/* * Copyright (c) 2019 Sine Nomine Associates. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR `AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include struct { char *key; int key_len; char *val; int val_len; } items[] = { #define TCASE(key, len, val) { (key), (len), (val), sizeof(val)-1 } TCASE("foo\0\0", 6, "one"), TCASE("bar\0\0", 6, "two"), TCASE("baz\0\0", 6, "three"), TCASE("quux\0", 6, "four"), TCASE("pants", 6, "five"), TCASE("foo\0\0", 4, "six"), TCASE("bar\0\0", 4, "seven"), TCASE("baz\0\0", 4, "eight"), TCASE("quux\0", 5, "nine"), TCASE("foo1\0", 6, "ten"), TCASE("bar1\0", 6, "eleven"), TCASE("baz1\0", 6, "twelve"), TCASE("quux1", 6, "thirteen"), TCASE("f\xf3\x0a", 5, "value \x01"), TCASE("ba\xffr", 5, "\x01\x02\x03"), TCASE("ba\xffz", 5, "\0\0\0\0"), #undef TCASE }; static const int n_items = sizeof(items)/sizeof(items[0]); static void run_seed(int seed) { struct opr_cache_opts opts; struct opr_cache *cache = NULL; int item_i; int missing; int code; char val[1024]; size_t val_len; srand(seed); val_len = sizeof(val); code = opr_cache_get(cache, NULL, 0, val, &val_len); is_int(ENOENT, code, "Looking up in a NULL cache fails with ENOENT"); opr_cache_put(cache, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); ok(1, "Storing in a NULL cache does nothing"); memset(&opts, 0, sizeof(opts)); opts.n_buckets = 2; opts.max_entries = 100; ok(opr_cache_init(&opts, &cache) != 0, "Initializing a cache with a tiny n_buckets fails"); opts.n_buckets = 0x40000000; ok(opr_cache_init(&opts, &cache) != 0, "Initializing a cache with a huge n_buckets fails"); opts.n_buckets = 23; ok(opr_cache_init(&opts, &cache) != 0, "Initializing a cache with non-power-of-2 n_buckets fails"); opts.n_buckets = 64; opts.max_entries = 1; ok(opr_cache_init(&opts, &cache) != 0, "Initializing a cache with a tiny max_entries fails"); opts.max_entries = 0x7fffffff; ok(opr_cache_init(&opts, &cache) != 0, "Initializing a cache with a huge max_entries fails"); opts.n_buckets = 8; opts.max_entries = 12; code = opr_cache_init(&opts, &cache); is_int(0, code, "Initializing a reasonably-sized cache succeeds"); ok(cache != NULL, "Initializing a cache gives us a cache"); for (item_i = 0; item_i < n_items; item_i++) { val_len = sizeof(val); code = opr_cache_get(cache, items[item_i].key, items[item_i].key_len, val, &val_len); is_int(ENOENT, code, "[item %d] Looking up in an empty cache fails with ENOENT", item_i); } for (item_i = 0; item_i < 12; item_i++) { opr_cache_put(cache, items[item_i].key, items[item_i].key_len, items[item_i].val, items[item_i].val_len); } ok(1, "Cache filled successfully"); for (item_i = 0; item_i < 12; item_i++) { val_len = sizeof(val); code = opr_cache_get(cache, items[item_i].key, items[item_i].key_len, val, &val_len); is_int(0, code, "[item %d] Lookup succeeds", item_i); is_int(items[item_i].val_len, val_len, "[item %d] Lookup returns correct val_len %d", item_i, items[item_i].val_len); ok(memcmp(val, items[item_i].val, val_len) == 0, "[item %d] Lookup returns correct val", item_i); } val_len = sizeof(val); code = opr_cache_get(cache, NULL, 5, val, &val_len); is_int(ENOENT, code, "Looking up NULL key fails with ENOENT"); code = opr_cache_get(cache, val, 0, val, &val_len); is_int(ENOENT, code, "Looking up 0-length key fails with ENOENT"); opr_cache_put(cache, NULL, 0, val, val_len); opr_cache_put(cache, NULL, 5, val, val_len); opr_cache_put(cache, val, 0, val, val_len); opr_cache_put(cache, val, val_len, NULL, 0); opr_cache_put(cache, val, val_len, NULL, 5); opr_cache_put(cache, val, val_len, val, 0); opr_cache_put(cache, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); opr_cache_put(cache, NULL, 5, NULL, 5); opr_cache_put(cache, val, 0, val, 0); ok(1, "Storing NULL/0-length entries does nothing"); code = opr_cache_get(cache, "123", 3, val, &val_len); is_int(ENOENT, code, "Cache lookup fails for nonexistent item"); memcpy(val, "replace", 7); val_len = 7; opr_cache_put(cache, items[0].key, items[0].key_len, val, val_len); ok(1, "Replacement store succeeds"); val_len = 1; code = opr_cache_get(cache, items[0].key, items[0].key_len, val, &val_len); is_int(ENOSPC, code, "Small lookup returns ENOSPC"); val_len = sizeof(val); code = opr_cache_get(cache, items[0].key, items[0].key_len, val, &val_len); is_int(0, code, "Replacement lookup succeeds"); is_int(7, val_len, "Lookup trims val_len"); ok(memcmp(val, "replace", 7) == 0, "Replacement lookup returns correct value"); /* Set items[0] back to the original value. */ opr_cache_put(cache, items[0].key, items[0].key_len, items[0].val, items[0].val_len); for (item_i = 12; item_i < n_items; item_i++) { opr_cache_put(cache, items[item_i].key, items[item_i].key_len, items[item_i].val, items[item_i].val_len); } ok(1, "[seed %d] Cache over-filled successfully", seed); missing = 0; for (item_i = 0; item_i < n_items; item_i++) { val_len = sizeof(val); code = opr_cache_get(cache, items[item_i].key, items[item_i].key_len, val, &val_len); if (code == ENOENT) { missing++; continue; } is_int(0, code, "[item %d] Lookup succeeds", item_i); is_int(items[item_i].val_len, val_len, "[item %d] Lookup returns correct val_len %d", item_i, items[item_i].val_len); ok(memcmp(val, items[item_i].val, val_len) == 0, "[item %d] Lookup returns correct val", item_i); } is_int(4, missing, "[seed %d] Cache lookup fails for %d items", seed, missing); opr_cache_free(&cache); ok(1, "Cache free succeeds"); ok(cache == NULL, "Cache free NULLs arg"); opr_cache_free(&cache); ok(1, "Double-free is noop"); ok(cache == NULL, "Cache is still NULL after double-free"); } int main(void) { int seed; plan(113 * 32); for (seed = 0; seed < 32; seed++) { run_seed(seed); } return 0; }