/* * Copyright 2000, International Business Machines Corporation and others. * All Rights Reserved. * * This software has been released under the terms of the IBM Public * License. For details, see the LICENSE file in the top-level source * directory or online at http://www.openafs.org/dl/license10.html */ #include #include RCSID ("$Header$"); #include #include #include #ifdef AFS_AIX_ENV #include #endif #ifdef AFS_NT40_ENV #include #include #else #include #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_STRING_H #include #else #ifdef HAVE_STRINGS_H #include #endif #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "volser.h" #include "volint.h" #include "lockdata.h" #include #include #include #include #include #define ERRCODE_RANGE 8 /* from error_table.h */ #define CLOCKSKEW 2 /* not really skew, but resolution */ /* for UV_MoveVolume() recovery */ #include /* signal(), kill(), wait(), etc. */ #include #include struct ubik_client *cstruct; int verbose = 0; struct release { afs_int32 crtime; afs_int32 uptime; afs_int32 vldbEntryIndex; }; /* Utility macros used by rest of this source file */ #define EPRINT(ec, es) \ do { \ fprintf(STDERR, "\n"); \ fprintf(STDERR, (es)); \ PrintError(" ",ec); \ } while (0) #define EPRINT1(ec, es, ep1) \ do { \ fprintf(STDERR, "\n"); \ fprintf(STDERR, (es), (ep1)); \ PrintError(" ",ec); \ } while (0) #define EPRINT2(ec, es, ep1, ep2) \ do { \ fprintf(STDERR, "\n"); \ fprintf(STDERR, (es), (ep1), (ep2)); \ PrintError(" ",ec); \ } while (0) #define EPRINT3(ec, es, ep1, ep2, ep3) \ do { \ fprintf(STDERR, "\n"); \ fprintf(STDERR, (es), (ep1), (ep2), (ep3)); \ PrintError(" ",ec); \ } while (0) #define EGOTO(where, ec, es) \ do { \ if (ec) { \ EPRINT((ec),(es)); \ error = (ec); \ goto where; \ } \ } while (0) #define EGOTO1(where, ec, es, ep1) \ do { \ if (ec) { \ EPRINT1((ec),(es),(ep1)); \ error = (ec); \ goto where; \ } \ } while (0) #define EGOTO2(where, ec, es, ep1, ep2) \ do { \ if (ec) { \ EPRINT2((ec),(es),(ep1),(ep2)); \ error = (ec); \ goto where; \ } \ } while (0) #define EGOTO3(where, ec, es, ep1, ep2, ep3) \ do { \ if (ec) { \ EPRINT3((ec),(es),(ep1),(ep2),(ep3)); \ error = (ec); \ goto where; \ } \ } while (0) #define VPRINT(es) \ { if (verbose) { fprintf(STDOUT, (es)); fflush(STDOUT); } } #define VPRINT1(es, p) \ { if (verbose) { fprintf(STDOUT, (es), (p)); fflush(STDOUT); } } #define VPRINT2(es, p1, p2) \ { if (verbose) { fprintf(STDOUT, (es), (p1), (p2)); fflush(STDOUT); } } #define VPRINT3(es, p1, p2, p3) \ { if (verbose) { fprintf(STDOUT, (es), (p1), (p2), (p3)); fflush(STDOUT); } } #define VDONE \ { if (verbose) { fprintf(STDOUT, " done\n"); fflush(STDOUT); } } /* getting rid of this */ #define ERROR_EXIT(code) {error=(code); goto error_exit;} /* Protos for static routines */ static afs_int32 CheckAndDeleteVolume(struct rx_connection *aconn, afs_int32 apart, afs_int32 okvol, afs_int32 delvol); static int DelVol(struct rx_connection *conn, afs_int32 vid, afs_int32 part, afs_int32 flags); static int GetTrans(struct nvldbentry *vldbEntryPtr, afs_int32 index, struct rx_connection **connPtr, afs_int32 * transPtr, afs_int32 * crtimePtr, afs_int32 * uptimePtr); static int SimulateForwardMultiple(struct rx_connection *fromconn, afs_int32 fromtid, afs_int32 fromdate, manyDests * tr, afs_int32 flags, void *cookie, manyResults * results); static afs_int32 CheckVolume(volintInfo * volumeinfo, afs_int32 aserver, afs_int32 apart, afs_int32 * modentry, afs_uint32 * maxvolid); /*map the partition into partition name */ void MapPartIdIntoName(afs_int32 partId, char *partName) { if (partId < 26) { /* what if partId > = 26 ? */ strcpy(partName, "/vicep"); partName[6] = partId + 'a'; partName[7] = '\0'; return; } else if (partId < VOLMAXPARTS) { strcpy(partName, "/vicep"); partId -= 26; partName[6] = 'a' + (partId / 26); partName[7] = 'a' + (partId % 26); partName[8] = '\0'; return; } } int yesprompt(char *str) { int response, c; int code; fprintf(STDERR, "Do you want to %s? [yn](n): ", str); response = c = getchar(); while (!(c == EOF || c == '\n')) c = getchar(); /*skip to end of line */ code = (response == 'y' || response == 'Y'); return code; } int PrintError(char *msg, afs_int32 errcode) { fprintf(STDERR, msg); /*replace by a big switch statement */ switch (errcode) { case 0: break; case -1: fprintf(STDERR, "Possible communication failure\n"); break; case VSALVAGE: fprintf(STDERR, "Volume needs to be salvaged\n"); break; case VNOVNODE: fprintf(STDERR, "Bad vnode number quoted\n"); break; case VNOVOL: fprintf(STDERR, "Volume not attached, does not exist, or not on line\n"); break; case VVOLEXISTS: fprintf(STDERR, "Volume already exists\n"); break; case VNOSERVICE: fprintf(STDERR, "Volume is not in service\n"); break; case VOFFLINE: fprintf(STDERR, "Volume is off line\n"); break; case VONLINE: fprintf(STDERR, "Volume is already on line\n"); break; case VDISKFULL: fprintf(STDERR, "Partition is full\n"); break; case VOVERQUOTA: fprintf(STDERR, "Volume max quota exceeded\n"); break; case VBUSY: fprintf(STDERR, "Volume temporarily unavailable\n"); break; case VMOVED: fprintf(STDERR, "Volume has moved to another server\n"); break; case VL_IDEXIST: fprintf(STDERR, "VLDB: volume Id exists in the vldb\n"); break; case VL_IO: fprintf(STDERR, "VLDB: a read terminated too early\n"); break; case VL_NAMEEXIST: fprintf(STDERR, "VLDB: volume entry exists in the vldb\n"); break; case VL_CREATEFAIL: fprintf(STDERR, "VLDB: internal creation failure\n"); break; case VL_NOENT: fprintf(STDERR, "VLDB: no such entry\n"); break; case VL_EMPTY: fprintf(STDERR, "VLDB: vldb database is empty\n"); break; case VL_ENTDELETED: fprintf(STDERR, "VLDB: entry is deleted (soft delete)\n"); break; case VL_BADNAME: fprintf(STDERR, "VLDB: volume name is illegal\n"); break; case VL_BADINDEX: fprintf(STDERR, "VLDB: index was out of range\n"); break; case VL_BADVOLTYPE: fprintf(STDERR, "VLDB: bad volume type\n"); break; case VL_BADSERVER: fprintf(STDERR, "VLDB: illegal server number (not within limits)\n"); break; case VL_BADPARTITION: fprintf(STDERR, "VLDB: bad partition number\n"); break; case VL_REPSFULL: fprintf(STDERR, "VLDB: run out of space for replication sites\n"); break; case VL_NOREPSERVER: fprintf(STDERR, "VLDB: no such repsite server exists\n"); break; case VL_DUPREPSERVER: fprintf(STDERR, "VLDB: replication site server already exists\n"); break; case VL_RWNOTFOUND: fprintf(STDERR, "VLDB: parent r/w entry not found\n"); break; case VL_BADREFCOUNT: fprintf(STDERR, "VLDB: illegal reference count number\n"); break; case VL_SIZEEXCEEDED: fprintf(STDERR, "VLDB: vldb size for attributes exceeded\n"); break; case VL_BADENTRY: fprintf(STDERR, "VLDB: bad incoming vldb entry\n"); break; case VL_BADVOLIDBUMP: fprintf(STDERR, "VLDB: illegal max volid increment\n"); break; case VL_IDALREADYHASHED: fprintf(STDERR, "VLDB: (RO/BACK) Id already hashed\n"); break; case VL_ENTRYLOCKED: fprintf(STDERR, "VLDB: vldb entry is already locked\n"); break; case VL_BADVOLOPER: fprintf(STDERR, "VLDB: bad volume operation code\n"); break; case VL_BADRELLOCKTYPE: fprintf(STDERR, "VLDB: bad release lock type\n"); break; case VL_RERELEASE: fprintf(STDERR, "VLDB: status report: last release was aborted\n"); break; case VL_BADSERVERFLAG: fprintf(STDERR, "VLDB: invalid replication site server flag\n"); break; case VL_PERM: fprintf(STDERR, "VLDB: no permission access for call\n"); break; case VOLSERREAD_DUMPERROR: fprintf(STDERR, "VOLSER: Problems encountered in reading the dump file !\n"); break; case VOLSERDUMPERROR: fprintf(STDERR, "VOLSER: Problems encountered in doing the dump !\n"); break; case VOLSERATTACH_ERROR: fprintf(STDERR, "VOLSER: Could not attach the volume\n"); break; case VOLSERDETACH_ERROR: fprintf(STDERR, "VOLSER: Could not detach the volume\n"); break; case VOLSERILLEGAL_PARTITION: fprintf(STDERR, "VOLSER: encountered illegal partition number\n"); break; case VOLSERBAD_ACCESS: fprintf(STDERR, "VOLSER: permission denied, not a super user\n"); break; case VOLSERVLDB_ERROR: fprintf(STDERR, "VOLSER: error detected in the VLDB\n"); break; case VOLSERBADNAME: fprintf(STDERR, "VOLSER: error in volume name\n"); break; case VOLSERVOLMOVED: fprintf(STDERR, "VOLSER: volume has moved\n"); break; case VOLSERBADOP: fprintf(STDERR, "VOLSER: illegal operation\n"); break; case VOLSERBADRELEASE: fprintf(STDERR, "VOLSER: release could not be completed\n"); break; case VOLSERVOLBUSY: fprintf(STDERR, "VOLSER: volume is busy\n"); break; case VOLSERNO_MEMORY: fprintf(STDERR, "VOLSER: volume server is out of memory\n"); break; case VOLSERNOVOL: fprintf(STDERR, "VOLSER: no such volume - location specified incorrectly or volume does not exist\n"); break; case VOLSERMULTIRWVOL: fprintf(STDERR, "VOLSER: multiple RW volumes with same ID, one of which should be deleted\n"); break; case VOLSERFAILEDOP: fprintf(STDERR, "VOLSER: not all entries were successfully processed\n"); break; default: { afs_int32 offset; initialize_KA_error_table(); initialize_RXK_error_table(); initialize_KTC_error_table(); initialize_ACFG_error_table(); initialize_CMD_error_table(); initialize_VL_error_table(); offset = errcode & ((1 << ERRCODE_RANGE) - 1); fprintf(STDERR, "%s: %s\n", error_table_name(errcode), error_message(errcode)); break; } } return 0; } void init_volintInfo(struct volintInfo *vinfo) { memset(vinfo, 0, sizeof(struct volintInfo)); vinfo->maxquota = -1; vinfo->dayUse = -1; vinfo->creationDate = -1; vinfo->updateDate = -1; vinfo->flags = -1; vinfo->spare0 = -1; vinfo->spare1 = -1; vinfo->spare2 = -1; vinfo->spare3 = -1; } static struct rx_securityClass *uvclass = 0; static int uvindex = -1; /* called by VLDBClient_Init to set the security module to be used in the RPC */ int UV_SetSecurity(register struct rx_securityClass *as, afs_int32 aindex) { uvindex = aindex; uvclass = as; return 0; } /* bind to volser on */ /* takes server address in network order, port in host order. dumb */ struct rx_connection * UV_Bind(afs_int32 aserver, afs_int32 port) { register struct rx_connection *tc; tc = rx_NewConnection(aserver, htons(port), VOLSERVICE_ID, uvclass, uvindex); return tc; } /* if is allright(indicated by beibg able to * start a transaction, delete the */ static afs_int32 CheckAndDeleteVolume(struct rx_connection *aconn, afs_int32 apart, afs_int32 okvol, afs_int32 delvol) { afs_int32 error, code, tid, rcode; error = 0; code = 0; if (okvol == 0) { code = AFSVolTransCreate(aconn, delvol, apart, ITOffline, &tid); if (!error && code) error = code; code = AFSVolDeleteVolume(aconn, tid); if (!error && code) error = code; code = AFSVolEndTrans(aconn, tid, &rcode); if (!code) code = rcode; if (!error && code) error = code; return error; } else { code = AFSVolTransCreate(aconn, okvol, apart, ITOffline, &tid); if (!code) { code = AFSVolEndTrans(aconn, tid, &rcode); if (!code) code = rcode; if (!error && code) error = code; code = AFSVolTransCreate(aconn, delvol, apart, ITOffline, &tid); if (!error && code) error = code; code = AFSVolDeleteVolume(aconn, tid); if (!error && code) error = code; code = AFSVolEndTrans(aconn, tid, &rcode); if (!code) code = rcode; if (!error && code) error = code; } else error = code; return error; } } /* called by EmuerateEntry, show vldb entry in a reasonable format */ void SubEnumerateEntry(struct nvldbentry *entry) { int i; char pname[10]; int isMixed = 0; #ifdef notdef fprintf(STDOUT, " readWriteID %-10u ", entry->volumeId[RWVOL]); if (entry->flags & RW_EXISTS) fprintf(STDOUT, " valid \n"); else fprintf(STDOUT, " invalid \n"); fprintf(STDOUT, " readOnlyID %-10u ", entry->volumeId[ROVOL]); if (entry->flags & RO_EXISTS) fprintf(STDOUT, " valid \n"); else fprintf(STDOUT, " invalid \n"); fprintf(STDOUT, " backUpID %-10u ", entry->volumeId[BACKVOL]); if (entry->flags & BACK_EXISTS) fprintf(STDOUT, " valid \n"); else fprintf(STDOUT, " invalid \n"); if ((entry->cloneId != 0) && (entry->flags & RO_EXISTS)) fprintf(STDOUT, " releaseClone %-10u \n", entry->cloneId); #else if (entry->flags & RW_EXISTS) fprintf(STDOUT, " RWrite: %-10u", entry->volumeId[RWVOL]); if (entry->flags & RO_EXISTS) fprintf(STDOUT, " ROnly: %-10u", entry->volumeId[ROVOL]); if (entry->flags & BACK_EXISTS) fprintf(STDOUT, " Backup: %-10u", entry->volumeId[BACKVOL]); if ((entry->cloneId != 0) && (entry->flags & RO_EXISTS)) fprintf(STDOUT, " RClone: %-10lu", (unsigned long)entry->cloneId); fprintf(STDOUT, "\n"); #endif fprintf(STDOUT, " number of sites -> %lu\n", (unsigned long)entry->nServers); for (i = 0; i < entry->nServers; i++) { if (entry->serverFlags[i] & NEW_REPSITE) isMixed = 1; } for (i = 0; i < entry->nServers; i++) { MapPartIdIntoName(entry->serverPartition[i], pname); fprintf(STDOUT, " server %s partition %s ", hostutil_GetNameByINet(entry->serverNumber[i]), pname); if (entry->serverFlags[i] & ITSRWVOL) fprintf(STDOUT, "RW Site "); else fprintf(STDOUT, "RO Site "); if (isMixed) { if (entry->serverFlags[i] & NEW_REPSITE) fprintf(STDOUT," -- New release"); else if (!(entry->serverFlags[i] & ITSRWVOL)) fprintf(STDOUT," -- Old release"); } else { if (entry->serverFlags[i] & RO_DONTUSE) fprintf(STDOUT, " -- Not released"); } fprintf(STDOUT, "\n"); } return; } /*enumerate the vldb entry corresponding to */ void EnumerateEntry(struct nvldbentry *entry) { fprintf(STDOUT, "\n"); fprintf(STDOUT, "%s \n", entry->name); SubEnumerateEntry(entry); return; } /* forcibly remove a volume. Very dangerous call */ int UV_NukeVolume(afs_int32 server, afs_int32 partid, afs_int32 volid) { register struct rx_connection *tconn; register afs_int32 code; tconn = UV_Bind(server, AFSCONF_VOLUMEPORT); if (tconn) { code = AFSVolNukeVolume(tconn, partid, volid); rx_DestroyConnection(tconn); } else code = 0; return code; } /* like df. Return usage of on in */ int UV_PartitionInfo(afs_int32 server, char *pname, struct diskPartition *partition) { register struct rx_connection *aconn; afs_int32 code; code = 0; aconn = (struct rx_connection *)0; aconn = UV_Bind(server, AFSCONF_VOLUMEPORT); code = AFSVolPartitionInfo(aconn, pname, partition); if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not get information on partition %s\n", pname); PrintError("", code); } if (aconn) rx_DestroyConnection(aconn); return code; } /* old interface to create volume */ int UV_CreateVolume(afs_int32 aserver, afs_int32 apart, char *aname, afs_int32 * anewid) { afs_int32 code; code = UV_CreateVolume2(aserver, apart, aname, 5000, 0, 0, 0, 0, anewid); return code; } /* create a volume, given a server, partition number, volume name --> sends * back new vol id in */ int UV_CreateVolume2(afs_int32 aserver, afs_int32 apart, char *aname, afs_int32 aquota, afs_int32 aspare1, afs_int32 aspare2, afs_int32 aspare3, afs_int32 aspare4, afs_int32 * anewid) { register struct rx_connection *aconn; afs_int32 tid; register afs_int32 code; afs_int32 error; afs_int32 rcode, vcode; struct nvldbentry entry, storeEntry; /*the new vldb entry */ struct volintInfo tstatus; tid = 0; aconn = (struct rx_connection *)0; error = 0; init_volintInfo(&tstatus); tstatus.maxquota = aquota; aconn = UV_Bind(aserver, AFSCONF_VOLUMEPORT); /* next the next 3 available ids from the VLDB */ vcode = ubik_Call(VL_GetNewVolumeId, cstruct, 0, 3, anewid); EGOTO1(cfail, vcode, "Could not get an Id for volume %s\n", aname); code = AFSVolCreateVolume(aconn, apart, aname, volser_RW, 0, anewid, &tid); EGOTO2(cfail, vcode, "Failed to create the volume %s %u \n", aname, *anewid); code = AFSVolSetInfo(aconn, tid, &tstatus); if (code) EPRINT(code, "Could not change quota (error %d), continuing...\n"); code = AFSVolSetFlags(aconn, tid, 0); /* bring it online (mark it InService */ EGOTO2(cfail, vcode, "Could not bring the volume %s %u online \n", aname, *anewid); VPRINT2("Volume %s %u created and brought online\n", aname, *anewid); /* set up the vldb entry for this volume */ strncpy(entry.name, aname, VOLSER_OLDMAXVOLNAME); entry.nServers = 1; entry.serverNumber[0] = aserver; /* this should have another * level of indirection later */ entry.serverPartition[0] = apart; /* this should also have * another indirection level */ entry.flags = RW_EXISTS; /* this records that rw volume exists */ entry.serverFlags[0] = ITSRWVOL; /*this rep site has rw vol */ entry.volumeId[RWVOL] = *anewid; entry.volumeId[ROVOL] = *anewid + 1; /* rw,ro, bk id are related in the default case */ entry.volumeId[BACKVOL] = *anewid + 2; entry.cloneId = 0; /*map into right byte order, before passing to xdr, the stuff has to be in host * byte order. Xdr converts it into network order */ MapNetworkToHost(&entry, &storeEntry); /* create the vldb entry */ vcode = VLDB_CreateEntry(&storeEntry); if (vcode) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not create a VLDB entry for the volume %s %lu\n", aname, (unsigned long)*anewid); /*destroy the created volume */ VPRINT1("Deleting the newly created volume %u\n", *anewid); AFSVolDeleteVolume(aconn, tid); error = vcode; goto cfail; } VPRINT2("Created the VLDB entry for the volume %s %u\n", aname, *anewid); /* volume created, now terminate the transaction and release the connection */ code = AFSVolEndTrans(aconn, tid, &rcode); /*if it crashes before this * the volume will come online anyway when transaction timesout , so if * vldb entry exists then the volume is guaranteed to exist too wrt create */ tid = 0; if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "Failed to end the transaction on the volume %s %lu\n", aname, (unsigned long)*anewid); error = code; goto cfail; } cfail: if (tid) { code = AFSVolEndTrans(aconn, tid, &rcode); if (code) fprintf(STDERR, "WARNING: could not end transaction\n"); } if (aconn) rx_DestroyConnection(aconn); PrintError("", error); return error; } /* create a volume, given a server, partition number, volume name --> sends * back new vol id in */ int UV_AddVLDBEntry(afs_int32 aserver, afs_int32 apart, char *aname, afs_int32 aid) { register struct rx_connection *aconn; afs_int32 error; afs_int32 vcode; struct nvldbentry entry, storeEntry; /*the new vldb entry */ aconn = (struct rx_connection *)0; error = 0; /* set up the vldb entry for this volume */ strncpy(entry.name, aname, VOLSER_OLDMAXVOLNAME); entry.nServers = 1; entry.serverNumber[0] = aserver; /* this should have another * level of indirection later */ entry.serverPartition[0] = apart; /* this should also have * another indirection level */ entry.flags = RW_EXISTS; /* this records that rw volume exists */ entry.serverFlags[0] = ITSRWVOL; /*this rep site has rw vol */ entry.volumeId[RWVOL] = aid; #ifdef notdef entry.volumeId[ROVOL] = anewid + 1; /* rw,ro, bk id are related in the default case */ entry.volumeId[BACKVOL] = *anewid + 2; #else entry.volumeId[ROVOL] = 0; entry.volumeId[BACKVOL] = 0; #endif entry.cloneId = 0; /*map into right byte order, before passing to xdr, the stuff has to be in host * byte order. Xdr converts it into network order */ MapNetworkToHost(&entry, &storeEntry); /* create the vldb entry */ vcode = VLDB_CreateEntry(&storeEntry); if (vcode) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not create a VLDB entry for the volume %s %lu\n", aname, (unsigned long)aid); error = vcode; goto cfail; } VPRINT2("Created the VLDB entry for the volume %s %u\n", aname, aid); cfail: if (aconn) rx_DestroyConnection(aconn); PrintError("", error); return error; } /* Delete the volume on * the physical entry gets removed from the vldb only if the ref count * becomes zero */ int UV_DeleteVolume(afs_int32 aserver, afs_int32 apart, afs_int32 avolid) { struct rx_connection *aconn = (struct rx_connection *)0; afs_int32 ttid = 0; afs_int32 code, rcode; afs_int32 error = 0; struct nvldbentry entry, storeEntry; int islocked = 0; afs_int32 avoltype = -1, vtype; int notondisk = 0, notinvldb = 0; /* Find and read bhe VLDB entry for this volume */ code = ubik_Call(VL_SetLock, cstruct, 0, avolid, avoltype, VLOP_DELETE); if (code) { if (code != VL_NOENT) { EGOTO1(error_exit, code, "Could not lock VLDB entry for the volume %u\n", avolid); } notinvldb = 1; } else { islocked = 1; code = VLDB_GetEntryByID(avolid, avoltype, &entry); EGOTO1(error_exit, code, "Could not fetch VLDB entry for volume %u\n", avolid); MapHostToNetwork(&entry); if (verbose) EnumerateEntry(&entry); } /* Whether volume is in the VLDB or not. Delete the volume on disk */ aconn = UV_Bind(aserver, AFSCONF_VOLUMEPORT); code = AFSVolTransCreate(aconn, avolid, apart, ITOffline, &ttid); if (code) { if (code == VNOVOL) { notondisk = 1; } else { EGOTO1(error_exit, code, "Transaction on volume %u failed\n", avolid); } } else { VPRINT1("Trying to delete the volume %u ...", avolid); code = AFSVolDeleteVolume(aconn, ttid); EGOTO1(error_exit, code, "Could not delete the volume %u \n", avolid); code = AFSVolEndTrans(aconn, ttid, &rcode); code = (code ? code : rcode); ttid = 0; EGOTO1(error_exit, code, "Could not end the transaction for the volume %u \n", avolid); VDONE; } /* Now update the VLDB entry. * But first, verify we have a VLDB entry. * Whether volume is on disk or not. Delete the volume in VLDB. */ if (notinvldb) ERROR_EXIT(0); if (avolid == entry.volumeId[BACKVOL]) { /* Its a backup volume, modify the VLDB entry. Check that the * backup volume is on the server/partition we asked to delete. */ if (!(entry.flags & BACK_EXISTS) || !Lp_Match(aserver, apart, &entry)) { notinvldb = 2; /* Not on this server and partition */ ERROR_EXIT(0); } VPRINT1("Marking the backup volume %u deleted in the VLDB\n", avolid); entry.flags &= ~BACK_EXISTS; vtype = BACKVOL; } else if (avolid == entry.volumeId[ROVOL]) { /* Its a read-only volume, modify the VLDB entry. Check that the * readonly volume is on the server/partition we asked to delete. * If flags does not have RO_EIXSTS set, then this may mean the RO * hasn't been released (and could exist in VLDB). */ if (!Lp_ROMatch(aserver, apart, &entry)) { notinvldb = 2; /* Not found on this server and partition */ ERROR_EXIT(0); } if (verbose) fprintf(STDOUT, "Marking the readonly volume %lu deleted in the VLDB\n", (unsigned long)avolid); Lp_SetROValue(&entry, aserver, apart, 0, 0); /* delete the site */ entry.nServers--; if (!Lp_ROMatch(0, 0, &entry)) entry.flags &= ~RO_EXISTS; /* This was the last ro volume */ vtype = ROVOL; } else if (avolid == entry.volumeId[RWVOL]) { /* It's a rw volume, delete the backup volume, modify the VLDB entry. * Check that the readwrite volumes is on the server/partition we * asked to delete. */ if (!