/* * Copyright (c) 2007, Hartmut Reuter, * RZG, Max-Planck-Institut f. Plasmaphysik. * All Rights Reserved. * */ #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_SYS_FILE_H #include #endif #if defined(AFS_NAMEI_ENV) && !defined(AFS_NT40_ENV) #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "vol.h" #include "volint.h" #include "volser.h" #include "physio.h" #include "volser_internal.h" #ifdef AFS_RXOSD_SUPPORT #include "rxosd.h" #include "vol_osd.h" #include "../vol/vol_osd_prototypes.h" #endif #define NEEDED 1 #define PARENT 2 #define CHANGEPARENT 4 #define NAMEI_VNODEMASK 0x03ffffff #define NAMEI_TAGMASK 0x7 #define NAMEI_TAGSHIFT 26 #define NAMEI_UNIQMASK 0xffffffff #define NAMEI_UNIQSHIFT 32 struct VnodeExtract { afs_uint32 vN; afs_uint32 parent; afs_uint32 flag; }; struct Msg { struct rx_call * call; int verbose; char line[1024]; }; static afs_int32 ExtractVnodes(struct Msg *m, Volume *vol, afs_int32 class, struct VnodeExtract **list, afs_uint32 *length, afs_uint32 where, struct VnodeDiskObject *vd, afs_uint32 *parent, struct VnodeDiskObject *parentvd) { afs_int32 code = 0; char buf[SIZEOF_LARGEDISKVNODE]; struct VnodeDiskObject *vnode = (struct VnodeDiskObject *)&buf; FdHandle_t *fdP = 0; StreamHandle_t *stream = 0; struct VnodeClassInfo *vcp = &VnodeClassInfo[class]; struct VnodeExtract *e; afs_sfsize_t size; afs_foff_t offset; *length = 0; if (parent) *parent = 0; fdP = IH_OPEN(vol->vnodeIndex[class].handle); if (!fdP) { sprintf(m->line, "Couldn't open %s Index of volume %" AFS_VOLID_FMT "\n", class ? "small":"large", afs_printable_VolumeId_lu(V_id(vol))); rx_Write(m->call, m->line, strlen(m->line)); code = EIO; goto Bad_Extract; } size = FDH_SIZE(fdP); *list = calloc(size / vcp->diskSize, sizeof(struct VnodeExtract)); if (!(*list)) { code = ENOMEM; goto Bad_Extract; } stream = FDH_FDOPEN(fdP, "r"); if (!stream) { sprintf(m->line, "Couldn't stream open %s Index of volume %" AFS_VOLID_FMT "\n", class ? "small":"large", afs_printable_VolumeId_lu(V_id(vol))); rx_Write(m->call, m->line, strlen(m->line)); code = EIO; goto Bad_Extract; } code = STREAM_ASEEK(stream, vcp->diskSize); if (code) goto Bad_Extract; offset = vcp->diskSize; e = *list; while (!STREAM_EOF(stream)) { afs_int32 vN = (offset >> (vcp->logSize -1)) - 1 + class; if (STREAM_READ(vnode, vcp->diskSize, 1, stream) == 1) { if (vnode->type != vNull) { e->vN = vN; e->parent = vnode->parent; if (vN == where && class == vLarge) { memcpy(vd, vnode, vcp->diskSize); *parent = vnode->parent; } e++; } offset += vcp->diskSize; } } *length = (e - *list); if (class == vLarge) { if (*parent) { offset = (*parent + 1 - class) << (vcp->logSize -1); code = STREAM_ASEEK(stream, offset); if (STREAM_READ(vnode, vcp->diskSize, 1, stream) == 1) memcpy(parentvd, vnode, vcp->diskSize); else code = EIO; } else { sprintf(m->line, "SplitVolume: extract didn't see directory %u\n", where); rx_Write(m->call, m->line, strlen(m->line)); code = ENOENT; } } if (m->verbose) { sprintf(m->line, "Volume %" AFS_VOLID_FMT " has %u %s vnodes in volume %" AFS_VOLID_FMT "\n", afs_printable_VolumeId_lu(V_parentId(vol)), *length, class? "small":"large", afs_printable_VolumeId_lu(V_id(vol))); rx_Write(m->call, m->line, strlen(m->line)); } Bad_Extract: if (stream) STREAM_CLOSE(stream); if (fdP) FDH_CLOSE(fdP); if (code) { free(*list); *list = 0; } return code; } static afs_int32 FindVnodes(struct Msg *m, afs_uint32 where, struct VnodeExtract *list, afs_int32 length, struct VnodeExtract *dlist, afs_int32 dlength, afs_uint32 *needed, afs_int32 class) { afs_int32 i, j, found = 0; afs_int32 parent = 0; *needed = 0; for (i=0; iline, "SplitVolume: directory %u where to start new volume not found\n", where); rx_Write(m->call, m->line, strlen(m->line)); return ENOENT; } found = 0; for (i=0; iline, "SplitVolume: parent directory %u not found\n", parent); rx_Write(m->call, m->line, strlen(m->line)); return ENOENT; } } found = 1; while (found) { found = 0; for (i=0; iverbose) { sprintf(m->line, "%u %s vnodes will go into the new volume\n", *needed, class ? "small" : "large"); rx_Write(m->call, m->line, strlen(m->line)); } return 0; } static afs_int32 copyDir(struct Msg *m, IHandle_t *inh, IHandle_t *outh) { FdHandle_t *infdP, *outfdP; char *tbuf; afs_sfsize_t size; afs_foff_t offset; infdP = IH_OPEN(inh); if (!infdP) { sprintf(m->line, "Couldn't open input directory %" AFS_VOLID_FMT ".%u.%u\n", afs_printable_VolumeId_lu(infdP->fd_ih->ih_vid), (afs_uint32)(infdP->fd_ih->ih_ino & NAMEI_VNODEMASK), (afs_uint32)(infdP->fd_ih->ih_ino >> NAMEI_UNIQSHIFT)); rx_Write(m->call, m->line, strlen(m->line)); return EIO; } outfdP = IH_OPEN(outh); /* * In case that a file with the same (NAMEI) name existed before and is still * open outfdP may point to the wrong (unlinked) file. To make sure we write * into the correct file it's safer to 1st FDH_REALLYCLOSE it and then to * re-open it. */ if (outfdP) FDH_REALLYCLOSE(outfdP); outfdP = IH_OPEN(outh); if (!outfdP) { sprintf(m->line, "Couldn't open output directory %" AFS_VOLID_FMT ".%u.%u\n", afs_printable_VolumeId_lu(outfdP->fd_ih->ih_vid), (afs_uint32)(outfdP->fd_ih->ih_ino & NAMEI_VNODEMASK), (afs_uint32)(outfdP->fd_ih->ih_ino >> NAMEI_UNIQSHIFT)); rx_Write(m->call, m->line, strlen(m->line)); FDH_REALLYCLOSE(infdP); return EIO; } tbuf = malloc(2048); offset = 0; size = FDH_SIZE(infdP); while (size) { size_t tlen; tlen = size > 2048 ? 2048 : size; if (FDH_PREAD(infdP, tbuf, tlen, offset) != tlen) { sprintf(m->line, "Couldn't read directory %" AFS_VOLID_FMT ".%u.%u\n", afs_printable_VolumeId_lu(infdP->fd_ih->ih_vid), (afs_uint32)(infdP->fd_ih->ih_ino & NAMEI_VNODEMASK), (afs_uint32)(infdP->fd_ih->ih_ino >> NAMEI_UNIQSHIFT)); rx_Write(m->call, m->line, strlen(m->line)); FDH_REALLYCLOSE(infdP); FDH_REALLYCLOSE(outfdP); free(tbuf); return EIO; } if (FDH_PWRITE(outfdP, tbuf, tlen, offset) != tlen) { sprintf(m->line, "Couldn't write directory %" AFS_VOLID_FMT ".