTDOWN) { FS_STATE_UNLOCK; multi_Abort; } FS_STATE_UNLOCK; #endif } multi_End_Ignore; H_LOCK; /* Destroy all connections except the one on which we succeeded */ for (i = 0; i < j; i++) if (conns[i] != connSuccess) rx_DestroyConnection(conns[i]); free(interfaces); free(conns); if (connSuccess) return 0; /* success */ else return 1; /* failure */ } #endif /* !defined(INTERPRET_DUMP) */