(entry.flags & RW_EXISTS) || !Lp_Match(aserver, apart, &entry)) { notinvldb = 2; /* Not found on this server and partition */ ERROR_EXIT(0); } /* Delete backup if it exists */ code = AFSVolTransCreate(aconn, entry.volumeId[BACKVOL], apart, ITOffline, &ttid); if (!code) { if (verbose) { fprintf(STDOUT, "Trying to delete the backup volume %u ...", entry.volumeId[BACKVOL]); fflush(STDOUT); } code = AFSVolDeleteVolume(aconn, ttid); EGOTO1(error_exit, code, "Could not delete the volume %u \n", entry.volumeId[BACKVOL]); code = AFSVolEndTrans(aconn, ttid, &rcode); ttid = 0; code = (code ? code : rcode); EGOTO1(error_exit, code, "Could not end the transaction for the volume %u \n", entry.volumeId[BACKVOL]); if (verbose) fprintf(STDOUT, " done\n"); } if (verbose) fprintf(STDOUT, "Marking the readwrite volume %lu%s deleted in the VLDB\n", (unsigned long)avolid, ((entry. flags & BACK_EXISTS) ? ", and its backup volume," : "")); Lp_SetRWValue(&entry, aserver, apart, 0L, 0L); entry.nServers--; entry.flags &= ~(BACK_EXISTS | RW_EXISTS); vtype = RWVOL; if (entry.flags & RO_EXISTS) fprintf(STDERR, "WARNING: ReadOnly copy(s) may still exist\n"); } else { notinvldb = 2; /* Not found on this server and partition */ ERROR_EXIT(0); } /* Either delete or replace the VLDB entry */ if ((entry.nServers <= 0) || !(entry.flags & (RO_EXISTS | RW_EXISTS))) { if (verbose) fprintf(STDOUT, "Last reference to the VLDB entry for %lu - deleting entry\n", (unsigned long)avolid); code = ubik_Call(VL_DeleteEntry, cstruct, 0, avolid, vtype); EGOTO1(error_exit, code, "Could not delete the VLDB entry for the volume %u \n", avolid); } else { MapNetworkToHost(&entry, &storeEntry); code = VLDB_ReplaceEntry(avolid, vtype, &storeEntry, (LOCKREL_OPCODE | LOCKREL_AFSID | LOCKREL_TIMESTAMP)); EGOTO1(error_exit, code, "Could not update the VLDB entry for the volume %u \n", avolid); } islocked = 0; error_exit: if (error) EPRINT(error, "\n"); if (notondisk && notinvldb) { EPRINT2(VOLSERNOVOL, "Volume %u does not exist %s\n", avolid, ((notinvldb == 2) ? "on server and partition" : "")); if (!error) error = VOLSERNOVOL; } else if (notondisk) { fprintf(STDERR, "WARNING: Volume %lu did not exist on the partition\n", (unsigned long)avolid); } else if (notinvldb) { fprintf(STDERR, "WARNING: Volume %lu does not exist in VLDB %s\n", (unsigned long)avolid, ((notinvldb == 2) ? "on server and partition" : "")); } if (ttid) { code = AFSVolEndTrans(aconn, ttid, &rcode); code = (code ? code : rcode); if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not end transaction on the volume %lu\n", (unsigned long)avolid); PrintError("", code); if (!error) error = code; } } if (islocked) { code = ubik_Call(VL_ReleaseLock, cstruct, 0, avolid, -1, (LOCKREL_OPCODE | LOCKREL_AFSID | LOCKREL_TIMESTAMP)); if (code) { EPRINT1(code, "Could not release the lock on the VLDB entry for the volume %u \n", avolid); if (!error) error = code; } } if (aconn) rx_DestroyConnection(aconn); return error; } /* add recovery to UV_MoveVolume */ #define TESTC 0 /* set to test recovery code, clear for production */ jmp_buf env; int interrupt = 0; void sigint_handler(int x) { if (interrupt) longjmp(env, 0); fprintf(STDOUT, "\nSIGINT handler: vos move operation in progress\n"); fprintf(STDOUT, "WARNING: may leave AFS storage and metadata in indeterminate state\n"); fprintf(STDOUT, "enter second control-c to exit\n"); fflush(STDOUT); interrupt = 1; (void)signal(SIGINT, sigint_handler); return; } /* Move volume on to * . The operation is almost idempotent. The following * flags are recognized: * * RV_NOCLONE - don't use a copy clone */ int UV_MoveVolume2(afs_int32 afromvol, afs_int32 afromserver, afs_int32 afrompart, afs_int32 atoserver, afs_int32 atopart, int flags) { struct rx_connection *toconn, *fromconn; afs_int32 fromtid, totid, clonetid; char vname[64]; char *volName = 0; char tmpName[VOLSER_MAXVOLNAME + 1]; afs_int32 rcode; afs_int32 fromDate; struct restoreCookie cookie; register afs_int32 vcode, code; afs_int32 newVol, volid, backupId; struct volser_status tstatus; struct destServer destination; struct nvldbentry entry, storeEntry; int i, islocked, pntg; afs_int32 error; char in, lf; /* for test code */ int same; #ifdef ENABLE_BUGFIX_1165 volEntries volumeInfo; struct volintInfo *infop = 0; #endif islocked = 0; fromconn = (struct rx_connection *)0; toconn = (struct rx_connection *)0; fromtid = 0; totid = 0; clonetid = 0; error = 0; volid = 0; pntg = 0; backupId = 0; newVol = 0; /* support control-c processing */ if (setjmp(env)) goto mfail; (void)signal(SIGINT, sigint_handler); if (TESTC) { fprintf(STDOUT, "\nThere are three tests points - verifies all code paths through recovery.\n"); fprintf(STDOUT, "First test point - operation not started.\n"); fprintf(STDOUT, "...test here (y, n)? "); fflush(STDOUT); fscanf(stdin, "%c", &in); fscanf(stdin, "%c", &lf); /* toss away */ if (in == 'y') { fprintf(STDOUT, "type control-c\n"); while (1) { fprintf(stdout, "."); fflush(stdout); sleep(1); } } /* or drop through */ } vcode = VLDB_GetEntryByID(afromvol, -1, &entry); EGOTO1(mfail, vcode, "Could not fetch the entry for the volume %u from the VLDB \n", afromvol); if (entry.volumeId[RWVOL] != afromvol) { fprintf(STDERR, "Only RW volume can be moved\n"); exit(1); } vcode = ubik_Call(VL_SetLock, cstruct, 0, afromvol, RWVOL, VLOP_MOVE); EGOTO1(mfail, vcode, "Could not lock entry for volume %u \n", afromvol); islocked = 1; vcode = VLDB_GetEntryByID(afromvol, RWVOL, &entry); EGOTO1(mfail, vcode, "Could not fetch the entry for the volume %u from the VLDB \n", afromvol); backupId = entry.volumeId[BACKVOL]; MapHostToNetwork(&entry); if (!Lp_Match(afromserver, afrompart, &entry)) { /* the from server and partition do not exist in the vldb entry corresponding to volid */ if (!Lp_Match(atoserver, atopart, &entry)) { /* the to server and partition do not exist in the vldb entry corresponding to volid */ fprintf(STDERR, "The volume %lu is not on the specified site. \n", (unsigned long)afromvol); fprintf(STDERR, "The current site is :"); for (i = 0; i < entry.nServers; i++) { if (entry.serverFlags[i] == ITSRWVOL) { char pname[10]; MapPartIdIntoName(entry.serverPartition[i], pname); fprintf(STDERR, " server %s partition %s \n", hostutil_GetNameByINet(entry.serverNumber[i]), pname); } } vcode = ubik_Call(VL_ReleaseLock, cstruct, 0, afromvol, -1, (LOCKREL_OPCODE | LOCKREL_AFSID | LOCKREL_TIMESTAMP)); EGOTO1(mfail, vcode, " Could not release lock on the VLDB entry for the volume %u \n", afromvol); return VOLSERVOLMOVED; } /* delete the volume afromvol on src_server */ /* from-info does not exist but to-info does => * we have already done the move, but the volume * may still be existing physically on from fileserver */ fromconn = UV_Bind(afromserver, AFSCONF_VOLUMEPORT); fromtid = 0; pntg = 1; code = AFSVolTransCreate(fromconn, afromvol, afrompart, ITOffline, &fromtid); if (!code) { /* volume exists - delete it */ VPRINT1("Setting flags on leftover source volume %u ...", afromvol); code = AFSVolSetFlags(fromconn, fromtid, VTDeleteOnSalvage | VTOutOfService); EGOTO1(mfail, code, "Failed to set flags on the leftover source volume %u\n", afromvol); VDONE; VPRINT1("Deleting leftover source volume %u ...", afromvol); code = AFSVolDeleteVolume(fromconn, fromtid); EGOTO1(mfail, code, "Failed to delete the leftover source volume %u\n", afromvol); VDONE; VPRINT1("Ending transaction on leftover source volume %u ...", afromvol); code = AFSVolEndTrans(fromconn, fromtid, &rcode); fromtid = 0; if (!code) code = rcode; EGOTO1(mfail, code, "Could not end the transaction for the leftover source volume %u \n", afromvol); VDONE; } /*delete the backup volume now */ fromtid = 0; code = AFSVolTransCreate(fromconn, backupId, afrompart, ITOffline, &fromtid); if (!code) { /* backup volume exists - delete it */ VPRINT1("Setting flags on leftover backup volume %u ...", backupId); code = AFSVolSetFlags(fromconn, fromtid, VTDeleteOnSalvage | VTOutOfService); EGOTO1(mfail, code, "Failed to set flags on the backup volume %u\n", backupId); VDONE; VPRINT1("Deleting leftover backup volume %u ...", backupId); code = AFSVolDeleteVolume(fromconn, fromtid); EGOTO1(mfail, code, "Could not delete the leftover backup volume %u\n", backupId); VDONE; VPRINT1("Ending transaction on leftover backup volume %u ...", backupId); code = AFSVolEndTrans(fromconn, fromtid, &rcode); fromtid = 0; if (!code) code = rcode; EGOTO1(mfail, code, "Could not end the transaction for the leftover backup volume %u\n", backupId); VDONE; } fromtid = 0; error = 0; goto mfail; } /* From-info matches the vldb info about volid, * its ok start the move operation, the backup volume * on the old site is deleted in the process */ if (afrompart == atopart) { same = VLDB_IsSameAddrs(afromserver, atoserver, &error); EGOTO2(mfail, error, "Failed to get info about server's %d address(es) from vlserver (err=%d); aborting call!\n", afromserver, error); if (same) { EGOTO1(mfail, VOLSERVOLMOVED, "Warning: Moving volume %u to its home partition ignored!\n", afromvol); } } pntg = 1; toconn = UV_Bind(atoserver, AFSCONF_VOLUMEPORT); /* get connections to the servers */ fromconn = UV_Bind(afromserver, AFSCONF_VOLUMEPORT); fromtid = totid = 0; /* initialize to uncreated */ /* *** * clone the read/write volume locally. * ***/ VPRINT1("Starting transaction on source volume %u ...", afromvol); code = AFSVolTransCreate(fromconn, afromvol, afrompart, ITBusy, &fromtid); EGOTO1(mfail, code, "Failed to create transaction on the volume %u\n", afromvol); VDONE; if (!(flags & RV_NOCLONE)) { /* Get a clone id */ VPRINT1("Allocating new volume id for clone of volume %u ...", afromvol); newVol = 0; vcode = ubik_Call(VL_GetNewVolumeId, cstruct, 0, 1, &newVol); EGOTO1(mfail, vcode, "Could not get an ID for the clone of volume %u from the VLDB\n", afromvol); VDONE; /* Do the clone. Default flags on clone are set to delete on salvage and out of service */ VPRINT1("Cloning source volume %u ...", afromvol); strcpy(vname, "move-clone-temp"); code = AFSVolClone(fromconn, fromtid, 0, readonlyVolume, vname, &newVol); EGOTO1(mfail, code, "Failed to clone the source volume %u\n", afromvol); VDONE; } /* lookup the name of the volume we just cloned */ volid = afromvol; code = AFSVolGetName(fromconn, fromtid, &volName); EGOTO1(mfail, code, "Failed to get the name of the volume %u\n", afromvol); VPRINT1("Ending the transaction on the source volume %u ...", afromvol); rcode = 0; code = AFSVolEndTrans(fromconn, fromtid, &rcode); fromtid = 0; if (!code) code = rcode; EGOTO1(mfail, code, "Failed to end the transaction on the source volume %u\n", afromvol); VDONE; /* *** * Create the destination volume * ***/ if (!(flags & RV_NOCLONE)) { /* All of this is to get the fromDate */ VPRINT1("Starting transaction on the cloned volume %u ...", newVol); code = AFSVolTransCreate(fromconn, newVol, afrompart, ITOffline, &clonetid); EGOTO1(mfail, code, "Failed to start a transaction on the cloned volume%u\n", newVol); VDONE; VPRINT1("Setting flags on cloned volume %u ...", newVol); code = AFSVolSetFlags(fromconn, clonetid, VTDeleteOnSalvage | VTOutOfService); /*redundant */ EGOTO1(mfail, code, "Could not set flags on the cloned volume %u\n", newVol); VDONE; /* remember time from which we've dumped the volume */ VPRINT1("Getting status of cloned volume %u ...", newVol); code = AFSVolGetStatus(fromconn, clonetid, &tstatus); EGOTO1(mfail, code, "Failed to get the status of the cloned volume %u\n", newVol); VDONE; fromDate = tstatus.creationDate - CLOCKSKEW; } else { /* With RV_NOCLONE, just do a full copy from the source */ fromDate = 0; } #ifdef ENABLE_BUGFIX_1165 /* * Get the internal volume state from the source volume. We'll use such info (i.e. dayUse) * to copy it to the new volume (via AFSSetInfo later on) so that when we move volumes we * don't use this information... */ volumeInfo.volEntries_val = (volintInfo *) 0; /*this hints the stub to allocate space */ volumeInfo.volEntries_len = 0; code = AFSVolListOneVolume(fromconn, afrompart, afromvol, &volumeInfo); EGOTO1(mfail, code, "Failed to get the volint Info of the cloned volume %u\n", afromvol); infop = (volintInfo *) volumeInfo.volEntries_val; infop->maxquota = -1; /* Else it will replace the default quota */ infop->creationDate = -1; /* Else it will use the source creation date */ infop->updateDate = -1; /* Else it will use the source update date */ #endif /* create a volume on the target machine */ volid = afromvol; code = AFSVolTransCreate(toconn, volid, atopart, ITOffline, &totid); if (!code) { /* Delete the existing volume. * While we are deleting the volume in these steps, the transaction * we started against the cloned volume (clonetid above) will be * sitting idle. It will get cleaned up after 600 seconds */ VPRINT1("Deleting pre-existing volume %u on destination ...", volid); code = AFSVolDeleteVolume(toconn, totid); EGOTO1(mfail, code, "Could not delete the pre-existing volume %u on destination\n", volid); VDONE; VPRINT1 ("Ending transaction on pre-existing volume %u on destination ...", volid); code = AFSVolEndTrans(toconn, totid, &rcode); totid = 0; if (!code) code = rcode; EGOTO1(mfail, code, "Could not end the transaction on pre-existing volume %u on destination\n", volid); VDONE; } VPRINT1("Creating the destination volume %u ...", volid); code = AFSVolCreateVolume(toconn, atopart, volName, volser_RW, volid, &volid, &totid); EGOTO1(mfail, code, "Failed to create the destination volume %u\n", volid); VDONE; strncpy(tmpName, volName, VOLSER_OLDMAXVOLNAME); free(volName); volName = NULL; VPRINT1("Setting volume flags on destination volume %u ...", volid); code = AFSVolSetFlags(toconn, totid, (VTDeleteOnSalvage | VTOutOfService)); EGOTO1(mfail, code, "Failed to set the flags on the destination volume %u\n", volid); VDONE; /*** * Now dump the clone to the new volume ***/ destination.destHost = ntohl(atoserver); destination.destPort = AFSCONF_VOLUMEPORT; destination.destSSID = 1; strncpy(cookie.name, tmpName, VOLSER_OLDMAXVOLNAME); cookie.type = RWVOL; cookie.parent = entry.volumeId[RWVOL]; cookie.clone = 0; if (!(flags & RV_NOCLONE)) { /* Copy the clone to the new volume */ VPRINT2("Dumping from clone %u on source to volume %u on destination ...", newVol, afromvol); code = AFSVolForward(fromconn, clonetid, 0, &destination, totid, &cookie); EGOTO1(mfail, code, "Failed to move data for the volume %u\n", volid); VDONE; VPRINT1("Ending transaction on cloned volume %u ...", newVol); code = AFSVolEndTrans(fromconn, clonetid, &rcode); if (!code) code = rcode; clonetid = 0; EGOTO1(mfail, code, "Failed to end the transaction on the cloned volume %u\n", newVol); VDONE; } /* *** * reattach to the main-line volume, and incrementally dump it. * ***/ VPRINT1("Starting transaction on source volume %u ...", afromvol); code = AFSVolTransCreate(fromconn, afromvol, afrompart, ITBusy, &fromtid); EGOTO1(mfail, code, "Failed to create a transaction on the source volume %u\n", afromvol); VDONE; /* now do the incremental */ VPRINT2 ("Doing the%s dump from source to destination for volume %u ... ", (flags & RV_NOCLONE) ? "" : " incremental", afromvol); code = AFSVolForward(fromconn, fromtid, fromDate, &destination, totid, &cookie); EGOTO1(mfail, code, "Failed to do the%s dump from rw volume on old site to rw volume on newsite\n", (flags & RV_NOCLONE) ? "" : " incremental"); VDONE; /* now adjust the flags so that the new volume becomes official */ VPRINT1("Setting volume flags on old source volume %u ...", afromvol); code = AFSVolSetFlags(fromconn, fromtid, VTOutOfService); EGOTO(mfail, code, "Failed to set the flags to make old source volume offline\n"); VDONE; VPRINT1("Setting volume flags on new source volume %u ...", afromvol); code = AFSVolSetFlags(toconn, totid, 0); EGOTO(mfail, code, "Failed to set the flags to make new source volume online\n"); VDONE; #ifdef ENABLE_BUGFIX_1165 VPRINT1("Setting volume status on destination volume %u ...", volid); code = AFSVolSetInfo(toconn, totid, infop); EGOTO1(mfail, code, "Failed to set volume status on the destination volume %u\n", volid); VDONE; #endif /* put new volume online */ VPRINT1("Ending transaction on destination volume %u ...", afromvol); code = AFSVolEndTrans(toconn, totid, &rcode); totid = 0; if (!code) code = rcode; EGOTO1(mfail, code, "Failed to end the transaction on the volume %u on the new site\n", afromvol); VDONE; Lp_SetRWValue(&entry, afromserver, afrompart, atoserver, atopart); MapNetworkToHost(&entry, &storeEntry); storeEntry.flags &= ~BACK_EXISTS; if (TESTC) { fprintf(STDOUT, "Second test point - operation in progress but not complete.\n"); fprintf(STDOUT, "...test here (y, n)? "); fflush(STDOUT); fscanf(stdin, "%c", &in); fscanf(stdin, "%c", &lf); /* toss away */ if (in == 'y') { fprintf(STDOUT, "type control-c\n"); while (1) { fprintf(stdout, "."); fflush(stdout); sleep(1); } } /* or drop through */ } VPRINT1("Releasing lock on VLDB entry for volume %u ...", afromvol); vcode = VLDB_ReplaceEntry(afromvol, -1, &storeEntry, (LOCKREL_OPCODE | LOCKREL_AFSID | LOCKREL_TIMESTAMP)); if (vcode) { fprintf(STDERR, " Could not release the lock on the VLDB entry for the volume %s %lu \n", storeEntry.name, (unsigned long)afromvol); error = vcode; goto mfail; } islocked = 0; VDONE; if (TESTC) { fprintf(STDOUT, "Third test point - operation complete but no cleanup.\n"); fprintf(STDOUT, "...test here (y, n)? "); fflush(STDOUT); fscanf(stdin, "%c", &in); fscanf(stdin, "%c", &lf); /* toss away */ if (in == 'y') { fprintf(STDOUT, "type control-c\n"); while (1) { fprintf(stdout, "."); fflush(stdout); sleep(1); } } /* or drop through */ } #ifdef notdef /* This is tricky. File server is very stupid, and if you mark the volume * as VTOutOfService, it may mark the *good* instance (if you're moving * between partitions on the same machine) as out of service. Since * we're cleaning this code up in DEcorum, we're just going to kludge around * it for now by removing this call. */ /* already out of service, just zap it now */ code = AFSVolSetFlags(fromconn, fromtid, VTDeleteOnSalvage | VTOutOfService); if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "Failed to set the flags to make the old source volume offline\n"); goto mfail; } #endif if (atoserver != afromserver) { /* set forwarding pointer for moved volumes */ VPRINT1("Setting forwarding pointer for volume %u ...", afromvol); code = AFSVolSetForwarding(fromconn, fromtid, atoserver); EGOTO1(mfail, code, "Failed to set the forwarding pointer for the volume %u\n", afromvol); VDONE; } VPRINT1("Deleting old volume %u on source ...", afromvol); code = AFSVolDeleteVolume(fromconn, fromtid); /* zap original volume */ EGOTO1(mfail, code, "Failed to delete the old volume %u on source\n", afromvol); VDONE; VPRINT1("Ending transaction on old volume %u on the source ...", afromvol); code = AFSVolEndTrans(fromconn, fromtid, &rcode); fromtid = 0; if (!code) code = rcode; EGOTO1(mfail, code, "Failed to end the transaction on the old volume %u on the source\n", afromvol); VDONE; /* Delete the backup volume on the original site */ VPRINT1("Creating transaction for backup volume %u on source ...", backupId); code = AFSVolTransCreate(fromconn, backupId, afrompart, ITOffline, &fromtid); VDONE; if (!code) { VPRINT1("Setting flags on backup volume %u on source ...", backupId); code = AFSVolSetFlags(fromconn, fromtid, VTDeleteOnSalvage | VTOutOfService); EGOTO1(mfail, code, "Failed to set the flags on the backup volume %u on the source\n", backupId); VDONE; VPRINT1("Deleting the backup volume %u on the source ...", backupId); code = AFSVolDeleteVolume(fromconn, fromtid); EGOTO1(mfail, code, "Failed to delete the backup volume %u on the source\n", backupId); VDONE; VPRINT1("Ending transaction on backup volume %u on source ...", backupId); code = AFSVolEndTrans(fromconn, fromtid, &rcode); fromtid = 0; if (!code) code = rcode; EGOTO1(mfail, code, "Failed to end the transaction on the backup volume %u on the source\n", backupId); VDONE; } else code = 0; /* no backup volume? that's okay */ fromtid = 0; if (!(flags & RV_NOCLONE)) { VPRINT1("Starting transaction on the cloned volume %u ...", newVol); code = AFSVolTransCreate(fromconn, newVol, afrompart, ITOffline, &clonetid); EGOTO1(mfail, code, "Failed to start a transaction on the cloned volume%u\n", newVol); VDONE; /* now delete the clone */ VPRINT1("Deleting the cloned volume %u ...", newVol); code = AFSVolDeleteVolume(fromconn, clonetid); EGOTO1(mfail, code, "Failed to delete the cloned volume %u\n", newVol); VDONE; VPRINT1("Ending transaction on cloned volume %u ...", newVol); code = AFSVolEndTrans(fromconn, clonetid, &rcode); if (!code) code = rcode; clonetid = 0; EGOTO1(mfail, code, "Failed to end the transaction on the cloned volume %u\n", newVol); VDONE; } /* fall through */ /* END OF MOVE */ if (TESTC) { fprintf(STDOUT, "Fourth test point - operation complete.