/* * Copyright 2000, International Business Machines Corporation and others. * All Rights Reserved. * * This software has been released under the terms of the IBM Public * License. For details, see the LICENSE file in the top-level source * directory or online at http://www.openafs.org/dl/license10.html */ /* * Module: lockprocs.c * System: Volser * Instituition: ITC, CMU * Date: December, 88 */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "volint.h" #include "volser.h" #include "lockdata.h" #include "vsutils_prototypes.h" #include "lockprocs_prototypes.h" /* Finds an index in VLDB entry that matches the volume type, server, and partition. * If type is zero, will match first index of ANY type (RW, BK, or RO). * If server is zero, will match first index of ANY server and partition * Zero is a valid partition field. */ static int FindIndex(struct nvldbentry *entry, afs_uint32 server, afs_int32 part, afs_int32 type) { int e; afs_int32 error = 0; for (e = 0; (e < entry->nServers) && !error; e++) { if (!type || (entry->serverFlags[e] & type)) { if ((!server || (entry->serverPartition[e] == part)) && (!server || VLDB_IsSameAddrs(entry->serverNumber[e], server, &error))) break; if (type == ITSRWVOL) return -1; /* quit when we are looking for RW entry (there's only 1) */ } } if (error) { fprintf(STDERR, "Failed to get info about server's %d address(es) from vlserver (err=%d)\n", entry->serverNumber[e], error); return -1; } if (e >= entry->nServers) return -1; /* Didn't find it */ return e; /* return the index */ } /* Changes the rw site only */ static void SetAValue(struct nvldbentry *entry, afs_uint32 oserver, afs_int32 opart, afs_uint32 nserver, afs_int32 npart, afs_int32 type) { int e; e = FindIndex(entry, oserver, opart, type); if (e == -1) return; /* If didn't find it, just return */ entry->serverNumber[e] = nserver; entry->serverPartition[e] = npart; /* Now move rest of entries up */ if ((nserver == 0L) && (npart == 0L)) { for (e++; e < entry->nServers; e++) { entry->serverNumber[e - 1] = entry->serverNumber[e]; entry->serverPartition[e - 1] = entry->serverPartition[e]; entry->serverFlags[e - 1] = entry->serverFlags[e]; } } } /* Changes the RW site only */ void Lp_SetRWValue(struct nvldbentry *entry, afs_uint32 oserver, afs_int32 opart, afs_uint32 nserver, afs_int32 npart) { SetAValue(entry, oserver, opart, nserver, npart, ITSRWVOL); } /* Changes the RO site only */ void Lp_SetROValue(struct nvldbentry *entry, afs_uint32 oserver, afs_int32 opart, afs_uint32 nserver, afs_int32 npart) { SetAValue(entry, oserver, opart, nserver, npart, ITSROVOL); } /* Returns success if this server and partition matches the RW entry */ int Lp_Match(afs_uint32 server, afs_int32 part, struct nvldbentry *entry) { if (FindIndex(entry, server, part, ITSRWVOL) == -1) return 0; return 1; } /* Return the index of the RO entry (plus 1) if it exists, else return 0 */ int Lp_ROMatch(afs_uint32 server, afs_int32 part, struct nvldbentry *entry) { return (FindIndex(entry, server, part, ITSROVOL) + 1); } /* Return the index of the RW entry if it exists, else return -1 */ int Lp_GetRwIndex(struct nvldbentry *entry) { return (FindIndex(entry, 0, 0, ITSRWVOL)); } /*initialize queue pointed by */ void Lp_QInit(struct qHead *ahead) { ahead->count = 0; ahead->next = NULL; } /*add in front of queue */ void Lp_QAdd(struct qHead *ahead, struct aqueue *elem) { struct aqueue *temp; if (ahead->count == 0) { ahead->count += 1; ahead->next = elem; elem->next = NULL; } else { temp = ahead->next; ahead->count += 1; ahead->next = elem; elem->next = temp; } } int Lp_QScan(struct qHead *ahead, afs_int32 id, int *success, struct aqueue **elem) { struct aqueue *cptr; cptr = ahead->next; while (cptr != NULL) { if (cptr->ids[RWVOL] == id) { *success = 1; *elem = cptr; return 0; } cptr = cptr->next; } *success = 0; return 0; } /*return the element in the beginning of the queue , free *the space used by that element . indicates if enumeration was ok*/ void Lp_QEnumerate(struct qHead *ahead, int *success, struct aqueue *elem) { int i; struct aqueue *temp; if (ahead->count > 0) { /*more elements left */ ahead->count -= 1; temp = ahead->next; ahead->next = ahead->next->next; strncpy(elem->name, temp->name, VOLSER_OLDMAXVOLNAME); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { elem->ids[i] = temp->ids[i]; elem->copyDate[i] = temp->copyDate[i]; elem->isValid[i] = temp->isValid[i]; } elem->next = NULL; *success = 1; free(temp); } else /*queue is empty */ *success = 0; } void Lp_QTraverse(struct qHead *ahead) { int count; struct aqueue *old, *new; old = ahead->next; new = old->next; count = ahead->count; printf ("traversing the internal queue, which groups all the related volumes on a per partition basis\n"); while (count > 0) { printf("---------------------------\n"); printf("%s RW-Id %lu", old->name, (unsigned long)old->ids[RWVOL]); if (old->isValid[RWVOL]) printf(" valid "); else printf(" invalid "); printf("RO-Id %lu", (unsigned long)old->ids[ROVOL]); if (old->isValid[ROVOL]) printf(" valid "); else printf(" invalid "); printf("BACKUP-Id %lu", (unsigned long)old->ids[BACKVOL]); if (old->isValid[BACKVOL]) printf(" valid "); else printf(" invalid "); printf("\n"); printf("---------------------------\n"); old = new; if (count != 1) new = new->next; count--; } }