%u.%u\n", afs_printable_VolumeId_lu(outfdP->fd_ih->ih_vid), (afs_uint32)(outfdP->fd_ih->ih_ino & NAMEI_VNODEMASK), (afs_uint32)(outfdP->fd_ih->ih_ino >> NAMEI_UNIQSHIFT)); rx_Write(m->call, m->line, strlen(m->line)); FDH_REALLYCLOSE(infdP); FDH_REALLYCLOSE(outfdP); free(tbuf); return EIO; } size -= tlen; offset += tlen; } free(tbuf); FDH_CLOSE(outfdP); FDH_REALLYCLOSE(infdP); return 0; } afs_int32 copyVnodes(struct Msg *m, Volume *vol, Volume *newvol, afs_int32 class, struct VnodeExtract *list, afs_int32 length, afs_int32 where, afs_uint64 *blocks, struct VnodeDiskObject *parVnode) { afs_int32 i, code = 0; char buf[SIZEOF_LARGEDISKVNODE]; struct VnodeDiskObject *vnode = (struct VnodeDiskObject *)&buf; FdHandle_t *fdP = 0; FdHandle_t *newfdP = 0; struct VnodeClassInfo *vcp = &VnodeClassInfo[class]; struct VnodeExtract *e; afs_sfsize_t size; afs_uint64 offset; Inode ino, newino; fdP = IH_OPEN(vol->vnodeIndex[class].handle); if (!fdP) { Log("Couldn't open %s Index of volume %" AFS_VOLID_FMT "\n", class ? "small":"large", afs_printable_VolumeId_lu(V_id(vol))); code = EIO; goto Bad_Copy; } newfdP = IH_OPEN(newvol->vnodeIndex[class].handle); if (!newfdP) { Log("Couldn't open %s Index of volume %" AFS_VOLID_FMT "\n", class ? "small":"large", afs_printable_VolumeId_lu(V_id(newvol))); code = EIO; goto Bad_Copy; } size = FDH_SIZE(fdP); for (i=0; iflag) { afs_uint64 size; offset = (e->vN + 1 - class) << (vcp->logSize -1); if (FDH_PREAD(fdP, vnode, vcp->diskSize, offset) != vcp->diskSize) { Log("Couldn't read in %s Index of volume %" AFS_VOLID_FMT " at offset %llu\n", class ? "small":"large", afs_printable_VolumeId_lu(V_id(vol)), offset); code = EIO; goto Bad_Copy; } if (e->flag & PARENT) { /* * do a preventive copy on write for later update */ IHandle_t *newh = 0; IHandle_t *h = 0; #if defined(NEARINODE_HINT) && !defined(AFS_NAMEI_ENV) Inode nearInode; V_pref(vol,nearInode) #endif newino = IH_CREATE(V_linkHandle(vol), V_device(vol), VPartitionPath(V_partition(vol)), nearInode, V_parentId(vol), e->vN, vnode->uniquifier, vnode->dataVersion); IH_INIT(newh, V_device(vol), V_parentId(vol), newino); ino = VNDISK_GET_INO(vnode); IH_INIT(h, V_device(vol), V_parentId(vol), ino); code = copyDir(m, h, newh); if (code) goto Bad_Copy; /* Now update the vnode and write it back to disk */ VNDISK_SET_INO(vnode, newino); vnode->cloned = 0; if (FDH_PWRITE(fdP, vnode, vcp->diskSize, offset) != vcp->diskSize) { Log("Couldn't write in %s Index of volume %" AFS_VOLID_FMT " at offset %llu\n", class ? "small":"large", afs_printable_VolumeId_lu(V_id(vol)), offset); code = EIO; goto Bad_Copy; } if (parVnode != NULL) memcpy(parVnode, vnode, sizeof(struct VnodeDiskObject)); } if (e->flag & NEEDED && e->vN != where) { VNDISK_GET_LEN(size, vnode); *blocks += (size + 0x3ff) >> 10; ino = VNDISK_GET_INO(vnode); if (ino) { IHandle_t *h, *newh; Inode AFS_UNUSED nearInode; #if defined(NEARINODE_HINT) && !defined(AFS_NAMEI_ENV) V_pref(vol,nearInode) #endif IH_INIT(h, vol->device, V_parentId(vol), ino); if (e->parent == where) vnode->parent = 1; newino = IH_CREATE(V_linkHandle(newvol), V_device(newvol), VPartitionPath(V_partition(newvol)), nearInode, V_parentId(newvol), e->vN, vnode->uniquifier, vnode->dataVersion); if (!VALID_INO(newino)) { Log("IH_CREATE failed for %" AFS_VOLID_FMT ".%u.%u\n", afs_printable_VolumeId_lu(V_id(newvol)), e->vN, vnode->uniquifier); code = EIO; goto Bad_Copy; } nearInode = newino; IH_INIT(newh, newvol->device, V_parentId(newvol), newino); code = namei_replace_file_by_hardlink(newh, h); VNDISK_SET_INO(vnode, newino); #ifdef AFS_RXOSD_SUPPORT } else { code = osd_split_objects(vol, newvol, vnode, e->vN); #endif /* AFS_RXOSD_SUPPORT */ } if (code) goto Bad_Copy; if (e->flag & CHANGEPARENT) vnode->parent = 1; /* in new root-directory */ vnode->cloned = 0; if (FDH_PWRITE(newfdP, vnode, vcp->diskSize, offset) != vcp->diskSize) { Log("Couldn't write in %s Index of volume %" AFS_VOLID_FMT " to offset %llu\n", class ? "small":"large", afs_printable_VolumeId_lu(V_id(newvol)), offset); code = EIO; goto Bad_Copy; } } } } /* * Now copy the root directory from old to new volume */ if (class == vLarge) { IHandle_t *h, *newh; char buf2[SIZEOF_LARGEDISKVNODE]; struct VnodeDiskObject *vnode2 = (struct VnodeDiskObject *)&buf2; afs_uint64 newoffset; newoffset = vcp->diskSize; if (FDH_PREAD(newfdP, vnode2, vcp->diskSize, newoffset) != vcp->diskSize) { Log("splitvolume: couldn't read in large Index of new volume %" AFS_VOLID_FMT " at offset %u\n", afs_printable_VolumeId_lu(V_id(newvol)), vcp->diskSize); code = EIO; goto Bad_Copy; } offset = (where + 1 - class) << (vcp->logSize -1); if (FDH_PREAD(fdP, vnode, vcp->diskSize, offset) != vcp->diskSize) { Log("Couldn't read in large Index of old volume %" AFS_VOLID_FMT " at offset %llu\n", afs_printable_VolumeId_lu(V_id(vol)), offset); code = EIO; goto Bad_Copy; } VNDISK_GET_LEN(size, vnode); *blocks += (size + 0x3ff) >> 10; ino = VNDISK_GET_INO(vnode); IH_INIT(h, vol->device, V_parentId(vol), ino); newino = VNDISK_GET_INO(vnode2); IH_INIT(newh, newvol->device, V_parentId(newvol), newino); code = copyDir(m, h, newh); if (code) { Log("splitvolume: copyDir failed for new root from " "%" AFS_VOLID_FMT ".%u.%u to %" AFS_VOLID_FMT ".1.1\n", afs_printable_VolumeId_lu(V_id(vol)), where, vnode->uniquifier, afs_printable_VolumeId_lu(V_id(newvol))); code = EIO; goto Bad_Copy; } VNDISK_SET_INO(vnode, newino); vnode->uniquifier = 1; vnode->cloned = 0; vnode->parent = vnode2->parent; vnode->serverModifyTime = vnode2->serverModifyTime; if (FDH_PWRITE(newfdP, vnode, vcp->diskSize, newoffset) != vcp->diskSize) { Log("splitvolume: couldn't write in large Index of %" AFS_VOLID_FMT " at offset %u\n", afs_printable_VolumeId_lu(V_id(newvol)), vcp->diskSize); code = EIO; } } Bad_Copy: if (fdP) FDH_CLOSE(fdP); if (newfdP) FDH_CLOSE(newfdP); return code; } static afs_int32 findName(Volume *vol, struct VnodeDiskObject *vd, afs_uint32 vN, afs_uint32 un, char *name,afs_int32 length) { afs_int32 code; Inode ino; DirHandle dir; ino = VNDISK_GET_INO(vd); SetSalvageDirHandle(&dir, V_id(vol), V_device(vol), ino); code = afs_dir_InverseLookup(&dir, vN, un, name, length); FidZap(&dir); return code; } static afs_int32 createMountpoint(Volume *vol, Volume *newvol, struct VnodeDiskObject *parent, afs_uint32 vN, struct VnodeDiskObject *vd, char *name) { afs_int32 code; Inode ino, newino; DirHandle dir; IHandle_t *h, *hp; struct VnodeDiskObject vnode; FdHandle_t *fdP, *fdP2; afs_uint64 size; afs_foff_t offset; afs_int32 class = vSmall; struct VnodeClassInfo *vcp = &VnodeClassInfo[class]; #if defined(NEARINODE_HINT) && !defined(AFS_NAMEI_ENV) Inode nearInode = 0; #endif AFSFid fid; struct timeval now; afs_uint32 newvN; char symlink[32]; ssize_t rc; FT_GetTimeOfDay(&now, 0); fdP = IH_OPEN(vol->vnodeIndex[vSmall].handle); if (!fdP) { Log("split volume: error opening small vnode index of %" AFS_VOLID_FMT "\n", afs_printable_VolumeId_lu(V_id(vol))); return EIO; } offset = vcp->diskSize; while (1) { rc = FDH_PREAD(fdP, &vnode, vcp->diskSize, offset); if (rc != vcp->diskSize) { if (rc < 0) { Log("split volume: error reading small vnode index of %" AFS_VOLID_FMT "\n", afs_printable_VolumeId_lu(V_id(vol))); return EIO; } if (rc == 0) break; if (rc < vcp->diskSize) break; } if (vnode.type == vNull) break; offset += vcp->diskSize; } memset(&vnode, 0, sizeof(vnode)); vnode.type = vSymlink; V_nextVnodeUnique(vol)++; vnode.uniquifier = V_nextVnodeUnique(vol); vnode.author = vd->author; vnode.owner = vd->owner; vnode.group = vd->group; vnode.modeBits = 0644; vnode.unixModifyTime = now.tv_sec; vnode.serverModifyTime = now.tv_sec; vnode.dataVersion = 1; vnode.linkCount = 1; vnode.parent = vN; newvN = (offset >> (VnodeClassInfo[class].logSize - 1)) - 1 + class; #if defined(NEARINODE_HINT) && !defined(AFS_NAMEI_ENV) V_pref(vol,nearInode) #endif newino = IH_CREATE(V_linkHandle(vol), V_device(vol), VPartitionPath(V_partition(vol)), nearInode, V_parentId(vol), newvN, vnode.uniquifier, 1); IH_INIT(h, V_device(vol), V_parentId(vol), newino); fdP2 = IH_OPEN(h); if (!fdP2) { Log("split volume: couldn't open inode for mountpoint %" AFS_VOLID_FMT ".%u.%u\n", afs_printable_VolumeId_lu(V_id(vol)), newvN, vnode.uniquifier); return EIO; } sprintf(symlink, "#%s", V_name(newvol)); size = strlen(symlink) + 1; if (FDH_PWRITE(fdP2, symlink, size, 0) != size) { Log("split volume: couldn't write mountpoint %" AFS_VOLID_FMT ".%u.%u\n", afs_printable_VolumeId_lu(V_id(vol)), newvN, vnode.uniquifier); return EIO; } FDH_REALLYCLOSE(fdP2); IH_RELEASE(h); VNDISK_SET_INO(&vnode, newino); VNDISK_SET_LEN(&vnode, size); #ifndef AFS_RXOSD_SUPPORT vnode.vnodeMagic = SMALLVNODEMAGIC; #endif if (FDH_PWRITE(fdP, &vnode, vcp->diskSize, offset) != vcp->diskSize) { Log("split volume: couldn't write vnode for mountpoint %" AFS_VOLID_FMT ".