\n"); fprintf(STDOUT, "...test here (y, n)? "); fflush(STDOUT); fscanf(stdin, "%c", &in); fscanf(stdin, "%c", &lf); /* toss away */ if (in == 'y') { fprintf(STDOUT, "type control-c\n"); while (1) { fprintf(stdout, "."); fflush(stdout); sleep(1); } } /* or drop through */ } /* normal cleanup code */ if (entry.flags & RO_EXISTS) fprintf(STDERR, "WARNING : readOnly copies still exist \n"); if (islocked) { VPRINT1("Cleanup: Releasing VLDB lock on volume %u ...", afromvol); vcode = ubik_Call(VL_ReleaseLock, cstruct, 0, afromvol, -1, (LOCKREL_OPCODE | LOCKREL_AFSID | LOCKREL_TIMESTAMP)); if (vcode) { VPRINT("\n"); fprintf(STDERR, " Could not release the lock on the VLDB entry for the volume %lu \n", (unsigned long)afromvol); if (!error) error = vcode; } VDONE; } if (fromtid) { VPRINT1("Cleanup: Ending transaction on source volume %u ...", afromvol); code = AFSVolEndTrans(fromconn, fromtid, &rcode); if (code || rcode) { VPRINT("\n"); fprintf(STDERR, "Could not end transaction on the source volume %lu\n", (unsigned long)afromvol); if (!error) error = (code ? code : rcode); } VDONE; } if (clonetid) { VPRINT1("Cleanup: Ending transaction on clone volume %u ...", newVol); code = AFSVolEndTrans(fromconn, clonetid, &rcode); if (code || rcode) { VPRINT("\n"); fprintf(STDERR, "Could not end transaction on the source's clone volume %lu\n", (unsigned long)newVol); if (!error) error = (code ? code : rcode); } VDONE; } if (totid) { VPRINT1("Cleanup: Ending transaction on destination volume %u ...", afromvol); code = AFSVolEndTrans(toconn, totid, &rcode); if (code) { VPRINT("\n"); fprintf(STDERR, "Could not end transaction on destination volume %lu\n", (unsigned long)afromvol); if (!error) error = (code ? code : rcode); } VDONE; } if (volName) free(volName); #ifdef ENABLE_BUGFIX_1165 if (infop) free(infop); #endif if (fromconn) rx_DestroyConnection(fromconn); if (toconn) rx_DestroyConnection(toconn); PrintError("", error); return error; /* come here only when the sky falls */ mfail: if (pntg) { fprintf(STDOUT, "vos move: operation interrupted, cleanup in progress...\n"); fprintf(STDOUT, "clear transaction contexts\n"); fflush(STDOUT); } /* unlock VLDB entry */ if (islocked) { VPRINT1("Recovery: Releasing VLDB lock on volume %u ...", afromvol); ubik_Call(VL_ReleaseLock, cstruct, 0, afromvol, -1, (LOCKREL_OPCODE | LOCKREL_AFSID | LOCKREL_TIMESTAMP)); VDONE; } if (clonetid) { VPRINT("Recovery: Ending transaction on clone volume ..."); AFSVolEndTrans(fromconn, clonetid, &rcode); VDONE; } if (totid) { VPRINT("Recovery: Ending transaction on destination volume ..."); AFSVolEndTrans(toconn, totid, &rcode); VDONE; } if (fromtid) { /* put it on-line */ VPRINT("Recovery: Setting volume flags on source volume ..."); AFSVolSetFlags(fromconn, fromtid, 0); VDONE; VPRINT("Recovery: Ending transaction on source volume ..."); AFSVolEndTrans(fromconn, fromtid, &rcode); VDONE; } VPRINT("Recovery: Accessing VLDB.\n"); vcode = VLDB_GetEntryByID(afromvol, -1, &entry); if (vcode) { fprintf(STDOUT, "FATAL: VLDB access error: abort cleanup\n"); fflush(STDOUT); goto done; } MapHostToNetwork(&entry); /* Delete either the volume on the source location or the target location. * If the vldb entry still points to the source location, then we know the * volume move didn't finish so we remove the volume from the target * location. Otherwise, we remove the volume from the source location. */ if (Lp_Match(afromserver, afrompart, &entry)) { /* didn't move - delete target volume */ if (pntg) { fprintf(STDOUT, "move incomplete - attempt cleanup of target partition - no guarantee\n"); fflush(STDOUT); } if (volid && toconn) { VPRINT1 ("Recovery: Creating transaction for destination volume %u ...", volid); code = AFSVolTransCreate(toconn, volid, atopart, ITOffline, &totid); if (!code) { VDONE; VPRINT1 ("Recovery: Setting flags on destination volume %u ...", volid); AFSVolSetFlags(toconn, totid, VTDeleteOnSalvage | VTOutOfService); VDONE; VPRINT1("Recovery: Deleting destination volume %u ...", volid); AFSVolDeleteVolume(toconn, totid); VDONE; VPRINT1 ("Recovery: Ending transaction on destination volume %u ...", volid); AFSVolEndTrans(toconn, totid, &rcode); VDONE; } else { VPRINT1 ("\nRecovery: Unable to start transaction on destination volume %u.\n", afromvol); } } /* put source volume on-line */ if (fromconn) { VPRINT1("Recovery: Creating transaction on source volume %u ...", afromvol); code = AFSVolTransCreate(fromconn, afromvol, afrompart, ITBusy, &fromtid); if (!code) { VDONE; VPRINT1("Recovery: Setting flags on source volume %u ...", afromvol); AFSVolSetFlags(fromconn, fromtid, 0); VDONE; VPRINT1 ("Recovery: Ending transaction on source volume %u ...", afromvol); AFSVolEndTrans(fromconn, fromtid, &rcode); VDONE; } else { VPRINT1 ("\nRecovery: Unable to start transaction on source volume %u.\n", afromvol); } } } else { /* yep, move complete */ if (pntg) { fprintf(STDOUT, "move complete - attempt cleanup of source partition - no guarantee\n"); fflush(STDOUT); } /* delete backup volume */ if (fromconn) { VPRINT1("Recovery: Creating transaction on backup volume %u ...", backupId); code = AFSVolTransCreate(fromconn, backupId, afrompart, ITOffline, &fromtid); if (!code) { VDONE; VPRINT1("Recovery: Setting flags on backup volume %u ...", backupId); AFSVolSetFlags(fromconn, fromtid, VTDeleteOnSalvage | VTOutOfService); VDONE; VPRINT1("Recovery: Deleting backup volume %u ...", backupId); AFSVolDeleteVolume(fromconn, fromtid); VDONE; VPRINT1 ("Recovery: Ending transaction on backup volume %u ...", backupId); AFSVolEndTrans(fromconn, fromtid, &rcode); VDONE; } else { VPRINT1 ("\nRecovery: Unable to start transaction on backup volume %u.\n", backupId); } /* delete source volume */ VPRINT1("Recovery: Creating transaction on source volume %u ...", afromvol); code = AFSVolTransCreate(fromconn, afromvol, afrompart, ITBusy, &fromtid); if (!code) { VDONE; VPRINT1("Recovery: Setting flags on backup volume %u ...", afromvol); AFSVolSetFlags(fromconn, fromtid, VTDeleteOnSalvage | VTOutOfService); VDONE; if (atoserver != afromserver) { VPRINT("Recovery: Setting volume forwarding pointer ..."); AFSVolSetForwarding(fromconn, fromtid, atoserver); VDONE; } VPRINT1("Recovery: Deleting source volume %u ...", afromvol); AFSVolDeleteVolume(fromconn, fromtid); VDONE; VPRINT1 ("Recovery: Ending transaction on source volume %u ...", afromvol); AFSVolEndTrans(fromconn, fromtid, &rcode); VDONE; } else { VPRINT1 ("\nRecovery: Unable to start transaction on source volume %u.\n", afromvol); } } } /* common cleanup - delete local clone */ if (newVol) { VPRINT1("Recovery: Creating transaction on clone volume %u ...", newVol); code = AFSVolTransCreate(fromconn, newVol, afrompart, ITOffline, &clonetid); if (!code) { VDONE; VPRINT1("Recovery: Deleting clone volume %u ...", newVol); AFSVolDeleteVolume(fromconn, clonetid); VDONE; VPRINT1("Recovery: Ending transaction on clone volume %u ...", newVol); AFSVolEndTrans(fromconn, clonetid, &rcode); VDONE; } else { VPRINT1 ("\nRecovery: Unable to start transaction on source volume %u.\n", afromvol); } } /* unlock VLDB entry */ VPRINT1("Recovery: Releasing lock on VLDB entry for volume %u ...", afromvol); ubik_Call(VL_ReleaseLock, cstruct, 0, afromvol, -1, (LOCKREL_OPCODE | LOCKREL_AFSID | LOCKREL_TIMESTAMP)); VDONE; done: /* routine cleanup */ if (volName) free(volName); #ifdef ENABLE_BUGFIX_1165 if (infop) free(infop); #endif if (fromconn) rx_DestroyConnection(fromconn); if (toconn) rx_DestroyConnection(toconn); if (pntg) { fprintf(STDOUT, "cleanup complete - user verify desired result\n"); fflush(STDOUT); } exit(1); } int UV_MoveVolume(afs_int32 afromvol, afs_int32 afromserver, afs_int32 afrompart, afs_int32 atoserver, afs_int32 atopart) { return UV_MoveVolume2(afromvol, afromserver, afrompart, atoserver, atopart, 0); } /* Copy volume from to * . The new volume is named by . The new volume * has ID if that is nonzero; otherwise a new ID is allocated * from the VLDB. the following flags are supported: * * RV_RDONLY - target volume is RO * RV_OFFLINE - leave target volume offline * RV_CPINCR - do incremental dump if target exists * RV_NOVLDB - don't create/update VLDB entry * RV_NOCLONE - don't use a copy clone */ int UV_CopyVolume2(afs_int32 afromvol, afs_int32 afromserver, afs_int32 afrompart, char *atovolname, afs_int32 atoserver, afs_int32 atopart, afs_int32 atovolid, int flags) { struct rx_connection *toconn, *fromconn; afs_int32 fromtid, totid, clonetid; char vname[64]; afs_int32 rcode; afs_int32 fromDate, cloneFromDate; struct restoreCookie cookie; register afs_int32 vcode, code; afs_int32 cloneVol, newVol, volflag; struct volser_status tstatus; struct destServer destination; struct nvldbentry entry, newentry, storeEntry; int islocked, pntg; afs_int32 error; int justclone = 0; islocked = 0; fromconn = (struct rx_connection *)0; toconn = (struct rx_connection *)0; fromtid = 0; totid = 0; clonetid = 0; error = 0; pntg = 0; newVol = 0; /* support control-c processing */ if (setjmp(env)) goto mfail; (void)signal(SIGINT, sigint_handler); vcode = VLDB_GetEntryByID(afromvol, -1, &entry); EGOTO1(mfail, vcode, "Could not fetch the entry for the volume %u from the VLDB \n", afromvol); MapHostToNetwork(&entry); pntg = 1; toconn = UV_Bind(atoserver, AFSCONF_VOLUMEPORT); /* get connections to the servers */ fromconn = UV_Bind(afromserver, AFSCONF_VOLUMEPORT); fromtid = totid = 0; /* initialize to uncreated */ /* check if we can shortcut and use a local clone instead of a full copy */ if (afromserver == atoserver && afrompart == atopart) { justclone = 1; } /* *** * clone the read/write volume locally. * ***/ cloneVol = 0; if (!(flags & RV_NOCLONE)) { VPRINT1("Starting transaction on source volume %u ...", afromvol); code = AFSVolTransCreate(fromconn, afromvol, afrompart, ITBusy, &fromtid); EGOTO1(mfail, code, "Failed to create transaction on the volume %u\n", afromvol); VDONE; /* Get a clone id */ VPRINT1("Allocating new volume id for clone of volume %u ...", afromvol); cloneVol = 0; vcode = ubik_Call(VL_GetNewVolumeId, cstruct, 0, 1, &cloneVol); EGOTO1(mfail, vcode, "Could not get an ID for the clone of volume %u from the VLDB\n", afromvol); VDONE; } if (atovolid) { newVol = atovolid; } else { /* Get a new volume id */ VPRINT1("Allocating new volume id for copy of volume %u ...", afromvol); newVol = 0; vcode = ubik_Call(VL_GetNewVolumeId, cstruct, 0, 1, &newVol); EGOTO1(mfail, vcode, "Could not get an ID for the copy of volume %u from the VLDB\n", afromvol); VDONE; } if (!(flags & RV_NOCLONE)) { /* Do the clone. Default flags on clone are set to delete on salvage and out of service */ VPRINT1("Cloning source volume %u ...", afromvol); strcpy(vname, "copy-clone-temp"); code = AFSVolClone(fromconn, fromtid, 0, readonlyVolume, vname, &cloneVol); EGOTO1(mfail, code, "Failed to clone the source volume %u\n", afromvol); VDONE; VPRINT1("Ending the transaction on the source volume %u ...", afromvol); rcode = 0; code = AFSVolEndTrans(fromconn, fromtid, &rcode); fromtid = 0; if (!code) code = rcode; EGOTO1(mfail, code, "Failed to end the transaction on the source volume %u\n", afromvol); VDONE; } /* *** * Create the destination volume * ***/ if (!(flags & RV_NOCLONE)) { VPRINT1("Starting transaction on the cloned volume %u ...", cloneVol); code = AFSVolTransCreate(fromconn, cloneVol, afrompart, ITOffline, &clonetid); EGOTO1(mfail, code, "Failed to start a transaction on the cloned volume%u\n", cloneVol); VDONE; VPRINT1("Setting flags on cloned volume %u ...", cloneVol); code = AFSVolSetFlags(fromconn, clonetid, VTDeleteOnSalvage | VTOutOfService); /*redundant */ EGOTO1(mfail, code, "Could not set flags on the cloned volume %u\n", cloneVol); VDONE; /* remember time from which we've dumped the volume */ VPRINT1("Getting status of cloned volume %u ...", cloneVol); code = AFSVolGetStatus(fromconn, clonetid, &tstatus); EGOTO1(mfail, code, "Failed to get the status of the cloned volume %u\n", cloneVol); VDONE; fromDate = tstatus.creationDate - CLOCKSKEW; } else { fromDate = 0; } /* create a volume on the target machine */ cloneFromDate = 0; code = AFSVolTransCreate(toconn, newVol, atopart, ITOffline, &totid); if (!code) { if ((flags & RV_CPINCR)) { VPRINT1("Getting status of pre-existing volume %u ...", newVol); code = AFSVolGetStatus(toconn, totid, &tstatus); EGOTO1(mfail, code, "Failed to get the status of the pre-existing volume %u\n", newVol); VDONE; /* Using the update date should be OK here, but add some fudge */ cloneFromDate = tstatus.updateDate - CLOCKSKEW; if ((flags & RV_NOCLONE)) fromDate = cloneFromDate; /* XXX We should check that the source volume's creationDate is * XXX not newer than the existing target volume, and if not, * XXX throw away the existing target and do a full dump. */ goto cpincr; } /* Delete the existing volume. * While we are deleting the volume in these steps, the transaction * we started against the cloned volume (clonetid above) will be * sitting idle. It will get cleaned up after 600 seconds */ VPRINT1("Deleting pre-existing volume %u on destination ...", newVol); code = AFSVolDeleteVolume(toconn, totid); EGOTO1(mfail, code, "Could not delete the pre-existing volume %u on destination\n", newVol); VDONE; VPRINT1 ("Ending transaction on pre-existing volume %u on destination ...", newVol); code = AFSVolEndTrans(toconn, totid, &rcode); totid = 0; if (!code) code = rcode; EGOTO1(mfail, code, "Could not end the transaction on pre-existing volume %u on destination\n", newVol); VDONE; } VPRINT1("Creating the destination volume %u ...", newVol); code = AFSVolCreateVolume(toconn, atopart, atovolname, (flags & RV_RDONLY) ? volser_RO : volser_RW, newVol, &newVol, &totid); EGOTO1(mfail, code, "Failed to create the destination volume %u\n", newVol); VDONE; VPRINT1("Setting volume flags on destination volume %u ...", newVol); code = AFSVolSetFlags(toconn, totid, (VTDeleteOnSalvage | VTOutOfService)); EGOTO1(mfail, code, "Failed to set the flags on the destination volume %u\n", newVol); VDONE; cpincr: destination.destHost = ntohl(atoserver); destination.destPort = AFSCONF_VOLUMEPORT; destination.destSSID = 1; strncpy(cookie.name, atovolname, VOLSER_OLDMAXVOLNAME); cookie.type = (flags & RV_RDONLY) ? ROVOL : RWVOL; cookie.parent = 0; cookie.clone = 0; /*** * Now dump the clone to the new volume ***/ if (!(flags & RV_NOCLONE)) { /* XXX probably should have some code here that checks to see if * XXX we are copying to same server and partition - if so, just * XXX use a clone to save disk space */ /* Copy the clone to the new volume */ VPRINT2("Dumping from clone %u on source to volume %u on destination ...", cloneVol, newVol); code = AFSVolForward(fromconn, clonetid, cloneFromDate, &destination, totid, &cookie); EGOTO1(mfail, code, "Failed to move data for the volume %u\n", newVol); VDONE; VPRINT1("Ending transaction on cloned volume %u ...", cloneVol); code = AFSVolEndTrans(fromconn, clonetid, &rcode); if (!code) code = rcode; clonetid = 0; EGOTO1(mfail, code, "Failed to end the transaction on the cloned volume %u\n", cloneVol); VDONE; } /* *** * reattach to the main-line volume, and incrementally dump it. * ***/ VPRINT1("Starting transaction on source volume %u ...", afromvol); code = AFSVolTransCreate(fromconn, afromvol, afrompart, ITBusy, &fromtid); EGOTO1(mfail, code, "Failed to create a transaction on the source volume %u\n", afromvol); VDONE; /* now do the incremental */ VPRINT2 ("Doing the%s dump from source to destination for volume %u ... ", (flags & RV_NOCLONE) ? "" : " incremental", afromvol); code = AFSVolForward(fromconn, fromtid, fromDate, &destination, totid, &cookie); EGOTO1(mfail, code, "Failed to do the%s dump from old site to new site\n", afromvol); VDONE; VPRINT1("Setting volume flags on destination volume %u ...", newVol); volflag = ((flags & RV_OFFLINE) ? VTOutOfService : 0); /* off or on-line */ code = AFSVolSetFlags(toconn, totid, volflag); EGOTO(mfail, code, "Failed to set the flags to make destination volume online\n"); VDONE; /* put new volume online */ VPRINT1("Ending transaction on destination volume %u ...", newVol); code = AFSVolEndTrans(toconn, totid, &rcode); totid = 0; if (!code) code = rcode; EGOTO1(mfail, code, "Failed to end the transaction on the destination volume %u\n", newVol); VDONE; VPRINT1("Ending transaction on source volume %u ...", afromvol); code = AFSVolEndTrans(fromconn, fromtid, &rcode); fromtid = 0; if (!code) code = rcode; EGOTO1(mfail, code, "Failed to end the transaction on the source volume %u\n", afromvol); VDONE; fromtid = 0; if (!(flags & RV_NOCLONE)) { VPRINT1("Starting transaction on the cloned volume %u ...", cloneVol); code = AFSVolTransCreate(fromconn, cloneVol, afrompart, ITOffline, &clonetid); EGOTO1(mfail, code, "Failed to start a transaction on the cloned volume%u\n", cloneVol); VDONE; /* now delete the clone */ VPRINT1("Deleting the cloned volume %u ...", cloneVol); code = AFSVolDeleteVolume(fromconn, clonetid); EGOTO1(mfail, code, "Failed to delete the cloned volume %u\n", cloneVol); VDONE; VPRINT1("Ending transaction on cloned volume %u ...", cloneVol); code = AFSVolEndTrans(fromconn, clonetid, &rcode); if (!code) code = rcode; clonetid = 0; EGOTO1(mfail, code, "Failed to end the transaction on the cloned volume %u\n", cloneVol); VDONE; } if (!(flags & RV_NOVLDB)) { /* create the vldb entry for the copied volume */ strncpy(newentry.name, atovolname, VOLSER_OLDMAXVOLNAME); newentry.nServers = 1; newentry.serverNumber[0] = atoserver; newentry.serverPartition[0] = atopart; newentry.flags = (flags & RV_RDONLY) ? RO_EXISTS : RW_EXISTS; newentry.serverFlags[0] = (flags & RV_RDONLY) ? ITSROVOL : ITSRWVOL; newentry.volumeId[RWVOL] = newVol; newentry.volumeId[ROVOL] = (flags & RV_RDONLY) ? newVol : 0; newentry.volumeId[BACKVOL] = 0; newentry.cloneId = 0; /*map into right byte order, before passing to xdr, the stuff has to be in host * byte order. Xdr converts it into network order */ MapNetworkToHost(&newentry, &storeEntry); /* create the vldb entry */ vcode = VLDB_CreateEntry(&storeEntry); if (vcode) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not create a VLDB entry for the volume %s %lu\n", atovolname, (unsigned long)newVol); /*destroy the created volume */ VPRINT1("Deleting the newly created volume %u\n", newVol); AFSVolDeleteVolume(toconn, totid); error = vcode; goto mfail; } VPRINT2("Created the VLDB entry for the volume %s %u\n", atovolname, newVol); } /* normal cleanup code */ if (fromtid) { VPRINT1("Cleanup: Ending transaction on source volume %u ...", afromvol); code = AFSVolEndTrans(fromconn, fromtid, &rcode); if (code || rcode) { VPRINT("\n"); fprintf(STDERR, "Could not end transaction on the source volume %lu\n", (unsigned long)afromvol); if (!error) error = (code ? code : rcode); } VDONE; } if (clonetid) { VPRINT1("Cleanup: Ending transaction on clone volume %u ...", cloneVol); code = AFSVolEndTrans(fromconn, clonetid, &rcode); if (code || rcode) { VPRINT("\n"); fprintf(STDERR, "Could not end transaction on the source's clone volume %lu\n", (unsigned long)cloneVol); if (!error) error = (code ? code : rcode); } VDONE; } if (totid) { VPRINT1("Cleanup: Ending transaction on destination volume %u ...", newVol); code = AFSVolEndTrans(toconn, totid, &rcode); if (code) { VPRINT("\n"); fprintf(STDERR, "Could not end transaction on destination volume %lu\n", (unsigned long)newVol); if (!error) error = (code ? code : rcode); } VDONE; } if (fromconn) rx_DestroyConnection(fromconn); if (toconn) rx_DestroyConnection(toconn); PrintError("", error); return error; /* come here only when the sky falls */ mfail: if (pntg) { fprintf(STDOUT, "vos copy: operation interrupted, cleanup in progress...\n"); fprintf(STDOUT, "clear transaction contexts\n"); fflush(STDOUT); } if (clonetid) { VPRINT("Recovery: Ending transaction on clone volume ..."); AFSVolEndTrans(fromconn, clonetid, &rcode); VDONE; } if (totid) { VPRINT("Recovery: Ending transaction on destination volume ..."); AFSVolEndTrans(toconn, totid, &rcode); VDONE; } if (fromtid) { /* put it on-line */ VPRINT("Recovery: Ending transaction on source volume ..."); AFSVolEndTrans(fromconn, fromtid, &rcode); VDONE; } VPRINT("Recovery: Accessing VLDB.\n"); vcode = VLDB_GetEntryByID(afromvol, -1, &entry); if (vcode) { fprintf(STDOUT, "FATAL: VLDB access error: abort cleanup\n"); fflush(STDOUT); goto done; } MapHostToNetwork(&entry); /* common cleanup - delete local clone */ if (cloneVol) { VPRINT1("Recovery: Creating transaction on clone volume %u ...", cloneVol); code = AFSVolTransCreate(fromconn, newVol, afrompart, ITOffline, &clonetid); if (!code) { VDONE; VPRINT1("Recovery: Deleting clone volume %u ...", cloneVol); AFSVolDeleteVolume(fromconn, clonetid); VDONE; VPRINT1("Recovery: Ending transaction on clone volume %u ...", cloneVol); AFSVolEndTrans(fromconn, clonetid, &rcode); VDONE; } else { VPRINT1 ("\nRecovery: Unable to start transaction on clone volume %u.\n", cloneVol); } } done: /* routine cleanup */ if (fromconn) rx_DestroyConnection(fromconn); if (toconn) rx_DestroyConnection(toconn); if (pntg) { fprintf(STDOUT, "cleanup complete - user verify desired result\n"); fflush(STDOUT); } exit(1); } int UV_CopyVolume(afs_int32 afromvol, afs_int32 afromserver, afs_int32 afrompart, char *atovolname, afs_int32 atoserver, afs_int32 atopart) { return UV_CopyVolume2(afromvol, afromserver, afrompart, atovolname, atoserver, atopart, 0, 0); } /* Make a new backup of volume on and * if one already exists, update it */ int UV_BackupVolume(afs_int32 aserver, afs_int32 apart, afs_int32 avolid) { struct rx_connection *aconn = (struct rx_connection *)0; afs_int32 ttid = 0, btid = 0; afs_int32 backupID; afs_int32 code = 0, rcode = 0; char vname[VOLSER_MAXVOLNAME + 1]; struct nvldbentry entry, storeEntry; afs_int32 error = 0; int vldblocked = 0, vldbmod = 0, backexists = 1; aconn = UV_Bind(aserver, AFSCONF_VOLUMEPORT); /* the calls to VLDB will succeed only if avolid is a RW volume, * since we are following the RW hash chain for searching */ code = VLDB_GetEntryByID(avolid, RWVOL, &entry); if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not fetch the entry for the volume %lu from the VLDB \n", (unsigned long)avolid); error = code; goto bfail; } MapHostToNetwork(&entry); /* These operations require the VLDB be locked since it means the VLDB * will change or the vldb is already locked. */ if (!(entry.flags & BACK_EXISTS) || /* backup volume doesnt exist */ (entry.flags & VLOP_ALLOPERS) || /* vldb lock already held */ (entry.volumeId[BACKVOL] == INVALID_BID)) { /* no assigned backup volume id */ code = ubik_Call(VL_SetLock, cstruct, 0, avolid, RWVOL, VLOP_BACKUP); if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not lock the VLDB entry for the volume %lu\n", (unsigned long)avolid); error = code; goto bfail; } vldblocked = 1; /* Reread the vldb entry */ code = VLDB_GetEntryByID(avolid, RWVOL, &entry); if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not fetch the entry for the volume %lu from the VLDB \n", (unsigned long)avolid); error = code; goto bfail; } MapHostToNetwork(&entry); } if (!ISNAMEVALID(entry.name)) { fprintf(STDERR, "Name of the volume %s exceeds the size limit\n", entry.name); error = VOLSERBADNAME; goto bfail; } backupID = entry.volumeId[BACKVOL]; if (backupID == INVALID_BID) { /* Get a backup volume id from the VLDB and update the vldb * entry with it. */ code = ubik_Call(VL_GetNewVolumeId, cstruct, 0, 1, &backupID); if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not allocate ID for the backup volume of %lu from the VLDB\n", (unsigned long)avolid); error = code; goto bfail; } entry.volumeId[BACKVOL] = backupID; vldbmod = 1; } /* Test to see if the backup volume exists by trying to create * a transaction on the backup volume. We've assumed the backup exists. */ code = AFSVolTransCreate(aconn, backupID, apart, ITOffline, &btid); if (code) { if (code != VNOVOL) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not reach the backup volume %lu\n", (unsigned long)backupID); error = code; goto bfail; } backexists = 0; /* backup volume does not exist */ } if (btid) { code = AFSVolEndTrans(aconn, btid, &rcode); btid = 0; if (code || rcode) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not end transaction on the previous backup volume %lu\n", (unsigned long)backupID); error = (code ? code : rcode); goto bfail; } } /* Now go ahead and try to clone the RW volume. * First start a transaction on the RW volume */ code = AFSVolTransCreate(aconn, avolid, apart, ITBusy, &ttid); if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not start a transaction on the volume %lu\n", (unsigned long)avolid); error = code; goto bfail; } /* Clone or reclone the volume, depending on whether the backup * volume exists or not */ if (backexists) { VPRINT1("Re-cloning backup volume %u ...", backupID); code = AFSVolReClone(aconn, ttid, backupID); if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not re-clone backup volume %lu\n", (unsigned long)backupID); error = code; goto bfail; } } else { VPRINT1("Creating a new backup clone %u ...", backupID); strcpy(vname, entry.name); strcat(vname, ".backup"); code = AFSVolClone(aconn, ttid, 0, backupVolume, vname, &backupID); if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "Failed to clone the volume %lu\n", (unsigned long)avolid); error = code; goto bfail; } } /* End the transaction on the RW volume */ code = AFSVolEndTrans(aconn, ttid, &rcode); ttid = 0; if (code || rcode) { fprintf(STDERR, "Failed to end the transaction on the rw volume %lu\n", (unsigned long)avolid); error = (code ? code : rcode); goto bfail; } /* Mork vldb as backup exists */ if (!(entry.flags & BACK_EXISTS)) { entry.flags |= BACK_EXISTS; vldbmod = 1; } /* Now go back to the backup volume and bring it on line */ code = AFSVolTransCreate(aconn, backupID, apart, ITOffline, &btid); if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "Failed to start a transaction on the backup volume %lu\n", (unsigned long)backupID); error = code; goto bfail; } code = AFSVolSetFlags(aconn, btid, 0); if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not mark the backup volume %lu on line \n", (unsigned long)backupID); error = code; goto bfail; } code = AFSVolEndTrans(aconn, btid, &rcode); btid = 0; if (code || rcode) { fprintf(STDERR, "Failed to end the transaction on the backup volume %lu\n", (unsigned long)backupID); error = (code ? code : rcode); goto bfail; } VDONE; /* Will update the vldb below */ bfail: if (ttid) { code = AFSVolEndTrans(aconn, ttid, &rcode); if (code || rcode) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not end transaction on the volume %lu\n", (unsigned long)avolid); if (!error) error = (code ? code : rcode); } } if (btid) { code = AFSVolEndTrans(aconn, btid, &rcode); if (code || rcode) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not end transaction the backup volume %lu\n", (unsigned long)backupID); if (!error) error = (code ? code : rcode); } } /* Now update the vldb - if modified */ if (vldblocked) { if (vldbmod) { MapNetworkToHost(&entry, &storeEntry); code = VLDB_ReplaceEntry(avolid, RWVOL, &storeEntry, (LOCKREL_OPCODE | LOCKREL_AFSID | LOCKREL_TIMESTAMP)); if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not update the VLDB entry for the volume %lu \n", (unsigned long)avolid); if (!error) error = code; } } else { code = ubik_Call(VL_ReleaseLock, cstruct, 0, avolid, RWVOL, (LOCKREL_OPCODE | LOCKREL_AFSID | LOCKREL_TIMESTAMP)); if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not unlock the VLDB entry for the volume %lu \n", (unsigned long)avolid); if (!error) error = code; } } } if (aconn) rx_DestroyConnection(aconn); PrintError("", error); return error; } /* Make a new clone of volume on and * using volume ID , or a new ID allocated from the VLDB. * The new volume is named by , or by appending ".clone" to * the existing name if is NULL. The following flags are * supported: * * RV_RDONLY - target volume is RO * RV_OFFLINE - leave target volume offline */ int UV_CloneVolume(afs_int32 aserver, afs_int32 apart, afs_int32 avolid, afs_int32 acloneid, char *aname, int flags) { struct rx_connection *aconn = (struct rx_connection *)0; afs_int32 ttid = 0, btid = 0; afs_int32 code = 0, rcode = 0; char vname[VOLSER_MAXVOLNAME + 1]; afs_int32 error = 0; int backexists = 1; volEntries volumeInfo; aconn = UV_Bind(aserver, AFSCONF_VOLUMEPORT); if (!aname) { volumeInfo.volEntries_val = (volintInfo *) 0; volumeInfo.volEntries_len = 0; code = AFSVolListOneVolume(aconn, apart, avolid, &volumeInfo); if (code) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not get info for volume %lu\n", (unsigned long)avolid); error = code; goto bfail; } strncpy(vname, volumeInfo.volEntries_val[0].name, VOLSER_OLDMAXVOLNAME - 7); vname[VOLSER_OLDMAXVOLNAME - 7] = 0; strcat(vname, ".clone"); aname = vname; if (volumeInfo.volEntries_val) free(volumeInfo.volEntries_val); } if (!acloneid) { /* Get a clone id */ VPRINT1("Allocating new volume id for clone of volume %u ...", avolid); code = ubik_Call(VL_GetNewVolumeId, cstruct, 0, 1, &acloneid); EGOTO1(bfail, code, "Could not get an ID for the clone of volume %u from the VLDB\n", avolid); VDONE; } /* Test to see if the clone volume exists by trying to create * a transaction on the clone volume. We've assumed the clone exists. */ /* XXX I wonder what happens if the clone has some other parent... */ code = AFSVolTransCreate(aconn, acloneid, apart, ITOffline, &btid); if (code) { if (code != VNOVOL) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not reach the clone volume %lu\n", (unsigned long)acloneid); error = code; goto bfail; } backexists = 0; /* backup volume does not exist */ } if (btid) { code = AFSVolEndTrans(aconn, btid, &rcode); btid = 0; if (code || rcode) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not end transaction on the previous clone volume %lu\n", (unsigned long)acloneid); error = (code ? code : rcode); goto bfail; } } /* Now go ahead and try to clone the RW volume. * First start a transaction on the RW volume */ code = AFSVolTransCreate(aconn, avolid, apart, ITBusy, &ttid); if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not start a transaction on the volume %lu\n", (unsigned long)avolid); error = code; goto bfail; } /* Clone or reclone the volume, depending on whether the backup * volume exists or not */ if (backexists) { VPRINT1("Re-cloning clone volume %u ...", acloneid); code = AFSVolReClone(aconn, ttid, acloneid); if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not re-clone backup volume %lu\n", (unsigned long)acloneid); error = code; goto bfail; } } else { VPRINT1("Creating a new clone %u ...", acloneid); code = AFSVolClone(aconn, ttid, 0, (flags & RV_RDONLY) ? readonlyVolume : backupVolume, aname, &acloneid); if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "Failed to clone the volume %lu\n", (unsigned long)avolid); error = code; goto bfail; } } /* End the transaction on the RW volume */ code = AFSVolEndTrans(aconn, ttid, &rcode); ttid = 0; if (code || rcode) { fprintf(STDERR, "Failed to end the transaction on the rw volume %lu\n", (unsigned long)avolid); error = (code ? code : rcode); goto bfail; } /* Now go back to the backup volume and bring it on line */ if (!(flags & RV_OFFLINE)) { code = AFSVolTransCreate(aconn, acloneid, apart, ITOffline, &btid); if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "Failed to start a transaction on the clone volume %lu\n", (unsigned long)acloneid); error = code; goto bfail; } code = AFSVolSetFlags(aconn, btid, 0); if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not mark the clone volume %lu on line \n", (unsigned long)acloneid); error = code; goto bfail; } code = AFSVolEndTrans(aconn, btid, &rcode); btid = 0; if (code || rcode) { fprintf(STDERR, "Failed to end the transaction on the clone volume %lu\n", (unsigned long)acloneid); error = (code ? code : rcode); goto bfail; } } VDONE; bfail: if (ttid) { code = AFSVolEndTrans(aconn, ttid, &rcode); if (code || rcode) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not end transaction on the volume %lu\n", (unsigned long)avolid); if (!error) error = (code ? code : rcode); } } if (btid) { code = AFSVolEndTrans(aconn, btid, &rcode); if (code || rcode) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not end transaction on the clone volume %lu\n", (unsigned long)acloneid); if (!error) error = (code ? code : rcode); } } if (aconn) rx_DestroyConnection(aconn); PrintError("", error); return error; } static int DelVol(struct rx_connection *conn, afs_int32 vid, afs_int32 part, afs_int32 flags) { afs_int32 acode, ccode, rcode, tid; ccode = rcode = tid = 0; acode = AFSVolTransCreate(conn, vid, part, flags, &tid); if (!acode) { /* It really was there */ acode = AFSVolDeleteVolume(conn, tid); if (acode) { fprintf(STDERR, "Failed to delete volume %lu.\n", (unsigned long)vid); PrintError("", acode); } ccode = AFSVolEndTrans(conn, tid, &rcode); if (!ccode) ccode = rcode; if (ccode) { fprintf(STDERR, "Failed to end transaction on volume %lu.\n", (unsigned long)vid); PrintError("", ccode); } } return acode; } #define ONERROR(ec, ep, es) if (ec) { fprintf(STDERR, (es), (ep)); error = (ec); goto rfail; } #define ERROREXIT(ec) { error = (ec); goto rfail; } /* Get a "transaction" on this replica. Create the volume * if necessary. Return the time from which a dump should * be made (0 if it's a new volume) */ static int GetTrans(struct nvldbentry *vldbEntryPtr, afs_int32 index, struct rx_connection **connPtr, afs_int32 * transPtr, afs_int32 * crtimePtr, afs_int32 * uptimePtr) { afs_int32 volid; struct volser_status tstatus; int code, rcode, tcode; *connPtr = (struct rx_connection *)0; *transPtr = 0; *crtimePtr = 0; *uptimePtr = 0; /* get connection to the replication site */ *connPtr = UV_Bind(vldbEntryPtr->serverNumber[index], AFSCONF_VOLUMEPORT); if (!*connPtr) goto fail; /* server is down */ volid = vldbEntryPtr->volumeId[ROVOL]; if (volid) code = AFSVolTransCreate(*connPtr, volid, vldbEntryPtr->serverPartition[index], ITOffline, transPtr); /* If the volume does not exist, create it */ if (!volid || code) { char volname[64]; if (volid && (code != VNOVOL)) { PrintError("Failed to start a transaction on the RO volume.\n", code); goto fail; } strcpy(volname, vldbEntryPtr->name); strcat(volname, ".readonly"); if (verbose) { fprintf(STDOUT, "Creating new volume %lu on replication site %s: ", (unsigned long)volid, hostutil_GetNameByINet(vldbEntryPtr-> serverNumber[index])); fflush(STDOUT); } code = AFSVolCreateVolume(*connPtr, vldbEntryPtr->serverPartition[index], volname, volser_RO, vldbEntryPtr->volumeId[RWVOL], &volid, transPtr); if (code) { PrintError("Failed to create the ro volume: ", code); goto fail; } vldbEntryPtr->volumeId[ROVOL] = volid; VDONE; /* The following is a bit redundant, since create sets these flags by default */ code = AFSVolSetFlags(*connPtr, *transPtr, VTDeleteOnSalvage | VTOutOfService); if (code) { PrintError("Failed to set flags on the ro volume: ", code); goto fail; } } /* Otherwise, the transaction did succeed, so get the creation date of the * latest RO volume on the replication site */ else { VPRINT2("Updating existing ro volume %u on %s ...\n", volid, hostutil_GetNameByINet(vldbEntryPtr->serverNumber[index])); code = AFSVolGetStatus(*connPtr, *transPtr, &tstatus); if (code) { PrintError("Failed to get status of volume on destination: ", code); goto fail; } *crtimePtr = tstatus.creationDate - CLOCKSKEW; *uptimePtr = tstatus.updateDate - CLOCKSKEW; } return 0; fail: if (*transPtr) { tcode = AFSVolEndTrans(*connPtr, *transPtr, &rcode); *transPtr = 0; if (!tcode) tcode = rcode; if (tcode) PrintError("Could not end transaction on a ro volume: ", tcode); } return code; } static int SimulateForwardMultiple(struct rx_connection *fromconn, afs_int32 fromtid, afs_int32 fromdate, manyDests * tr, afs_int32 flags, void *cookie, manyResults * results) { int i; for (i = 0; i < tr->manyDests_len; i++) { results->manyResults_val[i] = AFSVolForward(fromconn, fromtid, fromdate, &(tr->manyDests_val[i].server), tr->manyDests_val[i].trans, cookie); } return 0; } /* UV_ReleaseVolume() * Release volume on to all * its RO sites (full release). Unless the previous release was * incomplete: in which case we bring the remaining incomplete * volumes up to date with the volumes that were released * successfully. * forceflag: Performs a full release. * * Will create a clone from the RW, then dump the clone out to * the remaining replicas. If there is more than 1 RO sites, * ensure that the VLDB says at least one RO is available all * the time: Influences when we write back the VLDB entry. */ int UV_ReleaseVolume(afs_int32 afromvol, afs_int32 afromserver, afs_int32 afrompart, int forceflag) { char vname[64]; afs_int32 code, vcode, rcode, tcode; afs_int32 cloneVolId, roVolId; struct replica *replicas = 0; struct nvldbentry entry, storeEntry; int i, volcount, m, fullrelease, vldbindex; int failure; struct restoreCookie cookie; struct rx_connection **toconns = 0; struct release *times = 0; int nservers = 0; struct rx_connection *fromconn = (struct rx_connection *)0; afs_int32 error = 0; int islocked = 0; afs_int32 clonetid = 0, onlinetid; afs_int32 fromtid = 0; afs_uint32 fromdate, thisdate; int s; manyDests tr; manyResults results; int rwindex, roindex, roclone, roexists; afs_int32 rwcrdate, rwupdate, clcrdate; struct rtime { int validtime; afs_uint32 uptime; } remembertime[NMAXNSERVERS]; int releasecount = 0; struct volser_status volstatus; memset((char *)remembertime, 0, sizeof(remembertime)); memset((char *)&results, 0, sizeof(results)); vcode = ubik_Call(VL_SetLock, cstruct, 0, afromvol, RWVOL, VLOP_RELEASE); if (vcode != VL_RERELEASE) ONERROR(vcode, afromvol, "Could not lock the VLDB entry for the volume %u.\n"); islocked = 1; /* Get the vldb entry in readable format */ vcode = VLDB_GetEntryByID(afromvol, RWVOL, &entry); ONERROR(vcode, afromvol, "Could not fetch the entry for the volume %u from the VLDB.\n"); MapHostToNetwork(&entry); if (verbose) EnumerateEntry(&entry); if (!ISNAMEVALID(entry.name)) ONERROR(VOLSERBADOP, entry.name, "Volume name %s is too long, rename before releasing.\n"); if (entry.volumeId[RWVOL] != afromvol) ONERROR(VOLSERBADOP, afromvol, "The volume %u being released is not a read-write volume.\n"); if (entry.nServers <= 1) ONERROR(VOLSERBADOP, afromvol, "Volume %u has no replicas - release operation is meaningless!\n"); if (strlen(entry.name) > (VOLSER_OLDMAXVOLNAME - 10)) ONERROR(VOLSERBADOP, entry.name, "RO volume name %s exceeds (VOLSER_OLDMAXVOLNAME - 10) character limit\n"); /* roclone is true if one of the RO volumes is on the same * partition as the RW volume. In this case, we make the RO volume * on the same partition a clone instead of a complete copy. */ roindex = Lp_ROMatch(afromserver, afrompart, &entry) - 1; roclone = ((roindex == -1) ? 0 : 1); rwindex = Lp_GetRwIndex(&entry); if (rwindex < 0) ONERROR(VOLSERNOVOL, 0, "There is no RW volume \n"); /* Make sure we have a RO volume id to work with */ if (entry.volumeId[ROVOL] == INVALID_BID) { /* need to get a new RO volume id */ vcode = ubik_Call(VL_GetNewVolumeId, cstruct, 0, 1, &roVolId); ONERROR(vcode, entry.name, "Cant allocate ID for RO volume of %s\n"); entry.volumeId[ROVOL] = roVolId; MapNetworkToHost(&entry, &storeEntry); vcode = VLDB_ReplaceEntry(afromvol, RWVOL, &storeEntry, 0); ONERROR(vcode, entry.name, "Could not update vldb entry for %s.\n"); } /* Will we be completing a previously unfinished release. -force overrides */ for (s = 0, m = 0, fullrelease=0, i=0; (i clcrdate) fullrelease = 2;/* Do a full release if RO clone older than RW */ } } if (verbose) { switch (fullrelease) { case 2: fprintf(STDOUT, "RW %lu changed, doing a complete release\n", (unsigned long)afromvol); break; case 1: fprintf(STDOUT, "This is a complete release of volume %lu\n", (unsigned long)afromvol); break; case 0: fprintf(STDOUT, "This is a completion of a previous release\n"); break; } } if (fullrelease) { /* If the RO clone exists, then if the clone is a temporary * clone, delete it. Or if the RO clone is marked RO_DONTUSE * (it was recently added), then also delete it. We do not * want to "reclone" a temporary RO clone. */ if (roexists && (!roclone || (entry.serverFlags[roindex] & RO_DONTUSE))) { code = DelVol(fromconn, cloneVolId, afrompart, ITOffline); if (code && (code != VNOVOL)) ERROREXIT(code); roexists = 0; } /* Mark all the ROs in the VLDB entry as RO_DONTUSE. We don't * write this entry out to the vlserver until after the first * RO volume is released (temp RO clones don't count). */ for (i = 0; i < entry.nServers; i++) { entry.serverFlags[i] &= ~NEW_REPSITE; entry.serverFlags[i] |= RO_DONTUSE; } entry.serverFlags[rwindex] |= NEW_REPSITE; entry.serverFlags[rwindex] &= ~RO_DONTUSE; /* Begin transaction on RW and mark it busy while we clone it */ code = AFSVolTransCreate(fromconn, afromvol, afrompart, ITBusy, &clonetid); ONERROR(code, afromvol, "Failed to start transaction on volume %u\n"); /* Clone or reclone the volume */ if (roexists) { VPRINT1("Recloning RW volume %u...", cloneVolId); code = AFSVolReClone(fromconn, clonetid, cloneVolId); ONERROR(code, afromvol, "Failed to reclone the RW volume %u\n"); VDONE; } else { if (roclone) { strcpy(vname, entry.name); strcat(vname, ".readonly"); VPRINT1("Cloning RW volume %u to permanent RO...", afromvol); } else { strcpy(vname, "readonly-clone-temp"); VPRINT1("Cloning RW volume %u to temporary RO...", afromvol); } code = AFSVolClone(fromconn, clonetid, 0, readonlyVolume, vname, &cloneVolId); ONERROR(code, afromvol, "Failed to clone the RW volume %u\n"); VDONE; } /* Get the time the RW was created for future information */ VPRINT1("Getting status of RW volume %u...", afromvol); code = AFSVolGetStatus(fromconn, clonetid, &volstatus); ONERROR(code, afromvol, "Failed to get the status of the RW volume %u\n"); VDONE; rwcrdate = volstatus.creationDate; rwupdate = volstatus.updateDate; /* End the transaction on the RW volume */ VPRINT1("Ending cloning transaction on RW volume %u...", afromvol); code = AFSVolEndTrans(fromconn, clonetid, &rcode); clonetid = 0; ONERROR((code ? code : rcode), afromvol, "Failed to end cloning transaction on RW %u\n"); VDONE; /* Remember clone volume ID in case we fail or are interrupted */ entry.cloneId = cloneVolId; if (roclone) { /* Bring the RO clone online - though not if it's a temporary clone */ VPRINT1("Starting transaction on RO clone volume %u...", cloneVolId); code = AFSVolTransCreate(fromconn, cloneVolId, afrompart, ITOffline, &onlinetid); ONERROR(code, cloneVolId, "Failed to start transaction on volume %u\n"); VDONE; VPRINT1("Setting volume flags for volume %u...", cloneVolId); tcode = AFSVolSetFlags(fromconn, onlinetid, 0); VDONE; VPRINT1("Ending transaction on volume %u...", cloneVolId); code = AFSVolEndTrans(fromconn, onlinetid, &rcode); ONERROR((code ? code : rcode), cloneVolId, "Failed to end transaction on RO clone %u\n"); VDONE; ONERROR(tcode, cloneVolId, "Could not bring volume %u on line\n"); /* Sleep so that a client searching for an online volume won't * find the clone offline and then the next RO offline while the * release brings the clone online and the next RO offline (race). * There is a fix in the 3.4 client that does not need this sleep * anymore, but we don't know what clients we have. */ if (entry.nServers > 2) sleep(5); /* Mark the RO clone in the VLDB as a good site (already released) */ entry.serverFlags[roindex] |= NEW_REPSITE; entry.serverFlags[roindex] &= ~RO_DONTUSE; entry.flags |= RO_EXISTS; releasecount++; /* Write out the VLDB entry only if the clone is not a temporary * clone. If we did this to a temporary clone then we would end * up marking all the ROs as "old release" making the ROs * temporarily unavailable. */ MapNetworkToHost(&entry, &storeEntry); VPRINT1("Replacing VLDB entry for %s...", entry.name); vcode = VLDB_ReplaceEntry(afromvol, RWVOL, &storeEntry, 0); ONERROR(vcode, entry.name, "Could not update vldb entry for %s.\n"); VDONE; } } /* Now we will release from the clone to the remaining RO replicas. * The first 2 ROs (counting the non-temporary RO clone) are released * individually: releasecount. This is to reduce the race condition * of clients trying to find an on-line RO volume. The remaining ROs * are released in parallel but no more than half the number of ROs * (rounded up) at a time: nservers. */ strcpy(vname, entry.name); strcat(vname, ".readonly"); memset(&cookie, 0, sizeof(cookie)); strncpy(cookie.name, vname, VOLSER_OLDMAXVOLNAME); cookie.type = ROVOL; cookie.parent = entry.volumeId[RWVOL]; cookie.clone = 0; nservers = entry.nServers / 2; /* how many to do at once, excluding clone */ replicas = (struct replica *)malloc(sizeof(struct replica) * nservers + 1); times = (struct release *)malloc(sizeof(struct release) * nservers + 1); toconns = (struct rx_connection **)malloc(sizeof(struct rx_connection *) * nservers + 1); results.manyResults_val = (afs_int32 *) malloc(sizeof(afs_int32) * nservers + 1); if (!replicas || !times || !!!results.manyResults_val || !toconns) ONERROR(ENOMEM, 0, "Failed to create transaction on the release clone\n"); memset(replicas, 0, (sizeof(struct replica) * nservers + 1)); memset(times, 0, (sizeof(struct release) * nservers + 1)); memset(toconns, 0, (sizeof(struct rx_connection *) * nservers + 1)); memset(results.manyResults_val, 0, (sizeof(afs_int32) * nservers + 1)); /* Create a transaction on the cloned volume */ VPRINT1("Starting transaction on cloned volume %u...", cloneVolId); code = AFSVolTransCreate(fromconn, cloneVolId, afrompart, ITBusy, &fromtid); if (!fullrelease && code) ONERROR(VOLSERNOVOL, afromvol, "Old clone is inaccessible. Try vos release -f %u.