%u.%u\n", afs_printable_VolumeId_lu(V_id(vol)), newvN, vnode.uniquifier); return EIO; } FDH_REALLYCLOSE(fdP); fid.Volume = V_id(vol); fid.Vnode = newvN; fid.Unique = vnode.uniquifier; /* * Now update the parent directory. */ ino = VNDISK_GET_INO(parent); SetSalvageDirHandle(&dir, V_id(vol), V_device(vol), ino); code = afs_dir_Delete(&dir, name); if (code) { Log("splitvolume: couldn't delete directory entry for %s in %" AFS_VOLID_FMT ".%u.%u, code = %d\n", name, afs_printable_VolumeId_lu(V_id(vol)), vN, parent->uniquifier, code); return code; } code = afs_dir_Create(&dir, name, &fid); FidZap(&dir); /* Make sure the directory file doesn't remain open */ IH_INIT(hp, V_device(vol), V_parentId(vol), ino); fdP = IH_OPEN(hp); if (fdP) FDH_REALLYCLOSE(fdP); IH_RELEASE(hp); class = vLarge; vcp = &VnodeClassInfo[class]; fdP = IH_OPEN(vol->vnodeIndex[class].handle); offset = (vN + 1 - class) << (vcp->logSize -1); parent->dataVersion++; if (FDH_PWRITE(fdP, parent, vcp->diskSize, offset) != vcp->diskSize) { Log("split volume: couldn't write vnode for parent directory %" AFS_VOLID_FMT ".%u.%u\n", afs_printable_VolumeId_lu(V_id(vol)), vN, parent->uniquifier); return EIO; } FDH_REALLYCLOSE(fdP); return code; } static afs_int32 deleteVnodes(Volume *vol, afs_int32 class, struct VnodeExtract *list, afs_int32 length, afs_uint64 *blocks) { afs_int32 i, code = 0; char buf[SIZEOF_LARGEDISKVNODE]; struct VnodeDiskObject *vnode = (struct VnodeDiskObject *)&buf; FdHandle_t *fdP = 0; struct VnodeClassInfo *vcp = &VnodeClassInfo[class]; struct VnodeExtract *e; afs_sfsize_t size; afs_uint64 offset; Inode ino; fdP = IH_OPEN(vol->vnodeIndex[class].handle); if (!fdP) { Log("Couldn't open %s Index of volume %" AFS_VOLID_FMT "\n", class ? "small":"large", afs_printable_VolumeId_lu(V_id(vol))); code = EIO; goto Bad_Delete; } for (i=0; iflag & NEEDED) { offset = (e->vN + 1 - class) << (vcp->logSize -1); if (FDH_PREAD(fdP, vnode, vcp->diskSize, offset) != vcp->diskSize) { Log("Couldn't read in %s Index of volume %" AFS_VOLID_FMT " at offset %llu\n", class ? "small":"large", afs_printable_VolumeId_lu(V_id(vol)), offset); code = EIO; goto Bad_Delete; } VNDISK_GET_LEN(size, vnode); *blocks += (size + 0x3ff) >> 10; ino = VNDISK_GET_INO(vnode); if (ino) { IHandle_t *h; IH_INIT(h, vol->device, V_parentId(vol), ino); IH_DEC(h, ino, V_parentId(vol)); #ifdef AFS_RXOSD_SUPPORT } else { code = osdRemove(vol, vnode, e->vN); #endif /* AFS_RXOSD_SUPPORT */ } memset(vnode, 0, vcp->diskSize); vnode->type = vNull; if (FDH_PWRITE(fdP, vnode, vcp->diskSize, offset) != vcp->diskSize) { Log("Couldn't write in %s Index of volume %" AFS_VOLID_FMT " to offset %llu\n", class ? "small":"large", afs_printable_VolumeId_lu(V_id(vol)), offset); } } } Bad_Delete: if (fdP) FDH_CLOSE(fdP); return