\n"); ONERROR(code, 0, "Failed to create transaction on the release clone\n"); VDONE; /* For each index in the VLDB */ for (vldbindex = 0; vldbindex < entry.nServers;) { /* Get a transaction on the replicas. Pick replacas which have an old release. */ for (volcount = 0; ((volcount < nservers) && (vldbindex < entry.nServers)); vldbindex++) { /* The first two RO volumes will be released individually. * The rest are then released in parallel. This is a hack * for clients not recognizing right away when a RO volume * comes back on-line. */ if ((volcount == 1) && (releasecount < 2)) break; if (vldbindex == roindex) continue; /* the clone */ if ((entry.serverFlags[vldbindex] & NEW_REPSITE) && !(entry.serverFlags[vldbindex] & RO_DONTUSE)) continue; if (!(entry.serverFlags[vldbindex] & ITSROVOL)) continue; /* not a RO vol */ /* Get a Transaction on this replica. Get a new connection if * necessary. Create the volume if necessary. Return the * time from which the dump should be made (0 if it's a new * volume). Each volume might have a different time. */ replicas[volcount].server.destHost = ntohl(entry.serverNumber[vldbindex]); replicas[volcount].server.destPort = AFSCONF_VOLUMEPORT; replicas[volcount].server.destSSID = 1; times[volcount].vldbEntryIndex = vldbindex; code = GetTrans(&entry, vldbindex, &(toconns[volcount]), &(replicas[volcount].trans), &(times[volcount].crtime), &(times[volcount].uptime)); if (code) continue; /* Thisdate is the date from which we want to pick up all changes */ if (forceflag || !fullrelease || (rwcrdate > times[volcount].crtime)) { /* If the forceflag is set, then we want to do a full dump. * If it's not a full release, we can't be sure that the creation * date is good (so we also do a full dump). * If the RW volume was replaced (its creation date is newer than * the last release), then we can't be sure what has changed (so * we do a full dump). */ thisdate = 0; } else if (remembertime[vldbindex].validtime) { /* Trans was prev ended. Use the time from the prev trans * because, prev trans may have created the volume. In which * case time[volcount].time would be now instead of 0. */ thisdate = (remembertime[vldbindex].uptime < times[volcount].uptime) ? remembertime[vldbindex].uptime : times[volcount].uptime; } else { thisdate = times[volcount].uptime; } remembertime[vldbindex].validtime = 1; remembertime[vldbindex].uptime = thisdate; if (volcount == 0) { fromdate = thisdate; } else { /* Include this volume if it is within 15 minutes of the earliest */ if (((fromdate > thisdate) ? (fromdate - thisdate) : (thisdate - fromdate)) > 900) { AFSVolEndTrans(toconns[volcount], replicas[volcount].trans, &rcode); replicas[volcount].trans = 0; break; } if (thisdate < fromdate) fromdate = thisdate; } volcount++; } if (!volcount) continue; if (verbose) { fprintf(STDOUT, "Starting ForwardMulti from %lu to %u on %s", (unsigned long)cloneVolId, entry.volumeId[ROVOL], hostutil_GetNameByINet(entry. serverNumber[times[0]. vldbEntryIndex])); for (s = 1; s < volcount; s++) { fprintf(STDOUT, " and %s", hostutil_GetNameByINet(entry. serverNumber[times[s]. vldbEntryIndex])); } if (fromdate == 0) fprintf(STDOUT, " (full release)"); else fprintf(STDOUT, " (as of %.24s)", ctime((time_t *)&fromdate)); fprintf(STDOUT, ".\n"); fflush(STDOUT); } /* Release the ones we have collected */ tr.manyDests_val = &(replicas[0]); tr.manyDests_len = results.manyResults_len = volcount; code = AFSVolForwardMultiple(fromconn, fromtid, fromdate, &tr, 0 /*spare */ , &cookie, &results); if (code == RXGEN_OPCODE) { /* RPC Interface Mismatch */ code = SimulateForwardMultiple(fromconn, fromtid, fromdate, &tr, 0 /*spare */ , &cookie, &results); nservers = 1; } if (code) { PrintError("Release failed: ", code); } else { for (m = 0; m < volcount; m++) { if (results.manyResults_val[m]) { if ((m == 0) || (results.manyResults_val[m] != ENOENT)) { /* we retry timed out transaction. When it is * not the first volume and the transaction wasn't found * (assume it timed out and was garbage collected by volser). */ PrintError ("Failed to dump volume from clone to a ro site: ", results.manyResults_val[m]); } continue; } code = AFSVolSetIdsTypes(toconns[m], replicas[m].trans, vname, ROVOL, entry.volumeId[RWVOL], 0, 0); if (code) { if ((m == 0) || (code != ENOENT)) { PrintError("Failed to set correct names and ids: ", code); } continue; } /* have to clear dest. flags to ensure new vol goes online: * because the restore (forwarded) operation copied * the V_inService(=0) flag over to the destination. */ code = AFSVolSetFlags(toconns[m], replicas[m].trans, 0); if (code) { if ((m == 0) || (code != ENOENT)) { PrintError("Failed to set flags on ro volume: ", code); } continue; } entry.serverFlags[times[m].vldbEntryIndex] |= NEW_REPSITE; entry.serverFlags[times[m].vldbEntryIndex] &= ~RO_DONTUSE; entry.flags |= RO_EXISTS; releasecount++; } } /* End the transactions and destroy the connections */ for (s = 0; s < volcount; s++) { if (replicas[s].trans) code = AFSVolEndTrans(toconns[s], replicas[s].trans, &rcode); replicas[s].trans = 0; if (!code) code = rcode; if (code) { if ((s == 0) || (code != ENOENT)) { PrintError("Could not end transaction on a ro volume: ", code); } else { PrintError ("Transaction timed out on a ro volume. Will retry.\n", 0); if (times[s].vldbEntryIndex < vldbindex) vldbindex = times[s].vldbEntryIndex; } } if (toconns[s]) rx_DestroyConnection(toconns[s]); toconns[s] = 0; } MapNetworkToHost(&entry, &storeEntry); vcode = VLDB_ReplaceEntry(afromvol, RWVOL, &storeEntry, 0); ONERROR(vcode, afromvol, " Could not update VLDB entry for volume %u\n"); } /* for each index in the vldb */ /* End the transaction on the cloned volume */ code = AFSVolEndTrans(fromconn, fromtid, &rcode); fromtid = 0; if (!code) code = rcode; if (code) PrintError("Failed to end transaction on rw volume: ", code); /* Figure out if any volume were not released and say so */ for (failure = 0, i = 0; i < entry.nServers; i++) { if (!(entry.serverFlags[i] & NEW_REPSITE)) failure++; } if (failure) { char pname[10]; fprintf(STDERR, "The volume %lu could not be released to the following %d sites:\n", (unsigned long)afromvol, failure); for (i = 0; i < entry.nServers; i++) { if (!(entry.serverFlags[i] & NEW_REPSITE)) { MapPartIdIntoName(entry.serverPartition[i], pname); fprintf(STDERR, "\t%35s %s\n", hostutil_GetNameByINet(entry.serverNumber[i]), pname); } } MapNetworkToHost(&entry, &storeEntry); vcode = VLDB_ReplaceEntry(afromvol, RWVOL, &storeEntry, LOCKREL_TIMESTAMP); ONERROR(vcode, afromvol, " Could not update VLDB entry for volume %u\n"); ERROREXIT(VOLSERBADRELEASE); } /* All the ROs were release successfully. Remove the temporary clone */ if (!roclone) { if (verbose) { fprintf(STDOUT, "Deleting the releaseClone %lu ...", (unsigned long)cloneVolId); fflush(STDOUT); } code = DelVol(fromconn, cloneVolId, afrompart, ITOffline); ONERROR(code, cloneVolId, "Failed to delete volume %u.\n"); VDONE; } entry.cloneId = 0; for (i = 0; i < entry.nServers; i++) entry.serverFlags[i] &= ~NEW_REPSITE; /* Update the VLDB */ VPRINT("updating VLDB ..."); MapNetworkToHost(&entry, &storeEntry); vcode = VLDB_ReplaceEntry(afromvol, RWVOL, &storeEntry, LOCKREL_OPCODE | LOCKREL_AFSID | LOCKREL_TIMESTAMP); ONERROR(vcode, afromvol, " Could not update VLDB entry for volume %u\n"); VDONE; rfail: if (clonetid) { code = AFSVolEndTrans(fromconn, clonetid, &rcode); clonetid = 0; if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "Failed to end cloning transaction on the RW volume %lu\n", (unsigned long)afromvol); if (!error) error = code; } } if (fromtid) { code = AFSVolEndTrans(fromconn, fromtid, &rcode); fromtid = 0; if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "Failed to end transaction on the release clone %lu\n", (unsigned long)cloneVolId); if (!error) error = code; } } for (i = 0; i < nservers; i++) { if (replicas && replicas[i].trans) { code = AFSVolEndTrans(toconns[i], replicas[i].trans, &rcode); replicas[i].trans = 0; if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "Failed to end transaction on ro volume %u at server %s\n", entry.volumeId[ROVOL], hostutil_GetNameByINet(htonl (replicas[i].server. destHost))); if (!error) error = code; } } if (toconns && toconns[i]) { rx_DestroyConnection(toconns[i]); toconns[i] = 0; } } if (islocked) { vcode = ubik_Call(VL_ReleaseLock, cstruct, 0, afromvol, RWVOL, LOCKREL_OPCODE | LOCKREL_AFSID | LOCKREL_TIMESTAMP); if (vcode) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not release lock on the VLDB entry for volume %lu\n", (unsigned long)afromvol); if (!error) error = vcode; } } PrintError("", error); if (fromconn) rx_DestroyConnection(fromconn); if (results.manyResults_val) free(results.manyResults_val); if (replicas) free(replicas); if (toconns) free(toconns); if (times) free(times); return error; } void dump_sig_handler(int x) { fprintf(STDERR, "\nSignal handler: vos dump operation\n"); longjmp(env, 0); } /* Dump the volume on and * to starting from . * DumpFunction does the real work behind the scenes after * extracting parameters from the rock */ int UV_DumpVolume(afs_int32 afromvol, afs_int32 afromserver, afs_int32 afrompart, afs_int32 fromdate, afs_int32(*DumpFunction) (), char *rock) { struct rx_connection *fromconn = (struct rx_connection *)0; struct rx_call *fromcall = (struct rx_call *)0; afs_int32 fromtid = 0, rxError = 0, rcode = 0; afs_int32 code, error = 0; if (setjmp(env)) ERROR_EXIT(EPIPE); #ifndef AFS_NT40_ENV (void)signal(SIGPIPE, dump_sig_handler); #endif (void)signal(SIGINT, dump_sig_handler); if (!fromdate) { VPRINT("Full Dump ...\n"); } else { VPRINT1("Incremental Dump (as of %.24s)...\n", ctime((time_t *) & fromdate)); } /* get connections to the servers */ fromconn = UV_Bind(afromserver, AFSCONF_VOLUMEPORT); VPRINT1("Starting transaction on volume %u...", afromvol); code = AFSVolTransCreate(fromconn, afromvol, afrompart, ITBusy, &fromtid); EGOTO1(error_exit, code, "Could not start transaction on the volume %u to be dumped\n", afromvol); VDONE; fromcall = rx_NewCall(fromconn); VPRINT1("Starting volume dump on volume %u...", afromvol); code = StartAFSVolDump(fromcall, fromtid, fromdate); EGOTO(error_exit, code, "Could not start the dump process \n"); VDONE; VPRINT1("Dumping volume %u...", afromvol); code = DumpFunction(fromcall, rock); EGOTO(error_exit, code, "Error while dumping volume \n"); VDONE; error_exit: if (fromcall) { code = rx_EndCall(fromcall, rxError); if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "Error in rx_EndCall\n"); if (!error) error = code; } } if (fromtid) { VPRINT1("Ending transaction on volume %u...", afromvol); code = AFSVolEndTrans(fromconn, fromtid, &rcode); if (code || rcode) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not end transaction on the volume %lu\n", (unsigned long)afromvol); if (!error) error = (code ? code : rcode); } VDONE; } if (fromconn) rx_DestroyConnection(fromconn); PrintError("", error); return (error); } /* Clone the volume on and * , and then dump the clone volume to * starting from . * DumpFunction does the real work behind the scenes after * extracting parameters from the rock */ int UV_DumpClonedVolume(afs_int32 afromvol, afs_int32 afromserver, afs_int32 afrompart, afs_int32 fromdate, afs_int32(*DumpFunction) (), char *rock) { struct rx_connection *fromconn = (struct rx_connection *)0; struct rx_call *fromcall = (struct rx_call *)0; afs_int32 fromtid = 0, rxError = 0, rcode = 0; afs_int32 clonetid = 0; afs_int32 code = 0, vcode = 0, error = 0; afs_int32 clonevol = 0; char vname[64]; if (setjmp(env)) ERROR_EXIT(EPIPE); #ifndef AFS_NT40_ENV (void)signal(SIGPIPE, dump_sig_handler); #endif (void)signal(SIGINT, dump_sig_handler); if (!fromdate) { VPRINT("Full Dump ...\n"); } else { VPRINT1("Incremental Dump (as of %.24s)...\n", ctime((time_t *) & fromdate)); } /* get connections to the servers */ fromconn = UV_Bind(afromserver, AFSCONF_VOLUMEPORT); VPRINT1("Starting transaction on volume %u...", afromvol); code = AFSVolTransCreate(fromconn, afromvol, afrompart, ITBusy, &fromtid); EGOTO1(error_exit, code, "Could not start transaction on the volume %u to be dumped\n", afromvol); VDONE; /* Get a clone id */ VPRINT1("Allocating new volume id for clone of volume %u ...", afromvol); code = ubik_Call(VL_GetNewVolumeId, cstruct, 0, 1, &clonevol); EGOTO1(error_exit, code, "Could not get an ID for the clone of volume %u from the VLDB\n", afromvol); VDONE; /* Do the clone. Default flags on clone are set to delete on salvage and out of service */ VPRINT2("Cloning source volume %u to clone volume %u...", afromvol, clonevol); strcpy(vname, "dump-clone-temp"); code = AFSVolClone(fromconn, fromtid, 0, readonlyVolume, vname, &clonevol); EGOTO1(error_exit, code, "Failed to clone the source volume %u\n", afromvol); VDONE; VPRINT1("Ending the transaction on the volume %u ...", afromvol); rcode = 0; code = AFSVolEndTrans(fromconn, fromtid, &rcode); fromtid = 0; if (!code) code = rcode; EGOTO1(error_exit, code, "Failed to end the transaction on the volume %u\n", afromvol); VDONE; VPRINT1("Starting transaction on the cloned volume %u ...", clonevol); code = AFSVolTransCreate(fromconn, clonevol, afrompart, ITOffline, &clonetid); EGOTO1(error_exit, code, "Failed to start a transaction on the cloned volume%u\n", clonevol); VDONE; VPRINT1("Setting flags on cloned volume %u ...", clonevol); code = AFSVolSetFlags(fromconn, clonetid, VTDeleteOnSalvage | VTOutOfService); /*redundant */ EGOTO1(error_exit, code, "Could not set falgs on the cloned volume %u\n", clonevol); VDONE; fromcall = rx_NewCall(fromconn); VPRINT1("Starting volume dump from cloned volume %u...", clonevol); code = StartAFSVolDump(fromcall, clonetid, fromdate); EGOTO(error_exit, code, "Could not start the dump process \n"); VDONE; VPRINT1("Dumping volume %u...", afromvol); code = DumpFunction(fromcall, rock); EGOTO(error_exit, code, "Error while dumping volume \n"); VDONE; error_exit: /* now delete the clone */ VPRINT1("Deleting the cloned volume %u ...", clonevol); code = AFSVolDeleteVolume(fromconn, clonetid); if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "Failed to delete the cloned volume %lu\n", (unsigned long)clonevol); } else { VDONE; } if (fromcall) { code = rx_EndCall(fromcall, rxError); if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "Error in rx_EndCall\n"); if (!error) error = code; } } if (clonetid) { VPRINT1("Ending transaction on cloned volume %u...", clonevol); code = AFSVolEndTrans(fromconn, clonetid, &rcode); if (code || rcode) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not end transaction on the cloned volume %lu\n", (unsigned long)clonevol); if (!error) error = (code ? code : rcode); } VDONE; } if (fromconn) rx_DestroyConnection(fromconn); PrintError("", error); return (error); } /* * Restore a volume on from * the dump file . WriteData does all the real work * after extracting params from the rock */ int UV_RestoreVolume(afs_int32 toserver, afs_int32 topart, afs_int32 tovolid, char tovolname[], int flags, afs_int32(*WriteData) (), char *rock) { struct rx_connection *toconn, *tempconn; struct rx_call *tocall; afs_int32 totid, code, rcode, vcode, terror = 0; afs_int32 rxError = 0; struct volser_status tstatus; struct volintInfo vinfo; char partName[10]; afs_int32 pvolid; afs_int32 temptid; int success; struct nvldbentry entry, storeEntry; afs_int32 error; int islocked; struct restoreCookie cookie; int reuseID; afs_int32 volflag, voltype, volsertype; afs_int32 oldCreateDate, oldUpdateDate, newCreateDate, newUpdateDate; int index, same, errcode; char apartName[10]; memset(&cookie, 0, sizeof(cookie)); islocked = 0; success = 0; error = 0; reuseID = 1; tocall = (struct rx_call *)0; toconn = (struct rx_connection *)0; tempconn = (struct rx_connection *)0; totid = 0; temptid = 0; if (flags & RV_RDONLY) { voltype = ROVOL; volsertype = volser_RO; } else { voltype = RWVOL; volsertype = volser_RW; } pvolid = tovolid; toconn = UV_Bind(toserver, AFSCONF_VOLUMEPORT); if (pvolid == 0) { /*alot a new id if needed */ vcode = VLDB_GetEntryByName(tovolname, &entry); if (vcode == VL_NOENT) { vcode = ubik_Call(VL_GetNewVolumeId, cstruct, 0, 1, &pvolid); if (vcode) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not get an Id for the volume %s\n", tovolname); error = vcode; goto refail; } reuseID = 0; } else if (flags & RV_RDONLY) { if (entry.flags & RW_EXISTS) { fprintf(STDERR, "Entry for ReadWrite volume %s already exists!\n", entry.name); error = VOLSERBADOP; goto refail; } if (!entry.volumeId[ROVOL]) { fprintf(STDERR, "Existing entry for volume %s has no ReadOnly ID\n", tovolname); error = VOLSERBADOP; goto refail; } pvolid = entry.volumeId[ROVOL]; } else { pvolid = entry.volumeId[RWVOL]; } } /* at this point we have a volume id to use/reuse for the volume to be restored */ if (strlen(tovolname) > (VOLSER_OLDMAXVOLNAME - 1)) { EGOTO1(refail, VOLSERBADOP, "The volume name %s exceeds the maximum limit of (VOLSER_OLDMAXVOLNAME -1 ) bytes\n", tovolname); } MapPartIdIntoName(topart, partName); fprintf(STDOUT, "Restoring volume %s Id %lu on server %s partition %s ..", tovolname, (unsigned long)pvolid, hostutil_GetNameByINet(toserver), partName); fflush(STDOUT); code = AFSVolCreateVolume(toconn, topart, tovolname, volsertype, 0, &pvolid, &totid); if (code) { if (flags & RV_FULLRST) { /* full restore: delete then create anew */ VPRINT1("Deleting the previous volume %u ...", pvolid); code = AFSVolTransCreate(toconn, pvolid, topart, ITOffline, &totid); EGOTO1(refail, code, "Failed to start transaction on %u\n", pvolid); code = AFSVolGetStatus(toconn, totid, &tstatus); EGOTO1(refail, code, "Could not get timestamp from volume %u\n", pvolid); oldCreateDate = tstatus.creationDate; oldUpdateDate = tstatus.updateDate; code = AFSVolSetFlags(toconn, totid, VTDeleteOnSalvage | VTOutOfService); EGOTO1(refail, code, "Could not set flags on volume %u \n", pvolid); code = AFSVolDeleteVolume(toconn, totid); EGOTO1(refail, code, "Could not delete volume %u\n", pvolid); code = AFSVolEndTrans(toconn, totid, &rcode); totid = 0; if (!code) code = rcode; EGOTO1(refail, code, "Could not end transaction on %u\n", pvolid); VDONE; code = AFSVolCreateVolume(toconn, topart, tovolname, volsertype, 0, &pvolid, &totid); EGOTO1(refail, code, "Could not create new volume %u\n", pvolid); } else { code = AFSVolTransCreate(toconn, pvolid, topart, ITOffline, &totid); EGOTO1(refail, code, "Failed to start transaction on %u\n", pvolid); code = AFSVolGetStatus(toconn, totid, &tstatus); EGOTO1(refail, code, "Could not get timestamp from volume %u\n", pvolid); oldCreateDate = tstatus.creationDate; oldUpdateDate = tstatus.updateDate; } } else { oldCreateDate = 0; oldUpdateDate = 0; } cookie.parent = pvolid; cookie.type = voltype; cookie.clone = 0; strncpy(cookie.name, tovolname, VOLSER_OLDMAXVOLNAME); tocall = rx_NewCall(toconn); terror = StartAFSVolRestore(tocall, totid, 1, &cookie); if (terror) { fprintf(STDERR, "Volume restore Failed \n"); error = terror; goto refail; } code = WriteData(tocall, rock); if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not transmit data\n"); error = code; goto refail; } terror = rx_EndCall(tocall, rxError); tocall = (struct rx_call *)0; if (terror) { fprintf(STDERR, "rx_EndCall Failed \n"); error = terror; goto refail; } code = AFSVolGetStatus(toconn, totid, &tstatus); if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not get status information about the volume %lu\n", (unsigned long)pvolid); error = code; goto refail; } code = AFSVolSetIdsTypes(toconn, totid, tovolname, voltype, pvolid, 0, 0); if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not set the right type and ID on %lu\n", (unsigned long)pvolid); error = code; goto refail; } if (flags & RV_CRDUMP) newCreateDate = tstatus.creationDate; else if (flags & RV_CRKEEP && oldCreateDate != 0) newCreateDate = oldCreateDate; else newCreateDate = time(0); if (flags & RV_LUDUMP) newUpdateDate = tstatus.updateDate; else if (flags & RV_LUKEEP) newUpdateDate = oldUpdateDate; else newUpdateDate = time(0); code = AFSVolSetDate(toconn,totid, newCreateDate); if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not set the 'creation' date on %u\n", pvolid); error = code; goto refail; } init_volintInfo(&vinfo); vinfo.creationDate = newCreateDate; vinfo.updateDate = newUpdateDate; code = AFSVolSetInfo(toconn, totid, &vinfo); if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not set the 'last updated' date on %u\n", pvolid); error = code; goto refail; } volflag = ((flags & RV_OFFLINE) ? VTOutOfService : 0); /* off or on-line */ code = AFSVolSetFlags(toconn, totid, volflag); if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not mark %lu online\n", (unsigned long)pvolid); error = code; goto refail; } /* It isn't handled right in refail */ code = AFSVolEndTrans(toconn, totid, &rcode); totid = 0; if (!code) code = rcode; if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not end transaction on %lu\n", (unsigned long)pvolid); error = code; goto refail; } success = 1; fprintf(STDOUT, " done\n"); fflush(STDOUT); if (success && (!reuseID || (flags & RV_FULLRST))) { /* Volume was restored on the file server, update the * VLDB to reflect the change. */ vcode = VLDB_GetEntryByID(pvolid, voltype, &entry); if (vcode && vcode != VL_NOENT && vcode != VL_ENTDELETED) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not fetch the entry for volume number %lu from VLDB \n", (unsigned long)pvolid); error = vcode; goto refail; } if (!vcode) MapHostToNetwork(&entry); if (vcode == VL_NOENT) { /* it doesnot exist already */ /*make the vldb return this indication specifically */ VPRINT("------- Creating a new VLDB entry ------- \n"); strcpy(entry.name, tovolname); entry.nServers = 1; entry.serverNumber[0] = toserver; /*should be indirect */ entry.serverPartition[0] = topart; entry.serverFlags[0] = (flags & RV_RDONLY) ? ITSROVOL : ITSRWVOL; entry.flags = (flags & RV_RDONLY) ? RO_EXISTS : RW_EXISTS; if (flags & RV_RDONLY) entry.volumeId[ROVOL] = pvolid; else if (tstatus.cloneID != 0) { entry.volumeId[ROVOL] = tstatus.cloneID; /*this should come from status info on the volume if non zero */ } else entry.volumeId[ROVOL] = INVALID_BID; entry.volumeId[RWVOL] = pvolid; entry.cloneId = 0; if (tstatus.backupID != 0) { entry.volumeId[BACKVOL] = tstatus.backupID; /*this should come from status info on the volume if non zero */ } else entry.volumeId[BACKVOL] = INVALID_BID; MapNetworkToHost(&entry, &storeEntry); vcode = VLDB_CreateEntry(&storeEntry); if (vcode) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not create the VLDB entry for volume number %lu \n", (unsigned long)pvolid); error = vcode; goto refail; } islocked = 0; if (verbose) EnumerateEntry(&entry); } else { /*update the existing entry */ if (verbose) { fprintf(STDOUT, "Updating the existing VLDB entry\n"); fprintf(STDOUT, "------- Old entry -------\n"); EnumerateEntry(&entry); fprintf(STDOUT, "------- New entry -------\n"); } vcode = ubik_Call(VL_SetLock, cstruct, 0, pvolid, voltype, VLOP_RESTORE); if (vcode) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not lock the entry for volume number %lu \n", (unsigned long)pvolid); error = vcode; goto refail; } islocked = 1; strcpy(entry.name, tovolname); /* Update the vlentry with the new information */ if (flags & RV_RDONLY) index = Lp_ROMatch(toserver, topart, &entry) - 1; else index = Lp_GetRwIndex(&entry); if (index == -1) { /* Add the new site for the volume being restored */ entry.serverNumber[entry.nServers] = toserver; entry.serverPartition[entry.nServers] = topart; entry.serverFlags[entry.nServers] = (flags & RV_RDONLY) ? ITSROVOL : ITSRWVOL; entry.nServers++; } else { /* This volume should be deleted on the old site * if its different from new site. */ same = VLDB_IsSameAddrs(toserver, entry.serverNumber[index], &errcode); EPRINT2(errcode, "Failed to get info about server's %d address(es) from vlserver (err=%d)\n", toserver, errcode); if ((!errcode && !same) || (entry.serverPartition[index] != topart)) { tempconn = UV_Bind(entry.serverNumber[index], AFSCONF_VOLUMEPORT); MapPartIdIntoName(entry.serverPartition[index], apartName); VPRINT3 ("Deleting the previous volume %u on server %s, partition %s ...", pvolid, hostutil_GetNameByINet(entry.serverNumber[index]), apartName); code = AFSVolTransCreate(tempconn, pvolid, entry.serverPartition[index], ITOffline, &temptid); if (!code) { code = AFSVolSetFlags(tempconn, temptid, VTDeleteOnSalvage | VTOutOfService); if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not set flags on volume %lu on the older site\n", (unsigned long)pvolid); error = code; goto refail; } code = AFSVolDeleteVolume(tempconn, temptid); if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not delete volume %lu on the older site\n", (unsigned long)pvolid); error = code; goto refail; } code = AFSVolEndTrans(tempconn, temptid, &rcode); temptid = 0; if (!code) code = rcode; if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not end transaction on volume %lu on the older site\n", (unsigned long)pvolid); error = code; goto refail; } VDONE; MapPartIdIntoName(entry.serverPartition[index], partName); } } entry.serverNumber[index] = toserver; entry.serverPartition[index] = topart; } entry.flags |= (flags & RV_RDONLY) ? RO_EXISTS : RW_EXISTS; MapNetworkToHost(&entry, &storeEntry); vcode = VLDB_ReplaceEntry(pvolid, voltype, &storeEntry, LOCKREL_OPCODE | LOCKREL_AFSID | LOCKREL_TIMESTAMP); if (vcode) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not update the entry for volume number %lu \n", (unsigned long)pvolid); error = vcode; goto refail; } islocked = 0; if (verbose) EnumerateEntry(&entry); } } refail: if (tocall) { code = rx_EndCall(tocall, rxError); if (!error) error = code; } if (islocked) { vcode = ubik_Call(VL_ReleaseLock, cstruct, 0, pvolid, voltype, LOCKREL_OPCODE | LOCKREL_AFSID | LOCKREL_TIMESTAMP); if (vcode) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not release lock on the VLDB entry for the volume %lu\n", (unsigned long)pvolid); if (!error) error = vcode; } } if (totid) { code = AFSVolEndTrans(toconn, totid, &rcode); if (!code) code = rcode; if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not end transaction on the volume %lu \n", (unsigned long)pvolid); if (!error) error = code; } } if (temptid) { code = AFSVolEndTrans(toconn, temptid, &rcode); if (!code) code = rcode; if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not end transaction on the volume %lu \n", (unsigned long)pvolid); if (!error) error = code; } } if (tempconn) rx_DestroyConnection(tempconn); if (toconn) rx_DestroyConnection(toconn); PrintError("", error); return error; } /*unlocks the vldb entry associated with */ int UV_LockRelease(afs_int32 volid) { afs_int32 vcode; VPRINT("Binding to the VLDB server\n"); vcode = ubik_Call(VL_ReleaseLock, cstruct, 0, volid, -1, LOCKREL_OPCODE | LOCKREL_AFSID | LOCKREL_TIMESTAMP); if (vcode) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not unlock the entry for volume number %lu in VLDB \n", (unsigned long)volid); PrintError("", vcode); return (vcode); } VPRINT("VLDB updated\n"); return 0; } /*adds and as a readonly replication site for *in vldb */ int UV_AddSite(afs_int32 server, afs_int32 part, afs_int32 volid) { int j, nro = 0, islocked = 0; struct nvldbentry entry, storeEntry; afs_int32 vcode, error = 0; char apartName[10]; error = ubik_Call(VL_SetLock, cstruct, 0, volid, RWVOL, VLOP_ADDSITE); if (error) { fprintf(STDERR, " Could not lock the VLDB entry for the volume %lu \n", (unsigned long)volid); goto asfail; } islocked = 1; error = VLDB_GetEntryByID(volid, RWVOL, &entry); if (error) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not fetch the VLDB entry for volume number %lu \n", (unsigned long)volid); goto asfail; } if (!ISNAMEVALID(entry.name)) { fprintf(STDERR, "Volume name %s is too long, rename before adding site\n", entry.name); error = VOLSERBADOP; goto asfail; } MapHostToNetwork(&entry); /* See if it's too many entries */ if (entry.nServers >= NMAXNSERVERS) { fprintf(STDERR, "Total number of entries will exceed %u\n", NMAXNSERVERS); error = VOLSERBADOP; goto asfail; } /* See if it's on the same server */ for (j = 0; j < entry.nServers; j++) { if (entry.serverFlags[j] & ITSROVOL) { nro++; if (VLDB_IsSameAddrs(server, entry.serverNumber[j], &error)) { if (error) { fprintf(STDERR, "Failed to get info about server's %d address(es) from vlserver (err=%d); aborting call!\n", server, error); } else { MapPartIdIntoName(entry.serverPartition[j], apartName); fprintf(STDERR, "RO already exists on partition %s. Multiple ROs on a single server aren't allowed\n", apartName); error = VOLSERBADOP; } goto asfail; } } } /* See if it's too many RO sites - leave one for the RW */ if (nro >= NMAXNSERVERS - 1) { fprintf(STDERR, "Total number of sites will exceed %u\n", NMAXNSERVERS - 1); error = VOLSERBADOP; goto asfail; } VPRINT("Adding a new site ..."); entry.serverNumber[entry.nServers] = server; entry.serverPartition[entry.nServers] = part; entry.serverFlags[entry.nServers] = (ITSROVOL | RO_DONTUSE); entry.nServers++; MapNetworkToHost(&entry, &storeEntry); error = VLDB_ReplaceEntry(volid, RWVOL, &storeEntry, LOCKREL_OPCODE | LOCKREL_AFSID | LOCKREL_TIMESTAMP); if (error) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not update entry for volume %lu \n", (unsigned long)volid); goto asfail; } islocked = 0; VDONE; asfail: if (islocked) { vcode = ubik_Call(VL_ReleaseLock, cstruct, 0, volid, RWVOL, LOCKREL_OPCODE | LOCKREL_AFSID | LOCKREL_TIMESTAMP); if (vcode) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not release lock on volume entry for %lu \n", (unsigned long)volid); PrintError("", vcode); } } PrintError("", error); return error; } /*removes as read only site for from the vldb */ int UV_RemoveSite(afs_int32 server, afs_int32 part, afs_int32 volid) { afs_int32 vcode; struct nvldbentry entry, storeEntry; int islocked; vcode = ubik_Call(VL_SetLock, cstruct, 0, volid, RWVOL, VLOP_ADDSITE); if (vcode) { fprintf(STDERR, " Could not lock the VLDB entry for volume %lu \n", (unsigned long)volid); PrintError("", vcode); return (vcode); } islocked = 1; vcode = VLDB_GetEntryByID(volid, RWVOL, &entry); if (vcode) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not fetch the entry for volume number %lu from VLDB \n", (unsigned long)volid); PrintError("", vcode); return (vcode); } MapHostToNetwork(&entry); if (!Lp_ROMatch(server, part, &entry)) { /*this site doesnot exist */ fprintf(STDERR, "This site is not a replication site \n"); vcode = ubik_Call(VL_ReleaseLock, cstruct, 0, volid, RWVOL, LOCKREL_OPCODE | LOCKREL_AFSID | LOCKREL_TIMESTAMP); if (vcode) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not update entry for volume %lu \n", (unsigned long)volid); PrintError("", vcode); ubik_Call(VL_ReleaseLock, cstruct, 0, volid, RWVOL, LOCKREL_OPCODE | LOCKREL_AFSID | LOCKREL_TIMESTAMP); return (vcode); } return VOLSERBADOP; } else { /*remove the rep site */ Lp_SetROValue(&entry, server, part, 0, 0); entry.nServers--; if ((entry.nServers == 1) && (entry.flags & RW_EXISTS)) entry.flags &= ~RO_EXISTS; if (entry.nServers < 1) { /*this is the last ref */ VPRINT1("Deleting the VLDB entry for %u ...", volid); fflush(STDOUT); vcode = ubik_Call(VL_DeleteEntry, cstruct, 0, volid, ROVOL); if (vcode) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not delete VLDB entry for volume %lu \n", (unsigned long)volid); PrintError("", vcode); return (vcode); } VDONE; } MapNetworkToHost(&entry, &storeEntry); fprintf(STDOUT, "Deleting the replication site for volume %lu ...", (unsigned long)volid); fflush(STDOUT); vcode = VLDB_ReplaceEntry(volid, RWVOL, &storeEntry, LOCKREL_OPCODE | LOCKREL_AFSID | LOCKREL_TIMESTAMP); if (vcode) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not release lock on volume entry for %lu \n", (unsigned long)volid); PrintError("", vcode); ubik_Call(VL_ReleaseLock, cstruct, 0, volid, RWVOL, LOCKREL_OPCODE | LOCKREL_AFSID | LOCKREL_TIMESTAMP); return (vcode); } VDONE; } return 0; } /*sets as read/write site for in the vldb */ int UV_ChangeLocation(afs_int32 server, afs_int32 part, afs_int32 volid) { afs_int32 vcode; struct nvldbentry entry, storeEntry; int index; vcode = ubik_Call(VL_SetLock, cstruct, 0, volid, RWVOL, VLOP_ADDSITE); if (vcode) { fprintf(STDERR, " Could not lock the VLDB entry for volume %lu \n", (unsigned long)volid); PrintError("", vcode); return (vcode); } vcode = VLDB_GetEntryByID(volid, RWVOL, &entry); if (vcode) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not fetch the entry for volume number %lu from VLDB \n", (unsigned long)volid); PrintError("", vcode); return (vcode); } MapHostToNetwork(&entry); index = Lp_GetRwIndex(&entry); if (index < 0) { /* no RW site exists */ fprintf(STDERR, "No existing RW site for volume %lu", (unsigned long)volid); vcode = ubik_Call(VL_ReleaseLock, cstruct, 0, volid, RWVOL, LOCKREL_OPCODE | LOCKREL_AFSID | LOCKREL_TIMESTAMP); if (vcode) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not release lock on entry for volume %lu \n", (unsigned long)volid); PrintError("", vcode); return (vcode); } return VOLSERBADOP; } else { /* change the RW site */ entry.serverNumber[index] = server; entry.serverPartition[index] = part; MapNetworkToHost(&entry, &storeEntry); vcode = VLDB_ReplaceEntry(volid, RWVOL, &storeEntry, LOCKREL_OPCODE | LOCKREL_AFSID | LOCKREL_TIMESTAMP); if (vcode) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not update entry for volume %lu \n", (unsigned long)volid); PrintError("", vcode); ubik_Call(VL_ReleaseLock, cstruct, 0, volid, RWVOL, LOCKREL_OPCODE | LOCKREL_AFSID | LOCKREL_TIMESTAMP); return (vcode); } VDONE; } return 0; } /*list all the partitions on */ int UV_ListPartitions(afs_int32 aserver, struct partList *ptrPartList, afs_int32 * cntp) { struct rx_connection *aconn; struct pIDs partIds; struct partEntries partEnts; register int i, j = 0, code; *cntp = 0; aconn = UV_Bind(aserver, AFSCONF_VOLUMEPORT); partEnts.partEntries_len = 0; partEnts.partEntries_val = NULL; code = AFSVolXListPartitions(aconn, &partEnts); /* this is available only on new servers */ if (code == RXGEN_OPCODE) { for (i = 0; i < 26; i++) /* try old interface */ partIds.partIds[i] = -1; code = AFSVolListPartitions(aconn, &partIds); if (!code) { for (i = 0; i < 26; i++) { if ((partIds.partIds[i]) != -1) { ptrPartList->partId[j] = partIds.partIds[i]; ptrPartList->partFlags[j] = PARTVALID; j++; } else ptrPartList->partFlags[i] = 0; } *cntp = j; } } else if (!code) { *cntp = partEnts.partEntries_len; if (*cntp > VOLMAXPARTS) { fprintf(STDERR, "Warning: number of partitions on the server too high %d (process only %d)\n", *cntp, VOLMAXPARTS); *cntp = VOLMAXPARTS; } for (i = 0; i < *cntp; i++) { ptrPartList->partId[i] = partEnts.partEntries_val[i]; ptrPartList->partFlags[i] = PARTVALID; } free(partEnts.partEntries_val); } /* out: */ if (code) fprintf(STDERR, "Could not fetch the list of partitions from the server\n"); PrintError("", code); if (aconn) rx_DestroyConnection(aconn); return code; } /*zap the list of volumes specified by volPtrArray (the volCloneId field). This is used by the backup system */ int UV_ZapVolumeClones(afs_int32 aserver, afs_int32 apart, struct volDescription *volPtr, afs_int32 arraySize) { struct rx_connection *aconn; struct volDescription *curPtr; int curPos; afs_int32 code = 0; afs_int32 rcode = 0; afs_int32 success = 1; afs_int32 tid; aconn = (struct rx_connection *)0; aconn = UV_Bind(aserver, AFSCONF_VOLUMEPORT); curPos = 0; for (curPtr = volPtr; curPos < arraySize; curPtr++) { if (curPtr->volFlags & CLONEVALID) { curPtr->volFlags &= ~CLONEZAPPED; success = 1; code = AFSVolTransCreate(aconn, curPtr->volCloneId, apart, ITOffline, &tid); if (code) success = 0; else { code = AFSVolDeleteVolume(aconn, tid); if (code) success = 0; code = AFSVolEndTrans(aconn, tid, &rcode); if (code || rcode) success = 0; } if (success) curPtr->volFlags |= CLONEZAPPED; if (!success) fprintf(STDERR, "Could not zap volume %lu\n", (unsigned long)curPtr->volCloneId); if (success) VPRINT2("Clone of %s %u deleted\n", curPtr->volName, curPtr->volCloneId); curPos++; tid = 0; } } if (aconn) rx_DestroyConnection(aconn); return 0; } /*return a list of clones of the volumes specified by volPtrArray. Used by the backup system */ int UV_GenerateVolumeClones(afs_int32 aserver, afs_int32 apart, struct volDescription *volPtr, afs_int32 arraySize) { struct rx_connection *aconn; struct volDescription *curPtr; int curPos; afs_int32 code = 0; afs_int32 rcode = 0; afs_int32 tid; int reuseCloneId = 0; afs_int32 curCloneId = 0; char cloneName[256]; /*max vol name */ aconn = (struct rx_connection *)0; aconn = UV_Bind(aserver, AFSCONF_VOLUMEPORT); curPos = 0; if ((volPtr->volFlags & REUSECLONEID) && (volPtr->volFlags & ENTRYVALID)) reuseCloneId = 1; else { /*get a bunch of id's from vldb */ code = ubik_Call(VL_GetNewVolumeId, cstruct, 0, arraySize, &curCloneId); if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not get ID's for the clone from VLDB\n"); PrintError("", code); return code; } } for (curPtr = volPtr; curPos < arraySize; curPtr++) { if (curPtr->volFlags & ENTRYVALID) { curPtr->volFlags |= CLONEVALID; /*make a clone of curParentId and record as curPtr->volCloneId */ code = AFSVolTransCreate(aconn, curPtr->volId, apart, ITOffline, &tid); if (code) VPRINT2("Clone for volume %s %u failed \n", curPtr->volName, curPtr->volId); if (code) { curPtr->volFlags &= ~CLONEVALID; /*cant clone */ curPos++; continue; } if (strlen(curPtr->volName) < (VOLSER_OLDMAXVOLNAME - 9)) { strcpy(cloneName, curPtr->volName); strcat(cloneName, "-tmpClone-"); } else strcpy(cloneName, "-tmpClone"); if (reuseCloneId) { curPtr->volCloneId = curCloneId; curCloneId++; } code = AFSVolClone(aconn, tid, 0, readonlyVolume, cloneName, &(curPtr->volCloneId)); if (code) { curPtr->volFlags &= ~CLONEVALID; curPos++; fprintf(STDERR, "Could not clone %s due to error %lu\n", curPtr->volName, (unsigned long)code); code = AFSVolEndTrans(aconn, tid, &rcode); if (code) fprintf(STDERR, "WARNING: could not end transaction\n"); continue; } VPRINT2("********** Cloned %s temporary %u\n", cloneName, curPtr->volCloneId); code = AFSVolEndTrans(aconn, tid, &rcode); if (code || rcode) { curPtr->volFlags &= ~CLONEVALID; curPos++; continue; } curPos++; } } if (aconn) rx_DestroyConnection(aconn); return 0; } /*list all the volumes on and . If all = 1, then all the * relevant fields of the volume are also returned. This is a heavy weight operation.*/ int UV_ListVolumes(afs_int32 aserver, afs_int32 apart, int all, struct volintInfo **resultPtr, afs_int32 * size) { struct rx_connection *aconn; afs_int32 code = 0; volEntries volumeInfo; code = 0; *size = 0; *resultPtr = (volintInfo *) 0; volumeInfo.volEntries_val = (volintInfo *) 0; /*this hints the stub to allocate space */ volumeInfo.volEntries_len = 0; aconn = UV_Bind(aserver, AFSCONF_VOLUMEPORT); code = AFSVolListVolumes(aconn, apart, all, &volumeInfo); if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not fetch the list of volumes from the server\n"); } else { *resultPtr = volumeInfo.volEntries_val; *size = volumeInfo.volEntries_len; } if (aconn) rx_DestroyConnection(aconn); PrintError("", code); return code; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ * EXPORTED UV_XListVolumes * * Description: * List the extended information for all the volumes on a particular * File Server and partition. We may either return the volume's ID * or all of its extended information. * * Arguments: * a_serverID : Address of the File Server for which we want * extended volume info. * a_partID : Partition for which we want the extended * volume info. * a_all : If non-zero, fetch ALL the volume info, * otherwise just the volume ID. * a_resultPP : Ptr to the address of the area containing * the returned volume info. * a_numEntsInResultP : Ptr for the value we set for the number of * entries returned. * * Returns: * 0 on success, * Otherise, the return value of AFSVolXListVolumes. * * Environment: * This routine is closely related to UV_ListVolumes, which returns * only the standard level of detail on AFS volumes. It is a * heavyweight operation, zipping through all the volume entries for * a given server/partition. * * Side Effects: * As advertised. *------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int UV_XListVolumes(afs_int32 a_serverID, afs_int32 a_partID, int a_all, struct volintXInfo **a_resultPP, afs_int32 * a_numEntsInResultP) { struct rx_connection *rxConnP; /*Ptr to the Rx connection involved */ afs_int32 code; /*Error code to return */ volXEntries volumeXInfo; /*Area for returned extended vol info */ /* * Set up our error code and the area for returned extended volume info. * We set the val field to a null pointer as a hint for the stub to * allocate space. */ code = 0; *a_numEntsInResultP = 0; *a_resultPP = (volintXInfo *) 0; volumeXInfo.volXEntries_val = (volintXInfo *) 0; volumeXInfo.volXEntries_len = 0; /* * Bind to the Volume Server port on the File Server machine in question, * then go for it. */ rxConnP = UV_Bind(a_serverID, AFSCONF_VOLUMEPORT); code = AFSVolXListVolumes(rxConnP, a_partID, a_all, &volumeXInfo); if (code) fprintf(STDERR, "[UV_XListVolumes] Couldn't fetch volume list\n"); else { /* * We got the info; pull out the pointer to where the results lie * and how many entries are there. */ *a_resultPP = volumeXInfo.volXEntries_val; *a_numEntsInResultP = volumeXInfo.volXEntries_len; } /* * If we got an Rx connection, throw it away. */ if (rxConnP) rx_DestroyConnection(rxConnP); PrintError("", code); return (code); } /*UV_XListVolumes */ /* get all the information about volume on and */ int UV_ListOneVolume(afs_int32 aserver, afs_int32 apart, afs_int32 volid, struct volintInfo **resultPtr) { struct rx_connection *aconn; afs_int32 code = 0; volEntries volumeInfo; code = 0; *resultPtr = (volintInfo *) 0; volumeInfo.volEntries_val = (volintInfo *) 0; /*this hints the stub to allocate space */ volumeInfo.volEntries_len = 0; aconn = UV_Bind(aserver, AFSCONF_VOLUMEPORT); code = AFSVolListOneVolume(aconn, apart, volid, &volumeInfo); if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not fetch the information about volume %lu from the server\n", (unsigned long)volid); } else { *resultPtr = volumeInfo.volEntries_val; } if (aconn) rx_DestroyConnection(aconn); PrintError("", code); return code; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ * EXPORTED UV_XListOneVolume * * Description: * List the extended information for a volume on a particular File * Server and partition. * * Arguments: * a_serverID : Address of the File Server for which we want * extended volume info. * a_partID : Partition for which we want the extended * volume info. * a_volID : Volume ID for which we want the info. * a_resultPP : Ptr to the address of the area containing * the returned volume info. * * Returns: * 0 on success, * Otherise, the return value of AFSVolXListOneVolume. * * Environment: * This routine is closely related to UV_ListOneVolume, which returns * only the standard level of detail on the chosen AFS volume. * * Side Effects: * As advertised. *------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int UV_XListOneVolume(afs_int32 a_serverID, afs_int32 a_partID, afs_int32 a_volID, struct volintXInfo **a_resultPP) { struct rx_connection *rxConnP; /*Rx connection to Volume Server */ afs_int32 code; /*Error code */ volXEntries volumeXInfo; /*Area for returned info */ /* * Set up our error code, and the area we're in which we are returning * the info. Setting the val field to a null pointer tells the stub * to allocate space for us. */ code = 0; *a_resultPP = (volintXInfo *) 0; volumeXInfo.volXEntries_val = (volintXInfo *) 0; volumeXInfo.volXEntries_len = 0; /* * Bind to the Volume Server port on the File Server machine in question, * then go for it. */ rxConnP = UV_Bind(a_serverID, AFSCONF_VOLUMEPORT); code = AFSVolXListOneVolume(rxConnP, a_partID, a_volID, &volumeXInfo); if (code) fprintf(STDERR, "[UV_XListOneVolume] Couldn't fetch the volume information\n"); else /* * We got the info; pull out the pointer to where the results lie. */ *a_resultPP = volumeXInfo.volXEntries_val; /* * If we got an Rx connection, throw it away. */ if (rxConnP) rx_DestroyConnection(rxConnP); PrintError("", code); return code; } /* CheckVolume() * Given a volume we read from a partition, check if it is * represented in the VLDB correctly. * * The VLDB is looked up by the RW volume id (not its name). * The RW contains the true name of the volume (BK and RO set * the name in the VLDB only on creation of the VLDB entry). * We want rules strict enough that when we check all volumes * on one partition, it does not need to be done again. IE: * two volumes on different partitions won't constantly * change a VLDB entry away from what the other set. * For RW and BK volumes, we will always check the VLDB to see * if the two exist on the server/partition. May seem redundant, * but this is an easy check of the VLDB. IE: if the VLDB entry * says the BK exists but no BK volume is there, we will detect * this when we check the RW volume. * VLDB entries are locked only when a change needs to be done. * Output changed to look a lot like the "vos syncserv" otuput. */ static afs_int32 CheckVolume(volintInfo * volumeinfo, afs_int32 aserver, afs_int32 apart, afs_int32 * modentry, afs_uint32 * maxvolid) { int idx, j; afs_int32 code, error = 0; struct nvldbentry entry, storeEntry; char pname[10]; int pass = 0, islocked = 0, createentry, addvolume, modified, mod; afs_int32 rwvolid; if (modentry) *modentry = 0; rwvolid = ((volumeinfo->type == RWVOL) ? volumeinfo->volid : volumeinfo->parentID); retry: /* Check to see if the VLDB is ok without locking it (pass 1). * If it will change, then lock the VLDB entry, read it again, * then make the changes to it (pass 2). */ if (++pass == 2) { code = ubik_Call(VL_SetLock, cstruct, 0, rwvolid, RWVOL, VLOP_DELETE); if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not lock VLDB entry for %lu\n", (unsigned long)rwvolid); ERROR_EXIT(code); } islocked = 1; } createentry = 0; /* Do we need to create a VLDB entry */ addvolume = 0; /* Add this volume to the VLDB entry */ modified = 0; /* The VLDB entry was modified */ /* Read the entry from VLDB by its RW volume id */ code = VLDB_GetEntryByID(rwvolid, RWVOL, &entry); if (code) { if (code != VL_NOENT) { fprintf(STDOUT, "Could not retreive the VLDB entry for volume %lu \n", (unsigned long)rwvolid); ERROR_EXIT(code); } memset(&entry, 0, sizeof(entry)); vsu_ExtractName(entry.name, volumeinfo->name); /* Store name of RW */ createentry = 1; } else { MapHostToNetwork(&entry); } if (verbose && (pass == 1)) { fprintf(STDOUT, "_______________________________\n"); fprintf(STDOUT, "\n-- status before -- \n"); if (createentry) { fprintf(STDOUT, "\n**does not exist**\n"); } else { if ((entry.flags & RW_EXISTS) || (entry.flags & RO_EXISTS) || (entry.flags & BACK_EXISTS)) EnumerateEntry(&entry); } fprintf(STDOUT, "\n"); } if (volumeinfo->type == RWVOL) { /* RW volume exists */ if (createentry) { idx = 0; entry.nServers = 1; addvolume++; } else { /* Check existence of RW and BK volumes */ code = CheckVldbRWBK(&entry, &mod); if (code) ERROR_EXIT(code); if (mod) modified++; idx = Lp_GetRwIndex(&entry); if (idx == -1) { /* RW index not found in the VLDB entry */ idx = entry.nServers; /* put it into next index */ entry.nServers++; addvolume++; } else { /* RW index found in the VLDB entry. */ /* Verify if this volume's location matches where the VLDB says it is */ if (!Lp_Match(aserver, apart, &entry)) { if (entry.flags & RW_EXISTS) { /* The RW volume exists elsewhere - report this one a duplicate */ if (pass == 1) { MapPartIdIntoName(apart, pname); fprintf(STDERR, "*** Warning: Orphaned RW volume %lu exists on %s %s\n", (unsigned long)rwvolid, hostutil_GetNameByINet(aserver), pname); MapPartIdIntoName(entry.serverPartition[idx], pname); fprintf(STDERR, " VLDB reports RW volume %lu exists on %s %s\n", (unsigned long)rwvolid, hostutil_GetNameByINet(entry. serverNumber[idx]), pname); } } else { /* The RW volume does not exist - have VLDB point to this one */ addvolume++; /* Check for orphaned BK volume on old partition */ if (entry.flags & BACK_EXISTS) { if (pass == 1) { MapPartIdIntoName(entry.serverPartition[idx], pname); fprintf(STDERR, "*** Warning: Orphaned BK volume %u exists on %s %s\n", entry.volumeId[BACKVOL], hostutil_GetNameByINet(entry. serverNumber [idx]), pname); MapPartIdIntoName(apart, pname); fprintf(STDERR, " VLDB reports its RW volume %lu exists on %s %s\n", (unsigned long)rwvolid, hostutil_GetNameByINet(aserver), pname); } } } } else { /* Volume location matches the VLDB location */ if ((volumeinfo->backupID && !entry.volumeId[BACKVOL]) || (volumeinfo->cloneID && !entry.volumeId[ROVOL]) || (strncmp (entry.name, volumeinfo->name, VOLSER_OLDMAXVOLNAME) != 0)) { addvolume++; } } } } if (addvolume) { entry.flags |= RW_EXISTS; entry.volumeId[RWVOL] = rwvolid; if (!entry.volumeId[BACKVOL]) entry.volumeId[BACKVOL] = volumeinfo->backupID; if (!entry.volumeId[ROVOL]) entry.volumeId[ROVOL] = volumeinfo->cloneID; entry.serverFlags[idx] = ITSRWVOL; entry.serverNumber[idx] = aserver; entry.serverPartition[idx] = apart; strncpy(entry.name, volumeinfo->name, VOLSER_OLDMAXVOLNAME); modified++; /* One last check - to update BK if need to */ code = CheckVldbRWBK(&entry, &mod); if (code) ERROR_EXIT(code); if (mod) modified++; } } else if (volumeinfo->type == BACKVOL) { /* A BK volume */ if (createentry) { idx = 0; entry.nServers = 1; addvolume++; } else { /* Check existence of RW and BK volumes */ code = CheckVldbRWBK(&entry, &mod); if (code) ERROR_EXIT(code); if (mod) modified++; idx = Lp_GetRwIndex(&entry); if (idx == -1) { /* RW index not found in the VLDB entry */ idx = entry.nServers; /* Put it into next index */ entry.nServers++; addvolume++; } else { /* RW index found in the VLDB entry */ /* Verify if this volume's location matches where the VLDB says it is */ if (!Lp_Match(aserver, apart, &entry)) { /* VLDB says RW and/or BK is elsewhere - report this BK volume orphaned */ if (pass == 1) { MapPartIdIntoName(apart, pname); fprintf(STDERR, "*** Warning: Orphaned BK volume %lu exists on %s %s\n", (unsigned long)volumeinfo->volid, hostutil_GetNameByINet(aserver), pname); MapPartIdIntoName(entry.serverPartition[idx], pname); fprintf(STDERR, " VLDB reports its RW/BK volume %lu exists on %s %s\n", (unsigned long)rwvolid, hostutil_GetNameByINet(entry. serverNumber[idx]), pname); } } else { if (volumeinfo->volid != entry.volumeId[BACKVOL]) { if (!(entry.flags & BACK_EXISTS)) { addvolume++; } else if (volumeinfo->volid > entry.volumeId[BACKVOL]) { addvolume++; if (pass == 1) { MapPartIdIntoName(entry.serverPartition[idx], pname); fprintf(STDERR, "*** Warning: Orphaned BK volume %u exists on %s %s\n", entry.volumeId[BACKVOL], hostutil_GetNameByINet(aserver), pname); fprintf(STDERR, " VLDB reports its BK volume ID is %lu\n", (unsigned long)volumeinfo->volid); } } else { if (pass == 1) { MapPartIdIntoName(entry.serverPartition[idx], pname); fprintf(STDERR, "*** Warning: Orphaned BK volume %lu exists on %s %s\n", (unsigned long)volumeinfo->volid, hostutil_GetNameByINet(aserver), pname); fprintf(STDERR, " VLDB reports its BK volume ID is %u\n", entry.volumeId[BACKVOL]); } } } else if (!entry.volumeId[BACKVOL]) { addvolume++; } } } } if (addvolume) { entry.flags |= BACK_EXISTS; entry.volumeId[RWVOL] = rwvolid; entry.volumeId[BACKVOL] = volumeinfo->volid; entry.serverNumber[idx] = aserver; entry.serverPartition[idx] = apart; entry.serverFlags[idx] = ITSRWVOL; modified++; } } else if (volumeinfo->type == ROVOL) { /* A RO volume */ if (volumeinfo->volid == entry.volumeId[ROVOL]) { /* This is a quick check to see if the RO entry exists in the * VLDB so we avoid the CheckVldbRO() call (which checks if each * RO volume listed in the VLDB exists). */ idx = Lp_ROMatch(aserver, apart, &entry) - 1; if (idx == -1) { idx = entry.nServers; entry.nServers++; addvolume++; } else { if (!(entry.flags & RO_EXISTS)) { addvolume++; } } } else { /* Before we correct the VLDB entry, make sure all the * ROs listed in the VLDB exist. */ code = CheckVldbRO(&entry, &mod); if (code) ERROR_EXIT(code); if (mod) modified++; if (!(entry.flags & RO_EXISTS)) { /* No RO exists in the VLDB entry - add this one */ idx = entry.nServers; entry.nServers++; addvolume++; } else if (volumeinfo->volid > entry.volumeId[ROVOL]) { /* The volume headers's RO ID does not match that in the VLDB entry, * and the vol hdr's ID is greater (implies more recent). So delete * all the RO volumes listed in VLDB entry and add this volume. */ for (j = 0; j < entry.nServers; j++) { if (entry.serverFlags[j] & ITSROVOL) { /* Verify this volume exists and print message we are orphaning it */ if (pass == 1) { MapPartIdIntoName(apart, pname); fprintf(STDERR, "*** Warning: Orphaned RO volume %u exists on %s %s\n", entry.volumeId[ROVOL], hostutil_GetNameByINet(entry. serverNumber[j]), pname); fprintf(STDERR, " VLDB reports its RO volume ID is %lu\n", (unsigned long)volumeinfo->volid); } Lp_SetRWValue(entry, entry.serverNumber[idx], entry.serverPartition[idx], 0L, 0L); entry.nServers--; modified++; j--; } } idx = entry.nServers; entry.nServers++; addvolume++; } else if (volumeinfo->volid < entry.volumeId[ROVOL]) { /* The volume headers's RO ID does not match that in the VLDB entry, * and the vol hdr's ID is lower (implies its older). So orphan it. */ if (pass == 1) { MapPartIdIntoName(apart, pname); fprintf(STDERR, "*** Warning: Orphaned RO volume %lu exists on %s %s\n", (unsigned long)volumeinfo->volid, hostutil_GetNameByINet(aserver), pname); fprintf(STDERR, " VLDB reports its RO volume ID is %u\n", entry.volumeId[ROVOL]); } } else { /* The RO volume ID in the volume header match that in the VLDB entry, * and there exist RO volumes in the VLDB entry. See if any of them * are this one. If not, then we add it. */ idx = Lp_ROMatch(aserver, apart, &entry) - 1; if (idx == -1) { idx = entry.nServers; entry.nServers++; addvolume++; } } } if (addvolume) { entry.flags |= RO_EXISTS; entry.volumeId[RWVOL] = rwvolid; entry.volumeId[ROVOL] = volumeinfo->volid; entry.serverNumber[idx] = aserver; entry.serverPartition[idx] = apart; entry.serverFlags[idx] = ITSROVOL; modified++; } } /* Remember largest volume id */ if (entry.volumeId[ROVOL] > *maxvolid) *maxvolid = entry.volumeId[ROVOL]; if (entry.volumeId[BACKVOL] > *maxvolid) *maxvolid = entry.volumeId[BACKVOL]; if (entry.volumeId[RWVOL] > *maxvolid) *maxvolid = entry.volumeId[RWVOL]; if (modified) { MapNetworkToHost(&entry, &storeEntry); if (createentry) { code = VLDB_CreateEntry(&storeEntry); if (code) { fprintf(STDOUT, "Could not create a VLDB entry for the volume %lu\n", (unsigned long)rwvolid); ERROR_EXIT(code); } } else { if (pass == 1) goto retry; code = VLDB_ReplaceEntry(rwvolid, RWVOL, &storeEntry, LOCKREL_OPCODE | LOCKREL_AFSID | LOCKREL_TIMESTAMP); if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not update entry for %lu\n", (unsigned long)rwvolid); ERROR_EXIT(code); } } if (modentry) *modentry = modified; } else if (pass == 2) { code = ubik_Call(VL_ReleaseLock, cstruct, 0, rwvolid, RWVOL, LOCKREL_OPCODE | LOCKREL_AFSID | LOCKREL_TIMESTAMP); if (code) { PrintError("Could not unlock VLDB entry ", code); } } if (verbose) { fprintf(STDOUT, "-- status after --\n"); if (modified) EnumerateEntry(&entry); else fprintf(STDOUT, "\n**no change**\n"); } error_exit: VPRINT("\n_______________________________\n"); return (error); } int sortVolumes(const void *a, const void *b) { volintInfo *v1 = (volintInfo *) a; volintInfo *v2 = (volintInfo *) b; afs_int32 rwvolid1, rwvolid2; rwvolid1 = ((v1->type == RWVOL) ? v1->volid : v1->parentID); rwvolid2 = ((v2->type == RWVOL) ? v2->volid : v2->parentID); if (rwvolid1 > rwvolid2) return -1; /* lower RW id goes first */ if (rwvolid1 < rwvolid2) return 1; if (v1->type == RWVOL) return -1; /* RW vols go first */ if (v2->type == RWVOL) return 1; if ((v1->type == BACKVOL) && (v2->type == ROVOL)) return -1; /* BK vols next */ if ((v1->type == ROVOL) && (v2->type == BACKVOL)) return 1; if (v1->volid < v2->volid) return 1; /* larger volids first */ if (v1->volid > v2->volid) return -1; return 0; } /* UV_SyncVolume() * Synchronise (if flags = 1) . * Synchronize an individual volume against a sever and partition. * Checks the VLDB entry (similar to syncserv) as well as checks * if the volume exists on specified servers (similar to syncvldb). */ int UV_SyncVolume(afs_int32 aserver, afs_int32 apart, char *avolname, int flags) { struct rx_connection *aconn = 0; afs_int32 j, k, code, vcode, error = 0; afs_int32 tverbose, mod, modified = 0; struct nvldbentry vldbentry; afs_int32 volumeid = 0; volEntries volumeInfo; struct partList PartList; afs_int32 pcnt, rv; afs_int32 maxvolid = 0; volumeInfo.volEntries_val = (volintInfo *) 0; volumeInfo.volEntries_len = 0; if (!aserver && flags) { /* fprintf(STDERR,"Partition option requires a server option\n"); */ ERROR_EXIT(EINVAL); } /* Turn verbose logging off and do our own verbose logging */ tverbose = verbose; verbose = 0; /* Read the VLDB entry */ vcode = VLDB_GetEntryByName(avolname, &vldbentry); if (vcode && (vcode != VL_NOENT)) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not access the VLDB for volume %s\n", avolname); ERROR_EXIT(vcode); } else if (!vcode) { MapHostToNetwork(&vldbentry); } if (tverbose) { fprintf(STDOUT, "Processing VLDB entry %s ...\n", avolname); fprintf(STDOUT, "_______________________________\n"); fprintf(STDOUT, "\n-- status before -- \n"); if (vcode) { fprintf(STDOUT, "\n**does not exist**\n"); } else { if ((vldbentry.flags & RW_EXISTS) || (vldbentry.flags & RO_EXISTS) || (vldbentry.flags & BACK_EXISTS)) EnumerateEntry(&vldbentry); } fprintf(STDOUT, "\n"); } /* Verify that all of the VLDB entries exist on the repective servers * and partitions (this does not require that avolname be a volume ID). * Equivalent to a syncserv. */ if (!vcode) { code = CheckVldb(&vldbentry, &mod); if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not process VLDB entry for volume %s\n", vldbentry.name); ERROR_EXIT(code); } if (mod) modified++; } /* If aserver is given, we will search for the desired volume on it */ if (aserver) { /* Generate array of partitions on the server that we will check */ if (!flags) { code = UV_ListPartitions(aserver, &PartList, &pcnt); if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not fetch the list of partitions from the server\n"); ERROR_EXIT(code); } } else { PartList.partId[0] = apart; pcnt = 1; } aconn = UV_Bind(aserver, AFSCONF_VOLUMEPORT); /* If a volume ID were given, search for it on each partition */ if ((volumeid = atol(avolname))) { for (j = 0; j < pcnt; j++) { code = AFSVolListOneVolume(aconn, PartList.partId[j], volumeid, &volumeInfo); if (code) { if (code != ENODEV) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not query server\n"); ERROR_EXIT(code); } } else { /* Found one, sync it with VLDB entry */ code = CheckVolume(volumeInfo.volEntries_val, aserver, PartList.partId[j], &mod, &maxvolid); if (code) ERROR_EXIT(code); if (mod) modified++; } if (volumeInfo.volEntries_val) free(volumeInfo.volEntries_val); volumeInfo.volEntries_val = (volintInfo *) 0; volumeInfo.volEntries_len = 0; } } /* Check to see if the RW, BK, and RO IDs exist on any * partitions. We get the volume IDs from the VLDB. */ rv = 1; /* Read the VLDB entry ? */ for (j = 0; j < MAXTYPES; j++) { /* for RW, RO, and BK IDs */ if (rv) { vcode = VLDB_GetEntryByName(avolname, &vldbentry); if (vcode) { if (vcode == VL_NOENT) break; fprintf(STDERR, "Could not access the VLDB for volume %s\n", avolname); ERROR_EXIT(vcode); } rv = 0; } if (vldbentry.volumeId[j] == 0) continue; for (k = 0; k < pcnt; k++) { /* For each partition */ volumeInfo.volEntries_val = (volintInfo *) 0; volumeInfo.volEntries_len = 0; code = AFSVolListOneVolume(aconn, PartList.partId[k], vldbentry.volumeId[j], &volumeInfo); if (code) { if (code != ENODEV) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not query server\n"); ERROR_EXIT(code); } } else { /* Found one, sync it with VLDB entry */ code = CheckVolume(volumeInfo.volEntries_val, aserver, PartList.partId[k], &mod, &maxvolid); if (code) ERROR_EXIT(code); if (mod) modified++, rv++; } if (volumeInfo.volEntries_val) free(volumeInfo.volEntries_val); volumeInfo.volEntries_val = (volintInfo *) 0; volumeInfo.volEntries_len = 0; } } } /* if (aserver) */ /* If verbose output, print a summary of what changed */ if (tverbose) { fprintf(STDOUT, "-- status after --\n"); code = VLDB_GetEntryByName(avolname, &vldbentry); if (code && (code != VL_NOENT)) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not access the VLDB for volume %s\n", avolname); ERROR_EXIT(code); } if (modified && (code == VL_NOENT)) { fprintf(STDOUT, "\n**entry deleted**\n"); } else if (modified) { EnumerateEntry(&vldbentry); } else { fprintf(STDOUT, "\n**no change**\n"); } fprintf(STDOUT, "\n_______________________________\n"); } error_exit: /* Now check if the maxvolid is larger than that stored in the VLDB */ if (maxvolid) { afs_int32 maxvldbid = 0; code = ubik_Call(VL_GetNewVolumeId, cstruct, 0, 0, &maxvldbid); if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not get the highest allocated volume id from the VLDB\n"); if (!error) error = code; } else if (maxvolid > maxvldbid) { afs_uint32 id, nid; id = maxvolid - maxvldbid + 1; code = ubik_Call(VL_GetNewVolumeId, cstruct, 0, id, &nid); if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "Error in increasing highest allocated volume id in VLDB\n"); if (!error) error = code; } } } verbose = tverbose; if (verbose) { if (error) fprintf(STDOUT, "...error encountered"); else fprintf(STDOUT, "...done entry\n"); } if (aconn) rx_DestroyConnection(aconn); if (volumeInfo.volEntries_val) free(volumeInfo.volEntries_val); PrintError("", error); return error; } /* UV_SyncVldb() * Synchronise vldb with the file server and, * optionally, . */ int UV_SyncVldb(afs_int32 aserver, afs_int32 apart, int flags, int force) { struct rx_connection *aconn; afs_int32 code, error = 0; int i, j, pfail; volEntries volumeInfo; struct partList PartList; afs_int32 pcnt; char pname[10]; volintInfo *vi; afs_int32 failures = 0, modifications = 0, tentries = 0; afs_int32 modified; afs_uint32 maxvolid = 0; volumeInfo.volEntries_val = (volintInfo *) 0; volumeInfo.volEntries_len = 0; aconn = UV_Bind(aserver, AFSCONF_VOLUMEPORT); /* Generate array of partitions to check */ if (!flags) { code = UV_ListPartitions(aserver, &PartList, &pcnt); if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not fetch the list of partitions from the server\n"); ERROR_EXIT(code); } } else { PartList.partId[0] = apart; pcnt = 1; } VPRINT("Processing volume entries ...\n"); /* Step through the array of partitions */ for (i = 0; i < pcnt; i++) { apart = PartList.partId[i]; MapPartIdIntoName(apart, pname); volumeInfo.volEntries_val = (volintInfo *) 0; volumeInfo.volEntries_len = 0; code = AFSVolListVolumes(aconn, apart, 1, &volumeInfo); if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not fetch the list of volumes from the server\n"); ERROR_EXIT(code); } /* May want to sort the entries: RW, BK (high to low), RO (high to low) */ qsort((char *)volumeInfo.volEntries_val, volumeInfo.volEntries_len, sizeof(volintInfo), sortVolumes); pfail = 0; for (vi = volumeInfo.volEntries_val, j = 0; j < volumeInfo.volEntries_len; j++, vi++) { if (!vi->status) continue; tentries++; if (verbose) { fprintf(STDOUT, "Processing volume entry %d: %s (%lu) on server %s %s...\n", j + 1, vi->name, (unsigned long)vi->volid, hostutil_GetNameByINet(aserver), pname); fflush(STDOUT); } code = CheckVolume(vi, aserver, apart, &modified, &maxvolid); if (code) { PrintError("", code); failures++; pfail++; } else if (modified) { modifications++; } if (verbose) { if (code) { fprintf(STDOUT, "...error encountered\n\n"); } else { fprintf(STDOUT, "...done entry %d\n\n", j + 1); } } } if (pfail) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not process entries on server %s partition %s\n", hostutil_GetNameByINet(aserver), pname); } if (volumeInfo.volEntries_val) { free(volumeInfo.volEntries_val); volumeInfo.volEntries_val = 0; } } /* thru all partitions */ VPRINT3("Total entries: %u, Failed to process %d, Changed %d\n", tentries, failures, modifications); error_exit: /* Now check if the maxvolid is larger than that stored in the VLDB */ if (maxvolid) { afs_uint32 maxvldbid = 0; code = ubik_Call(VL_GetNewVolumeId, cstruct, 0, 0, &maxvldbid); if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not get the highest allocated volume id from the VLDB\n"); if (!error) error = code; } else if (maxvolid > maxvldbid) { afs_uint32 id, nid; id = maxvolid - maxvldbid + 1; code = ubik_Call(VL_GetNewVolumeId, cstruct, 0, id, &nid); if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "Error in increasing highest allocated volume id in VLDB\n"); if (!error) error = code; } } } if (aconn) rx_DestroyConnection(aconn); if (volumeInfo.volEntries_val) free(volumeInfo.volEntries_val); PrintError("", error); return (error); } /* VolumeExists() * Determine if a volume exists on a server and partition. * Try creating a transaction on the volume. If we can, * the volume exists, if not, then return the error code. * Some error codes mean the volume is unavailable but * still exists - so we catch these error codes. */ afs_int32 VolumeExists(afs_int32 server, afs_int32 partition, afs_int32 volumeid) { struct rx_connection *conn = (struct rx_connection *)0; afs_int32 code = -1; volEntries volumeInfo; conn = UV_Bind(server, AFSCONF_VOLUMEPORT); if (conn) { volumeInfo.volEntries_val = (volintInfo *) 0; volumeInfo.volEntries_len = 0; code = AFSVolListOneVolume(conn, partition, volumeid, &volumeInfo); if (volumeInfo.volEntries_val) free(volumeInfo.volEntries_val); if (code == VOLSERILLEGAL_PARTITION) code = ENODEV; rx_DestroyConnection(conn); } return code; } /* CheckVldbRWBK() * */ afs_int32 CheckVldbRWBK(struct nvldbentry * entry, afs_int32 * modified) { int modentry = 0; int idx; afs_int32 code, error = 0; char pname[10]; if (modified) *modified = 0; idx = Lp_GetRwIndex(entry); /* Check to see if the RW volume exists and set the RW_EXISTS * flag accordingly. */ if (idx == -1) { /* Did not find a RW entry */ if (entry->flags & RW_EXISTS) { /* ... yet entry says RW exists */ entry->flags &= ~RW_EXISTS; /* ... so say RW does not exist */ modentry++; } } else { code = VolumeExists(entry->serverNumber[idx], entry->serverPartition[idx], entry->volumeId[RWVOL]); if (code == 0) { /* RW volume exists */ if (!