code; } afs_int32 split_volume(struct rx_call *call, Volume *vol, Volume *newvol, afs_uint32 where, afs_int32 verbose) { Error code = 0; struct VnodeExtract *dirList = 0; struct VnodeExtract *fileList = 0; afs_uint64 blocks = 0; afs_uint32 filesNeeded, dirsNeeded; afs_uint32 dl, fl; char buf[SIZEOF_LARGEDISKVNODE]; char buf2[SIZEOF_LARGEDISKVNODE]; struct VnodeDiskObject *rootVnode = (struct VnodeDiskObject *)&buf; struct VnodeDiskObject *parVnode = (struct VnodeDiskObject *)&buf2; char name[256]; afs_uint32 parent; struct Msg *m; m = calloc(1, sizeof(struct Msg)); m->call = call; m->verbose = verbose; /* * First step: planning * * Find out which directories will belong to the new volume * */ if (verbose) { sprintf(m->line, "1st step: extract vnode essence from large vnode file\n"); rx_Write(m->call, m->line, strlen(m->line)); } code = ExtractVnodes(m, vol, vLarge, &dirList, &dl, where, rootVnode, &parent, parVnode); if (code) { sprintf(m->line, "ExtractVnodes failed for %" AFS_VOLID_FMT " for directories with code %d\n", afs_printable_VolumeId_lu(V_id(vol)), code); rx_Write(m->call, m->line, strlen(m->line)); return code; } if (verbose) { sprintf(m->line, "2nd step: look for name of vnode %u in directory %" AFS_VOLID_FMT ".%u.%u\n", where, afs_printable_VolumeId_lu(V_id(vol)), parent, parVnode->uniquifier); rx_Write(m->call, m->line, strlen(m->line)); } code = findName(vol, parVnode, where, rootVnode->uniquifier, name, sizeof(name)); if (code) { sprintf(m->line, "splitvolume: could'nt find name of %u in directory %" AFS_VOLID_FMT ".%u.%u.\n", where, afs_printable_VolumeId_lu(V_id(vol)), parent, parVnode->uniquifier); rx_Write(m->call, m->line, strlen(m->line)); return code; } if (verbose) { sprintf(m->line, "name of %u is %s\n", where, name); rx_Write(m->call, m->line, strlen(m->line)); } if (verbose) { sprintf(m->line, "3rd step: find all directory vnodes belonging to the subtree under %u \"%s\"\n", where, name); rx_Write(m->call, m->line, strlen(m->line)); } code = FindVnodes(m, where, dirList, dl, dirList, dl, &dirsNeeded, 1); if (code) { sprintf(m->line, "FindVnodes for directories failed with code %d\n", code); rx_Write(m->call, m->line, strlen(m->line)); return code; } if (verbose) { sprintf(m->line, "4th step extract vnode essence from small vnode file\n"); rx_Write(m->call, m->line, strlen(m->line)); } code = ExtractVnodes(m, vol, vSmall, &fileList, &fl, where, 0, 0, 0); if (code) { sprintf(m->line, "ExtractVnodes failed for %" AFS_VOLID_FMT " for files with code %d\n", afs_printable_VolumeId_lu(V_id(vol)), code); rx_Write(m->call, m->line, strlen(m->line)); return code; } if (verbose) { sprintf(m->line, "5th step: find all small vnodes belonging to the subtree under %u \"%s\"\n", where, name); rx_Write(m->call, m->line, strlen(m->line)); } FindVnodes(m, where, fileList, fl, dirList, dl, &filesNeeded, 0); /* * Third step: create hard links for