(entry->flags & RW_EXISTS)) { /* ... yet entry says RW does not exist */ entry->flags |= RW_EXISTS; /* ... so say RW does exist */ modentry++; } } else if (code == ENODEV) { /* RW volume does not exist */ if (entry->flags & RW_EXISTS) { /* ... yet entry says RW exists */ entry->flags &= ~RW_EXISTS; /* ... so say RW does not exist */ modentry++; } } else { /* If VLDB says it didn't exist, then ignore error */ if (entry->flags & RW_EXISTS) { MapPartIdIntoName(entry->serverPartition[idx], pname); fprintf(STDERR, "Transaction call failed for RW volume %u on server %s %s\n", entry->volumeId[RWVOL], hostutil_GetNameByINet(entry->serverNumber[idx]), pname); ERROR_EXIT(code); } } } /* Check to see if the BK volume exists and set the BACK_EXISTS * flag accordingly. idx already ponts to the RW entry. */ if (idx == -1) { /* Did not find a RW entry */ if (entry->flags & BACK_EXISTS) { /* ... yet entry says BK exists */ entry->flags &= ~BACK_EXISTS; /* ... so say BK does not exist */ modentry++; } } else { /* Found a RW entry */ code = VolumeExists(entry->serverNumber[idx], entry->serverPartition[idx], entry->volumeId[BACKVOL]); if (code == 0) { /* BK volume exists */ if (!(entry->flags & BACK_EXISTS)) { /* ... yet entry says BK does not exist */ entry->flags |= BACK_EXISTS; /* ... so say BK does exist */ modentry++; } } else if (code == ENODEV) { /* BK volume does not exist */ if (entry->flags & BACK_EXISTS) { /* ... yet entry says BK exists */ entry->flags &= ~BACK_EXISTS; /* ... so say BK does not exist */ modentry++; } } else { /* If VLDB says it didn't exist, then ignore error */ if (entry->flags & BACK_EXISTS) { MapPartIdIntoName(entry->serverPartition[idx], pname); fprintf(STDERR, "Transaction call failed for BK volume %u on server %s %s\n", entry->volumeId[BACKVOL], hostutil_GetNameByINet(entry->serverNumber[idx]), pname); ERROR_EXIT(code); } } } /* If there is an idx but the BK and RW volumes no * longer exist, then remove the RW entry. */ if ((idx != -1) && !(entry->flags & RW_EXISTS) && !(entry->flags & BACK_EXISTS)) { Lp_SetRWValue(entry, entry->serverNumber[idx], entry->serverPartition[idx], 0L, 0L); entry->nServers--; modentry++; } error_exit: if (modified) *modified = modentry; return (error); } int CheckVldbRO(struct nvldbentry *entry, afs_int32 * modified) { int idx; int foundro = 0, modentry = 0; afs_int32 code, error = 0; char pname[10]; if (modified) *modified = 0; /* Check to see if the RO volumes exist and set the RO_EXISTS * flag accordingly. */ for (idx = 0; idx < entry->nServers; idx++) { if (!(entry->serverFlags[idx] & ITSROVOL)) { continue; /* not a RO */ } code = VolumeExists(entry->serverNumber[idx], entry->serverPartition[idx], entry->volumeId[ROVOL]); if (code == 0) { /* RO volume exists */ foundro++; } else if (code == ENODEV) { /* RW volume does not exist */ Lp_SetROValue(entry, entry->serverNumber[idx], entry->serverPartition[idx], 0L, 0L); entry->nServers--; idx--; modentry++; } else { MapPartIdIntoName(entry->serverPartition[idx], pname); fprintf(STDERR, "Transaction call failed for RO %u on server %s %s\n", entry->volumeId[ROVOL], hostutil_GetNameByINet(entry->serverNumber[idx]), pname); ERROR_EXIT(code); } } if (foundro) { /* A RO volume exists */ if (!(entry->flags & RO_EXISTS)) { /* ... yet entry says RW does not exist */ entry->flags |= RO_EXISTS; /* ... so say RW does exist */ modentry++; } } else { /* A RO volume does not exist */ if (entry->flags & RO_EXISTS) { /* ... yet entry says RO exists */ entry->flags &= ~RO_EXISTS; /* ... so say RO does not exist */ modentry++; } } error_exit: if (modified) *modified = modentry; return (error); } /* CheckVldb() * Ensure that matches with the info on file servers */ afs_int32 CheckVldb(struct nvldbentry * entry, afs_int32 * modified) { afs_int32 code, error = 0; struct nvldbentry storeEntry; int islocked = 0, mod, modentry, delentry = 0; int pass = 0; if (modified) *modified = 0; if (verbose) { fprintf(STDOUT, "_______________________________\n"); fprintf(STDOUT, "\n-- status before -- \n"); if ((entry->flags & RW_EXISTS) || (entry->flags & RO_EXISTS) || (entry->flags & BACK_EXISTS)) EnumerateEntry(entry); fprintf(STDOUT, "\n"); } if (strlen(entry->name) > (VOLSER_OLDMAXVOLNAME - 10)) { fprintf(STDERR, "Volume name %s exceeds limit of %d characters\n", entry->name, VOLSER_OLDMAXVOLNAME - 10); } retry: /* Check to see if the VLDB is ok without locking it (pass 1). * If it will change, then lock the VLDB entry, read it again, * then make the changes to it (pass 2). */ if (++pass == 2) { code = ubik_Call(VL_SetLock, cstruct, 0, entry->volumeId[RWVOL], RWVOL, VLOP_DELETE); if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not lock VLDB entry for %u \n", entry->volumeId[RWVOL]); ERROR_EXIT(code); } islocked = 1; code = VLDB_GetEntryByID(entry->volumeId[RWVOL], RWVOL, entry); if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not read VLDB entry for volume %s\n", entry->name); ERROR_EXIT(code); } else { MapHostToNetwork(entry); } } modentry = 0; /* Check if the RW and BK entries are ok */ code = CheckVldbRWBK(entry, &mod); if (code) ERROR_EXIT(code); if (mod && (pass == 1)) goto retry; if (mod) modentry++; /* Check if the RO volumes entries are ok */ code = CheckVldbRO(entry, &mod); if (code) ERROR_EXIT(code); if (mod && (pass == 1)) goto retry; if (mod) modentry++; /* The VLDB entry has been updated. If it as been modified, then * write the entry back out the the VLDB. */ if (modentry) { if (pass == 1) goto retry; if (!(entry->flags & RW_EXISTS) && !(entry->flags & BACK_EXISTS) && !(entry->flags & RO_EXISTS)) { /* The RW, BK, nor RO volumes do not exist. Delete the VLDB entry */ code = ubik_Call(VL_DeleteEntry, cstruct, 0, entry->volumeId[RWVOL], RWVOL); if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not delete VLDB entry for volume %u \n", entry->volumeId[RWVOL]); ERROR_EXIT(code); } delentry = 1; } else { /* Replace old entry with our new one */ MapNetworkToHost(entry, &storeEntry); code = VLDB_ReplaceEntry(entry->volumeId[RWVOL], RWVOL, &storeEntry, (LOCKREL_OPCODE | LOCKREL_AFSID | LOCKREL_TIMESTAMP)); if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not update VLDB entry for volume %u\n", entry->volumeId[RWVOL]); ERROR_EXIT(code); } } if (modified) *modified = 1; islocked = 0; } if (verbose) { fprintf(STDOUT, "-- status after --\n"); if (delentry) fprintf(STDOUT, "\n**entry deleted**\n"); else if (modentry) EnumerateEntry(entry); else fprintf(STDOUT, "\n**no change**\n"); } error_exit: VPRINT("\n_______________________________\n"); if (islocked) { code = ubik_Call(VL_ReleaseLock, cstruct, 0, entry->volumeId[RWVOL], RWVOL, (LOCKREL_OPCODE | LOCKREL_AFSID | LOCKREL_TIMESTAMP)); if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not release lock on VLDB entry for volume %u\n", entry->volumeId[RWVOL]); if (!error) error = code; } } return error; } /* UV_SyncServer() * Synchronise (if flags = 1) with the VLDB. */ int UV_SyncServer(afs_int32 aserver, afs_int32 apart, int flags, int force) { struct rx_connection *aconn; afs_int32 code, error = 0; afs_int32 nentries, tentries = 0; struct VldbListByAttributes attributes; nbulkentries arrayEntries; afs_int32 failures = 0, modified, modifications = 0; struct nvldbentry *vlentry; afs_int32 si, nsi, j; aconn = UV_Bind(aserver, AFSCONF_VOLUMEPORT); /* Set up attributes to search VLDB */ attributes.server = ntohl(aserver); attributes.Mask = VLLIST_SERVER; if (flags) { attributes.partition = apart; attributes.Mask |= VLLIST_PARTITION; } VPRINT("Processing VLDB entries ...\n"); /* While we need to collect more VLDB entries */ for (si = 0; si != -1; si = nsi) { memset(&arrayEntries, 0, sizeof(arrayEntries)); /* Collect set of VLDB entries */ code = VLDB_ListAttributesN2(&attributes, 0, si, &nentries, &arrayEntries, &nsi); if (code == RXGEN_OPCODE) { code = VLDB_ListAttributes(&attributes, &nentries, &arrayEntries); nsi = -1; } if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not access the VLDB for attributes\n"); ERROR_EXIT(code); } tentries += nentries; for (j = 0; j < nentries; j++) { vlentry = &arrayEntries.nbulkentries_val[j]; MapHostToNetwork(vlentry); VPRINT1("Processing VLDB entry %d ...\n", j + 1); code = CheckVldb(vlentry, &modified); if (code) { PrintError("", code); fprintf(STDERR, "Could not process VLDB entry for volume %s\n", vlentry->name); failures++; } else if (modified) { modifications++; } if (verbose) { if (code) { fprintf(STDOUT, "...error encountered\n\n"); } else { fprintf(STDOUT, "...done entry %d\n\n", j + 1); } } } if (arrayEntries.nbulkentries_val) { free(arrayEntries.nbulkentries_val); arrayEntries.nbulkentries_val = 0; } } VPRINT3("Total entries: %u, Failed to process %d, Changed %d\n", tentries, failures, modifications); error_exit: if (aconn) rx_DestroyConnection(aconn); if (arrayEntries.nbulkentries_val) free(arrayEntries.nbulkentries_val); if (failures) error = VOLSERFAILEDOP; return error; } /*rename volume to , changing the names of the related *readonly and backup volumes. This operation is also idempotent. *salvager is capable of recovering from rename operation stopping halfway. *to recover run syncserver on the affected machines,it will force renaming to completion. name clashes should have been detected before calling this proc */ int UV_RenameVolume(struct nvldbentry *entry, char oldname[], char newname[]) { struct nvldbentry storeEntry; afs_int32 vcode, code, rcode, error; int i, index; char nameBuffer[256]; afs_int32 tid; struct rx_connection *aconn; int islocked; error = 0; aconn = (struct rx_connection *)0; tid = 0; islocked = 0; vcode = ubik_Call(VL_SetLock, cstruct, 0, entry->volumeId[RWVOL], RWVOL, VLOP_ADDSITE); /*last param is dummy */ if (vcode) { fprintf(STDERR, " Could not lock the VLDB entry for the volume %u \n", entry->volumeId[RWVOL]); error = vcode; goto rvfail; } islocked = 1; strncpy(entry->name, newname, VOLSER_OLDMAXVOLNAME); MapNetworkToHost(entry, &storeEntry); vcode = VLDB_ReplaceEntry(entry->volumeId[RWVOL], RWVOL, &storeEntry, 0); if (vcode) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not update VLDB entry for %u\n", entry->volumeId[RWVOL]); error = vcode; goto rvfail; } VPRINT1("Recorded the new name %s in VLDB\n", newname); /*at this stage the intent to rename is recorded in the vldb, as far as the vldb * is concerned, oldname is lost */ if (entry->flags & RW_EXISTS) { index = Lp_GetRwIndex(entry); if (index == -1) { /* there is a serious discrepancy */ fprintf(STDERR, "There is a serious discrepancy in VLDB entry for volume %u\n", entry->volumeId[RWVOL]); fprintf(STDERR, "try building VLDB from scratch\n"); error = VOLSERVLDB_ERROR; goto rvfail; } aconn = UV_Bind(entry->serverNumber[index], AFSCONF_VOLUMEPORT); code = AFSVolTransCreate(aconn, entry->volumeId[RWVOL], entry->serverPartition[index], ITOffline, &tid); if (code) { /*volume doesnot exist */ fprintf(STDERR, "Could not start transaction on the rw volume %u\n", entry->volumeId[RWVOL]); error = code; goto rvfail; } else { /*volume exists, process it */ code = AFSVolSetIdsTypes(aconn, tid, newname, RWVOL, entry->volumeId[RWVOL], entry->volumeId[ROVOL], entry->volumeId[BACKVOL]); if (!code) { VPRINT2("Renamed rw volume %s to %s\n", oldname, newname); code = AFSVolEndTrans(aconn, tid, &rcode); tid = 0; if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not end transaction on volume %s %u\n", entry->name, entry->volumeId[RWVOL]); error = code; goto rvfail; } } else { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not set parameters on volume %s %u\n", entry->name, entry->volumeId[RWVOL]); error = code; goto rvfail; } } if (aconn) rx_DestroyConnection(aconn); aconn = (struct rx_connection *)0; } /*end rw volume processing */ if (entry->flags & BACK_EXISTS) { /*process the backup volume */ index = Lp_GetRwIndex(entry); if (index == -1) { /* there is a serious discrepancy */ fprintf(STDERR, "There is a serious discrepancy in the VLDB entry for the backup volume %u\n", entry->volumeId[BACKVOL]); fprintf(STDERR, "try building VLDB from scratch\n"); error = VOLSERVLDB_ERROR; goto rvfail; } aconn = UV_Bind(entry->serverNumber[index], AFSCONF_VOLUMEPORT); code = AFSVolTransCreate(aconn, entry->volumeId[BACKVOL], entry->serverPartition[index], ITOffline, &tid); if (code) { /*volume doesnot exist */ fprintf(STDERR, "Could not start transaction on the backup volume %u\n", entry->volumeId[BACKVOL]); error = code; goto rvfail; } else { /*volume exists, process it */ if (strlen(newname) > (VOLSER_OLDMAXVOLNAME - 8)) { fprintf(STDERR, "Volume name %s.backup exceeds the limit of %u characters\n", newname, VOLSER_OLDMAXVOLNAME); error = code; goto rvfail; } strcpy(nameBuffer, newname); strcat(nameBuffer, ".backup"); code = AFSVolSetIdsTypes(aconn, tid, nameBuffer, BACKVOL, entry->volumeId[RWVOL], 0, 0); if (!code) { VPRINT1("Renamed backup volume to %s \n", nameBuffer); code = AFSVolEndTrans(aconn, tid, &rcode); tid = 0; if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not end transaction on the backup volume %u\n", entry->volumeId[BACKVOL]); error = code; goto rvfail; } } else { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not set parameters on the backup volume %u\n", entry->volumeId[BACKVOL]); error = code; goto rvfail; } } } /* end backup processing */ if (aconn) rx_DestroyConnection(aconn); aconn = (struct rx_connection *)0; if (entry->flags & RO_EXISTS) { /*process the ro volumes */ for (i = 0; i < entry->nServers; i++) { if (entry->serverFlags[i] & ITSROVOL) { aconn = UV_Bind(entry->serverNumber[i], AFSCONF_VOLUMEPORT); code = AFSVolTransCreate(aconn, entry->volumeId[ROVOL], entry->serverPartition[i], ITOffline, &tid); if (code) { /*volume doesnot exist */ fprintf(STDERR, "Could not start transaction on the ro volume %u\n", entry->volumeId[ROVOL]); error = code; goto rvfail; } else { /*volume exists, process it */ strcpy(nameBuffer, newname); strcat(nameBuffer, ".readonly"); if (strlen(nameBuffer) > (VOLSER_OLDMAXVOLNAME - 1)) { fprintf(STDERR, "Volume name %s exceeds the limit of %u characters\n", nameBuffer, VOLSER_OLDMAXVOLNAME); error = code; goto rvfail; } code = AFSVolSetIdsTypes(aconn, tid, nameBuffer, ROVOL, entry->volumeId[RWVOL], 0, 0); if (!code) { VPRINT2("Renamed RO volume %s on host %s\n", nameBuffer, hostutil_GetNameByINet(entry-> serverNumber[i])); code = AFSVolEndTrans(aconn, tid, &rcode); tid = 0; if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not end transaction on volume %u\n", entry->volumeId[ROVOL]); error = code; goto rvfail; } } else { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not set parameters on the ro volume %u\n", entry->volumeId[ROVOL]); error = code; goto rvfail; } } if (aconn) rx_DestroyConnection(aconn); aconn = (struct rx_connection *)0; } } } rvfail: if (islocked) { vcode = ubik_Call(VL_ReleaseLock, cstruct, 0, entry->volumeId[RWVOL], RWVOL, LOCKREL_OPCODE | LOCKREL_AFSID | LOCKREL_TIMESTAMP); if (vcode) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not unlock the VLDB entry for the volume %s %u\n", entry->name, entry->volumeId[RWVOL]); if (!error) error = vcode; } } if (tid) { code = AFSVolEndTrans(aconn, tid, &rcode); if (!code) code = rcode; if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "Failed to end transaction on a volume \n"); if (!error) error = code; } } if (aconn) rx_DestroyConnection(aconn); PrintError("", error); return error; } /*report on all the active transactions on volser */ int UV_VolserStatus(afs_int32 server, transDebugInfo ** rpntr, afs_int32 * rcount) { struct rx_connection *aconn; transDebugEntries transInfo; afs_int32 code = 0; aconn = UV_Bind(server, AFSCONF_VOLUMEPORT); transInfo.transDebugEntries_val = (transDebugInfo *) 0; transInfo.transDebugEntries_len = 0; code = AFSVolMonitor(aconn, &transInfo); if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not access status information about the server\n"); PrintError("", code); if (transInfo.transDebugEntries_val) free(transInfo.transDebugEntries_val); if (aconn) rx_DestroyConnection(aconn); return code; } else { *rcount = transInfo.transDebugEntries_len; *rpntr = transInfo.transDebugEntries_val; if (aconn) rx_DestroyConnection(aconn); return 0; } } /*delete the volume without interacting with the vldb */ int UV_VolumeZap(afs_int32 server, afs_int32 part, afs_int32 volid) { afs_int32 rcode, ttid, error, code; struct rx_connection *aconn; code = 0; error = 0; ttid = 0; aconn = UV_Bind(server, AFSCONF_VOLUMEPORT); code = AFSVolTransCreate(aconn, volid, part, ITOffline, &ttid); if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not start transaction on volume %lu\n", (unsigned long)volid); error = code; goto zfail; } code = AFSVolDeleteVolume(aconn, ttid); if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not delete volume %lu\n", (unsigned long)volid); error = code; goto zfail; } code = AFSVolEndTrans(aconn, ttid, &rcode); ttid = 0; if (!code) code = rcode; if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not end transaction on volume %lu\n", (unsigned long)volid); error = code; goto zfail; } zfail: if (ttid) { code = AFSVolEndTrans(aconn, ttid, &rcode); if (!code) code = rcode; if (!error) error = code; } PrintError("", error); if (aconn) rx_DestroyConnection(aconn); return error; } int UV_SetVolume(afs_int32 server, afs_int32 partition, afs_int32 volid, afs_int32 transflag, afs_int32 setflag, int sleeptime) { struct rx_connection *conn = 0; afs_int32 tid = 0; afs_int32 code, error = 0, rcode; conn = UV_Bind(server, AFSCONF_VOLUMEPORT); if (!conn) { fprintf(STDERR, "SetVolumeStatus: Bind Failed"); ERROR_EXIT(-1); } code = AFSVolTransCreate(conn, volid, partition, transflag, &tid); if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "SetVolumeStatus: TransCreate Failed\n"); ERROR_EXIT(code); } code = AFSVolSetFlags(conn, tid, setflag); if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "SetVolumeStatus: SetFlags Failed\n"); ERROR_EXIT(code); } if (sleeptime) { #ifdef AFS_PTHREAD_ENV sleep(sleeptime); #else IOMGR_Sleep(sleeptime); #endif } error_exit: if (tid) { rcode = 0; code = AFSVolEndTrans(conn, tid, &rcode); if (code || rcode) { fprintf(STDERR, "SetVolumeStatus: EndTrans Failed\n"); if (!error) error = (code ? code : rcode); } } if (conn) rx_DestroyConnection(conn); return (error); } int UV_SetVolumeInfo(afs_int32 server, afs_int32 partition, afs_int32 volid, volintInfo * infop) { struct rx_connection *conn = 0; afs_int32 tid = 0; afs_int32 code, error = 0, rcode; conn = UV_Bind(server, AFSCONF_VOLUMEPORT); if (!conn) { fprintf(STDERR, "SetVolumeInfo: Bind Failed"); ERROR_EXIT(-1); } code = AFSVolTransCreate(conn, volid, partition, ITOffline, &tid); if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "SetVolumeInfo: TransCreate Failed\n"); ERROR_EXIT(code); } code = AFSVolSetInfo(conn, tid, infop); if (code) { fprintf(STDERR, "SetVolumeInfo: SetInfo Failed\n"); ERROR_EXIT(code); } error_exit: if (tid) { rcode = 0; code = AFSVolEndTrans(conn, tid, &rcode); if (code || rcode) { fprintf(STDERR, "SetVolumeInfo: EndTrans Failed\n"); if (!error) error = (code ? code : rcode); } } if (conn) rx_DestroyConnection(conn); return (error); } int UV_GetSize(afs_int32 afromvol, afs_int32 afromserver, afs_int32 afrompart, afs_int32 fromdate, struct volintSize *vol_size) { struct rx_connection *aconn = (struct rx_connection *)0; afs_int32 tid = 0, rcode = 0; afs_int32 code, error = 0; /* get connections to the servers */ aconn = UV_Bind(afromserver, AFSCONF_VOLUMEPORT); VPRINT1("Starting transaction on volume %u...", afromvol); code = AFSVolTransCreate(aconn, afromvol, afrompart, ITBusy, &tid); EGOTO1(error_exit, code, "Could not start transaction on the volume %u to be measured\n", afromvol); VDONE; VPRINT1("Getting size of volume on volume %u...", afromvol); code = AFSVolGetSize(aconn, tid, fromdate, vol_size); EGOTO(error_exit, code, "Could not start the measurement process \n"); VDONE; error_exit: if (tid) { VPRINT1("Ending transaction on volume %u...", afromvol); code = AFSVolEndTrans(aconn, tid, &rcode); if (code || rcode) { fprintf(STDERR, "Could not end transaction on the volume %u\n", afromvol); fprintf(STDERR, "error codes: %d and %d\n", code, rcode); if (!error) error = (code ? code : rcode); } VDONE; } if (aconn) rx_DestroyConnection(aconn); PrintError("", error); return (error); } /*maps the host addresses in (present in network byte order) to that in< new> (present in host byte order )*/ void MapNetworkToHost(struct nvldbentry *old, struct nvldbentry *new) { int i, count; /*copy all the fields */ strcpy(new->name, old->name); /* new->volumeType = old->volumeType;*/ new->nServers = old->nServers; count = old->nServers; if (count < NMAXNSERVERS) count++; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { new->serverNumber[i] = ntohl(old->serverNumber[i]); new->serverPartition[i] = old->serverPartition[i]; new->serverFlags[i] = old->serverFlags[i]; } new->volumeId[RWVOL] = old->volumeId[RWVOL]; new->volumeId[ROVOL] = old->volumeId[ROVOL]; new->volumeId[BACKVOL] = old->volumeId[BACKVOL]; new->cloneId = old->cloneId; new->flags = old->flags; } /*maps the host entries in which are present in host byte order to network byte order */ void MapHostToNetwork(struct nvldbentry *entry) { int i, count; count = entry->nServers; if (count < NMAXNSERVERS) count++; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { entry->serverNumber[i] = htonl(entry->serverNumber[i]); } }