all files needed * */ V_destroyMe(newvol) = DESTROY_ME; V_inService(newvol) = 0; if (verbose) { sprintf(m->line, "6th step: create hard links in the AFSIDat tree between files of the old and new volume\n"); rx_Write(m->call, m->line, strlen(m->line)); } code = copyVnodes(m, vol, newvol, 1, fileList, fl, where, &blocks, 0); if (code) { sprintf(m->line, "copyVnodes for files failed with code %d\n", code); rx_Write(m->call, m->line, strlen(m->line)); return code; } /* * Forth step: create hard links for all directories and copy * split directory to new root directory */ if (verbose) { sprintf(m->line, "7th step: create hard links in the AFSIDat tree between directories of the old and new volume and make dir %u to new volume's root directory.\n", where); rx_Write(m->call, m->line, strlen(m->line)); } code = copyVnodes(m, vol, newvol, 0, dirList, dl, where, &blocks, parVnode); if (code) { sprintf(m->line, "copyVnodes for directories failed with code %d\n", code); rx_Write(m->call, m->line, strlen(m->line)); return code; } /* * Finalize new volume * */ if (verbose) { sprintf(m->line, "8th step: write new volume's metadata to disk\n"); rx_Write(m->call, m->line, strlen(m->line)); } V_diskused(newvol) = blocks; #ifdef AFS_RXOSD_SUPPORT V_osdFlag(newvol) = V_osdFlag(vol); #endif V_filecount(newvol) = filesNeeded + dirsNeeded; V_destroyMe(newvol) = 0; V_maxquota(newvol) = V_maxquota(vol); V_uniquifier(newvol) = V_uniquifier(vol); V_inService(newvol) = 1; VUpdateVolume(&code, newvol); /* * Sixth step: change directory entry in old volume: * rename old tree and create mount point for new volume. */ if (verbose) { sprintf(m->line, "9th step: create mountpoint \"%s\" for new volume in old volume's directory %u.\n", name, parent); rx_Write(m->call, m->line, strlen(m->line)); } code = createMountpoint(vol, newvol, parVnode, parent, rootVnode, name); if (code) { sprintf(m->line, "createMountpoint failed with code %d\n", code); rx_Write(m->call, m->line, strlen(m->line)); return code; } /* * Now both volumes should be ready and consistent, but the old volume * contains still the vnodes and data we transferred into the new one. * Delete orphaned vnodes and data. */ blocks = 0; if (verbose) { sprintf(m->line, "10th step: delete large vnodes belonging to subtree in the old volume.\n"); rx_Write(m->call, m->line, strlen(m->line)); } deleteVnodes(vol, vLarge, dirList, dl, &blocks); if (verbose) { sprintf(m->line, "11th step: delete small vnodes belonging to subtree in the old volume.\n"); rx_Write(m->call, m->line, strlen(m->line)); } deleteVnodes(vol, vSmall, fileList, fl, &blocks); V_diskused(vol) -= blocks; V_filecount(vol) -= (filesNeeded + dirsNeeded + 1); VUpdateVolume(&code, vol); sprintf(m->line, "Finished!\n"); rx_Write(m->call, m->line, strlen(m->line)); m->line[0] = 0; m->line[1] = 0; m->line[2] = 0; m->line[3] = 0; rx_Write(m->call, m->line, 4); free(m); return code; } #endif